Jun 22Edited

I had a "normie" friend today comment on how he thinks it's weird that so many 30 year old males have been dropping dead. I replied that it's the vax and he didn't argue, and in fact, sort of agreed with me. I think some people are finally starting to wake up.

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I just sat and listened at a dinner conversation as friends talked about athletes being more at risk of heart problems due to high intensity cardio and that is the reason why so many are dropping on the football pitch. No dots connected. It is being normalised for normies.

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I asked my "normie" friend if his wife was noticing anything and he said no- and that he doesn't think she ever would. She had both of their children jabbed to the hilt and still believes the whole narrative. He is worried sick about his kids but also in a sort of denial too. I have compassion for him but not necessarily his wife. She would have had me thrown into a concentration camp for the unvaccinated. It's a strange world out there right now.

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His wife should be lead to figure out the obvious herself before she murders more people other then her kids and friends.

These people like the Nazis need to be stopped with their mental sickness.

ASAP. The next one is rolling out soon! Moderna is making it and their stock is up 40 % and they have millions of vials made already for the .......Birdie Flu!

Make sure all the birds in your yard and flying by are wearing masks AND fly 6 feet apart ! For Gods sake! Tell the wife above to get on it!

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Don't forget...fly in the direction of the arrows!

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Please just ask them a few simple questions. You will be able to lead them to involuntarily connecting the dots.

Really Innocently ask .....Like why did it not happen before 2 1/2 years ago to ALL these athletes ?

Watch the smoke coming out of their ears as the gears grind.

These children, that are literally killing humanity, need to be educated but like RFK Jr pointed out at a conference, ask then the questions so they are forced into drawing the logical conclusions. Telling them anything or showing them proof doesn't work for these deranged minds.


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There's TWO dots

Literally a straight line

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thanks LB I am seeing at least they are not objecting to the ideas, but seem to stare off into space...and seem to wish me gone

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I think many of them just want to ignore it and wish it would go away- I know I would if I had gotten the shot.

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Good. It's not like there are thousands of possible causes for the sudden excess deaths ... They've ignored the elephant in the room for as long as they could but now it's staring at them and they're finally paying attention.

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The elephant in the room has passed gas

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"Michael Flatley claims his €30m castle is the blame for his cancer diagnosis" - this one is a winner.

Lets see we had - missed cancer screens, global warning, long covid, poor diet, not using sunscreen and so many more. If his case goes forward - discovery should be interesting.

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Jabby jabby jabby

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He absolutely wins the premier anything but the jab award for 2024

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Yeah, that one grabbed me!

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There is no global warming. That's a fucking myth. Wake up. While we have record hest, we also have record cold.

Next, sunscreen causes cancer. Wake the fuck up.

Covid is cured and prevented by therapeutic use of nicotine (patches and gum, kids). Wake the fuck up.

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Maybe you misunderstood my comment - I don't believe in global warming - never have - my point is that it is what the press has blamed the excess deaths on. I am well aware that sunscreen causes cancer - which is why I have never used it and have tried to explain that to others. Again, some medical doctors and our government have blamed the increase in melanomas on failure to use sunscreen. I am aware of Dr. Ardis and others work on nicotine and long covid/ jab injury. I believe it is a viable treatment. Stay Free

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My husband’s cousin, who argued with me about the Covid spots and ridiculed me extensively on Face____k, now has pulmonary thrombosis with pneumonia. He has not connected the dots to the shots, but instead believes it was from paint fumes.

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My sister blamed her brain issues on a pair of shoes that made her fall, she threw them out. Shoes she has had for years that are meant for walking. Absolutely nothing to do w/getting vaxx'd and boosted.

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Shoes! I'm waiting for the CDC to issue the warning that SHOES cause brain issues!

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I shouldn’t laugh but did. : )

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Laugh your head off! You just know they are laughing at us...

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You’re probably right.

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This is why "they" are called "War and Disease Profiteers." Callous, soulless, black-eyed, pathetic ogres....worthy of the gallows.

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It's tiring that these people still refuse to consider that they made the wrong choice to take the 💉.

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Oh, deep down I think they know! Admitting they poisoned themselves is another matter. But I think they know.

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My architect friend now can't walk, talk, or use her fingers after 2nd Pfizer jibby-jab... 'cept they've convinced her it was alcohol that caused the five seizures, and that the NHS misreading her serum salt levels and injecting her with salt was all that went wrong! The three weeks in a coma fully intubated, six weeks in ICU and her massive brain injury - osmotic demyelination syndrome, resulting in aphasia and ataxia has NOT generated an MHRA yellow card! The NHS hospital admitted liability for 'serum sodium overdose' and gave her £4000 She's also been told it's 'long covid'.

Using a stylus on a tablet, announcing closing down her architect business on Linked-in she said:

"...I'm not angry with them, or do I hate them. The doctors Nurses and staff were amazing they saved my life! Not always serious, there was laughter and sense of humour, which is good for both physical and mental health. They explained what changes they had made with their procedures and checks. Accidental stuff happens in life. I was glad to see what they had done. to make sure sodium levels were checked properly in the future."

