How long before 'DWV' -

'Driving While Vaxxed' - is designated as a criminal violation of the traffic code and a basis to deny citizens the right to a driver's license?

Think Fifteen Minute Cities...

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Think 15 minute memories...

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I believe Mark is reporting these stories in the context of ANOMALIES and PATTERNS, not hardcore proof (forgive me if I’m somewhat off the Mark!)

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There's a reason no one is investigating to establish proof of anything. Specifically so people can say there's no hardcore proof. We need to ask WHY.

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Sorry, this was in response to “Striketheroot’s” comment!

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Thank you once again MCM for all your efforts to expose the nonsense. Someday they will wake up thanks to your efforts and the many others who continue to put in the effort. We are all greatly indebted to you.

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Speaking of bad news; got some today. New PET scan showed accelerated growth in neck nodes, new growth in a patch of nodes in chest and the node in the lung doubled in size in 12 weeks. Squamous cell carcinoma for all. Have an immunotherapy trial to sign up for, but, before I step off into the abyss, I truly am in need of your opinion. I cherish your thoughts and place them on a much higher level than the ones I received from my docs. I have IVM and Fenben on the way. I have a multi shroom/MCT Oil as my binder……

Y’all are my med team and the time is now. I can post no scan info or all scan info; whichever works best. Please let me know. Have way too much to accomplish to leave this rock now, thank you….,?

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Look at the case reports and papers at BenFen's substack, Fenbendazole Can Cure Cancer:


Good luck, Max! <3

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Donna Wilson, thank you for posting that link.

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Sure, Jennifer. I've been taking mebendazole (human formulation; fenben is vet preparation, but they are almost exactly the same molecule) 200mg/day x 5 days/week with a spoonful of olive oil (best taken with oil) since October 2023 with no issues. Taking 200 mg on Dr. Marik's recommendation in his book, Cancer Care. Many folks at the Fenben substack seem to be using 222 mg/day of fenben. There's no protocol, we're all feeling our way along here. But the case reports at the substack are amazing!!! If anyone reading this has cancer, GO THERE and check it out! Nothing to lose, right? ;-) Good luck to us all!

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Get yourself a copy of Paul Marik's latest work,

"Cancer Care" asap and Read It Through. Make certain your Vitamin D3 blood levels are above 70 ng/mL and

verify with blood test.

Research Essiac Tea and order through Starwest Botanicals, organic only - I'd be sipping this throughout the day. Supplements:

bioavailable Curcumin, Berberine, Quercetin,

and most of all Fenbendazole and Ivermectin.

None of this is medical advice; it's a personal protocol I researched for me, 'just in case' since I won't trust my life to the Witch Doctors of our current medical industry. Best of luck to you.

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Thank you from the depths of my soul. Gotta get this one right! All that went before were mere practice. Game on!

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If only it WERE a "game!" How many of us would lose? Count me as one. I depend on deep knowledge but certainly NOT my own. The very last thing my 99 yr old daddy spoke to me, while on his last leg in "hospice" was to a question I asked him: I said, "Are you all right" and he replied, "I'm scared." I asked, "Why, Dad?" He replied, "I don't know where I'm going." (implying heaven or hell). I'm not his Judge, so I bypassed the issue and just remarked that he was going no where, but only to sleep as I had formerly always brought to his consideration when the subject of death was on the table.

So why do I inject this personal bit of history? So as to remind you that NO one is really prepared to welcome the "reaper." Whether old or young, there is ALWAYS unfinished business, more to do, more to say. I'm here to tell you that death is certain for us all, no matter what, and those who have ceased previously, and laid to rest, are fortunate if they have made their peace with the Lord. While it is yet "day" for the living, we should be thankful to our Creator for however many days He has seen fit to allow His "breath of life" to exist within us. Faith that Jesus will resurrect the dead will see you through even unto eternity, if you will follow the steps of those who repent and be baptized into the "body of Christ." Time is of a mortal substance, but in the near future, it will no longer govern our time. The "rock" or earth, you mentioned will be made new, along with your "changed" body into a more spiritually constructed unit, with substance and form, not just some vapor-like ghost, as is commonly thought.

