8 other Italians (including a mayor) have "medical emergencies"; Australia: comedian Denise Scott's "aggressive breast cancer," DJ Matt James "shares cancer diagnosis," Sticky Fingers cancels show
We have seen how Fauci, the CDC, Gates and the present Administration have shown their "concern" about vaccine hesitancy in the black community with all the concerted attempts to peddle this poison in those areas, even using pastors, politicians, athletes, entertainers to do this. We in the black community have historically been targeted guinea pigs for all kinds of experiments, along with other injustices, so there has always been an underlying distrust of the government. And now there is the growing realization among all the American people that as far as the "powers that SHOULDN'T be" are concerned, NO lives matter, especially with this worldwide "plandemic" and more potential false flags to come. We have all been living in this Matrix far too long. Thank you for your continued valued information of TRUTH, Mark. GOD BLESS.
Yep... makes me sick.. for others; look up the history of the US - planned parenthood. BUT do not be fooled that it is just against "Blacks"; look up the Kalgeri plan for us WHITES. This is about eugenics, depopulation of us "useless eaters".
I have this view that they tell us everything and have done for years,,, decades even (but until recently, we never saw it)... personally I think this film is not just a warning, it is in their sick minds .... after all the morons get the chips implanted (imbedded) .. https://www.imdb.com/video/vi775265305/?playlistId=tt1637688&ref_=tt_pr_ov_vi
You're exactly right, Bob. I recently rewatched that 1988 Scy-Fy movie classic "They Live", starring iconic wrestler Roddy Piper (R.I.P.) & Keith David. With all the stuff happening today, it really hits home.
That's a hell of a post from 2nd Smartest Guy. Also a hell of a thing for the black suicide increase. I don't think that's been seen in a while. They're coming for all of us now it seems.
You will not like what I am going to say or show. Please bear with me until the end...
You have 360,000,000 million people give or take in the US; so 40-50,000 whilst dreadful is a small fraction of people and I would assume it would be a similar percentage (white, black, green, brown, yellow, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, alien etc ) in the UK or EU.
4. "The 79,770 reported opioid-involved drug overdose deaths for the 12-month period ending in December 2022 is a decrease from 80,997 in the previous year."
SO WHY IS THIS BEING REPORTED even though just 1 suicide is truly shocking ?.
Because it weakens us, it makes us believe it is normal, iteven drives us into a downhill spiral .. because once you start thinking about it, that thought does not go away... "Had a bad day, I hate my life; no wonder everyone is topping themselves"...AND IT IS THE SAME BS they are starting (Canada leading the way) with Euthanasia ....
The greatest weapon these "Eugenics loving Globalist parasitical scum" have is "FEAR" and "CONFUSION"...and if the masses (yep, still a majority, even after the last 3 years), do not wake up NOW or soon; one way or another... Ihave this dreadful feeling that they will be "deleted" or "eliminated".
Incredible this is going on. Talk about a russian roulette if you have to deal with the medical cartel. Tragic. Overdoses and combinations of medical drugs also takes a lot of people, so many tragic cases of famous people too.
Yes, Mark I heard early on that 600 churches in the SE were heavy on pressures to sign up their congregations, and many offered lunch with a shot. So, yes, lots of black congregations I suspect. Turns my stomach I’ve been imagining choir members dropping during the service if that is their time. What words are there, other than demonic, wicked serve these past months? ~~~And the god of Molech for the children…..iiii yiyi
So depressing. The left truly have always been the most racist people. From not wanting to free the slaves, to not wanting to give women/blacks people the right to vote to, the kkk to Jim Crow Laws all the way up to occupywallstreet, blm, Antifa. The left has been behind it all.
and and and .. the biggest problem WE ALL HAVE NOW, especially those that understand that "The World is a stage" ...is what to believe... are these posts I linked real ? or part of their psychology on us ???.
Thank God I am from one of the older (not too old) generations....
😢I’m so sad and angry 😡about all the sicknesses and deaths from the jabs! But people still want the next dose, even those sick from the earlier ones! Thank you for all your work, Mark. Must be so depressing. Glad you’re getting it out!
Very sad..I am 74 and in good health. They are gone without even enjoying the world. I am on daily Urine Therapy....rubbing and put just a bit in the mouth. For 25 years, I never saw a doctor. That is the power of urine. Cost me $0 and has blessed me with untold happiness.
Most interesting. Our urine has been my only fertilizer this season (as university soil test told me I needed only nitrogen)--I wish you could see the beauty of my cabbages, cauliflower, broccoli!
"There is an underlying agenda of the New World Order to bring about a depopulation of the planet as part of their intent to control and subjugate the planet for their own purposes.
Starting with Zero Population Growth of Paul Ehrlich in the 70's and the "Pharisees" of the Club of Rome, Limits to Growth report, then the Peak Oil Myth based on the ridiculous assumption that petroleum is a fossil fuel, Global Cooling which was switched to Global Warming without anyone paying attention, we now have an outright movement to end the human race to save the planet.
This all in addition to "depleted" uranium, corporate corruption and pollution of the planet, use of the WHO to sterilize young women of color around the world, the Genetic Engineering that is killing the bees and butterflies, and the general mucking up caused by Big Pharma and Big Medicine, the Codex Alimentarius, and AIDS/HIV epidemic, and Co-vid 19, they now have orchestrated the scenes of Soylent Green which were filmed back in the 70's to provide a visual story line on which to build the propaganda for depopulation."
"We, the members of the Club of Rome, are convinced that the future of humankind is not determined once and for all, and that it is possible to avoid present and foreseeable catastrophes—when they are the result of human selfishness or of mistakes made in managing world affairs."
"The Club of Rome is a conspiratorial umbrella organization, a marriage between Anglo-American financiers and the old Black Nobility families of Europe, particularly the so-called "nobility" of London, Venice and Genoa. The key to the successful control of the world is their ability to create and manage savage economic recessions and eventual depressions."
