Double mastectomy recommended for stage 0 cancer?? I’d never heard of Stage 0 before Sasha reported it about Kat Timpf. They never miss opportunities to expand their library of scams.

A lot of serious conditions, yet again, for relatively young people. I pray for their full recovery.

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it does not even prevent the cancer from coming back. It is absurd. I hope she chooses to keep her god given breasts ! I know of several who had a mastectomy and still died.

As to the shingles vaccine. A friend took it, said the injections were very painful, and 2 weeks later had shingles. Make sure you get the one that can not give you shingles as hers did.

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That's what I was going to say! It's ridiculous. Too bad she'll never know that ivermectin and fenbendazole could most likely wipe out her cancer very quickly. I know of two guys, one who cured his prostate cancer, and the other his pancreatic cancer, by taking them.

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Switzerland has now banned mammograms due to their reoccurring false positives and unnecessary distress; expand that to other 'cancers' or PSA tests and the number of folk who got wholly unnecessary surgeries and would have died of other cause is alarming.

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The official explanation is weak, Arakawa died of a rare (1 death/year) virus a week before Hackman, he rambled around the house for a week before dying. She got sick (it comes on like the flu) and didn't call anyone? No one stopped in, no cleaning people, servants, no kids called? Suspicious, putting it mildly.

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she was terrified of "COVID"... so they were both vaxxed...and now BOTH ARE DEAD

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KAT shouldn’t have taken the shot. That’s why she got Breast Cancer. What has the baby gotten from the shot.

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Do you have proof/evidence she took the jab? Because I don't think she did - she's pretty anti-Fauci/Covid/gub'ment crap...

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I distinctly remember her saying on Gutfeld that she took it.

To keep that fat fox check coming!

The love of money......

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Experts/doctors/scientists are baffled.........

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This is also called "head up your backside"!!

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It's almost unbearable to witness these cancer diagnoses.

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and to think how many people donate to all kind of cancer foundations. Do they even wonder what happens with the money? no cures are offered even though there are several. Imagine, these foundations would go out of 'business' if they offered a cure.

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How many billions of dollars have been raised for breast cancer over the last 30 years??? AND NO CURE!!! Such a scam.

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People amaze me how they think we do not associate THEM as dishonest at this very late stage!

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Yes my friend used to be a nurse, her son was vaccine injured (autism) so she’s dedicated herself ever since to researching all she can, getting vaccine inserts, is part of many childhood vaccines parent groups and says the shingles “vaccine” causes the shingles not having the chicken pox as a child as we were told!

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Exactly… and the last woman in particular, how disingenuous of her to discredit people opposed to vaccinations while in the same breath encouraging everyone to go out and get the shingles shot because she is in so much pain. What a crock!

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I bet she got the shingles from the shingles jab.

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Not sure but I think the new shingles shot is made one MRNA platform.

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Yes you are correct, you can go to your pharmacist and ask for the insert to see for yourself.

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I suggest the stage 0 cancer patient needs a second opinion. Regarding shingles, I had shingles when I was in my mid 40's. It was just the onset. I went to the doctor and was given an antiviral pill and ithe singles dissappeared, but I was still freaked out about having shingles and afraid of getting it again. When the shingles vaccine came out I was about 55 and ran as fast as I could to get the vaccine as advertised on the drug store sign. They said I couldn't get the vaccine until I was 60, unless my doctor authorized it. I called my doctor immediately and she said I have immunity and don't need the vaccine. So glad they wouldn't give it to me. besides, if I did happen to get shingles again, I know the antivirals work perfectly if you catch it early. Nowadays I suppose they would give the shingles vaccine to babies and anyone that wants it. Beware the vaccines.

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I wonder if the recent terrible deaths of Mr. & Mrs. Gene Hackman involved the bio-weapon shots. It seems Mrs. Hackman was much younger and "took care of him" including healthy eating. Is it possible that they were misled into thinking the bio-weapon shots were "healthy" with catastrophic results? I always likes Mr. Hackman's work and feel he deserved a better end than to be murdered by his government.

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Kat needs a second opinion

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Are they any good physicians left? Or have they all gone the way of the “bad cop”? Listen to Turfseer’s country music hit GOOD COP BAD COP. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/good-cop-bad-cop

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