Like Bill Gates said, “If we do a really good job with vaccines…we could cut the population by 10 or 15%”.

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And did you see that asshat just bought Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar and is changing the ingredients… what’s he up to there??!? That’s an old trusted brand he’s now ‘tinkering’ with!

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Did he buy it from that demon lady Katy perry? Wowza 😭😭

I won’t buy it anymore and am SO sad that braggs sold out.

MANY of our holistic companies for human and pet have taken the payoffs and sold their souls and health foods.

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It’s easy to make it yourself. He can have his business and shove them where the sun doesn’t shine!

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I will look into this ❤️

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This is good for everyone to know.

The secret is to find somebody that has a neglected apple tree (no sprays/poisons).

The recipe is just apples, water and time!

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Yes. I think it was all about extracting more profit by diluting the product. We also do not know is they are using non-organic apples.

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The issue is that product Gates is applying to fruit- ‘Apeel’ … is TOTALLY TOXIC

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I do know about Apeel. It is claimed to be made from 'natural' ingredients thus safe. But not safety studies nor ingredient lists. And as we should know, anything from nature can be modified to become toxic. Just look at Gain of Function making harmless organisms toxic!!!!! And we also know Gates has a goal of destroying all natural food to be replaced with manufactured product that a) can be patented for profit, and b) used to control the amount of food to which people can have access. Pretty fascist in my book

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I think it’s much more sadistic then just diluting for profit.

Definitely will have the Frankenstein apples, likely mRNA vaccinated fruit, nano tech, hydro worms formula.

You are too trusting

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I'm didn't know Bragg had sold out. Very disappointed. I agree with your assessment. From an article I just read: "From what I can find Bragg claims to not use Apeel coated apples, but Katy Perry is a an investor in Apeel along with Bill Gates, the Rockefeller Foundation and World Bank Group; so if the nefarious intention is to weaken the product’s health benefits I think you can see where they’d use Apeel coated apples." https://jasonsblog.ddns.net/index.php/2023/10/21/braggs-apple-cider-vinegar-has-become-suspect/ How can someone who aligns with Gates, Rockefeller Foundation, and the World Bank be trusted?

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Katie Perry and Orlando Bloom BOUGHT Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar I read.

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Did not see that but am not all surprised. Next level stuff always with him.

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Not true. Still owned by Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom.

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No way

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“If we do a really good job with global genocide...we could cut the population by 10 or 15%”

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Dec 16, 2023
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This is the thing. Which is it? Deagle.com once made predictions for each country that were c.30-40% from memory. I can't access it in this country (and not sure I want to look anyway) but in most cases it was above 10-15%.

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I have the same question.

After I have passed through the stages of grief, I am now cheering the psychopaths on. If the slaves want to be killed, why should I feel sorry for them?

Unfortunately, it looks like both the kill rate and the sterilization are not going too well. How do I know? Simple, if everything went according to plan, the psychopaths would not need all the wars to increase the kill rate.

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Yes, was stunned when I heard him say this on a TED talk about 2016? It was a WTF moment then. But now we see how what he was talking about. Vaccines are nothing but drug cocktails that can have anything put into them. Kenya found that out with a tetanus 'program' that Gates foisted on them when they saw women of child bearing age (16-39) were miscarrying and being infertile. Sending samples of the vaccine drug to several different labs for analysis produced results stating a chemical causing infertility was in every sample! Gates was pushed out the State but the US did not publish this horror story.

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I remember reading about that, and also in India, a similar story with Gardasil doing terrible things to girls: Gates got kicked out.

Add this to HIV which was likely also vaccine-induced & 'treated' with deadly drugs in the 80's and there's a rather interesting pattern behind the medical research/business plan leading up to 2020.

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Last year WHO’s CEO Tedros Ghebreyesus on video acknowledged that the boosters (vaccines) kill children. Staff tried to cover up WHO Director-General Tedros and said he “stuttered.”

“So if it’s going to be used it’s better to focus on those groups who have risk of severe disease rather than as we see some countries are using to give boosters to kill children”

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He said this out loud?!