The globalists have been scheming to use environmentalism as an excuse for centralization since at least 1972 when the Club Of Rome published a treatise titled ‘The Limits Of Growth’. Funding a limited study of industry and resources in a joint project with MIT, the findings appeared to be scripted well ahead of time – The end of the planet was nigh unless nations and individuals sacrificed their sovereignty. How convenient for the globalists bankrolling the study…
Twenty years later they would publish a book titled ‘The First Global Revolution.’ In that document they specifically discuss using global warming as a vehicle to form supranational governance:
“In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together. But in designating these dangers as the enemy, we fall into the trap, which we have already warned readers about, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.”
OMG. Thank you Patrick. What a list, so heartbreaking the lives represented. All the parents, school tyrants, college mucky mucks who mandated this stuff without conscience….it’s so hard, watching these folks being exposed for their ignorance and arrogance The widening stories, neighborhoods without the noise of young people biking, skateboarding and tossing basketballs.
It's always difficult hearing about the musicians getting caught up in the pharma machine. And I don't mean Bieber and Celine - I mean conductors, soloists, serious people. Reason being, they do good work which benefits society, unlike the paper pushers, drug pushers and bureaucrats in the West. Time will tell where art goes from here. It will likely survive in some form as long as it's not brain-dead "AI art," worthless in the extreme.
The Cleveland Orchestra where I HAD season tickets for 20 years had a quackzene AND mask mandate for all attendees. After being shut down for 2 years. With the MOST SANCTIMONIOUS YouTube video talking about “health” and “safety” from the creepy executive director I’m not SURE about the musicians. After “re-opening” for the entire first year these “mandates” were enforced . And then I kept an eye on available seats. For many concerts Mandel hall......yes naming rights were sold for the great Severance Hall..the hall was more than half empty. In a desperate attempt to pander to a uninterested demographic to put butts in the $100 per ticket seats the “brain trust” has hired a Director of Diversity a black woman who admits she knows nothing about classical music. The opening concert of the 2023-24 season is featuring not Beethoven not Mahler not Stravinsky not Brahms as in the past. It’s MOVIE NIGHT 😆😱.
Over the 2 years when there was no Cleveland Orchestra, their season ticket holders the much maligned white privilege set found other things to do. Permanently 😉
Wow this should be posted on a billboard somewhere near the symphony halls and theaters so people will wake up, but hey, who bothers to figure it out, and apply to themselves ? ~~~ I used to take the Phx light rail with a friend to the opera, and I gave up going to the museum when all this hassle came up. The phony righteousness of their “don’t breathe within six feet of each other” made me nuts
Actually here in Cleveland the Museum of Art handled the scamdemic REALLY well. The Executive Director William Griswold who is AMERICAN unlike the tiny CANADIAN who is running the once great Cleveland orchestra into oblivion, NEVER had a quackzene mandate and dropped the masques the minute the dictatorial RepubliCON Governor Mike DeRINO said it was all over. There was a giant temperature taking device when you walked in and the coat check was closed but Griswold clearly was NOT embracing the fake mandates. I love CMA and look forward to wandering around and can’t wait for the Degas show in the fall. As far as the ONCE GREAT orchestra I don’t miss it.
What more needs to be said? I wouldn't fault anyone for going over to other avenues of life in the slightest. The moment art bends to imaginary "mandates" and other letters to Santa Clause, art is finished, and is ready for the slagheap. In fact it's better for there to be nothing at all, INSTEAD of any art, as the contrarian historian Miles Mathis also thinks. Beethoven told fundamental truths about society through his works, ditto Brahms, so if soy-society has no need for them, all the better. I was struck by the poor attendance here in Toronto of a concert featuring Messiaen's "Turangalia Symphonie." And it was being recorded, too! I was told people have no money for such things nowadays but that was the most empty I had ever seen the hall. I'm not saying the TSO is bad actually 100% the opposite - - the TSO is probably one of only two things I give a shit about in this city. They do tremendous work and play PRISTINE each time I seen them. Like, f*cking in-the-pocket, locked-in, totally rhythmically precise pristine. And fewer people than ever seem to care.
Wow!! If people in TORONTO (where I once lived long LONG ago and worked for the dreaded CBC) don’t have money for ticket$$$ imagine how it is HERE in America’s poorest most dangerous worst place to raise a family city. 😩. There are lots of free concerts here at the beautiful Catholic Churches and CIM including St Stanislaus which had a concert a month ago with 2 young Polish artists performing Chopin on the piano and violin. It was like being taken back 100 years to when music was pure and the artists were not shameless social media “stars” . I think we are looking at a transformation away from big dare I say overpriced concert halls to smaller more affordable venues. All caused by the SCAMDEMIC but maybe inevitable. Starting with opera!
Growing up as a young Juilliard student in the late 1970's the Cleveland Orchestra with George Szell was considered one of the top 3 orchestras in the US and among the greatest in the world. But Cleveland, like many former "rust belt" cities has suffered a lot economically and it seems, from what you wrote, to be increasingly out of touch with its loyal subscription base. It is depressing and revealing that they would program a Movie Night for the opening night of the season! It seems fewer and fewer people can relate to the message of classical music; which is incredibly diverse and spans centuries - but the common factor is that it requires listeners to be quietly absorb the music in more of a cerebral way, without manifesting physically, ie, by standing up and moving one's arms or dancing or singing along .
One desperate attempt to fill empty seats came at the very last minute on “sweetest day” last year where tickets were offered at 15% off along with a bag of CANDY and the program featured a romantic work by someone named Al-Zand called LAMENTATIONS ON THE DISASTERS OF WAR. The orchestra also fired the brilliant concert master William Preceuil for some Me Too BS and after 5 years replaced him with some total nonentity. George Szell is turning over in his grave.
Wow that’s wonderful….how lovely for you! ~~~ a reasoned leadership in a greatly needed outlet, for uplifting music during difficult times. How great would it be, have been, for throngs to enjoy such peace and encouragement without the grief. Think of how many would have spent good money for concerts and such when discouragement loomed around them. ~~~Wonder how many maestros and theater owners shared with others around who were cowed by their city leaders What a difference they could have made
I founded the Saint Thomas Orchestra in Mamaroneck, NY (www.storchestra.org) and for over 18 years I led the orchestra as the Music Director and built it into one of the best community orchestras in Westchester County. Last year, because i refused to take "it", the board removed me entirely from any role in the orchestra. This is a group that I founded all by myself in 2002 from zero, funded it by myself in the early years and thru dint of very hard work - year after year - built into a group of 75 - of whom many are conservatory trained music teachers. Over the years, we performed Mahler, Brahms, Shostakovich symphonies, some world premieres and many ambitious and wonderful programs with great soloists, including the late Stanley Drucker, former principal clarinet of the NY Phil. This kind of betrayal is hard to take, but I am gradually letting go and planning something new.
