I just can't get over the stories and videos of otherwise healthy people just dropping dead, this sort of embalmer testimony, and the horrific stats about the decline in birthrates, and there's nothing, nothing in the mainstream media. I understand they're corrupt, but so many people in that industry, so many alarming things happening, and this isn't front page news, a national and international emergency?!?
"...nothing in the mainstream media. I understand they're corrupt, but so many people in that industry, so many alarming things happening, and this isn't front page news, a national and international emergency." It is almost like people in the media are robots saying what their programmers tell them to say. The other day I turned on the news, and all three news channels (I channel flipped) were saying the exact same thing - chastising people for not getting "boosted" and telling them to get boosted again. It was a surreal moment.
Yes, John O'Looney talks about the same thing you do (and I do) ... the number of people who know what is going on - who are "complicit" - and who do nothing ... is simply mind-boggling. What we have here is a conspiracy to cover-up the truth involving MILLIONS of people and hundreds of "trusted" organizations.
Human nature simply will not acknowledge those who we trust can also hurt us. This is why betrayal brings about such a heated response in those betrayed, once it has been painfully acknowledged.
Cognitive Dissonance is real & folks will not willingly breach that border of their souls. Denial is immediate; a knee-jerk reaction against accepting painful reality. Right now, hoping against hope is all they have left.
Yes. It’s actually brilliant. There are incentives from every angle to stay mum: financial, social, and even common sense- if I took the shots it might not be in my best emotional interest to understand that I may have a ticking time bomb. There are SO many reasons to be blind.
2) The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gave over $300 million dollars to the Media prior to/during the plandemic. Bill Gates invested in Moderna and is a globohomo "vaccine" fetishist.
Robert Kennedy Jr. gave that estimate of of 70% ad revenue for the media from the pharma industry. I don't know where he got that. The first link below seems to support it though:
In any case, we can safely assume that the Media gets a major portion of their ad revenue from pharma. These videos show many examples of news programs being sponsored by a pharmaceutical company:
Ty Sir, that was very thorough. Much appreciated :).
I am going to be giving a talk in the next month or so. I have most of the past content down, and am working on current content. (latest developments, etc.). Also I had not been following this particular subject, will be including it in some form. Wanted to get a sense of the degree of vetting.
Have already copied your original references and will copy these as well. :)
And if there are any that see a bit to start looking, they opt to protect their jobs. Really does bring home a truth occasionally heard when I was young. You don't go into debt to live the life you want ... ever.
if you understand that they are all subsidiaries of or receive donations from Blackrock / Vanguard, then it "makes sense" that they only report certain things and/or avoid reporting other things. As a whole, TV "programming" has done more to shape societies than any other technological invention. Here is more proof that "they" knew about the hypnotic aspects to TV since the 1940s
Yes, the white clots are being called amyloid plaques by some.
My sister and first cousin died of ALS and my mother died of Alzheimer’s, both of which are neurodegenerative diseases. One of the main reasons I avoided the jab. But how did I know this in April 2021? Because I was reading the dissidents on Twitter at that time. Before they were silenced. Underscores the importance of free speech platforms like Substack, Gab and Gettr.
My limited experience with educated affluent vaccinated people is when shown evidence they instantly deny it and futility is pursuing the conversation.
"Besides, think what it would be like to hear you've basically killed yourself..."
I'm in this position. I took two shots before realising what was going on (I'm 70 so was early on the list - i.e. there wasn't much info about adverse reactions at that point - AND I listened to my brainwashed doctor husband, who reckoned the vaxxes were safe). But once I knew the truth I knew it and couldn't un-know it. My older brother, on the other hand, is an academic and can't be de-programmed. He doesn't listen to the evidence and argue against it - he just refuses to listen to any of it. I don't get it. I have lost friends, because of speaking about it. And lost other friends to heart attacks since the vaxxes. Spare a thought for those of us who have the worst of both worlds. :-)
When it's my turn for the heart attack, I want to go out with a clear conscience, knowing I at least spoke out.
Believe me, I have plenty of sadness in thoughts for those of you in this mess... I'm so sorry for your dilemma. My family is five of us, and they're all jabbed but me, and while my parents don't think ill of me (perhaps they might think I'm silly or "born against the weather," as my mom put it, my two brothers are angry, punishing, and very, very adamant that I am a threat, to them, to my parents. But they believe in the "vax"!!
I, too, have lost many friends, some of them very dear and old-time friends, and it's very painful that they think of me with loathing now... It's not been easy for ANYBODY, I'm sure of that. But I think we need to try and forgive each other and work together to try and make this a time of learning and of HOPE and of making sense of what is good and worth working toward...
There is no real logic to any of it, it is a mindset born of Fear and Panic, drawn out over time... Mattias Desmet, the Belgian Professor of Psychology-- you've maybe heard of him-- calls this mindset "Mass Formation," a kind of psychosis.
You may never suffer any effects of this inoculation. Some of them were saline, apparently. All I can say is, this is not your fault, it's not my fault, it's not the People's fault, it's the very evil men behind all this, it's their fault.
If I could tell you a way to ensure that you escape any bad effects, I would do so. But I do think that there is hope, that the human body is an amazing thing, and the human brain is, too-- and it's possible that some of these brilliant expert types will find a way to mitigate.