Think on these things. Read and keep God's Word CLOSE in your heart and mind. Never mind your temporal condition, but certainly try to amend it if possible to extend your life, so you might join the crusade to publish the miraculous plan of Redemption offered all from the Creator Himself....Jesus Christ!

Best of wishes to you, MH.


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It is our faith that is the key to passing through the eye of a needle. There would be no need for faith if there were no issues to deal with. We now have, what appears to be, insurmountable issues; we need insurmountable faith. I am where your father was on that day with the exception that I have laid my deadly cancer bully at Jesus’s feet as he asked. I do struggle at times with worry, but try to always come back to the faith arena. My wife and I send prayers over you!and your family. “WHERE TWO OR MORE OF YOU COME TOGETHER IN MY NAME, I am also there”. That’s the best armor anyone can adorn.

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Dear Brother in Christ,

It's not all that often when genuine openness is received, as you manifest here. Thank you.

There are a number of things I'd like to point out, however. Technically, my "father" (Father) is in heaven; and my "dad" was the man whose hand I held that last evening of his life.

Passing through the eye of a needle, sounds impossible, but was Jesus's parable to those with money who exclude the concerns of the ministries and needs of the poor for selfish reasons. "The eye of the needle" refers to a narrow gate which leads into the city that restricts unchecked flow of persons, and makes entering somewhat difficult, so as to hamper a rapid military entrance.

Your "bully" cancer is no match for the King of Heaven, and I hope that you will succeed in its demise and return to health. It would be advised to adopt a different perspective that that of allopathy, which poisons (chemo) , slash (with a scalpel) and burns (with radiation) as treatment protocols. There are some excellent suggestive alternatives which might include juicing, fasting, vit C in high doses, etc. Many to investigate. And obviously, one should enjoin the process(es) with a reduction or elimination of all things which offend the body, and give it time resting to accomplish what God has input within it to perform. Included in the process, would also be mental "peace" as you alluded to "the armor" of God being "adorned." But the armor of God is to protect us in this spiritual battle of the mind between good and evil. It is not technically for "adorning" but I definitely understood your meaning.

Worry is very detrimental, and putting your faith and cares at the feet of Jesus is perfect, but there is some work to do on your part as well. In the spiritual battle, you would do well to read E.G. White's material. There are endless books and manuscripts to gain light from. She is the REAL DEAL, and NO "false prophet." Your quest to stay above ground will be enhanced by prayer and the honest quest for the Truth in this horrible world of deception. I'm telling you with no uncertain terms where to find the Truth. It is in God's Received Text, the KJV of His Holy Word, AND "The Spirit of Prophecy" which encapsulates ALL of her writings.

May this reply be well received. In Jesus' name!


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oh yes curcumin I forgot to mention myself.. super anti proliferative 👌

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You can download the full text of Dr. Paul Marik's book, Cancer Care: The Role of Repurposed Drugs and Metabolic Interventions in Treating Cancer

...here, for free:


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See Jim Humble's book on MMS, The Miracle Mineral Solution. Watch theuniversalantidote.com. Cancer looks to be parasitic in nature, acc. to Dr. Lee Merritt and other smart free thinking people. I'd also do Ivermectin, the tablets or the horse paste, which is a lot cheaper. The paste is the same molecule. Should we stop drinking water because pigs drink water?

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Why are you taking Ivermectin at all? No one should be taking pharmaceuticals for no reason. Do you suffer from parasites? All pharmaceuticals are toxins, some stronger than others but still, all toxins. No exceptions.

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Max:Stay close to your love ones,hold and be held by your most precious. pray, we pray for you.

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Find videos on Bitchute or Rumble that interview Dr. Thomas Seyfried about cancer. He talks with Dr. Paul Marik and many others. Buy “Tripping over the truth” book about Dr. Seyfried’s work. Using diet and some drugs for cancer treatment. Keto diet starves cancer.