Woah - thanks for the comment. I know exactly what Shostakovich, one of my favourites, would've thought of THAT kind of treatment! It's what we saw in the country of my birth after all, the former Soviet Union, denunciations and all that. Only one religion could be allowed, you see: the religion of "pure" atheistic art dedicated to St. Stalin, of course!
I've heard Shostakovich always was ready for the KGB to knock on his door and spirit him away. We performed his 5th Symphony a few years before covid. I've read that his 5th Symphony was very well received by both the general public and the Stalinist musical "experts". I've heard people say that Shostakovich buried subversive musical messages within the symphony, but those messages apparently managed to avoid being discovered by the "musical experts". In any event, music and its perception and "meaning" are so inherently subjective. The symphony ends with a wonderful prolonged triumphant section which reminds me of the end of Mahler 1st Symphony.
Yes, saw it performed here in Toronto this year in fact. My all-time fave from his body of work was always Symphony No. 13 - - you have to find a good recording of it to enjoy it. Gives me chills every time. Poems by Yevtushenko set to music.
It was his Sym #4 that brought him closest to the "knock on the door" - Stalin himself had criticized it. The fifth was written in that context; I had long thought it to be rather dull and "safe" but quite revised those views after an audition early this year - it is a very fine work.
And how very impressive for a community orchestra to attempt any Shostakovitch symphony! A tribute to them and to you. Best of luck sir.
I didn't know that about his 4th Symphony. I'll have to give it a listen to see why it upset Stalin. Performing the 5th Symphony was certainly ambitious for any community orchestra but we had a number of well trained players leading the sections and very good amateurs supporting them in the ranks. Thanks for your kind words!
That is so shocking and horrifying they took away your orchestra. WHO makes these evil insane decisions all based on non compliance for that quackzene which is killing people. And it IS and those of us refused to participate in this modern day Milgram experiment will have the last laugh
It is disturbing indeed but I count my blessings. My family and I remain very healthy on the other side of Covidmania; probably because we all stayed away from experimental gene therapies. It's funny: I spent over 18 years of my life founding, funding and developing the Saint Thomas Orchestra and devoted countless hours to the group, but when the time came to decide whether to get the vax or to give up my orchestra, the decision was very easy, obvious and instantaneous, and I don't regret it at all.
I'm so sorry for your pain. That makes me so angry. All the work you put into such a beautiful thing. One day you may get it back. I don't know what our world will look like but music will always be needed.
Thanks Liz. I had a very delayed and emotional reaction to it all but I have been gradually distancing myself these feelings and hoping to start something new!
I’m so sorry that happened to you. I hope something good can come out of it, some sort of healing or something new that will continue to bring music and joy to people, in a different route
thank you Rebecca. About 10-12 years ago, we had the honor to premiere the Concierto Rapsodico by Jorge Morel with Jorge Caballero as soloist. Maestro Morel came to the performances and seemed pleased. It was a very good piece! I remember some of the rhythms were challenging to get across!
💕Thanks so much for this comment. I saw Jorge Morel perform years ago at Mannes. Your comments made me recall a lot of music I need to listen to again.
With in the span of a few months five people that touch me in some way.. FB, family of friend, etc, one being a very close friend all got sudden brain cancer.. all have passed. :(
I am so so sorry. Yes, I also have lost friends. Siblings won’t acknowledge concerns so I am poised to hear something one day, but can’t do anything. I don’t know how many lots were just placebo, if that, but…..the evil in their hearts is not to be believed. Their time will come
its so evil there are almost no words to describe it. Pretty sure that was done by design too. Also, I'm pretty sure its only the politicians that got placebo or saline.. Us low life's down here in the low lands are just experimental rats. My soul weeps. :(
The list of sick politicians is growing. They got something in their shot. Senators, Feinstein, Fetterman, maybe McConnell. Senator Lujan had something last year. Also, NJ Lt governor just died this last week or so. She did get the shot. A state senator in AL is sick. Oh, and that House Rep's daughter who died in her sleep last year. She and her family were vaxxed I believe. But there was no mandate for Congress to take it. And the same for many alphabet govt agencies.
So true Zoe. Coming here keeps me sane. I live in a small village (really small ), in the north of Italy and sometimes it feels very lonely. Every morning I log on here and breathe a sigh of relief that I'm not crazy or paranoid. All my family (except one son 😟), did NOT take the jabs. People here are dropping like flies. The latest is the father of my son's best friend. Just dropped this weekend at 56. (his wife told us he had no health problems).
I'm not a strong person (mentally) and if the last 3 years have taught me anything, it's to take care of me and my family and the rest can bugger off ! Have a nice Sunday x
I've visited the north of Italy, very beautiful (my family is all from Abruzzo, but my brother lived in Vicenza for a while). I feel about the same as you. It saddens me to hear of all the deaths in Italy. For a while I was contributing to Prof. Miller's sudden deaths, covered Italy. I had to take a break due to too much stress in my life. Anyway, thanks.
The toxic Covid jabs have led to the disaster. Sadly, hundreds of millions will die. The tsunami of suffering and deaths has just started and will gain momentum very soon. A tsunami means thousands will drop dead daily, find out about turbo cancers, myocarditis, etc. The funeral homes will not be able to cope...maybe the army has to dig mass graves. It is coming...
And just like hospitals got extra money for putting patients on the Covid protocols insurances and big pharma are making huge amounts of money treating everyone who has been injured by the jabs. Then banks will take people’s homes for pennies on the dollar after they declare bankruptcy because of their medical debts.
Veterans have been killing themselves since Vietnam and now it’s up to 30 a day up from 22 after the Iraq War. But notice that neither congress or the media is talking about this epidemic of death. Nope we only hear about how many people are dying from the Rona.