If not, all I can say is what I believe, which is that there is nothing to fear from death. We and our Universe are made from LOVE, and LOVE will take us home.
May you find peace and comfort before that time. I mean that with all my heart.
Thank you - you are very kind. Yes, I'm familiar with Matthias D. I'm reading his book at the moment. I reconciled myself to whatever is going to happen to me a long time ago. What traumatises me is my children, who listened to me warn them - and didn't even entirely disbelieve it - but went ahead and took the vaxx anyway. I was horrified. I knew it was too late for me, but I thought I was warning them in time.
Also I have a grandchild of almost 10. He could lose both his parents by the time he's 12 and be left to the mercy of the ghouls behind this. Compared to that, myself slipping away with a heart attack is nothing. I tell myself that if God has something he wants me to do, he'll keep me around a bit longer - and if he hasn't, then I'll go when it's my time. I am traumatised by the thought of all the children who will be left to the mercy of these people, including my little nephews and nieces, whose parents are also vaxxed. I asked my brother to forward just one link to his 3 kids, who all have children - it was an extract from one of Senator Ron Johnson's hearings. I don't think he sent it and I am finding it increasingly difficult to forgive him for that.
I am hoping that the unvaxxed who get through this will each look out for some of the orphans, including my grandson, if it comes to that.
At least in the UK we've never had people asking other people about their vaxx status before they'd go to see them, which seems to be a big thing in the US and in other parts of Europe (also Canada and Australia).
I'm dealing with my own family... psychopath brother and quite elderly parents having to endure his and the other brother's attack on me legally, to get control of their money... Geezuz. Well, I'm surprised I have any kindness, but I won't surrender it, I won't succumb to hatred.
I'm a very young 61 and I will take in kids, and do the best I can. Right now I'm not able to get much work, so maybe that can get better first! Oh man, what a time to be alive, eh? Best, my sister, to you. xo xo
This eejit had covid, so had natural immunity, but got vaccinated anyway. So we start with an understanding of science that wouldn't be out of place in primary school. And now he's hurt and astonished because those anti-science 'anti-vaxxers' are having a go at him. Oh, dear. No facts in the article, of course, just 'misinformation' blah blah, 'anti-vaxxer' blah blah ... And the comments are mostly just as bad.
Good for you. I would expect people would listen to you about the dangers since you, yourself, got the shots. Obviously some have their heads deep in the sand. I’m hoping you will be okay. Not everyone is having bad reactions.
Thank you, Deenzy. I know I got at least one that was the real McCoy, because I was feverish overnight and zonked out the next day after the first AZ! I'm really quite serene about my prospects, but it adds insult to injury that pushing against the ubiquitous (and sometimes really quite stupid) lies is like wading through treacle.
I searched the site, and found the second item talked about how the site was full of "misinformation." So, I went there.
They DO have a "photo" of the "SARS COV II virus" which I find to be difficult to consider valid. I tend to agree with Dr's Cowan, Bailey, and Kaufman (and others) that explain the "isolation" procedures used for viruses (IF that's what they actually ARE, and not exosomes, or other things), and these photos are more likely computer-generated IDEAS about what something-or-other looks like... But people like a scary visual, so...
The list of detox suggestions seem sound enough...
I've learned to question EVERYTHING... ^_^ Thank you, anyway, it seems decent info.
Okay, went there... I'll maybe need to look into that site more, but I might not bother... I can't feel too hopeful about a site that has FIRST THING the idea of masking because "I mask, I care" or whatever they're saying. And I don't like steroids, either... Well, not your fault! Thanks!
I can understand that the vaxxed would be in denial about how bad it may be for themselves, but how can they be in such deep denial that they continue to try to get others to take it, too?
Well, this is my take: They are desperately terrified. They need confirmation that they're safe, and that they're doing the right thing. If we disagree or contradict, it shatters their entire existence. They cannot allow it. It's a kind of psychosis. It's like deep, deep terror.
Yes though I would think after getting "mild" Covid one would take interest. Or the endless boosters should be a tell. Denial is a survival mechanism for emotions. Until it is not.
Man... This whole thing is so incredibly cruel, so EVIL. It's just beyond anything we've ever seen on the scale, and the closest thing we can get to it is Nazi Death Camps... It's understandable that people can't believe anyone could do this... It's INSANE, for sure. I really do see how it would be unbelievable! But you know, I went along for about a month or so... When I heard a doctor saying he was prescribing HCQ and then it was TAKEN OFF THE SHELVES, he couldn't get it... that's what broke my sleep pattern right there.
I will say you do present an interesting perspective. The part about the "spent fuel ponds" could be more descriptive. Particularly because it's one of the few claims you make that isn't cited and a claim like that definitely needs a source(s). The other idea that could use refining is in regards to energy uses. Oil isn't the only source of energy we use such as nuclear. Not to mention the fringe energy that is hidden or suppressed such as thorium salt and over-unity systems. The folks behind the curtain know well enough we are not, in fact, running out of cheap energy.
I've had long conversations with a friend who is PhD in a scientific field. I got her to accept that government officials are corrupted by money, big pharma only cares about profits, science/ academic studies are often flawed and biased, ...yet I couldn't get her to cross the chasm into seeing that the vaccines are unsafe and ineffective. She believes that jabs are necessary for the greater good and covid poses a bigger threat. Some people just can't connect the dots. I would love to learn how to get through to such people. I think education equals indoctrination these days and higher education often leads to more specialization which removes common sense.
