The biggest difference is that Americans back then were not (of course) called "xenophobes" for their resistance to that foreign presence, or to the Hessian soldiers later used by George III
Agree. In addition, 99% of Google searches produce lies/propaganda to prevent public from knowing truth about invasion of our country and corrupt government.
The search engine,, produces far more truthful results. I highly recommend it it.
Yeah, the migrant thing is out of hand. A few Russian bloggers have (jokingly) wondered if Navalny died because of the jab- some wonder if he got one from the West or the Sputnik one…
There should be a list of politically appropriated suddenly and unexpectedlies.
I still believe the woman that kicked off the hijab protests in Iran was a vax death. Official story is she died as soon as she walked into the police station from a heart attack. Family said that was impossible since she was young and in good health. People claim she was beaten to death by the police but the pictures of her face in the hospital looked like she was untouched.
An' here we see the real-time live performance of the tale of "Billet & Coo" ( ) -- whar 2 love-boids in a fictional "peaceful" town've parrots & canaries...hmmmm....--UNEXPECTEDLY traumatized by "The Black Menace" (a crow.... don' nobuddy git any idears readin' this ha ha) that terrorizes the town---wreaking' havoc (just like in NYShitty!) an' invadin' "safe homes" (by George!). It takes Bill-the-Cabbie (Boid) ta save the day... If only we wuz all in Chirpendale!
oh, I got it on dee-vee-dee (a mite less fuzzy), it's a good'un ta wartch if ya like "animal acts!" (I find it far better than the dog 'n pony show we get on the nooz!)
I'm afraid the romanticized elementary school version of the United States is deader than Paul Revere's horse. We've been on a downhill slide since the Gilded Age.
I keep a list of all the things that there is a kind of blackout silence about, that are just never mentioned in anything I read or hear, and one of them is just that. No taxation without representation! Their contempt for us extends to this--look how the stupid sheep will pay for their own and their country's destruction. At least strike against federal taxes, but their fear of that is no doubt part of the reason the Beady-Eyed Demented Magoo brought all those new armed IRS agents on board.
Absolutely perfect analogy; what does it feel like being forced to house, in our own homes, the devoted enemies who are intent on destroying what is left of Western Civilization? The really sad thing is that so many "progressives" are willing and even eager to bring migrants into their own homes (until they realize what they've done, in many cases).
The devoted enemies intent on destroying western civilization are the people paying for the third world to invade. And most of it is government money laundered through NGOs.
Problem is those type people will never connect or understand what they have done, even when it is too late. And depending on the situation the gov't will come in and tell them to keep their mouths shut.
This government knows exactly what they are doing. They have been stealing, printing $’s, spending, changing jaws to fit their personal pockets, and looking to enslave you more than you already are. This is not the elites Globalists country. It’s We the People of America’s country. To much Government and it’s a total Take Over.
Sorry, I will not aid and abet this corrupt administration in its willingness to import an army of illegal aliens into this country. THEY made this problem. THEY can fix this problem. #1776 #DoNotComply
I’m not letting these paid ass wipes come into our house. This is another Scam there pulling. Who the hell paid for there asses to come here. If there so damn poor and hungry take a close look at them Cell phones don’t look hungry to me
I've become quite dispirited with this topic. We literally have nowhere near the numbers of jobs for the vast immigration of illegals which have crossed our border. Why do states like NY, Illinois, and California keep screaming for their illegals to be given work permits? Who will hire them? They don't speak English. They don't read or write English. Those who will hire them under the table will form a new class of slaves. How will those men hanging around Lowes and Home Depot react when 50 more illegals show up? Progressive liberals make up 6% of the total public (Pew Research). Will they hire these illegals in the numbers needed to get them off of public assistance? I saw one interview with an illegal who was working (in a free hotel room because she had a child), and she quit after she saw her paycheck where taxes were deducted!!! She didn't feel like working anymore. Many envision earning ~$1,500/month according to the interviews I've seen on YT. How will they be able to do so without continued free board and food? As everyone I know now remarks, going to the grocery store today and spending $100 buys almost nothing for a normal family.
I know, Connect. I'm familiar with the Cloward Piven Strategy. In fact, I find myself, being in the position to see far beyond the current machinations of UN-driven mass immigration, dispirited for this reason. We can see so clearly what's happening...and evidently many others cannot. We can scream, rant, and rail to no effect.