Agreed...the US military is already dying...suicides, depression, Covid jab effects, cancer. I am waiting for news as to when Lloyd Austin will collapse with myocardiac problems. That is if he has taken the real Covid injection.
I can’t imagine what they must be going through. Playing Russian roulette without any winner. Being part of the “in crowd” isn’t always the smartest move.
The concern I've had from the beginning is; what on earth do we say to those poor unfortunates who lined up and took the jab, now that we know it was deadly.
For everyone that gets angry and upset when we suspect the covid shots are the culprit, remind them that public health authorities are still telling everyone to get their covid shots. All these people coming out with cancers and health problems since 2021 are immune compromised and the recommendations to get vaxxed are even stronger for them.
With booster uptake now around 15%, everybody KNOWS something is wrong with the shots. Their anger is misdirected coming at the minority publicly voicing concerns.
Everyone to a person, believed those two Damming Words; "Safe & Effective" now regretting, and angry at their choices, lawsuits? But they may pass away, before any Legal actions happen...
and what about the ones of 17/19/21 year etc, that are all dying of natural causes 😨 . Sorry , but since when do young people die of natural causes. Makes my blood boil
Urine Therapy will cure all of them...up to them to give it a try and connect with UT devotees. Cancer is not curable despite all the chemo, radiation and toxic pallative treatment. Survival rate for all the above is low given the diagnosis. Only urine can achieve a turnaround. It has been used for 5,000 years.
Cancer is cureable and the medical cartel has suppressed all potential cures tokeep the money machine going. Please read this long article: ahealedplanet.net it is the history but more importantly how the most intelligient scientists were vilified, even killed in some cases. The only thing that the attack treatments of cancer does is shorten your life. It is in the blood, it is not the tumour, that is why after treatment it turns up in another part of the body.
Fantastic...I have saved it for further studies. I am very keen on cancer cures by natural and alternative therapies. I do not have cancer and am on ancient autotherapy that has kept me disease free for 25 years plus.
Someone on Substack put the link up, I have it in my browser and read a bit every day, it is very long and a lot to take it. A neighbour told me yesterday he got treated by Rife's method and cured lyme disease. Well done with your health, I never get sick either, not even a sniffle, I put it down to eating lots of fruit, plant diet (only wholefoods), home grown raw leafy greens, staying away from anything chemical in or on my body, and staying away from anything the medical cartel has on offer. I also follow Anthony Williams the medical medium protocol and have celery juice each morning when I get up before anything else and detox using his heavy metal detox if I feel I have been exposed to something and get a tickle in my throat or in my sinuses. You can also use zinc spray but I have not done that. I do sometimes use Olive Leaf extract.
Dennis Scott is a comedian, she occasionally appears on The Project (a very woke show) and so do many other celebrities. Awesome lady but unfortunately fell for the lies or also I think many of the TV presenters were coerced. All the major TV stations in Australia pushed the vax like crazy. Even Comedians would make jokes of the unvaxed, it was insane and still is.
Doctors, nurses and other medical personnel will be wiped out. They took the jabs and this is now Year 3...the long term deadly effects of spike proteins and graphene oxide will be showing up en-masse. With the medical community decimated, who will treat patients?
In Australia they are importing nurses and also rushing through training for graduates to replace years of experienced nurses. My friend is a nurse and she is facing resigning because she had two jabs and refuses anymore. Over 30 years experience lost. It is a shambles. Some caring politicians are trying to get the mandates for health care workers stopped, but it is unlikely because so many more politicians have investments in big pharma.
So many young, vital teens passing in the past month in US:
Caleb White (17) basketball
Tajh Boyd (19) football
Callie Marie Mitchell (16) cheerleading
Myzelle Law (19) football
Dalton Gay (17) football
Bria Deibert (19) basketball
Chase Edwards (17) basketball
Dy'Jierre Jackson (18) baskeball
Tyson Downs (18) hockey
Annie Messelt (16) soccer, skiing
Simon Mirkes (16) hiking
Jacob Atchison (19) military
Thalia Chaverria (20) soccer
Lance Pfrimmer (19) cross country, track
Robert Bush (17) football
And how many are black? (Such lives DON'T "matter," if the "vaccines" take them.)
We have seen how Fauci, the CDC, Gates and the present Administration have shown their "concern" about vaccine hesitancy in the black community with all the concerted attempts to peddle this poison in those areas, even using pastors, politicians, athletes, entertainers to do this. We in the black community have historically been targeted guinea pigs for all kinds of experiments, along with other injustices, so there has always been an underlying distrust of the government. And now there is the growing realization among all the American people that as far as the "powers that SHOULDN'T be" are concerned, NO lives matter, especially with this worldwide "plandemic" and more potential false flags to come. We have all been living in this Matrix far too long. Thank you for your continued valued information of TRUTH, Mark. GOD BLESS.
So true and so sad. Even targeting people of color for abortions. The Tuskegee Experiment......I could keep going. These people are evil. Demonic.
Yep... makes me sick.. for others; look up the history of the US - planned parenthood. BUT do not be fooled that it is just against "Blacks"; look up the Kalgeri plan for us WHITES. This is about eugenics, depopulation of us "useless eaters".
I have this view that they tell us everything and have done for years,,, decades even (but until recently, we never saw it)... personally I think this film is not just a warning, it is in their sick minds .... after all the morons get the chips implanted (imbedded) .. https://www.imdb.com/video/vi775265305/?playlistId=tt1637688&ref_=tt_pr_ov_vi
Just my view, mind you !.
You're exactly right, Bob. I recently rewatched that 1988 Scy-Fy movie classic "They Live", starring iconic wrestler Roddy Piper (R.I.P.) & Keith David. With all the stuff happening today, it really hits home.
Where can I watch it Michael - I've heard so many people talk about this film 🙏
it gets worse: suicides are also up in the black population - used to be rare. not anymore
That's a hell of a post from 2nd Smartest Guy. Also a hell of a thing for the black suicide increase. I don't think that's been seen in a while. They're coming for all of us now it seems.
May the Most High hear our cries of repentance and heal our land.
You will not like what I am going to say or show. Please bear with me until the end...