While I understand that you're coming from a place of frustration, that statement is too close to the "hackable animals" dehumanization that our enemies want us. I refuse to give our enemies the satisfaction. They want to strip us of our humanity.
At the end of the day, these are our loved ones. If she wasn't someone I cared about, I wouldn't have spent so much time trying to show her the truth. I'm not giving up yet. I believe that we all have our sphere of influence. If each of us redpills 5 people, and those 5 people redpill 5 more people each.... And on and on it goes. Pretty soon we'd reach the whole world. Right? Right?
No, I think it's very easy to just jump to "they're idiots." They're NOT idiots, not all of them, anyway. So that explanation doesn't fit. If we look into psychology, however, there are plausible explanations. I'm sure by now you've heard of Mattias Desmet, whose explanation of this phenomenon we're seeing is called "Mass Formation," a kind of psychosis born out of a terror of such magnitude that it is next to impossible for the victim to consider an alternative.
My translation, if you will, of his theory is that when a way of thinking about reality is so threatening to the psyche that accepting it would mean, to the victim, that EVERYTHING they know and trust would swept away, leaving them utterly defenseless, like a little lamb standing in a circle of wolves, and everything they believe seems to be under threat of also being swept away... A threat of such ISOLATION and VULNERABILITY, that the idea, just the IDEA, of being in such a perilous place is completely beyond their ability to consider it. They are, in a word, PETRIFIED. They cannot move. Like the "deer in the headlights." Opening that door means removing the "armor" they are wearing, which is simply a refusal to look at the thing that could kill them. It's SHEER TERROR.
That's my take, and because I think that's at the root of the problem, I have compassion for these people, as ugly and nasty as they are able to be, I feel that underneath that defensive stance is sheer terror, and so I cannot hate them. Be annoyed with them, yeah, okay. But... do they "deserve" what they get? I don't think so. That would mean that terrifying someone enough to put them in that state isn't the real issue, and by God, I think it IS the real issue. I blame the culprits behind all this terror, not the terrorized.
"That would mean that terrifying someone enough to put them in that state isn't the real issue, and by God, I think it IS the real issue. I blame the culprits behind all this terror, not the terrorized."
I think we need to keep our heart fires burning. Otherwise, they will grow cold and hard.
I am named for John Lennon, SELF-NAMED, because as flawed (hurt, damaged, whatever word suits us) as he was (are we not all of us flawed?), he was connected to Wisdom. And he spoke it, he sang it, he tried to live it. He was an inspiration to so many, and he had a way of saying things that touched us in our hearts.
"Love is the answer, and you know that, for sure... Love is all you need."
I would have thought this insane a year ago & assumed that serious vax injuries & sudden deaths of family & friends would jolt people out of their mind controlled state but I’ve seen first hand a good friend whose father in law got blood clots in chest & was lucky to survive & young healthy brother in law got myocarditis & was also lucky to survive but he still can’t put 2 & 2 together. I am now doubtful a third event will wake him up 🤯
It's sad that as human beings who can read, we can't learn from other people's mistakes just by reading about them. We have to wait until tragedy knocks on our front doors for us to reconsider our beliefs.
Maybe sometimes we can. But we are human beings, not GODS. We have things to learn. We have vulnerabilities and frailties, and we are seeing some of these things very clearly these days... This is part of learning how to protect ourselves and the vulnerable. This is a HUGE lesson in that. Because we've allowed predatory people to get to this point... over many thousands of years... It's time for us to evolve, and maybe evolution doesn't come without a NEED. Maybe we have to be harmed to learn how to protect what is sacred.
Yeah, it's mind-boggling. And these folks have had their minds boggled. It's nothing to do with logic, or rational thought, or being able to see any kind of pattern...
I liken it to a sort of Losing Your Religion thing... As in, "If I let that tiny little crack in the door, then it's gonna swing WIDE OPEN and wipe out my entire world that I thought I knew. I just can't handle that, the floor would be GONE!!!"
It's a kind of paralyzing FEAR. I've seen many, many very intelligent, educated and reasonable people just go blank in the head. It's truly bizarre to watch! But the tenacity that is often such a good thing can sure be a detriment with this kind of stuff... Wow. It's amazing to observe.
it sure is. We are living through an apocalypse (in the real meaning of the word) & hardly anyone seems to realise. Being awake to what’s happening in a sea of NPC’s is a truly surreal experience. It’s so nice when I occasionally come across another awakened soul in my everyday life, it’s usually via a single word or phrase that alerts you that they get what’s going on & then a wonderful conversation ensues. I often wonder how many of us there are and I’m guessing maybe 5% tops?
Oh, no, I think it's FAR more than that. But as we're punished for speaking out, it's suppressed. I think a LOT of people are waiting for the release of this censorship, and for the Truth to come bursting out like a tidal wave. I think that will happen, too.
Here's one thing to look forward to: Leslie Manookian started a foundation called The Health Freedom Defense Fund. She has hired attorney George R. Wentz, working with the Super Hero David E. Martin, a Mighty Force all by himself, and they are bringing a FEDERAL case in Utah, oral arguments to start on July 6th, to bring down the Covid Fraud. Oh, boy, I can't wait. If anyone can kick these psychopath genocidal monsters' ass, it'll be David Martin. I love these people!!