Exactly, AC. Exactly. If people doubt your statement, then I suggest they listen to some of the interviews with recent illegals. They actually SAY exactly what you describe. They relate going into a store in NYC asking for food, and the owner says, "No." They, then, tell the interviewer (who's acting sympathetic) "What can we do but steal? We have to eat." This thinking springs from their socialist former countries.
Yeppers….these incompetent visionaries, inviting hundreds of illegals to take up hotel space, sleep on the sidewalks, harass real Americans, we used to walking and enjoying our own neighborhoods…..what are these so called leaders imagining will happen ? ~~~The illegals suddenly learning English grammar, how to answer a business phone, and working on their extension class homework after 5 pm by plugging their small computer into a tree? How long is this to last before they graduate to competence and get off of our patriot handouts. ~~~And oh, a few more new babies on floors 2, 3 and 7 due any minute. Born in the US of A!! Dodos and morons all, sorry, can’t use the correct ones…. Censored, doncha know
Your reply coincides with the YT videos I've seen. One guy translates from Spanish (keeping the sound up so that everyone can verify he's translating correctly), and an illegal in NYC talks about how the government refills his "debit card" (whatever they call them) every week because he's got a wife and baby. He tells the camera for his Tik Tok (I assume) audience that he plans on at least four more. He shows his wife and him shopping in a regular American supermarket buying EVERYTHING: all kinds of meat; milk; cheese; veggies; etc.
"The presence of the migrants is evidence of the contempt our “democratically elected” overlords, I mean, leaders, have for the electorate, the common men and women…"
States are trying to outdo themselves in throwing money to immigrants while not doing a damn thing for Americans who are in even more dire situations. California and NYC are giving them Medicaid while too many Americans can’t get on it. Kicking Americans out of buildings so that immigrants can be housed in them…the list is endless and it’s just more of the class warfare that the parasite class is waging on us.
Kyle Young has another glance at how we are being fleeced by the border industrial complex.
Yep and only Trump is ready to deport the illegals. All the others speak hot air until they can prove it.
What's behind the influx is .... SMART Cities agenda. That simple. Can be proven a million ways. Elites cause crisis , psy op, conflict, famine, theft, it's a closed loop of Soros Open societies.
Hi. I agree. And re drones i think the mention of mass producing drones would have helped to wake many up, atleast it did with me. If you look at what Amazon were planning with drones eg horsefly etc prior to the plandemic they had big plans. But I don't think they'd really thought it through. What percentage of population would be OK with drones flying everywhere. Not to mention air, wildlife conservation, and noise regulations. When businesses promote something to be for convenience, (which might sound great at first) we need to see what's under the covers eg data sharing gps, cameras, imposing danger etc
House and feed should be the last of our worries! Over 2million terrorists throughout every State.
Of course main stream media says nothing. They don’t even speak up when young girls are being kidnapped, tortured, and raped
Agree. In addition, 99% of Google searches produce lies/propaganda to prevent public from knowing truth about invasion of our country and corrupt government.
The search engine,, produces far more truthful results. I highly recommend it it.
Yeah, the migrant thing is out of hand. A few Russian bloggers have (jokingly) wondered if Navalny died because of the jab- some wonder if he got one from the West or the Sputnik one…
Clandestine wrote in his Substack the other day that Navalny was working for MI6 and planning a color revolution.
Yes there is undercover video footage of him explaining to another man what his role is. More clown world drama 🎭
I would like to see that and said it to the PM of Canada who responded as if Navalny was a god-man and Putin the Satan had personally killed him.
He wasn’t too popular in Russia. His death, if anything, would indicate a real breach of security within the government there.
...and so little outrage from the Biden regime about the US citizen, Gonzalo Lira, dying in an Ukrainian prison.
Neither Russia (who he spoke highly of) nor Chile came to his defense either.
He warned us early on the Ukraine could not win.
Guess no one wanted to hear it.
Russia’s lost 70-90,000 soldiers. They’re failing at everything they set out to do. Epic losses for both, utter disaster
There should be a list of politically appropriated suddenly and unexpectedlies.