You have 360,000,000 million people give or take in the US; so 40-50,000 whilst dreadful is a small fraction of people and I would assume it would be a similar percentage (white, black, green, brown, yellow, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, alien etc ) in the UK or EU.
Have a look at this - https://www.nbcnews.com/health/mental-health/cdc-data-finds-suicides-reached-time-high-2022-rcna99327
1. Why is it in mainstream News ?
2. (Yawn) = https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/leading-causes-of-death.htm
3. "NHTSA Estimates for 2022 Show Roadway Fatalities Remain Flat After Two Years of Dramatic Increases. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has released its latest projections for traffic fatalities in 2022, estimating that 42,795 people died in motor vehicle traffic crashes." - https://www.nhtsa.gov/press-releases/traffic-crash-death-estimates-2022#:~:text=NHTSA%20Estimates%20for%202022%20Show,Two%20Years%20of%20Dramatic%20Increases&text=The%20National%20Highway%20Traffic%20Safety,in%20motor%20vehicle%20traffic%20crashes.
4. "The 79,770 reported opioid-involved drug overdose deaths for the 12-month period ending in December 2022 is a decrease from 80,997 in the previous year."
SO WHY IS THIS BEING REPORTED even though just 1 suicide is truly shocking ?.
Because it weakens us, it makes us believe it is normal, iteven drives us into a downhill spiral .. because once you start thinking about it, that thought does not go away... "Had a bad day, I hate my life; no wonder everyone is topping themselves"...AND IT IS THE SAME BS they are starting (Canada leading the way) with Euthanasia ....
The greatest weapon these "Eugenics loving Globalist parasitical scum" have is "FEAR" and "CONFUSION"...and if the masses (yep, still a majority, even after the last 3 years), do not wake up NOW or soon; one way or another... Ihave this dreadful feeling that they will be "deleted" or "eliminated".
Saturday, crossing Sunday rant finished... apologies.
And you can add deaths by mistakes made in hospitals and deaths by pharmacueticals.
3rd in the list of US death causes... https://www.cnbc.com/2018/02/22/medical-errors-third-leading-cause-of-death-in-america.html#:~:text=According%20to%20a%20recent%20study,after%20heart%20disease%20and%20cancer.
Incredible this is going on. Talk about a russian roulette if you have to deal with the medical cartel. Tragic. Overdoses and combinations of medical drugs also takes a lot of people, so many tragic cases of famous people too.
Yes, Mark I heard early on that 600 churches in the SE were heavy on pressures to sign up their congregations, and many offered lunch with a shot. So, yes, lots of black congregations I suspect. Turns my stomach I’ve been imagining choir members dropping during the service if that is their time. What words are there, other than demonic, wicked serve these past months? ~~~And the god of Molech for the children…..iiii yiyi
So depressing. The left truly have always been the most racist people. From not wanting to free the slaves, to not wanting to give women/blacks people the right to vote to, the kkk to Jim Crow Laws all the way up to occupywallstreet, blm, Antifa. The left has been behind it all.
Seems to me that white lives never matter ( to media and government at least)
RFK said the jabs were targeted to white and blacks
It’s poor people that never matter to the “elites”
Useless Eaters is the term the WEF use.
Yes. I think that people who have a totally mechanistic or materialistic view of the world adopt this terminology
Ideas such as euthanasia , full term abortion are inevitable steps to the final goal ; genocide
Yep, genocide // democide, but also (sorry my view) selling or losing ones soul if you are a Cristian.
To me, all is interlinked, so the new "Global Religion" or "One World Religion" can be enforced.
and and and .. the biggest problem WE ALL HAVE NOW, especially those that understand that "The World is a stage" ...is what to believe... are these posts I linked real ? or part of their psychology on us ???.
Thank God I am from one of the older (not too old) generations....
The aim is:
One World Government
One World Religion
One Coffee Coloured Race
One levelled class of serfs across the planet
The World as a playground for the “elites “
😢I’m so sad and angry 😡about all the sicknesses and deaths from the jabs! But people still want the next dose, even those sick from the earlier ones! Thank you for all your work, Mark. Must be so depressing. Glad you’re getting it out!
Crimes that cry out to heaven
Yes, it is Biblical.
What a beautiful choice of words z28.310 - it really touched my heart.
I read each name and ask God to bless each one. RIP
Very sad..I am 74 and in good health. They are gone without even enjoying the world. I am on daily Urine Therapy....rubbing and put just a bit in the mouth. For 25 years, I never saw a doctor. That is the power of urine. Cost me $0 and has blessed me with untold happiness.
Most interesting. Our urine has been my only fertilizer this season (as university soil test told me I needed only nitrogen)--I wish you could see the beauty of my cabbages, cauliflower, broccoli!
I drink 3 gallons of urine per day and my muscularity has increased massively. #LiedSuddenly
The Club of Rome
"There is an underlying agenda of the New World Order to bring about a depopulation of the planet as part of their intent to control and subjugate the planet for their own purposes.
Starting with Zero Population Growth of Paul Ehrlich in the 70's and the "Pharisees" of the Club of Rome, Limits to Growth report, then the Peak Oil Myth based on the ridiculous assumption that petroleum is a fossil fuel, Global Cooling which was switched to Global Warming without anyone paying attention, we now have an outright movement to end the human race to save the planet.
This all in addition to "depleted" uranium, corporate corruption and pollution of the planet, use of the WHO to sterilize young women of color around the world, the Genetic Engineering that is killing the bees and butterflies, and the general mucking up caused by Big Pharma and Big Medicine, the Codex Alimentarius, and AIDS/HIV epidemic, and Co-vid 19, they now have orchestrated the scenes of Soylent Green which were filmed back in the 70's to provide a visual story line on which to build the propaganda for depopulation."
"We, the members of the Club of Rome, are convinced that the future of humankind is not determined once and for all, and that it is possible to avoid present and foreseeable catastrophes—when they are the result of human selfishness or of mistakes made in managing world affairs."
"The Club of Rome is a conspiratorial umbrella organization, a marriage between Anglo-American financiers and the old Black Nobility families of Europe, particularly the so-called "nobility" of London, Venice and Genoa. The key to the successful control of the world is their ability to create and manage savage economic recessions and eventual depressions."