But it's going to take a while to clean up this MESS. And to fix all the things that have been allowed to grow and fester, and to create the kind of world we all deserve... I hope I'm alive to at least see that in progress... Because I know it's coming. xo
I don't think it's "hopium," but if it is, we're all done.
But no, this isn't "hope" at all, it's TRUST. Some might call it "faith." It's hard to explain, but it's a deep feeling, in my "bones," and I trust that feeling. There's no question, for me. HOW and WHEN are the questions.
This embalmer lives 60 miles from me in Dothan, Alabama. I sent a link of this interview to four reporters and one editor of al.com (the biggest news organization in Alabama) and asked all of them, "Why don't you interview this man? See if you can confirm what he is saying ..."
Good on you Bill. Nobody wants to rock the boat. I’m sick and tired of the arrant cowardice. Have you also seen a Rumble interview with a US woman embalmer? I didn’t keep the link. She had extracted the same stuff. There are so many different harmful components in these poison arrows that it’s difficult to make a complete picture.
Mike Adams of Natural News is working with US embalmer Richard Hirschman on analyzing these structures. He hasn't come out with any announcements yet. His initial review was a few weeks ago.
And at the end: fear is the virus, courage is the cure.
We've been played. It seems like more than the WEF. The governments have been taken over by who? It looks like a top-down job. I doubt pharma by itself could have achieved this. In America, at least, we're back to circuses. Distraction as an art form. Intimidate the truth-tellers. To hell with the sanctity of life, let the abortion conflict obscure the larger issue. Courage!
They do get it.......that's why they are pushing...they are trying to keep the sheep herded....I now believe they don't give a flying, you-know-what about us....they are trying to keep their followers and base from leaving the CULT.....they have given up on us LONG time ago....they are worried that we are getting through to their customers and don't want to lose them to our side.....they are now doing this only for the conformists....believe me....stop thinking about us...yes, this craziness affects us with possible mandates, lockdowns, masking policies BUT it's to keep the others corralled...they know that people are turning and they are effin freaking out......I, 100% believe and know this....my marketing background is coming in super handy now in seeing their propaganda unfold.....we are no longer their focus group......rise up, people...... words matter so start using the right ones....we need to start talking about this as cult mentality and we need to save some from themselves and the cult....we have to use the same tools to help as many as possible to escape..... let's change our thinking....
How do I know if I'm in a cult?
People who contradict the group are viewed as persecutors and are often given labels like “anti,” “apostate,” or “suppressive person.” Members are discouraged from consuming any material that is critical of the group. If you can't think of a legitimate reason for leaving your group, you're probably in a cult..... https://medium.com/@zelphontheshelf/10-signs-youre-probably-in-a-cult-1921eb5a3857
Brother Bugnolo of from Rome figured out there is a hydra involved a little octopus creature. Also a polish guy said this and other undertakers found white stuff.
Von der Leyen seemed very in bed with Burla of Pfizer and we saw her doing the Ankh sign with her arms. She has old ties to the silk industry. They knew how to make animals produce silk. Also it was said by undertakers they got like still alive stuff out of corpses. I think geneticaly altered hydra plus silk cloggs the blood vessels. At least in some charges. The vax was made years before And stored at different places. Sound very James Bond alike but we gotta keep our minds open to survive here.
I am aware of earlier research intended to support tissue regeneration, neural injury healing, chemotherapeutic delivery, and so on. However, I have not seen a report of dissection and analysis of the “fibrous clot-like structures” the morticians are seeing that corroborates what Love says.
I just can't get over the stories and videos of otherwise healthy people just dropping dead, this sort of embalmer testimony, and the horrific stats about the decline in birthrates, and there's nothing, nothing in the mainstream media. I understand they're corrupt, but so many people in that industry, so many alarming things happening, and this isn't front page news, a national and international emergency?!?
"...nothing in the mainstream media. I understand they're corrupt, but so many people in that industry, so many alarming things happening, and this isn't front page news, a national and international emergency." It is almost like people in the media are robots saying what their programmers tell them to say. The other day I turned on the news, and all three news channels (I channel flipped) were saying the exact same thing - chastising people for not getting "boosted" and telling them to get boosted again. It was a surreal moment.
Welcome to the Great Reset.
Robotic control?
Must see https://www.globalresearch.ca/video-the-purposes-of-vaccination-eugenics-depopulation-behavior-control/5787301
Yes, John O'Looney talks about the same thing you do (and I do) ... the number of people who know what is going on - who are "complicit" - and who do nothing ... is simply mind-boggling. What we have here is a conspiracy to cover-up the truth involving MILLIONS of people and hundreds of "trusted" organizations.
Human nature simply will not acknowledge those who we trust can also hurt us. This is why betrayal brings about such a heated response in those betrayed, once it has been painfully acknowledged.
Cognitive Dissonance is real & folks will not willingly breach that border of their souls. Denial is immediate; a knee-jerk reaction against accepting painful reality. Right now, hoping against hope is all they have left.
I've about reached this conclusion: The more people who bought in - who became "stakeholders" - the LESS likely it is that the scam will be exposed.