I still believe the woman that kicked off the hijab protests in Iran was a vax death. Official story is she died as soon as she walked into the police station from a heart attack. Family said that was impossible since she was young and in good health. People claim she was beaten to death by the police but the pictures of her face in the hospital looked like she was untouched.
Yeah, I saw the video too and she definitely just spun around and died… that’s what it looked like to me
Oh, I didn't know that! Will take that into consideration. Thank you.
"Lock up your daughters, lock up your wives...." and to be honest, probably not a bad idea, your goats too.
Time to bite the billet...
An' here we see the real-time live performance of the tale of "Billet & Coo" ( ) -- whar 2 love-boids in a fictional "peaceful" town've parrots & canaries...hmmmm....--UNEXPECTEDLY traumatized by "The Black Menace" (a crow.... don' nobuddy git any idears readin' this ha ha) that terrorizes the town---wreaking' havoc (just like in NYShitty!) an' invadin' "safe homes" (by George!). It takes Bill-the-Cabbie (Boid) ta save the day... If only we wuz all in Chirpendale!
oh, I got it on dee-vee-dee (a mite less fuzzy), it's a good'un ta wartch if ya like "animal acts!" (I find it far better than the dog 'n pony show we get on the nooz!)
I'm afraid the romanticized elementary school version of the United States is deader than Paul Revere's horse. We've been on a downhill slide since the Gilded Age.
I think it is time for Americans to go on a total tax strike.
It would be helpful if everyone take the simple step of turning off their TV in unity, at least the MSM news sites.
I keep a list of all the things that there is a kind of blackout silence about, that are just never mentioned in anything I read or hear, and one of them is just that. No taxation without representation! Their contempt for us extends to this--look how the stupid sheep will pay for their own and their country's destruction. At least strike against federal taxes, but their fear of that is no doubt part of the reason the Beady-Eyed Demented Magoo brought all those new armed IRS agents on board.
I agree totally. It works if the sheeple would get their head out of their butt. There are a lot more of us than there is of them.
Absolutely perfect analogy; what does it feel like being forced to house, in our own homes, the devoted enemies who are intent on destroying what is left of Western Civilization? The really sad thing is that so many "progressives" are willing and even eager to bring migrants into their own homes (until they realize what they've done, in many cases).
The devoted enemies intent on destroying western civilization are the people paying for the third world to invade. And most of it is government money laundered through NGOs.
In Massachusetts a stupid white liberal boomer couple called the local US gub'ment entity and took in a family of "ILLEGAL MIGRANT S".
Not sure if more did the same
I'm a white boomer guy so can say that just in case I get called a racist.
I keep promoting Michael Yon and his team who report daily from the southern border.
To repeat what he puts on his substack.
These people are coming to kill you and your family, live in your home and play soccer with your head in the front yard..
Follow his substack America even though it scares the shit out of most of course.
Same shit here in CHINADA but you Americans must go first according to the plan.
Don't you worry about us here in CHINADA we have a tank in Oshawa Ont w ,can refurbish and greades up to save you.
May need a few parts though .
Been sitting since I guess since Korean War or so.
No soldiers to operate it though.
Someone will have to train on it.
You notice they aren’t in any of their neighborhoods.
Imagine that.
Problem is those type people will never connect or understand what they have done, even when it is too late. And depending on the situation the gov't will come in and tell them to keep their mouths shut.
This government knows exactly what they are doing. They have been stealing, printing $’s, spending, changing jaws to fit their personal pockets, and looking to enslave you more than you already are. This is not the elites Globalists country. It’s We the People of America’s country. To much Government and it’s a total Take Over.
Sorry, I will not aid and abet this corrupt administration in its willingness to import an army of illegal aliens into this country. THEY made this problem. THEY can fix this problem. #1776 #DoNotComply
2024: The Year Global Government Takes Shape
I’m not letting these paid ass wipes come into our house. This is another Scam there pulling. Who the hell paid for there asses to come here. If there so damn poor and hungry take a close look at them Cell phones don’t look hungry to me
Don’t buy into this shit there paid to do this
You are paying for it as a tax payer.
Yep. We need to stop paying for all this crap there pulling. Let’s shut the world down and see how far they get
I answered your question in this comment:
I know that I was just saying it cause the idiots of the world still don’t get it
Totally true thank you
Put them in blue homes
All you see in the picture are middle aged men. This spells nothing but trouble. Just to look at their faces show they are no good!