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The truth always sneaks out from achilles heel. And of course all the media and fact checkers evaluating that faux pas went in to spin control..."he really did not mean that"

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I look forward to the day when CNN and the CBC are forced, kicking and screaming no doubt, to report the trials, fines, and imprisonments of numerous officials across the world, and I watch them squirm and pretend they didn't know what was going on.

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Never going to happen.

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Exactly. Majority of population is NPCs (soulless, spineless, willing slaves).

What will happen is the same playbook the psychopaths always had:

- Do evil thing

- Deny

- Admit it and laugh in peoples' faces. Read about the golf of Tonkin incident for a start example. Or the CIA selling cocaine. Or 9/11. I could go on.

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All of the captured MSM should be sued into oblivion for their narrative supporting diatribes.

They are the main weapon of the WEF.

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The God of heaven is the only entity in a position to "force" such an action. And He never forces.

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Singapore — all according to plan.

Singapore — a model of compliance.

The weaponization of the Asian affinity for conformity.

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Could this be a deliberate attack on these countries/areas to make taking over these areas by China easier???

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Earth to grrlrocks, count the number of China illegal invasions and compare them with war criminal, Wars of Aggression usa. If you need help let me know.

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Could I have posed a rhetorical question?

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Why didn't you address the reality posed to you instead of lamely continuing with the usual rank usa propaganda?

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If this is a way of taking over, then no military invasion is or was necessary. That’s grrlrock’s point methinks

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I have to mention, Brian, that neither you nor ggrlrock have been very forthright, clear, upfront in what you are driving at.

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You have proven yourself to be utterly clueless, as we have both been quite "upfront in what we're driving at". Therefore, you're either braindead, a bot, a troll, or a stupid "smart" AI. Which is it?

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They've already taken over Australia

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How many countries has the US taken over with economic terrorism as well as military control! And how many has China invaded? FYI, US policy has been hegemonic since the CIA was created early-mid 20c with a sense of entitlement that it uses to excuse the most nefarious an fascist behavior both at home and abroad. Check out you belief system and stop the propaganda please!

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The British Empire created the template on world power. US overtook them (or more accurately the corporations primarily based in the US).

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Who has lowest birth rate now Singapore or Japan? I was a Honda car dealer and the excecutives at Honda were all working on robotics to take care of the elders and do all things because there were no babies and the did not allow imigration. Now with the vaxx they well have No Body.

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And a mass extinction is about to happen yet.

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when they turn that "special " frequency on...

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It's happening right in front of you if you live in the west.

Listen and look harder.

To the sirens that are times 3 or so where we live.

I have an acquaintance in his 60s like me that drives a straight truck delivering caskets.

Not going to put the company name but yesterday he said this has never been seen before in the his 30 years of delivering caskets and the company's 90 years in business.

Society is very slowly Collapsing.

The casket building business is booming.

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I hear so many sirens but always question if I’m just more aware now? can a person get the statistics from their local emt/ambulance centers?

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No you are hearing more sirens.

Many more in my area.

Talk to folks in funeral homes.

I was in Pickering Ontario filling up my gas.

A guy pulls in with a straight truck.

From Victoriaville Quebec.

I asked how's business?

He said they can't keep up.

I played hockey in my youth so had Victoriaville hockey sticks.

I said the players don't use wooden sticks so what are you delivering?

He said caskets .

I distribute Druthers.net papers so gave him some after we talked for 20 minutes.

He knows what's going on as he's been delivering for 30 years and the company has been in business much longer

They have never seen this before .

It's BRILLIANT EVIL since it has many folks doubting what they are seeing and hearing.


Been planned for a long g time

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Check out South Korea. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Frankly, I hope someone systematically starts going through the country by country data, because the cursory glance at the data is deeply concerning, a harder look i think will be shocking and a proper, examination I think will horrify.🤔😐🤦‍♀️

🤷‍♀️ but maybe I'm just being reflexively negative.😉

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Modern Singapore the amalgamation of Confucianism and Authoritarianism………….plus AI and chat box

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I am not sure that any data on vaccinating rates could be accurate. They said the same thing in Australia.

