While I understand that you're coming from a place of frustration, that statement is too close to the "hackable animals" dehumanization that our enemies want us. I refuse to give our enemies the satisfaction. They want to strip us of our humanity.
At the end of the day, these are our loved ones. If she wasn't someone I cared about, I wou…
While I understand that you're coming from a place of frustration, that statement is too close to the "hackable animals" dehumanization that our enemies want us. I refuse to give our enemies the satisfaction. They want to strip us of our humanity.
At the end of the day, these are our loved ones. If she wasn't someone I cared about, I wouldn't have spent so much time trying to show her the truth. I'm not giving up yet. I believe that we all have our sphere of influence. If each of us redpills 5 people, and those 5 people redpill 5 more people each.... And on and on it goes. Pretty soon we'd reach the whole world. Right? Right?
No, I think it's very easy to just jump to "they're idiots." They're NOT idiots, not all of them, anyway. So that explanation doesn't fit. If we look into psychology, however, there are plausible explanations. I'm sure by now you've heard of Mattias Desmet, whose explanation of this phenomenon we're seeing is called "Mass Formation," a kind of psychosis born out of a terror of such magnitude that it is next to impossible for the victim to consider an alternative.
My translation, if you will, of his theory is that when a way of thinking about reality is so threatening to the psyche that accepting it would mean, to the victim, that EVERYTHING they know and trust would swept away, leaving them utterly defenseless, like a little lamb standing in a circle of wolves, and everything they believe seems to be under threat of also being swept away... A threat of such ISOLATION and VULNERABILITY, that the idea, just the IDEA, of being in such a perilous place is completely beyond their ability to consider it. They are, in a word, PETRIFIED. They cannot move. Like the "deer in the headlights." Opening that door means removing the "armor" they are wearing, which is simply a refusal to look at the thing that could kill them. It's SHEER TERROR.
That's my take, and because I think that's at the root of the problem, I have compassion for these people, as ugly and nasty as they are able to be, I feel that underneath that defensive stance is sheer terror, and so I cannot hate them. Be annoyed with them, yeah, okay. But... do they "deserve" what they get? I don't think so. That would mean that terrifying someone enough to put them in that state isn't the real issue, and by God, I think it IS the real issue. I blame the culprits behind all this terror, not the terrorized.
"That would mean that terrifying someone enough to put them in that state isn't the real issue, and by God, I think it IS the real issue. I blame the culprits behind all this terror, not the terrorized."
I think we need to keep our heart fires burning. Otherwise, they will grow cold and hard.
I am named for John Lennon, SELF-NAMED, because as flawed (hurt, damaged, whatever word suits us) as he was (are we not all of us flawed?), he was connected to Wisdom. And he spoke it, he sang it, he tried to live it. He was an inspiration to so many, and he had a way of saying things that touched us in our hearts.
"Love is the answer, and you know that, for sure... Love is all you need."
While I understand that you're coming from a place of frustration, that statement is too close to the "hackable animals" dehumanization that our enemies want us. I refuse to give our enemies the satisfaction. They want to strip us of our humanity.
At the end of the day, these are our loved ones. If she wasn't someone I cared about, I wouldn't have spent so much time trying to show her the truth. I'm not giving up yet. I believe that we all have our sphere of influence. If each of us redpills 5 people, and those 5 people redpill 5 more people each.... And on and on it goes. Pretty soon we'd reach the whole world. Right? Right?
Maybe I'm being too optimistic.
Keep that love in your heart alive, that's what will save us. xo
No, I think it's very easy to just jump to "they're idiots." They're NOT idiots, not all of them, anyway. So that explanation doesn't fit. If we look into psychology, however, there are plausible explanations. I'm sure by now you've heard of Mattias Desmet, whose explanation of this phenomenon we're seeing is called "Mass Formation," a kind of psychosis born out of a terror of such magnitude that it is next to impossible for the victim to consider an alternative.
My translation, if you will, of his theory is that when a way of thinking about reality is so threatening to the psyche that accepting it would mean, to the victim, that EVERYTHING they know and trust would swept away, leaving them utterly defenseless, like a little lamb standing in a circle of wolves, and everything they believe seems to be under threat of also being swept away... A threat of such ISOLATION and VULNERABILITY, that the idea, just the IDEA, of being in such a perilous place is completely beyond their ability to consider it. They are, in a word, PETRIFIED. They cannot move. Like the "deer in the headlights." Opening that door means removing the "armor" they are wearing, which is simply a refusal to look at the thing that could kill them. It's SHEER TERROR.
That's my take, and because I think that's at the root of the problem, I have compassion for these people, as ugly and nasty as they are able to be, I feel that underneath that defensive stance is sheer terror, and so I cannot hate them. Be annoyed with them, yeah, okay. But... do they "deserve" what they get? I don't think so. That would mean that terrifying someone enough to put them in that state isn't the real issue, and by God, I think it IS the real issue. I blame the culprits behind all this terror, not the terrorized.
"That would mean that terrifying someone enough to put them in that state isn't the real issue, and by God, I think it IS the real issue. I blame the culprits behind all this terror, not the terrorized."
💯 Agree.
I thought you would. ^_^
I think we need to keep our heart fires burning. Otherwise, they will grow cold and hard.
I am named for John Lennon, SELF-NAMED, because as flawed (hurt, damaged, whatever word suits us) as he was (are we not all of us flawed?), he was connected to Wisdom. And he spoke it, he sang it, he tried to live it. He was an inspiration to so many, and he had a way of saying things that touched us in our hearts.
"Love is the answer, and you know that, for sure... Love is all you need."