An' here we see the real-time live performance of the tale of "Billet & Coo" ( ) -- whar 2 love-boids in a fictional "peaceful" town've parrots & canaries...hmmmm....--UNEXPECTEDLY traumatized by "The Black Menace" (a crow.... don' nobuddy git any idears readin' this ha ha) that terrorizes the town---wreaking' havoc (just like in NYShitty!) an' invadin' "safe homes" (by George!). It takes Bill-the-Cabbie (Boid) ta save the day... If only we wuz all in Chirpendale!
oh, I got it on dee-vee-dee (a mite less fuzzy), it's a good'un ta wartch if ya like "animal acts!" (I find it far better than the dog 'n pony show we get on the nooz!)
Time to bite the billet...
An' here we see the real-time live performance of the tale of "Billet & Coo" ( ) -- whar 2 love-boids in a fictional "peaceful" town've parrots & canaries...hmmmm....--UNEXPECTEDLY traumatized by "The Black Menace" (a crow.... don' nobuddy git any idears readin' this ha ha) that terrorizes the town---wreaking' havoc (just like in NYShitty!) an' invadin' "safe homes" (by George!). It takes Bill-the-Cabbie (Boid) ta save the day... If only we wuz all in Chirpendale!
oh, I got it on dee-vee-dee (a mite less fuzzy), it's a good'un ta wartch if ya like "animal acts!" (I find it far better than the dog 'n pony show we get on the nooz!)