Stunning denial...

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Darwinism and culling of the heard. They even walk to their slaughter sometimes. Like lemmings. To each his own.

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People around the world are Stochkolm syndromed and refuse to admit that they were duped and/or made the wrong choice of listening to the government.

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in USA she would have sued for malpractice and got millions. socialism dumbed her down to take the ratpoison and 4k pounds and thank the medmafia responsible.

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I bet none of them have figured out its the jabs so they keep taking them.

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Imagine the emotional pain and turmoil of putting the pieces together.

It's why most people don't.

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Yes… so many people are so spineless they even refuse to be honest with themselves… sad

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I disagree. I think as always when you are high risk for a disease or medical condition you are diagnosed or checked out accordingly so precautions are taken and it is caught early! I would the injected would be running for first place in line for

" preventive " " wellness " checks just like they did to get injected with the Bioweapon Counter Measure ( as it was called in the Pfizer Contract ).

Let's say you drank some red Kool Aid and then you see on the news or hear from friends that red Kool Aid has been shown to cause colon cancer. Wouldn't you make an appt for a screening asap and then regularly after that?

I tend to use logic so maybe .....

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No. I wouldn't. I would NEVER deal with medical anything anymore!

Just me...

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I've refused to use the corrupt Medical Establishment for decades...

I'm a 65-year-old Englishwoman, here in the UK, and the GP at the surgery where I'm registered (but never use) is fully aware that I refuse to use their so-called 'prescription drugs' (ie, synthetic toxic chemicals), including my refusal to have so-called 'vaccines'. I've been 'awake' (re. many big subjects in life) for 40-45 years, and the last 'vaccine' I had was when a 12/13-year-old kid at school in the early 1970s. Ie, when I was not THEN aware of the fact that 'vaccines' are a medical fraud, and always have been.

I'm the only one in my extended family who refused to submit to these evil injections. I provided many of my family members (and all bar two of my already 'awake' friends) with much info. from HONEST doctors around the world (a few months prior to their 'roll-out') re. the dangers of the 'jabs', and have given them many evidences over the last 3+ years of the horrors that the injections have caused worldwide.

And yet they STILL continued to roll up their sleeves... they've had at least four injections each, and some relatives now have quite serious health issues...

but they STILL choose to 'blindly believe' what the people on their beloved TVs say... they (oh so naively) think I'm talking nonsense when I tell them of the immense corruption of the people who run/control this world; ie, the Establishment... now very often referred to as the Globalist Cabal of Oligarchs.

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They already know where to go to get their bird flu shots that Gates has been working on.

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Another: My buddy had convinced his elderly mother to NOT have a 4th jab, but his sister continued to paddle her to do it, so when a pop-up vaccination centre appeared 200 metres from her residential care home, she gave in and walked there herself. She took the jab and tragically collapsed and died on the pavement directly outside the vaccine centre! Sick irony in that it was the very Tuesday that the Oxford/AstraZeneca jab was cancelled worldwide! The two causes of death on the death certificate are heart-related but NOT heart attacks as such. The two siblings are now completely traumatised having rushed to the scene to see their mum stripped and being given CPR on the footpath! Think PTSD!

Earlier same week another friend's 63 year-old fully vaccinated mum had a heart attack and died just sitting in her armchair, a musician friend was hospitalised with blood clots!

Must be climate change!

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The sister should have gotten jabbed or rejabbed at the very same time. Why don't these people take their own advice ! Every 6 months is what Bourla and Fraudci said. The jabbers have to believe them because they took them .....so remind everyone you talk to that they are due soon , if they say nay or no look at them hard in the eye and say " why not ? "

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"I was one of the fittest people in Ireland. But when we moved back in I never felt right, and all of a sudden I got cancer."

Curious if Flatley was also jabbed or boosted at that time.

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In ancient times people believed that major epidemics were caused by "Influenza", the 'influence' of the solar system upon the earth.

In the recent book 'The Invisible Rainbow' (2017) we learn that epidemics are caused by the affect of electricity on the human body, which itself is electrical.

With the advancing of electric technologies, along with the influence of the 11 year electromagnetic sunspot activity cycle, Influenza appears around the world in various locations where transportation did not exist to spread a contagion.

This gave rise to the idea of Germ Theory and the rise of the medical industry and vaccines (The diseases of the 19th century disappeared with improvements in sanitation along with refrigeration).

The Spanish Flu of 1918 began at a military base in Kansas, where wireless communications were introduced and quickly spread around the world, as the technology was installed by the various countries during WW l.

Epidemics appear routinely in the modern age with the advances in the electromagnetic technology in conjunction with the 11 year solar flare cycle.

The year 2019 began the rollout of 5G technology at the beginning of the 25th solar flare cycle welcoming Covid 19.

(Note that the data related to Flu deaths was no longer available), but media had much recent coverage of the aurora boorealis appearing below the arctic circle.

Still gonna get that Flu shot?