Yes. It’s actually brilliant. There are incentives from every angle to stay mum: financial, social, and even common sense- if I took the shots it might not be in my best emotional interest to understand that I may have a ticking time bomb. There are SO many reasons to be blind.
Kate, I will try to explain it to you:
1) The government gave the Media $1 billion dollars to promote the COVID-19 "vaccines".
2) The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gave over $300 million dollars to the Media prior to/during the plandemic. Bill Gates invested in Moderna and is a globohomo "vaccine" fetishist.
3) The Media apparently get about 70% of their ad money from the the pharmaceutical industry.
The Media are NEVER going to tell people what is really going on. They are captured and are part of the war against us.
Thank you, there was much of that I didn't know. Helps to explain a lot of things. Would you consider this info to be reasonably vetted?
EDIT: 1) and 2) look like they are. Any thoughts on 3)?
Robert Kennedy Jr. gave that estimate of of 70% ad revenue for the media from the pharma industry. I don't know where he got that. The first link below seems to support it though:
In any case, we can safely assume that the Media gets a major portion of their ad revenue from pharma. These videos show many examples of news programs being sponsored by a pharmaceutical company:
Here is some more or less related information:
Ty Sir, that was very thorough. Much appreciated :).
I am going to be giving a talk in the next month or so. I have most of the past content down, and am working on current content. (latest developments, etc.). Also I had not been following this particular subject, will be including it in some form. Wanted to get a sense of the degree of vetting.
Have already copied your original references and will copy these as well. :)
EDIT: Also subbed to the new newsletter.
And if there are any that see a bit to start looking, they opt to protect their jobs. Really does bring home a truth occasionally heard when I was young. You don't go into debt to live the life you want ... ever.
if you understand that they are all subsidiaries of or receive donations from Blackrock / Vanguard, then it "makes sense" that they only report certain things and/or avoid reporting other things. As a whole, TV "programming" has done more to shape societies than any other technological invention. Here is more proof that "they" knew about the hypnotic aspects to TV since the 1940s
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7ZRmKnkFJA backup https://odysee.com/@truthstreammedia:4/the-media-experimented-with-television:9
Dr. Ryan Cole also discovered this.
Amyloidosis is what Dr. Jessica Rose has noted. The misfolded proteins can also cause neurodegenerative disease.
Yes, the white clots are being called amyloid plaques by some.
My sister and first cousin died of ALS and my mother died of Alzheimer’s, both of which are neurodegenerative diseases. One of the main reasons I avoided the jab. But how did I know this in April 2021? Because I was reading the dissidents on Twitter at that time. Before they were silenced. Underscores the importance of free speech platforms like Substack, Gab and Gettr.
My limited experience with educated affluent vaccinated people is when shown evidence they instantly deny it and futility is pursuing the conversation.
They are brainwashed. Besides, think what it would be like to hear you've basically killed yourself...
But look at Desmet's "Mass Formation," that explains a lot.
"Besides, think what it would be like to hear you've basically killed yourself..."
I'm in this position. I took two shots before realising what was going on (I'm 70 so was early on the list - i.e. there wasn't much info about adverse reactions at that point - AND I listened to my brainwashed doctor husband, who reckoned the vaxxes were safe). But once I knew the truth I knew it and couldn't un-know it. My older brother, on the other hand, is an academic and can't be de-programmed. He doesn't listen to the evidence and argue against it - he just refuses to listen to any of it. I don't get it. I have lost friends, because of speaking about it. And lost other friends to heart attacks since the vaxxes. Spare a thought for those of us who have the worst of both worlds. :-)
When it's my turn for the heart attack, I want to go out with a clear conscience, knowing I at least spoke out.
Believe me, I have plenty of sadness in thoughts for those of you in this mess... I'm so sorry for your dilemma. My family is five of us, and they're all jabbed but me, and while my parents don't think ill of me (perhaps they might think I'm silly or "born against the weather," as my mom put it, my two brothers are angry, punishing, and very, very adamant that I am a threat, to them, to my parents. But they believe in the "vax"!!
I, too, have lost many friends, some of them very dear and old-time friends, and it's very painful that they think of me with loathing now... It's not been easy for ANYBODY, I'm sure of that. But I think we need to try and forgive each other and work together to try and make this a time of learning and of HOPE and of making sense of what is good and worth working toward...
There is no real logic to any of it, it is a mindset born of Fear and Panic, drawn out over time... Mattias Desmet, the Belgian Professor of Psychology-- you've maybe heard of him-- calls this mindset "Mass Formation," a kind of psychosis.
You may never suffer any effects of this inoculation. Some of them were saline, apparently. All I can say is, this is not your fault, it's not my fault, it's not the People's fault, it's the very evil men behind all this, it's their fault.
If I could tell you a way to ensure that you escape any bad effects, I would do so. But I do think that there is hope, that the human body is an amazing thing, and the human brain is, too-- and it's possible that some of these brilliant expert types will find a way to mitigate.
If not, all I can say is what I believe, which is that there is nothing to fear from death. We and our Universe are made from LOVE, and LOVE will take us home.
May you find peace and comfort before that time. I mean that with all my heart.
Thank you - you are very kind. Yes, I'm familiar with Matthias D. I'm reading his book at the moment. I reconciled myself to whatever is going to happen to me a long time ago. What traumatises me is my children, who listened to me warn them - and didn't even entirely disbelieve it - but went ahead and took the vaxx anyway. I was horrified. I knew it was too late for me, but I thought I was warning them in time.