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Reminds me of our school committee and union who locked children down in their homes with only Zoom classes....and now they want to know why attendance is so bad now. (Well you just showed them how unimportant it was to go to school phsycally now didn't you..and you passed everyone.jeez).

These people are idiots.

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Haccines are intended to do that: maim, kill or infertilize, to cull the population:

Is the elite for depopulation or extermination of us, the “useless eaters”?


Comparing Vax-Unvax


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Ladies and Gentlemen! (that is if it is not against the law to use such pronouns)

The horizon looks bleak and the future dismal, but there is awesome hope for things. Not in a temporal sense, since the hope for that condition has well been lost sight of, and is sinking readily in the mire. No. The "hope" that remains is the MOST blessed hope one can even imagine! This world is toast, and the wickedness therein will be vanquished for ever, come the Lord's Return with the clouds of angels in plain sight of the world. "Hope" will then turn into Joy, and prayer into shouting along with thanksgiving and praise amidst glorious splendor, never witnessed or manifested theretofore. Loved ones will be reunited; babies handed into their mothers' bosoms amid tears of joy and gladness.

Yes, people, this is the long awaited scene that the now sleeping saints have anticipated but time had not allowed them. However, they will be honored by being "awakened" (first), to join the throng on that great Day of the Lord.

It's my ministry and duty to encourage everyone who reads these posts to have courage during these dark days of increasingly evil doings of mankind. We must all hide ourselves "for a little while, until the indignation be overpassed" in God's Word, to become acquainted with His Sure Promises of Redemption. Yes, things will get extremely uncomfortable even to a tragic degree, but let that not dissuade anyone from clinging to the "Rock" of Ages for their individual strength through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirt, whose job it is to impart such things to us humans.

What alternative hope can contend with such things as these? There is none. Learn of the Goodness of our Creator and become a "light" unto others, so they too can partake.


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Beautiful. Thank you for your encouragement. We sure do need it.

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It's a "win-win-win" type affair.

*Hope, as a personal objective, is lifted back up to its rightful position in Christ

*Faith, trust and hope is developed in others through the H.S.

*And Yours Truly is encouraged by the positive feedback.

So thank you kindly, LC, for your return comment, I "surely do need it" as well!

Have a safe and pleasant day,


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Here's a funny thing... If you put 'FDA' into google translate Hebrew then click on the Hebrew letters, 'Cashed Out' or 'Redeem' comes up. I always think of them when I see 'redemption'.

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well, the chatbots weren't shown to be as "effective" as they wanted, but it sounds like the vax pushers were effective enough, given the uptake. Everywhere, talking with business associates, or listening to the radio, I hear of people who died, either unexpectedly, or not, but the state of the world's health is more than grim, to put it mildly. Are we approaching the number of deaths the world has seen in world wars? I suspect we are headed in that direction.

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We will never be told of the deaths. Continuous distraction from the center ring.

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Yup. Look at Israel. It was the ‘real world test for pfizer’… and then a war started. No data will be coming out of there.

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The Jewish people, among others we rarely hear about, have always been considered expendable. So wrong.

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Ukraine and Palestine may be the only group (nations) that has lost more to war than the shot(s) since lockdown/pandemic started. I would figure not Israel as they have a high vaccination (and booster) rate and less than one-tenth the carnage that the Israeli military has launched on Palestine.

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Bread and Circus

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When I was born, Aug. '47, there were an estimated 2B folks on our pale blue dot. We are now at ~8B+. Earth runs on solar energy, daily and stored, with one barrel of oil containing enough kilowatt hours to last 55 years of human kw hours (0.6/day).

We are seriously out of balance--ask any 9th grade bio student who actually pays attention. As the dominant species, with technology, we have frastically altered the biosphere that suports/allows life on Earth.

We ARE overpopulated, big time. I grew up in Syosset, N.Y. (Indian for "sound of the wind in the pines"), 30 miles out of NYC. As oldest of SEVEN, in a "once good Catholic family," I got to see my favorite woods, fields, steams, ponds, etc. turn into factories, developments, industrial parks, Levitowns, and general ugliness. Was an environmentalist by age 10, I think before the word was coined.