No one dies of the Flu, but only with "Flu like symptoms".

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It’s funny how many people think we are crazy simply for knowing this.

Other factors were responsible for the Wuflu tho. Did you know that a delegation of scientists visited Wuhan in 2018 announcing that pollution there was getting so bad it was starting to gather in the lungs of residents in the form of sodium cyanide? Remember the scary photos and vids of people collapsing in the street(from a virus of course)?

The set up of a PCR test assay to look for a section of RNA that has to this day not been proven to cause a dam thing(you can blame the pseudoscientific moron known a Christian Drosten(virologist🙄)for that)… and viola… it’s a scamdemic. Guess which other areas were sited as high pollution at that time? Northern Italy and New York🤔. I don’t know if you caught the video of the New York emergency triage dr before it was ripped down of YouTube in 2020 where he categorically stated “this is no virus! This is hypoxia(lack of oxygen in the blood)”… coincidentally NY was badly polluted and cranking up the 5g at the time(hypoxia being an effect of mild radiation poisoning). Cruise ships that had been fitted with 5g towers had “Outbreaks” a plenty.

So, there were a number of factors making the optics very easy to convince the moronic masses that the invisible boogeyman was hunting us but, as much as they twist science(specifically virology) to convince us it was the emergence of a novel virus, if rudimentary scientific method is followed “science” is yet to prove a goddam thing in respect to a “killer particle”. In fact, I have read cellular pathology as far back to its inception in 1856 and germ theory is completely unproven since that time. A blight on the human race 😔

A certain Rockefeller family has pocketed “a little cash” peddling this BS though 🙄, not that it could’ve ever been about money

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Excellent summary.

So many diseases from hypoxia, especially cancer.

SODIUM BICARBONATE BY DR. SIRCUS is my Bible to reduce acid caused by hypoxia. It should work for 5G too.

Would be great to get that doctors quote. Tnx

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Go to yandex search engine for hypoxia 5g. Google has it buried.

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I suspect all events planned around 5G and the Solar Flare cycle. Like 9/11.

China turned on 5G too.

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They(the medical mafia) were ready and waiting for their opportunity to profit(both money & power) on this one too. Once the Chinese virologists had contacted Drosten in Germany and falsely claimed they had discovered the RNA supposedly responsible for what was going on in Wuhan the exact set up the medical mafia had been waiting for had arrived… check this out…

“We need to increase public understanding of the need for medical counter measures such as a Pan Coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues, investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process.” Peter Daszak 2015, reported in the National academy’s of press publication Feb 12th 2016.

If you get an opportunity go through Jon Rappoports blogs during 2020, he nails every stage perfectly. If it’s still on YouTube he has a series entitled “the creation of a false epidemic” where he details how they tried to get this all going during SARS1 but failed, again with H1N1 and failed again. Both times they didn’t have the 5g catalyst for optics. There is a virologist that wrote a paper in Mar 2020 entitled “misinterpretation virus-the end of the coronavirus epidemic” I highly recommend. Alas they were ready for this type of dissent and buried it, rolled out their puppets in white coats and the rest is a disgraceful blight on human history

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thanks Bard, I recently bought Firstenberg's book and it is fascinating!

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I went back to it again and forgot some of the data.

A great reference book.

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I have never heard of changing your eye color. You are born with the iris and it’s the pigmentation in it that determines eye color. How would they bleach it out? And why risk doing it? SMH from someone who worked in ophthalmology for decades. There are enough things that could go wrong with the eye as it is. And what kind of doctor would risk someone’s vision?

"Momentary blindness is also due to eye surgery, I was told"

Don’t understand that either.

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A doctor that helped my kid with keratoconus is doing eye color change procedures now.

It's nuts.


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From your article BP-88;

"has a track record of over 15 years for being *overall* safe and effective. Of course, any procedure has some element of risk – keratopigmentation has minimal risk and is highly effective".

And that's enough for Joe Average (like the Francesco Chiofalos of the world).

When just one extra minute of caution would've revealed the true picture.


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The ruling class have gone so far that their own agents betray them.

"Bridgen explained on GB News that British intelligence service agents have warned him about the plot to embroil the world in the Ukraine war with Russia and spark World World 3."

British MP Warns NATO Planning ‘Dirty Bomb’ False Flag in Europe to Spark WW3


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That also goes same way towards explaining the push to introduce conscription in UK that started publicly towards the end of last year.

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And women being added to the draft in the USA. Help get rid of the child bearing for the depop. Not to mention the demoralization booster.

Why are we all just watching this happen and chatting about it?

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Brigden is working with British intelligence service agents? I guess that's what the 4.5 million in cash was really for.

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Suggests internal faction fights to me. If the factions are in conflict that’s good for normies like me.

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Yes BUT... these lists only make sense IF these people really took a poison, Dunnit? And no gummint would EVER kill its own people!

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Who are these clowns? I happily have never heard of any of them.

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Everything about the "covid" (and vaxx) agenda is jewish.

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What an unusual conclusion.

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Nice. Real nice.

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