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Keto does good that it tends to eliminate the chemical, dyes, preservatives, toxins etc that we normally find in a typical American diet. The body does sometimes do a lot better when it gets a break from all that. However sometimes keto does not provide the proper vitamins a person needs, and it can be hard on the kidneys as protein is hard on kidneys. Kidneys are essential to life. Animals protein is harder on the kidneys than plant protein.

If a person has cancer that means their kidneys are not already doing a good job properly getting rid of their waste. So I say go keto when having cancer with caution.

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My bad advice is to quit allopathy ,

and take responsibility.

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artemisinin, apricot kernels, DMSO, iodine, Turkey tail, red light, cold expo, meditation, inner talk subliminals, organic food, grassfed meat, keto are some ideas. friend had also pembrolizumab (which is a monoclonal antibody treatment repackaged as immuno for cancer/ in conjunct with her treatment).

serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme which munches thru extra proteins/ fibrosis. coconut oil and mct stimulate autophagy ( cell cleanup). as does fasting! see book by Fred Everard and Guy Tenenbaum -great keto and supplements protocol. they first fasted, also used garcinia cambogia. reversed stg

4s. fasting is helped by having keto minerals to keep electrolytes, as you pee them out(!), or oink himalayas salt in fizzy mineral water ( i like a splash of acv and lemon) at least i did til i turned carnivore! friend also used a maverick doc - who also gave vit C ( or B or glutathione, whatever was required) etc infusions. Never eat sugar. friend was shocked at the nurses wheeling out trays of choccie biccies at treatments! ( see Thomas seyfried based on otto Warburton, cancer as a metabolic disease). Marik's book looks good! oh yes ivers and fenben/ mebendazole.

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dr boz helped her mum be well for 11 years, from being told she was at deaths door, using fasting + bone broth, then keto. she is a doc, and only recently " woke up" but has a book " any way you can" about grandma Rose, and does have good keto info. ketosis/ fasting heals. starting with an overnight one, just late brek, you even prevent br ca recurring with 13hr break from eating ( from studies). i can do 10 days now, there are some great books on it by Dr Jason fung.

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sorry all typos... not allowed to edit. * pink himalayan *otto warburg

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Stop all process foods. Think twice about anything you put on your skin. Drink the cleanest water you can. I'm not in the medical field but I think there are lots of things you can do to fight it.

Here is Dr. Lee Merritt parasitic protocol. https://drleemerritt.com/uploads/PARASITES.pdf And Dr. Lee web site https://www.drleemerritt.com/

Also visit Dr. Robert Morse https://morses.tv/


If it were me I would look into Rene Caisse with her herbal tea and vitamin B17 and Vitamin C and vitamin D.

There have been some doctors lately that say they have had better treatment than poison, cut and burn. Dr. Akbar Khan tried to market his dichloroacetate (DCA) and was denied or his SEF that he says provides less toxins to chemo patients was denied. Also Dr. William Makis here on substack and Professor Angus Dalgleish (On Dr. John Campbells you tube and Rumble videos) say they have had very high success rate treating cancer but does Big Pharma knock at their door. Well yeah, but... Big pharma knocks at their door to destroy them. WTH?

Maybe look into Max Gerson diet too. Dr. Simoncini baking soda cure. Here are also herbs/plants that seem to have a anti-cancer characteristic about it such as mistle toe, cannabis, sour sop, etc

Other ways people say they cured cancer with activated charcoal, salve, green barley (grass), getting rid of root canals and dental amalgams, curing an infection in your gums of your mouth, getting rid of the mold that is in your house, getting rid of the heavy metals from any shots you may have taken.....

The new and improved Joe Tippens protocol:

Tocotrienol and Tocopherol forms (all 8) of Vitamin E (400-800mg per day, 7 days a week). A product called Gamma E by Life Extension or Perfect E are both great.