Here’s one for the died suddenly list
I've become quite dispirited with this topic. We literally have nowhere near the numbers of jobs for the vast immigration of illegals which have crossed our border. Why do states like NY, Illinois, and California keep screaming for their illegals to be given work permits? Who will hire them? They don't speak English. They don't read or write English. Those who will hire them under the table will form a new class of slaves. How will those men hanging around Lowes and Home Depot react when 50 more illegals show up? Progressive liberals make up 6% of the total public (Pew Research). Will they hire these illegals in the numbers needed to get them off of public assistance? I saw one interview with an illegal who was working (in a free hotel room because she had a child), and she quit after she saw her paycheck where taxes were deducted!!! She didn't feel like working anymore. Many envision earning ~$1,500/month according to the interviews I've seen on YT. How will they be able to do so without continued free board and food? As everyone I know now remarks, going to the grocery store today and spending $100 buys almost nothing for a normal family.
Find the answer in the Cloward Piven Strategy. What they're doing is designed to break the system in order to usher in what they want instead.
I know, Connect. I'm familiar with the Cloward Piven Strategy. In fact, I find myself, being in the position to see far beyond the current machinations of UN-driven mass immigration, dispirited for this reason. We can see so clearly what's happening...and evidently many others cannot. We can scream, rant, and rail to no effect.
A fine inspirational post by Jeff Childers
They steal and rob when the free money stops.
Exactly, AC. Exactly. If people doubt your statement, then I suggest they listen to some of the interviews with recent illegals. They actually SAY exactly what you describe. They relate going into a store in NYC asking for food, and the owner says, "No." They, then, tell the interviewer (who's acting sympathetic) "What can we do but steal? We have to eat." This thinking springs from their socialist former countries.
Yeppers….these incompetent visionaries, inviting hundreds of illegals to take up hotel space, sleep on the sidewalks, harass real Americans, we used to walking and enjoying our own neighborhoods…..what are these so called leaders imagining will happen ? ~~~The illegals suddenly learning English grammar, how to answer a business phone, and working on their extension class homework after 5 pm by plugging their small computer into a tree? How long is this to last before they graduate to competence and get off of our patriot handouts. ~~~And oh, a few more new babies on floors 2, 3 and 7 due any minute. Born in the US of A!! Dodos and morons all, sorry, can’t use the correct ones…. Censored, doncha know
Your reply coincides with the YT videos I've seen. One guy translates from Spanish (keeping the sound up so that everyone can verify he's translating correctly), and an illegal in NYC talks about how the government refills his "debit card" (whatever they call them) every week because he's got a wife and baby. He tells the camera for his Tik Tok (I assume) audience that he plans on at least four more. He shows his wife and him shopping in a regular American supermarket buying EVERYTHING: all kinds of meat; milk; cheese; veggies; etc.
"The presence of the migrants is evidence of the contempt our “democratically elected” overlords, I mean, leaders, have for the electorate, the common men and women…"
States are trying to outdo themselves in throwing money to immigrants while not doing a damn thing for Americans who are in even more dire situations. California and NYC are giving them Medicaid while too many Americans can’t get on it. Kicking Americans out of buildings so that immigrants can be housed in them…the list is endless and it’s just more of the class warfare that the parasite class is waging on us.
Kyle Young has another glance at how we are being fleeced by the border industrial complex.
Yep and only Trump is ready to deport the illegals. All the others speak hot air until they can prove it.
What's behind the influx is .... SMART Cities agenda. That simple. Can be proven a million ways. Elites cause crisis , psy op, conflict, famine, theft, it's a closed loop of Soros Open societies.
Hi. I agree. And re drones i think the mention of mass producing drones would have helped to wake many up, atleast it did with me. If you look at what Amazon were planning with drones eg horsefly etc prior to the plandemic they had big plans. But I don't think they'd really thought it through. What percentage of population would be OK with drones flying everywhere. Not to mention air, wildlife conservation, and noise regulations. When businesses promote something to be for convenience, (which might sound great at first) we need to see what's under the covers eg data sharing gps, cameras, imposing danger etc
The IoT link between Maui and Chile, and likely CA Canada Greece Rhodes and all over