"Top Marine general hospitalized" (why?); KC Chiefs' Patrick Mahomes "has an illness"; VA Tech's Gabriel Williams rushed to hospital; Alan Ruck drives into pizzeria; Clea Shearer is now "cancer-free"
As we find ourselves in the place we imagined we might end up is sure is tragic and depressing to see all the people we tried to warn crashing all around us like this. Can't imagine how all the normies are going to react when they discover the truth they cannot handle.
I’ve never heard of so many people driving into buildings before. Would be interesting to know if there really is an uptick here but I’m sure it would be a heck of a job to find out.
Same increase in vaxidents all over Europe. In France the increase was extremely high, something like 30% in 2022, in the mainstream circus media they covered it up by saying that it was due to alcohol ^_^ If there's a sector that isn't affected by this genocide, it's definitely journalism, working extra hours to find the finest cover up ideas.
Ugh. “Drivers are simply not obeying the signs and signals that are out there, whether that’s crosswalks marked on the pavement or lightened crosswalks in a school zone…”
The simple fact that not one government leader nor health official in the entire world is interested in seeing the shocking data revealing literally millions of deaths and injuries to these supposed “vaccines” is hands down proof of a massive global crime coverup. These people are terrified of being found guilty of mass murder.
That, the fact they KNOW it's happening, and their refusal to shut it down, tells me 2 things;
1. This is intentional.
2. They will have no way to defend this once fully exposed. Legally they won't have a leg to stand on. Not shutting it down while knowing it was killing millions shows intent to harm. The difference between manslaughter and murder. This was/is the smoking gun.
BTW when it does come out (and there's no way it won't, it's just leaking everywhere now) ALL parties to it need to be held accountable. Not just Pharma, not just Politicians and Chief Health Officers. But EVERYONE who profited from exploiting the fear and herding everyone towards injected self-suicide. The Media execs, the News talking heads and reporters, the Regulators who were either complicit or asleep at the wheel, the bogus test manufacturers, the Hospital execs, the School Boards, the Unions.
Yea and the pharmacists themselves, and store managers of some of the big box stores who even though there was no mandate , berated their associates into getting it. I have lost people and or cancer ridden people all over my one Wal mart store. My roommate is also slowly dying.
The article I had was based on the work of a German Professor, which even back then was very hard to find (I wonder why). It came from this site: http://www.health-science-spirit.com/cancersurgery.htm, which is no longer up. Some main points from his paper are:
§ Manipulation of a tumour, such as severe palpation and pressure[mammography!], biopsy or surgery, results in a sudden increase of tumour cells released into the blood with a higher probability of metastasis.
§ The connection between surgery and formation of metastases was particularly impressive in single observed cases: in a patient with a sarcoma, formation of metastases occurred after surgery of the primary tumour and each time after four further surgeries of locally recurrent tumours.
§ It has long been taught in medicine that a melanoma should not be injured since lesions would cause an almost explosion-like growth of metastases.
§ Not only disturbance of a tumour but also unrelated surgery at a different location can trigger metastasis.
I have uploaded the whole pdf onto my google drive if you wish to download:
"Thomas Seyfried, Ph.D., a leading expert on cancer as a metabolic disease, is of the strong opinion that biopsies should be avoided, as they may trigger metastasis, i.e., spread, of the cancer. The reason for this is because it isn’t so much cancer stem cells spreading the disease as it is hybridized, morphed macrophages that fuse with cancer cells."
So e times if you open someone up to do a biopsy or even remove a tumor I’ve also heard it can make 5e cancer spread depending on the type of cancer. Not sure where I had read that before though.
Deb - so true! When I had to undergo immediate surgery after a scan of my abdomen showed I had two huge cysts inside of me (yes, I had been in pain for quite some time and saw several doctors who dismissed my complaints) I was told that if I was full of cancer that the doc would need to remove the cancer along with my uterus and fallopian tubes. Not having children, I protested that if they did find cancer, I’d want to be sewn back up and discuss it with my husband. The doc explained that if they opened me up and I was full of cancer and they didn’t remove it, that it would quickly spread throughout my body. Needless to say, they opened my abdomen, saw I had tens of endometriosis cysts, two of them the size of grapefruits, to which they excised all leaving my uterus and one fallopian tube. Since that horrific experience and no other prior doctor heeded my complaints of “something is seriously wrong”, my trust in doctors has plummeted to a minus zero.