Also I have a grandchild of almost 10. He could lose both his parents by the time he's 12 and be left to the mercy of the ghouls behind this. Compared to that, myself slipping away with a heart attack is nothing. I tell myself that if God has something he wants me to do, he'll keep me around a bit longer - and if he hasn't, then I'll go when it's my time. I am traumatised by the thought of all the children who will be left to the mercy of these people, including my little nephews and nieces, whose parents are also vaxxed. I asked my brother to forward just one link to his 3 kids, who all have children - it was an extract from one of Senator Ron Johnson's hearings. I don't think he sent it and I am finding it increasingly difficult to forgive him for that.
I am hoping that the unvaxxed who get through this will each look out for some of the orphans, including my grandson, if it comes to that.
At least in the UK we've never had people asking other people about their vaxx status before they'd go to see them, which seems to be a big thing in the US and in other parts of Europe (also Canada and Australia).
I'm dealing with my own family... psychopath brother and quite elderly parents having to endure his and the other brother's attack on me legally, to get control of their money... Geezuz. Well, I'm surprised I have any kindness, but I won't surrender it, I won't succumb to hatred.
I'm a very young 61 and I will take in kids, and do the best I can. Right now I'm not able to get much work, so maybe that can get better first! Oh man, what a time to be alive, eh? Best, my sister, to you. xo xo
PS an article from clown world.
This eejit had covid, so had natural immunity, but got vaccinated anyway. So we start with an understanding of science that wouldn't be out of place in primary school. And now he's hurt and astonished because those anti-science 'anti-vaxxers' are having a go at him. Oh, dear. No facts in the article, of course, just 'misinformation' blah blah, 'anti-vaxxer' blah blah ... And the comments are mostly just as bad.
Good for you. I would expect people would listen to you about the dangers since you, yourself, got the shots. Obviously some have their heads deep in the sand. I’m hoping you will be okay. Not everyone is having bad reactions.
Bless you Shiela, I pray you got the benign batches 🙏🏼
Thank you, Deenzy. I know I got at least one that was the real McCoy, because I was feverish overnight and zonked out the next day after the first AZ! I'm really quite serene about my prospects, but it adds insult to injury that pushing against the ubiquitous (and sometimes really quite stupid) lies is like wading through treacle.
The world council for health has a jab detox guide on its website.
Oh, thank you for that!!
I searched the site, and found the second item talked about how the site was full of "misinformation." So, I went there.
They DO have a "photo" of the "SARS COV II virus" which I find to be difficult to consider valid. I tend to agree with Dr's Cowan, Bailey, and Kaufman (and others) that explain the "isolation" procedures used for viruses (IF that's what they actually ARE, and not exosomes, or other things), and these photos are more likely computer-generated IDEAS about what something-or-other looks like... But people like a scary visual, so...
The list of detox suggestions seem sound enough...
I've learned to question EVERYTHING... ^_^ Thank you, anyway, it seems decent info.
Great! Flccc website also has detox info.
Okay, went there... I'll maybe need to look into that site more, but I might not bother... I can't feel too hopeful about a site that has FIRST THING the idea of masking because "I mask, I care" or whatever they're saying. And I don't like steroids, either... Well, not your fault! Thanks!
Thank you. ^_^
The Good doctors will find some mitigation. Hang on!
And theres this. Sorry. 💕
I appreciate your honesty! We truly need more human beings like yourself. Thank you.
I can understand that the vaxxed would be in denial about how bad it may be for themselves, but how can they be in such deep denial that they continue to try to get others to take it, too?
Well, this is my take: They are desperately terrified. They need confirmation that they're safe, and that they're doing the right thing. If we disagree or contradict, it shatters their entire existence. They cannot allow it. It's a kind of psychosis. It's like deep, deep terror.
Yes, I agree.
Yes though I would think after getting "mild" Covid one would take interest. Or the endless boosters should be a tell. Denial is a survival mechanism for emotions. Until it is not.
Man... This whole thing is so incredibly cruel, so EVIL. It's just beyond anything we've ever seen on the scale, and the closest thing we can get to it is Nazi Death Camps... It's understandable that people can't believe anyone could do this... It's INSANE, for sure. I really do see how it would be unbelievable! But you know, I went along for about a month or so... When I heard a doctor saying he was prescribing HCQ and then it was TAKEN OFF THE SHELVES, he couldn't get it... that's what broke my sleep pattern right there.
And the offering of gift cards, donuts etc!
I will say you do present an interesting perspective. The part about the "spent fuel ponds" could be more descriptive. Particularly because it's one of the few claims you make that isn't cited and a claim like that definitely needs a source(s). The other idea that could use refining is in regards to energy uses. Oil isn't the only source of energy we use such as nuclear. Not to mention the fringe energy that is hidden or suppressed such as thorium salt and over-unity systems. The folks behind the curtain know well enough we are not, in fact, running out of cheap energy.
I've had long conversations with a friend who is PhD in a scientific field. I got her to accept that government officials are corrupted by money, big pharma only cares about profits, science/ academic studies are often flawed and biased, ...yet I couldn't get her to cross the chasm into seeing that the vaccines are unsafe and ineffective. She believes that jabs are necessary for the greater good and covid poses a bigger threat. Some people just can't connect the dots. I would love to learn how to get through to such people. I think education equals indoctrination these days and higher education often leads to more specialization which removes common sense.
