"...nothing in the mainstream media. I understand they're corrupt, but so many people in that industry, so many alarming things happening, and this isn't front page news, a national and international emergency." It is almost like people in the media are robots saying what their programmers tell them to say. The other day I turned on the …
"...nothing in the mainstream media. I understand they're corrupt, but so many people in that industry, so many alarming things happening, and this isn't front page news, a national and international emergency." It is almost like people in the media are robots saying what their programmers tell them to say. The other day I turned on the news, and all three news channels (I channel flipped) were saying the exact same thing - chastising people for not getting "boosted" and telling them to get boosted again. It was a surreal moment.
"...nothing in the mainstream media. I understand they're corrupt, but so many people in that industry, so many alarming things happening, and this isn't front page news, a national and international emergency." It is almost like people in the media are robots saying what their programmers tell them to say. The other day I turned on the news, and all three news channels (I channel flipped) were saying the exact same thing - chastising people for not getting "boosted" and telling them to get boosted again. It was a surreal moment.
Welcome to the Great Reset.
Robotic control?
Must see https://www.globalresearch.ca/video-the-purposes-of-vaccination-eugenics-depopulation-behavior-control/5787301