Sorry to hear this Did you take any vaccines before the cysts showed up? My daughter also had endometriosis cysts on her ovaries She had 2 Pfizer shots
Deb - I’m sorry your daughter has also suffered with endometriosis! It is heartbreaking that it takes misery and years for doctors to finally make the diagnosis! No. I had not had any vaccinations but later found out that not only did I have endometriosis, I had a T shaped uterus, three ureters, a later miscarriage and like my Mom, was dxd with multiple sclerosis (MS). I was born with a dislocated hip causing doctors throughout my life to ask me if my Mom took a pill when she was pregnant with me called, DES. The pill was to prevent miscarriages. My Mom was forty when she had me. I’m explaining all of this because the endometriosis and the structural changes of my reproductive track (and possibly my hip dislocation) are the most likely causes of my Mom taking the DES pills. The jury is still out if DES could also be responsible for the diagnosis of MS for both my Mom and me.
There is much information at the DES website. The brutal part to learn is DES also affects the granddaughter’s of women exposed to DES, along with the son’s and grandson’s of women who took DES.
Please check out this link if you believe your Mom could have taken DES while pregnant with you:
Yea My daughter had 20 years of pain Doctors shrugged her off over and over Even when her ovary was 3 times the size and we hv family history of ovarian cancer the practice she went to said they wouldn’t go in and remove the cysts another doctor did but screwed it up Finally the last doctor took everything out she was full of endometriosis all the way to her diaphragm Ovaries attached to uterus bladder and rectum fused together A mess She also had T shaped uterus Now she is having bladder pain It’s Weil the pain she lived with 20 years It seemed it advanced after shots but who knows
Sorry for all your pain I never took DES not did my mom
I've likely had a tumour (I can feel it) for a decade or more. I think that I did have it biopsied back in 2012 or so but Dr said to leave it. They're not all bad these doctors.
The military was one of the first to see the obvious damage. But The Science made "safe" so slippery and vague that everyone thought covering up deaths and injuries was for the greater good.
Are all of these people jabbed? And Michaels has to publicly discuss getting non cancerous skin growths removed? For most of us in the Sun Belt, that’s a quasi annual occurrence. Probably everyone I know has had that occur.
So, Brook Shields drank too much water and had a seizure. Carlos Santana collapsed on stage (July 2023) because he didn't drink enough water. Okay, got it.
how did we get there?...I just watch the documentary T4...sickening...but it is about the killing of "useless" eaters in Nazi Germany...and it tells you that most of those doctors were never prosecuted, carrying their sick agenda, some moving to the USA and other place, so they never went away, they never became "decent" citizens...so no wonder this is all "deja vu"...our only hope is God's Kingdom, we must supplicate Him to bring it asap
(Matthew 6:9, 10) “You must pray, then, this way: “‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. 10 Let your Kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also on earth.
then He will take care of all evil
(Psalm 37:10) Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; You will look at where they were, And they will not be there.
and we will be finally living the life He had planned fro his creatures
(Psalm 37:29) The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it.
What beautiful promise...we just need to endure to the end
(Matthew 24:13) But the one who has endured to the end will be saved.
Sarcasm Follows (as usual): Soooooo, as the cartoon network / gutter press seems to just whistle and move along (as one does in those parts), perhaps they could tailor a few popular tunes when they have to whistle next time, which is probably within the next 15 minutes. I am thinking of such classics such as Still Got The Blues, Knock, Knock, Knock on Heavens Door, I Cannot See What Is In Front Of My Face, Falling or the evergreen Should I Whack The Wall With My Extraordinarily Large Head!
Although it is possible to poison yourself with too much water (I believe the UK actor Nigel Havers did so many years ago during a heatwave), it is pretty damn rare and it is much more likely that Brooke Shields had some sort of mini stroke. However, the vaccinated will not and, indeed, cannot admit what is actually happening so they will continue to say all sorts of unlikely rubbish which will be backed up by the media and the medical profession. So we are still living in a Kafka-esque nightmare.
As we find ourselves in the place we imagined we might end up is sure is tragic and depressing to see all the people we tried to warn crashing all around us like this. Can't imagine how all the normies are going to react when they discover the truth they cannot handle.
Buildings jump out of nowhere when you're in a modRNA transfection trance.
I’ve never heard of so many people driving into buildings before. Would be interesting to know if there really is an uptick here but I’m sure it would be a heck of a job to find out.
The articles below suggest that there are more vehicle into building crashes happening in the last couple of years:
Found this from mid 2022:
There was a link in the above to a February 2020 analysis:
Same increase in vaxidents all over Europe. In France the increase was extremely high, something like 30% in 2022, in the mainstream circus media they covered it up by saying that it was due to alcohol ^_^ If there's a sector that isn't affected by this genocide, it's definitely journalism, working extra hours to find the finest cover up ideas.
Single-driver deaths (or lone driver accidents) would be a stat to lookup. A comparison of 2020 and prior to 2021 to the present.
Who’s going to be the first to make some money marketing a bumper sticker that says “ friends don’t let friends drive vaccinated “?
A man just drove into a bunch of people at a pub in Victoria, Australia, a few hours ago, killing five people and injuring another five.