While I understand that you're coming from a place of frustration, that statement is too close to the "hackable animals" dehumanization that our enemies want us. I refuse to give our enemies the satisfaction. They want to strip us of our humanity.
At the end of the day, these are our loved ones. If she wasn't someone I cared about, I wouldn't have spent so much time trying to show her the truth. I'm not giving up yet. I believe that we all have our sphere of influence. If each of us redpills 5 people, and those 5 people redpill 5 more people each.... And on and on it goes. Pretty soon we'd reach the whole world. Right? Right?
Maybe I'm being too optimistic.
Keep that love in your heart alive, that's what will save us. xo
No, I think it's very easy to just jump to "they're idiots." They're NOT idiots, not all of them, anyway. So that explanation doesn't fit. If we look into psychology, however, there are plausible explanations. I'm sure by now you've heard of Mattias Desmet, whose explanation of this phenomenon we're seeing is called "Mass Formation," a kind of psychosis born out of a terror of such magnitude that it is next to impossible for the victim to consider an alternative.
My translation, if you will, of his theory is that when a way of thinking about reality is so threatening to the psyche that accepting it would mean, to the victim, that EVERYTHING they know and trust would swept away, leaving them utterly defenseless, like a little lamb standing in a circle of wolves, and everything they believe seems to be under threat of also being swept away... A threat of such ISOLATION and VULNERABILITY, that the idea, just the IDEA, of being in such a perilous place is completely beyond their ability to consider it. They are, in a word, PETRIFIED. They cannot move. Like the "deer in the headlights." Opening that door means removing the "armor" they are wearing, which is simply a refusal to look at the thing that could kill them. It's SHEER TERROR.
That's my take, and because I think that's at the root of the problem, I have compassion for these people, as ugly and nasty as they are able to be, I feel that underneath that defensive stance is sheer terror, and so I cannot hate them. Be annoyed with them, yeah, okay. But... do they "deserve" what they get? I don't think so. That would mean that terrifying someone enough to put them in that state isn't the real issue, and by God, I think it IS the real issue. I blame the culprits behind all this terror, not the terrorized.
"That would mean that terrifying someone enough to put them in that state isn't the real issue, and by God, I think it IS the real issue. I blame the culprits behind all this terror, not the terrorized."
💯 Agree.
I thought you would. ^_^
I think we need to keep our heart fires burning. Otherwise, they will grow cold and hard.
I am named for John Lennon, SELF-NAMED, because as flawed (hurt, damaged, whatever word suits us) as he was (are we not all of us flawed?), he was connected to Wisdom. And he spoke it, he sang it, he tried to live it. He was an inspiration to so many, and he had a way of saying things that touched us in our hearts.
"Love is the answer, and you know that, for sure... Love is all you need."
9 times outta ten their response has the word Trump in it.
I saw somewhere that an individual would have to know minimum 3 people either dead or injured before they reconsider their beliefs.
I would have thought this insane a year ago & assumed that serious vax injuries & sudden deaths of family & friends would jolt people out of their mind controlled state but I’ve seen first hand a good friend whose father in law got blood clots in chest & was lucky to survive & young healthy brother in law got myocarditis & was also lucky to survive but he still can’t put 2 & 2 together. I am now doubtful a third event will wake him up 🤯
Depends on the person, most likely... It's like de-programming cult members.
It's sad that as human beings who can read, we can't learn from other people's mistakes just by reading about them. We have to wait until tragedy knocks on our front doors for us to reconsider our beliefs.
Maybe sometimes we can. But we are human beings, not GODS. We have things to learn. We have vulnerabilities and frailties, and we are seeing some of these things very clearly these days... This is part of learning how to protect ourselves and the vulnerable. This is a HUGE lesson in that. Because we've allowed predatory people to get to this point... over many thousands of years... It's time for us to evolve, and maybe evolution doesn't come without a NEED. Maybe we have to be harmed to learn how to protect what is sacred.
Yeah, it's mind-boggling. And these folks have had their minds boggled. It's nothing to do with logic, or rational thought, or being able to see any kind of pattern...
I liken it to a sort of Losing Your Religion thing... As in, "If I let that tiny little crack in the door, then it's gonna swing WIDE OPEN and wipe out my entire world that I thought I knew. I just can't handle that, the floor would be GONE!!!"
It's a kind of paralyzing FEAR. I've seen many, many very intelligent, educated and reasonable people just go blank in the head. It's truly bizarre to watch! But the tenacity that is often such a good thing can sure be a detriment with this kind of stuff... Wow. It's amazing to observe.
it sure is. We are living through an apocalypse (in the real meaning of the word) & hardly anyone seems to realise. Being awake to what’s happening in a sea of NPC’s is a truly surreal experience. It’s so nice when I occasionally come across another awakened soul in my everyday life, it’s usually via a single word or phrase that alerts you that they get what’s going on & then a wonderful conversation ensues. I often wonder how many of us there are and I’m guessing maybe 5% tops?
Oh, no, I think it's FAR more than that. But as we're punished for speaking out, it's suppressed. I think a LOT of people are waiting for the release of this censorship, and for the Truth to come bursting out like a tidal wave. I think that will happen, too.