The globalists have been scheming to use environmentalism as an excuse for centralization since at least 1972 when the Club Of Rome published a treatise titled ‘The Limits Of Growth’. Funding a limited study of industry and resources in a joint project with MIT, the findings appeared to be scripted well ahead of time – The end of the planet was nigh unless nations and individuals sacrificed their sovereignty. How convenient for the globalists bankrolling the study…
Twenty years later they would publish a book titled ‘The First Global Revolution.’ In that document they specifically discuss using global warming as a vehicle to form supranational governance:
“In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together. But in designating these dangers as the enemy, we fall into the trap, which we have already warned readers about, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.”
OMG. Thank you Patrick. What a list, so heartbreaking the lives represented. All the parents, school tyrants, college mucky mucks who mandated this stuff without conscience….it’s so hard, watching these folks being exposed for their ignorance and arrogance The widening stories, neighborhoods without the noise of young people biking, skateboarding and tossing basketballs.
But ~~ now we know, and how !
Could I ask you (or I will do it) to pass your comment onto this site please.
Every effing day now and they (we) are dropping like flies...
Anyway; the site, cheers = https://goodsciencing.com/covid/athletes-suffer-cardiac-arrest-die-after-covid-shot/
It's always difficult hearing about the musicians getting caught up in the pharma machine. And I don't mean Bieber and Celine - I mean conductors, soloists, serious people. Reason being, they do good work which benefits society, unlike the paper pushers, drug pushers and bureaucrats in the West. Time will tell where art goes from here. It will likely survive in some form as long as it's not brain-dead "AI art," worthless in the extreme.
The Cleveland Orchestra where I HAD season tickets for 20 years had a quackzene AND mask mandate for all attendees. After being shut down for 2 years. With the MOST SANCTIMONIOUS YouTube video talking about “health” and “safety” from the creepy executive director I’m not SURE about the musicians. After “re-opening” for the entire first year these “mandates” were enforced . And then I kept an eye on available seats. For many concerts Mandel hall......yes naming rights were sold for the great Severance Hall..the hall was more than half empty. In a desperate attempt to pander to a uninterested demographic to put butts in the $100 per ticket seats the “brain trust” has hired a Director of Diversity a black woman who admits she knows nothing about classical music. The opening concert of the 2023-24 season is featuring not Beethoven not Mahler not Stravinsky not Brahms as in the past. It’s MOVIE NIGHT 😆😱.
Over the 2 years when there was no Cleveland Orchestra, their season ticket holders the much maligned white privilege set found other things to do. Permanently 😉
Wow this should be posted on a billboard somewhere near the symphony halls and theaters so people will wake up, but hey, who bothers to figure it out, and apply to themselves ? ~~~ I used to take the Phx light rail with a friend to the opera, and I gave up going to the museum when all this hassle came up. The phony righteousness of their “don’t breathe within six feet of each other” made me nuts
Actually here in Cleveland the Museum of Art handled the scamdemic REALLY well. The Executive Director William Griswold who is AMERICAN unlike the tiny CANADIAN who is running the once great Cleveland orchestra into oblivion, NEVER had a quackzene mandate and dropped the masques the minute the dictatorial RepubliCON Governor Mike DeRINO said it was all over. There was a giant temperature taking device when you walked in and the coat check was closed but Griswold clearly was NOT embracing the fake mandates. I love CMA and look forward to wandering around and can’t wait for the Degas show in the fall. As far as the ONCE GREAT orchestra I don’t miss it.
What more needs to be said? I wouldn't fault anyone for going over to other avenues of life in the slightest. The moment art bends to imaginary "mandates" and other letters to Santa Clause, art is finished, and is ready for the slagheap. In fact it's better for there to be nothing at all, INSTEAD of any art, as the contrarian historian Miles Mathis also thinks. Beethoven told fundamental truths about society through his works, ditto Brahms, so if soy-society has no need for them, all the better. I was struck by the poor attendance here in Toronto of a concert featuring Messiaen's "Turangalia Symphonie." And it was being recorded, too! I was told people have no money for such things nowadays but that was the most empty I had ever seen the hall. I'm not saying the TSO is bad actually 100% the opposite - - the TSO is probably one of only two things I give a shit about in this city. They do tremendous work and play PRISTINE each time I seen them. Like, f*cking in-the-pocket, locked-in, totally rhythmically precise pristine. And fewer people than ever seem to care.
Wow!! If people in TORONTO (where I once lived long LONG ago and worked for the dreaded CBC) don’t have money for ticket$$$ imagine how it is HERE in America’s poorest most dangerous worst place to raise a family city. 😩. There are lots of free concerts here at the beautiful Catholic Churches and CIM including St Stanislaus which had a concert a month ago with 2 young Polish artists performing Chopin on the piano and violin. It was like being taken back 100 years to when music was pure and the artists were not shameless social media “stars” . I think we are looking at a transformation away from big dare I say overpriced concert halls to smaller more affordable venues. All caused by the SCAMDEMIC but maybe inevitable. Starting with opera!
Growing up as a young Juilliard student in the late 1970's the Cleveland Orchestra with George Szell was considered one of the top 3 orchestras in the US and among the greatest in the world. But Cleveland, like many former "rust belt" cities has suffered a lot economically and it seems, from what you wrote, to be increasingly out of touch with its loyal subscription base. It is depressing and revealing that they would program a Movie Night for the opening night of the season! It seems fewer and fewer people can relate to the message of classical music; which is incredibly diverse and spans centuries - but the common factor is that it requires listeners to be quietly absorb the music in more of a cerebral way, without manifesting physically, ie, by standing up and moving one's arms or dancing or singing along .
Yes - inner movement.
One desperate attempt to fill empty seats came at the very last minute on “sweetest day” last year where tickets were offered at 15% off along with a bag of CANDY and the program featured a romantic work by someone named Al-Zand called LAMENTATIONS ON THE DISASTERS OF WAR. The orchestra also fired the brilliant concert master William Preceuil for some Me Too BS and after 5 years replaced him with some total nonentity. George Szell is turning over in his grave.