How awful! Thank you for the update. Those poor people.
The vaxxed zombies will drive us all to extinction.
& pedestrians: https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/as-family-mourns-teens-death-dps-warns-of-alarming-uptick-in-pedestrian-crashes/
Ugh. “Drivers are simply not obeying the signs and signals that are out there, whether that’s crosswalks marked on the pavement or lightened crosswalks in a school zone…”
The simple fact that not one government leader nor health official in the entire world is interested in seeing the shocking data revealing literally millions of deaths and injuries to these supposed “vaccines” is hands down proof of a massive global crime coverup. These people are terrified of being found guilty of mass murder.
That, the fact they KNOW it's happening, and their refusal to shut it down, tells me 2 things;
1. This is intentional.
2. They will have no way to defend this once fully exposed. Legally they won't have a leg to stand on. Not shutting it down while knowing it was killing millions shows intent to harm. The difference between manslaughter and murder. This was/is the smoking gun.
BTW when it does come out (and there's no way it won't, it's just leaking everywhere now) ALL parties to it need to be held accountable. Not just Pharma, not just Politicians and Chief Health Officers. But EVERYONE who profited from exploiting the fear and herding everyone towards injected self-suicide. The Media execs, the News talking heads and reporters, the Regulators who were either complicit or asleep at the wheel, the bogus test manufacturers, the Hospital execs, the School Boards, the Unions.
Yea and the pharmacists themselves, and store managers of some of the big box stores who even though there was no mandate , berated their associates into getting it. I have lost people and or cancer ridden people all over my one Wal mart store. My roommate is also slowly dying.
The undeniable truth of the murderous vaccines has been out for well over 2 years now. There’s no stopping the slaughter at this point. I put forth my reasoning here… https://open.substack.com/pub/johnbotica/p/the-tragic-reality-of-where-we-actually?r=tz7cx&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
I thought the health official in Florida has said something. Though yeah 99 % aren't talking.
"So we biopsied ..."
Fixed: So we metastasized your primary tumour.
Are you saying that biopsies may cause a cancer to spread? I never heard that claim before. Can you suggest source for more information?
The article I had was based on the work of a German Professor, which even back then was very hard to find (I wonder why). It came from this site: http://www.health-science-spirit.com/cancersurgery.htm, which is no longer up. Some main points from his paper are:
§ Manipulation of a tumour, such as severe palpation and pressure[mammography!], biopsy or surgery, results in a sudden increase of tumour cells released into the blood with a higher probability of metastasis.
§ The connection between surgery and formation of metastases was particularly impressive in single observed cases: in a patient with a sarcoma, formation of metastases occurred after surgery of the primary tumour and each time after four further surgeries of locally recurrent tumours.
§ It has long been taught in medicine that a melanoma should not be injured since lesions would cause an almost explosion-like growth of metastases.
§ Not only disturbance of a tumour but also unrelated surgery at a different location can trigger metastasis.
I have uploaded the whole pdf onto my google drive if you wish to download:
Thank you so much.
"Thomas Seyfried, Ph.D., a leading expert on cancer as a metabolic disease, is of the strong opinion that biopsies should be avoided, as they may trigger metastasis, i.e., spread, of the cancer. The reason for this is because it isn’t so much cancer stem cells spreading the disease as it is hybridized, morphed macrophages that fuse with cancer cells."
You're welcome. The last point, I reckon, is due to immune cells being directed to the surgery site, leaving too few left to control the cancer.
I’ve heard this before from a dermatologist. He talks about it here, I believe.
So e times if you open someone up to do a biopsy or even remove a tumor I’ve also heard it can make 5e cancer spread depending on the type of cancer. Not sure where I had read that before though.
Deb - so true! When I had to undergo immediate surgery after a scan of my abdomen showed I had two huge cysts inside of me (yes, I had been in pain for quite some time and saw several doctors who dismissed my complaints) I was told that if I was full of cancer that the doc would need to remove the cancer along with my uterus and fallopian tubes. Not having children, I protested that if they did find cancer, I’d want to be sewn back up and discuss it with my husband. The doc explained that if they opened me up and I was full of cancer and they didn’t remove it, that it would quickly spread throughout my body. Needless to say, they opened my abdomen, saw I had tens of endometriosis cysts, two of them the size of grapefruits, to which they excised all leaving my uterus and one fallopian tube. Since that horrific experience and no other prior doctor heeded my complaints of “something is seriously wrong”, my trust in doctors has plummeted to a minus zero.