Here's one thing to look forward to: Leslie Manookian started a foundation called The Health Freedom Defense Fund. She has hired attorney George R. Wentz, working with the Super Hero David E. Martin, a Mighty Force all by himself, and they are bringing a FEDERAL case in Utah, oral arguments to start on July 6th, to bring down the Covid Fraud. Oh, boy, I can't wait. If anyone can kick these psychopath genocidal monsters' ass, it'll be David Martin. I love these people!!
But it's going to take a while to clean up this MESS. And to fix all the things that have been allowed to grow and fester, and to create the kind of world we all deserve... I hope I'm alive to at least see that in progress... Because I know it's coming. xo
I’ve all but given up on hopium but pray you’re right
I don't think it's "hopium," but if it is, we're all done.
But no, this isn't "hope" at all, it's TRUST. Some might call it "faith." It's hard to explain, but it's a deep feeling, in my "bones," and I trust that feeling. There's no question, for me. HOW and WHEN are the questions.
And my response, just under this, has NOTHING to do with religion. It's much deeper than that.
Horrific, crimes against humanity, lock them up.
That's so SADS.
Self-replicating spike protein. Grotesque.
This embalmer lives 60 miles from me in Dothan, Alabama. I sent a link of this interview to four reporters and one editor of al.com (the biggest news organization in Alabama) and asked all of them, "Why don't you interview this man? See if you can confirm what he is saying ..."
I got no reply to my news suggestion.
Good on you Bill. Nobody wants to rock the boat. I’m sick and tired of the arrant cowardice. Have you also seen a Rumble interview with a US woman embalmer? I didn’t keep the link. She had extracted the same stuff. There are so many different harmful components in these poison arrows that it’s difficult to make a complete picture.
It’s MainStreamAnyJob thing. Including the most heinous, medicine.
Mike Adams of Natural News is working with US embalmer Richard Hirschman on analyzing these structures. He hasn't come out with any announcements yet. His initial review was a few weeks ago.
Tissue scaffolding technology, using aborted fetal umbilical cords and self assembling jizz. That's why they want the cords of the aborted. Saw a good interview, short, on Stew Peters last week with Dr. Ariana Love HERE https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2022/06/human-umbilical-cord-being-injected-in-kids-tissue-scaffolding-technology-in-covid-jab/
Oh Dear God!
And at the end: fear is the virus, courage is the cure.
We've been played. It seems like more than the WEF. The governments have been taken over by who? It looks like a top-down job. I doubt pharma by itself could have achieved this. In America, at least, we're back to circuses. Distraction as an art form. Intimidate the truth-tellers. To hell with the sanctity of life, let the abortion conflict obscure the larger issue. Courage!
The Illuminati is real. The WEF/DAVOS is just a front organization for the trillionaires who really run the world:
I think you're absolutely SPOT ON. YES, YES, and YES. Courage!
Calm down everyone.
It's merely Bill Gates' synthetic chicken meat.
Yark! lol
Great post. Thanks. Not the first I’ve heard of this material.
They do get it.......that's why they are pushing...they are trying to keep the sheep herded....I now believe they don't give a flying, you-know-what about us....they are trying to keep their followers and base from leaving the CULT.....they have given up on us LONG time ago....they are worried that we are getting through to their customers and don't want to lose them to our side.....they are now doing this only for the conformists....believe me....stop thinking about us...yes, this craziness affects us with possible mandates, lockdowns, masking policies BUT it's to keep the others corralled...they know that people are turning and they are effin freaking out......I, 100% believe and know this....my marketing background is coming in super handy now in seeing their propaganda unfold.....we are no longer their focus group......rise up, people...... words matter so start using the right ones....we need to start talking about this as cult mentality and we need to save some from themselves and the cult....we have to use the same tools to help as many as possible to escape..... let's change our thinking....
How do I know if I'm in a cult?
People who contradict the group are viewed as persecutors and are often given labels like “anti,” “apostate,” or “suppressive person.” Members are discouraged from consuming any material that is critical of the group. If you can't think of a legitimate reason for leaving your group, you're probably in a cult..... https://medium.com/@zelphontheshelf/10-signs-youre-probably-in-a-cult-1921eb5a3857
Brother Bugnolo of from Rome figured out there is a hydra involved a little octopus creature. Also a polish guy said this and other undertakers found white stuff.
Von der Leyen seemed very in bed with Burla of Pfizer and we saw her doing the Ankh sign with her arms. She has old ties to the silk industry. They knew how to make animals produce silk. Also it was said by undertakers they got like still alive stuff out of corpses. I think geneticaly altered hydra plus silk cloggs the blood vessels. At least in some charges. The vax was made years before And stored at different places. Sound very James Bond alike but we gotta keep our minds open to survive here.
https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2022/06/human-umbilical-cord-being-injected-in-kids-tissue-scaffolding-technology-in-covid-jab/ Dr Ariyana Love interview short, patent evidence presented.
Are these laboratory experiments or do these articles actually state that the results are being used currently in humans?
if you watch you would know
I am aware of earlier research intended to support tissue regeneration, neural injury healing, chemotherapeutic delivery, and so on. However, I have not seen a report of dissection and analysis of the “fibrous clot-like structures” the morticians are seeing that corroborates what Love says.