Wow that’s wonderful….how lovely for you! ~~~ a reasoned leadership in a greatly needed outlet, for uplifting music during difficult times. How great would it be, have been, for throngs to enjoy such peace and encouragement without the grief. Think of how many would have spent good money for concerts and such when discouragement loomed around them. ~~~Wonder how many maestros and theater owners shared with others around who were cowed by their city leaders What a difference they could have made
I founded the Saint Thomas Orchestra in Mamaroneck, NY (www.storchestra.org) and for over 18 years I led the orchestra as the Music Director and built it into one of the best community orchestras in Westchester County. Last year, because i refused to take "it", the board removed me entirely from any role in the orchestra. This is a group that I founded all by myself in 2002 from zero, funded it by myself in the early years and thru dint of very hard work - year after year - built into a group of 75 - of whom many are conservatory trained music teachers. Over the years, we performed Mahler, Brahms, Shostakovich symphonies, some world premieres and many ambitious and wonderful programs with great soloists, including the late Stanley Drucker, former principal clarinet of the NY Phil. This kind of betrayal is hard to take, but I am gradually letting go and planning something new.
Woah - thanks for the comment. I know exactly what Shostakovich, one of my favourites, would've thought of THAT kind of treatment! It's what we saw in the country of my birth after all, the former Soviet Union, denunciations and all that. Only one religion could be allowed, you see: the religion of "pure" atheistic art dedicated to St. Stalin, of course!
I've heard Shostakovich always was ready for the KGB to knock on his door and spirit him away. We performed his 5th Symphony a few years before covid. I've read that his 5th Symphony was very well received by both the general public and the Stalinist musical "experts". I've heard people say that Shostakovich buried subversive musical messages within the symphony, but those messages apparently managed to avoid being discovered by the "musical experts". In any event, music and its perception and "meaning" are so inherently subjective. The symphony ends with a wonderful prolonged triumphant section which reminds me of the end of Mahler 1st Symphony.
Yes, saw it performed here in Toronto this year in fact. My all-time fave from his body of work was always Symphony No. 13 - - you have to find a good recording of it to enjoy it. Gives me chills every time. Poems by Yevtushenko set to music.
wow...I've heard of the 13th Symphony but never actually listened to it! I'll check it out. I recognize Yevtushenko's name. thanks for the tip!
It was his Sym #4 that brought him closest to the "knock on the door" - Stalin himself had criticized it. The fifth was written in that context; I had long thought it to be rather dull and "safe" but quite revised those views after an audition early this year - it is a very fine work.
And how very impressive for a community orchestra to attempt any Shostakovitch symphony! A tribute to them and to you. Best of luck sir.
I didn't know that about his 4th Symphony. I'll have to give it a listen to see why it upset Stalin. Performing the 5th Symphony was certainly ambitious for any community orchestra but we had a number of well trained players leading the sections and very good amateurs supporting them in the ranks. Thanks for your kind words!
That is so shocking and horrifying they took away your orchestra. WHO makes these evil insane decisions all based on non compliance for that quackzene which is killing people. And it IS and those of us refused to participate in this modern day Milgram experiment will have the last laugh
It is disturbing indeed but I count my blessings. My family and I remain very healthy on the other side of Covidmania; probably because we all stayed away from experimental gene therapies. It's funny: I spent over 18 years of my life founding, funding and developing the Saint Thomas Orchestra and devoted countless hours to the group, but when the time came to decide whether to get the vax or to give up my orchestra, the decision was very easy, obvious and instantaneous, and I don't regret it at all.
So sorry to hear that. Wow.
I wonder how long before they ask you back.
(Hospitals are now asking (pleading?) for nurses that they fired.)
Best of luck to you.
I'm so sorry for your pain. That makes me so angry. All the work you put into such a beautiful thing. One day you may get it back. I don't know what our world will look like but music will always be needed.
Thanks Liz. I had a very delayed and emotional reaction to it all but I have been gradually distancing myself these feelings and hoping to start something new!
I’m so sorry that happened to you. I hope something good can come out of it, some sort of healing or something new that will continue to bring music and joy to people, in a different route
Thanks for your kind wishes Jane. something will work out I'm sure.........
Bernard - thanks for your comment. I have a degree in classical guitar and I'm in NY state. I will look out for your new venture. Best to you.
thank you Rebecca. About 10-12 years ago, we had the honor to premiere the Concierto Rapsodico by Jorge Morel with Jorge Caballero as soloist. Maestro Morel came to the performances and seemed pleased. It was a very good piece! I remember some of the rhythms were challenging to get across!
💕Thanks so much for this comment. I saw Jorge Morel perform years ago at Mannes. Your comments made me recall a lot of music I need to listen to again.
The silence is hard to take.
With in the span of a few months five people that touch me in some way.. FB, family of friend, etc, one being a very close friend all got sudden brain cancer.. all have passed. :(
I am so so sorry. Yes, I also have lost friends. Siblings won’t acknowledge concerns so I am poised to hear something one day, but can’t do anything. I don’t know how many lots were just placebo, if that, but…..the evil in their hearts is not to be believed. Their time will come
its so evil there are almost no words to describe it. Pretty sure that was done by design too. Also, I'm pretty sure its only the politicians that got placebo or saline.. Us low life's down here in the low lands are just experimental rats. My soul weeps. :(
The list of sick politicians is growing. They got something in their shot. Senators, Feinstein, Fetterman, maybe McConnell. Senator Lujan had something last year. Also, NJ Lt governor just died this last week or so. She did get the shot. A state senator in AL is sick. Oh, and that House Rep's daughter who died in her sleep last year. She and her family were vaxxed I believe. But there was no mandate for Congress to take it. And the same for many alphabet govt agencies.
I suppose some are sacrificial !! That would make sense !
I'm sorry for your losses and thank you for sharing that. I hope you're doing ok. <3
Thank you.. I am fine.. In a very sad way I have come to expect hearing bad news almost daily..
I think self care is SO critical right now - and of course being with others who are also in the know.
So true Zoe. Coming here keeps me sane. I live in a small village (really small ), in the north of Italy and sometimes it feels very lonely. Every morning I log on here and breathe a sigh of relief that I'm not crazy or paranoid. All my family (except one son 😟), did NOT take the jabs. People here are dropping like flies. The latest is the father of my son's best friend. Just dropped this weekend at 56. (his wife told us he had no health problems).