Sorry to hear this Did you take any vaccines before the cysts showed up? My daughter also had endometriosis cysts on her ovaries She had 2 Pfizer shots
Deb - I’m sorry your daughter has also suffered with endometriosis! It is heartbreaking that it takes misery and years for doctors to finally make the diagnosis! No. I had not had any vaccinations but later found out that not only did I have endometriosis, I had a T shaped uterus, three ureters, a later miscarriage and like my Mom, was dxd with multiple sclerosis (MS). I was born with a dislocated hip causing doctors throughout my life to ask me if my Mom took a pill when she was pregnant with me called, DES. The pill was to prevent miscarriages. My Mom was forty when she had me. I’m explaining all of this because the endometriosis and the structural changes of my reproductive track (and possibly my hip dislocation) are the most likely causes of my Mom taking the DES pills. The jury is still out if DES could also be responsible for the diagnosis of MS for both my Mom and me.
There is much information at the DES website. The brutal part to learn is DES also affects the granddaughter’s of women exposed to DES, along with the son’s and grandson’s of women who took DES.
Please check out this link if you believe your Mom could have taken DES while pregnant with you:
Yea My daughter had 20 years of pain Doctors shrugged her off over and over Even when her ovary was 3 times the size and we hv family history of ovarian cancer the practice she went to said they wouldn’t go in and remove the cysts another doctor did but screwed it up Finally the last doctor took everything out she was full of endometriosis all the way to her diaphragm Ovaries attached to uterus bladder and rectum fused together A mess She also had T shaped uterus Now she is having bladder pain It’s Weil the pain she lived with 20 years It seemed it advanced after shots but who knows
Sorry for all your pain I never took DES not did my mom
yes...numerous "procedures " send cancer cells around the body
I've likely had a tumour (I can feel it) for a decade or more. I think that I did have it biopsied back in 2012 or so but Dr said to leave it. They're not all bad these doctors.
Revelation 18:23...for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries (pharmakeia) were all nations deceived.
Marine Corp Commandant had a heart attack while running.
Pentagon blamed it on that he "was working too hard."
Military forced to take clot shot.
The military was one of the first to see the obvious damage. But The Science made "safe" so slippery and vague that everyone thought covering up deaths and injuries was for the greater good.
Makes you question the oath we all took to protect and defend the Constitution.
Just hollow words now?
Am watching many close (and vaxxed) friends fall ill........3 with bladder cancer, what are the odds of that?
Yep, I know 2 people who've been diagnosed with bladder cancer post-jabs. Hardly ever heard of anyone with bladder cancer until this past year.
Do u mind me asking how they found the bladder cancer? My daughter having bladder pain now and I’m worried She took 2 Pfizer
All 3 had some symptom, the doctor did a scope (looking into the bladder) and discovered cancer.
Are all of these people jabbed? And Michaels has to publicly discuss getting non cancerous skin growths removed? For most of us in the Sun Belt, that’s a quasi annual occurrence. Probably everyone I know has had that occur.
So, Brook Shields drank too much water and had a seizure. Carlos Santana collapsed on stage (July 2023) because he didn't drink enough water. Okay, got it.
how did we get there?...I just watch the documentary T4...sickening...but it is about the killing of "useless" eaters in Nazi Germany...and it tells you that most of those doctors were never prosecuted, carrying their sick agenda, some moving to the USA and other place, so they never went away, they never became "decent" citizens...so no wonder this is all "deja vu"...our only hope is God's Kingdom, we must supplicate Him to bring it asap
(Matthew 6:9, 10) “You must pray, then, this way: “‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. 10 Let your Kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also on earth.
then He will take care of all evil
(Psalm 37:10) Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; You will look at where they were, And they will not be there.
and we will be finally living the life He had planned fro his creatures
(Psalm 37:29) The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it.
What beautiful promise...we just need to endure to the end
(Matthew 24:13) But the one who has endured to the end will be saved.
Mark Nelson Chesnutt was born September 6, 1963, so he's recently turned 60.
My age.
We've been watching a HORROR SHOW for 4 years now, and its getting worse.
Patrick Mahomes Says He Got COVID-19 Vaccine to 'Help Keep' Daughter Sterling Healthy
Sarcasm Follows (as usual): Soooooo, as the cartoon network / gutter press seems to just whistle and move along (as one does in those parts), perhaps they could tailor a few popular tunes when they have to whistle next time, which is probably within the next 15 minutes. I am thinking of such classics such as Still Got The Blues, Knock, Knock, Knock on Heavens Door, I Cannot See What Is In Front Of My Face, Falling or the evergreen Should I Whack The Wall With My Extraordinarily Large Head!
Although it is possible to poison yourself with too much water (I believe the UK actor Nigel Havers did so many years ago during a heatwave), it is pretty damn rare and it is much more likely that Brooke Shields had some sort of mini stroke. However, the vaccinated will not and, indeed, cannot admit what is actually happening so they will continue to say all sorts of unlikely rubbish which will be backed up by the media and the medical profession. So we are still living in a Kafka-esque nightmare.