Ecosystems, habitats, and species have disappeared drastically in that time, acelerating at lightening speed in the last 35 years or so. We are destroying our home in the metaphorical/literal equivalent of WW3.

While Klaus et. al., along with Nuts 'n Yahoo etc. are certifiably insane, if we but spread humans over time--say millions or billions of years, we just might have a home planet worth saving. Look around the planet and your neighborhood, and give that some serious thought, imho.

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There's now a population CRASH going on; so you may take comfort from that fact (although its dire effects will be manifest a lot more quickly than the notional effects of "overpopulation").

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Are humans that energy efficient? A barrel of oil can "power" a human for 3 years, at most.

A barrel of oil has 1,628 kwh equivalent. A human consuming 1500 calories a day uses 1.75 kw per day. That human would use a barrel of oil in 930 days or 2.55 years. If a person uses only 0.6 kw/day it would take 7.5 years.

You are right, the world pop. is nearly 4x what it was just 75 years ago. In 1850 it was around 1 billion. Interestingly motor oil has about 7 kcal per gram, the same as alcohol. Gasoline is closer to chicken fat at 8.8 kcal/gram.

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I understand your pov, but I think that the average citizen has very little to do with engineering these changes. I think humankind has been herded like cattle the last two centuries. The ecosystems, habitats, and species which have disappeared or altered drastically have done so in large part due to the shareholders Klaus wants apart of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Who polluted those rivers and streams with impunity? Certainly not the 9-5 worker who didn't devise or determine policy. Africa's population exploded with food donated by Western .govs over the last century rather than letting nature take her course with famine. Was this wrong? Where's the horrendous radioactive material from Fukushima dissipating? Who's responsible? Have they been held accountable? China's push to provide for a stable middle class has polluted their air and waters so tragically they literally can't breathe; yet, no one confronts them. Noted Globalist, Greta, never addresses China. Who's burning the Amazon forests? Your average, everyday Brazilian walking around or large conglomerates who profit insanely from such actions and have the funds to manipulate and bribe governments? I would conclude with who has bought or stolen the free energy devices numerous inventors have provided humankind throughout the 20th century so that humanity is forced to use fossil fuels? And who profits from extracting and selling oil and gas? Look at Syria. Conoco. Who's Conoco? Good luck tracing ownership. Probably Vanguard's BOD. Conoco steals Syrian oil protected by the thugs called the U.S. military. As Carlin said, it's a big club and we ain't in it.

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"When I was born, Aug. '47, there were an estimated 2B folks on our pale blue dot. We are now at ~8B+." Please watch this: https://rumble.com/v3rdp44-the-world-population-hoax-by-eric-dubay.html

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Watched it of course. No fan of the U.N. here--also not wanting to write a book!--but the clip is terribly superficial. Bringing a human into today's world is a mighty drastic act. Connon fodder for militaristic governments, $$$ and expeiments for Big Pharma, etc. etc. But it's a personal choice, I only encourage folks to think long and seriously aboit it. For the record, I love working with kids and spent 25 years teaching 3rd, 4th, and 6th grades, with two years running reading and LD programs.

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Thailand isn't far behind; highly vaccinated of course. Here's an article on the topic:


Note the precipitated decline in the last 2 years, and the shrinking population during that time frame.

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Here in Michigan HRH Whitmer has convened a cohort of experts and consultants who are tasked with developing strategies to keep Michigan’s population stable or grow it. What they have come up with some far is to make Michigan a LGBTQ-safe and abortion with no restrictions destinations (plus we all need to follow the science and get our TSV/Civid boosters/flu shots religiously). That’s what $2 million got us so far. With experts like that, combined with an out of control crime rate at least here in Detroit, I’m sure we are going to see quite the population jump in the next few years.

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Yes, our manpussys shall take over the burden of those chest feeding people, they don't even have the right genitals to remove at puberty! And our super vigorous spike protein...I mean sperm, oh shit spike protein is a WHAT? A Sexually Transmitted Disease??? WTF?

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