I'm not a strong person (mentally) and if the last 3 years have taught me anything, it's to take care of me and my family and the rest can bugger off ! Have a nice Sunday x
I've visited the north of Italy, very beautiful (my family is all from Abruzzo, but my brother lived in Vicenza for a while). I feel about the same as you. It saddens me to hear of all the deaths in Italy. For a while I was contributing to Prof. Miller's sudden deaths, covered Italy. I had to take a break due to too much stress in my life. Anyway, thanks.
The toxic Covid jabs have led to the disaster. Sadly, hundreds of millions will die. The tsunami of suffering and deaths has just started and will gain momentum very soon. A tsunami means thousands will drop dead daily, find out about turbo cancers, myocarditis, etc. The funeral homes will not be able to cope...maybe the army has to dig mass graves. It is coming...
And just like hospitals got extra money for putting patients on the Covid protocols insurances and big pharma are making huge amounts of money treating everyone who has been injured by the jabs. Then banks will take people’s homes for pennies on the dollar after they declare bankruptcy because of their medical debts.
The mind cannot imagine
Veterans have been killing themselves since Vietnam and now it’s up to 30 a day up from 22 after the Iraq War. But notice that neither congress or the media is talking about this epidemic of death. Nope we only hear about how many people are dying from the Rona.
Agreed...the US military is already dying...suicides, depression, Covid jab effects, cancer. I am waiting for news as to when Lloyd Austin will collapse with myocardiac problems. That is if he has taken the real Covid injection.
And still they won't connect the dots.
I can’t imagine what they must be going through. Playing Russian roulette without any winner. Being part of the “in crowd” isn’t always the smartest move.
Well put.
The concern I've had from the beginning is; what on earth do we say to those poor unfortunates who lined up and took the jab, now that we know it was deadly.
For everyone that gets angry and upset when we suspect the covid shots are the culprit, remind them that public health authorities are still telling everyone to get their covid shots. All these people coming out with cancers and health problems since 2021 are immune compromised and the recommendations to get vaxxed are even stronger for them.
With booster uptake now around 15%, everybody KNOWS something is wrong with the shots. Their anger is misdirected coming at the minority publicly voicing concerns.
Yes my neighborhood Walmart posts the vacs available for anything you need, get your groceries and stop by. Yuk
Everyone to a person, believed those two Damming Words; "Safe & Effective" now regretting, and angry at their choices, lawsuits? But they may pass away, before any Legal actions happen...
Even Sam Harris refuses to do any more Schizer Shots. Still thinks they should be mandatory for everyone else.
That's an example of the sort of mindset you're dealing with here. A lot of them can't regret what they can't yet comprehend.
The vaxxed are unable to sue. The manufacturers have protection from liability.
Safe and effective has become sudden and unexpected.
Goodness elderly is now considered 54 wow. Elderly hiker of 54. 🤔 old age will be a thing of the past in the next generation.
and what about the ones of 17/19/21 year etc, that are all dying of natural causes 😨 . Sorry , but since when do young people die of natural causes. Makes my blood boil
Ha, I missed that. Interesting thought about the aged. What age will aged be?
Cognitive dissonance is real
Thank you Mark for the informative work you do. You are a true TRUTH Warrior & I believe have earned your wings this lifetime ..
There actually is a cure for cancer. Combining Ivermectin
and Fenbenzadol (sp?)
You d the ‘elites’ will let it be prescribed.
Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, plus baking soda and ascorbic acid--see 2nd Smartest Guy in the World
I need to be a better editor of my comments
It's beyond Sad, the number of "Sheep"believing the Govt. BS.
Urine Therapy will cure all of them...up to them to give it a try and connect with UT devotees. Cancer is not curable despite all the chemo, radiation and toxic pallative treatment. Survival rate for all the above is low given the diagnosis. Only urine can achieve a turnaround. It has been used for 5,000 years.
Cancer is cureable and the medical cartel has suppressed all potential cures tokeep the money machine going. Please read this long article: ahealedplanet.net it is the history but more importantly how the most intelligient scientists were vilified, even killed in some cases. The only thing that the attack treatments of cancer does is shorten your life. It is in the blood, it is not the tumour, that is why after treatment it turns up in another part of the body.
Fantastic...I have saved it for further studies. I am very keen on cancer cures by natural and alternative therapies. I do not have cancer and am on ancient autotherapy that has kept me disease free for 25 years plus.
Someone on Substack put the link up, I have it in my browser and read a bit every day, it is very long and a lot to take it. A neighbour told me yesterday he got treated by Rife's method and cured lyme disease. Well done with your health, I never get sick either, not even a sniffle, I put it down to eating lots of fruit, plant diet (only wholefoods), home grown raw leafy greens, staying away from anything chemical in or on my body, and staying away from anything the medical cartel has on offer. I also follow Anthony Williams the medical medium protocol and have celery juice each morning when I get up before anything else and detox using his heavy metal detox if I feel I have been exposed to something and get a tickle in my throat or in my sinuses. You can also use zinc spray but I have not done that. I do sometimes use Olive Leaf extract.
Fully agreed. Plenty of ways to achieve good health via diet, exercise, sunshine and a positive outlook in life. Well done...keep it going.
I would not, pharma drugs have heavy metals and other nasties.
Dennis Scott is a comedian, she occasionally appears on The Project (a very woke show) and so do many other celebrities. Awesome lady but unfortunately fell for the lies or also I think many of the TV presenters were coerced. All the major TV stations in Australia pushed the vax like crazy. Even Comedians would make jokes of the unvaxed, it was insane and still is.
Doctors, nurses and other medical personnel will be wiped out. They took the jabs and this is now Year 3...the long term deadly effects of spike proteins and graphene oxide will be showing up en-masse. With the medical community decimated, who will treat patients?
In Australia they are importing nurses and also rushing through training for graduates to replace years of experienced nurses. My friend is a nurse and she is facing resigning because she had two jabs and refuses anymore. Over 30 years experience lost. It is a shambles. Some caring politicians are trying to get the mandates for health care workers stopped, but it is unlikely because so many more politicians have investments in big pharma.