Bio-Available Curcumin (600mg per day, 2 pills per day 7 days a week). A product called Theracurmin HP by Integrative Therapeutics is bioavailable.

CBD oil (1-2 droppers full [equal to 25mg per day] under the tongue, 7 days a week) https://www.soothingsolutionscbd.com/product/3500mg-full-spectrum-cbd-tincture/

Fenbendazole (300 MILLIGRAMS PER DAY FOR 3 CONSECUTIVE DAYS) per week. Take 4 days off and repeat each week. (2SG: it would be best to administer the Fenbendazole 7 days a week.)

Ivermectin (24mg per day 7 days a week) with the above Fenbendazole protocol may increase the chances for successful remission.

Again I am not in the medical field and do your own research. I wish you good health

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John 11:25-26

Yahweh bless you

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Throw everything at it.

B17 too

IP6 (in large doses)-Follow NaturalImmunity on X

Mesima Mushroom

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If the immunotherapy trial is for an immune checkpoint inhibitor drug, then do more research on the drug in question. Pembrolizumab (aka Keytruda) is ICI market leader (and close to being the highest-grossing drug in the world...). In certain cancers, this drug can cause disease hyperprogression in a significant proportion of recipients. This is well documented. Look up user reviews on Drugs.com. Squamous cell carcinoma usually progresses slowly. Sounds like your progression is faster.


Just 3 reviews for Keytruda in SCC:-


All comments for many cancers:-


Check out reviews on most common lung cancer (NSCLC). Not good...

Other checkpoint inhibitors are Opdivo and Tecentriq. Find out what drug is being trialled, look up on same site and check user reviews. I would be circumspect myself.

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Also check out chrisbeatcancer.com

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ivm ( albeit injected) is in drug trials being used in conjunction with the immunotherapy... and has a massive boosting effect. (something gate inhibitors). my friend had no bad effects from immuno. she visualised it. every time they said " oh your bloods won't come up again now" , they did. never took any anti sickness or steroids.

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Oh so sorry to hear. Please look up Anthony Williams the medical medium there is a way back to health. He has a lot of free info on his webstie, vids, podcasts and more. He has some great books you can buy either hardcop or ebooks or borrow from the library, if they don't have them ask them to get them, so well worth you having a go at other methods. Good luck.

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What I’m needing right now is the maximum amount of the FENBEN and IVM

I can take orally for my cancer treatment….



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No where is safe until everywhere is not safe.

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Mark: I agree with you completely BUT in terms of the legal / medical system there is no resolution and until there is some irrefutable proof this goes nowhere near justice. My father ordered his own autopsy circa 1994 and resulted in a claim for Mesothelioma / asbestos caused death. absent that autopsy we would have had exactly SQUAT

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I posted the story story about the Pa. police officer crashing into an apartment last evening! Unfortunately nobody seems to see what I post! I also shared a story a bit ago that happened in Pa. in 2021 about a tour bus accident that mysterious went off the exit and full force into the woods. Injuring quite a few HS. girls & some to this day are still trying to manage through their injuries. We had lots of died suddenly or unexpectedly here too. No clue why my posts shared are not read or put out there. My best friends own 3 Funeral homes here in Pa. & it's a shitshow with deaths. The gentleman who's been working at the crematory for over 25 yr. says he's never experienced anything like the past 3/4 yrs.

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Car crash vaccidence well cause auto insurance incidence. Most have gone to 6month policies. Very soon affordability and lack of auto insurance well crush a middle class family.

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I've noticed a lot of two cars frontal crashes here in Denmark recently. Yesterday, I read about a 60 yo man and a 54 yo woman who died in separate accidents.

In the case of the woman, witnesses had said 'it seemed as if the woman changed direction and crossed into the opposite lane.' The article about the man claimed something similar, which caught my attention. The ones they crashed into, a truck driver and a two people in their 40s in a car, were not seriously harmed.

I wonder if they were already dead, and if the police have stopped mentioning if it was a 'medical incidence'. But that is speculation on my part.

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Speculation is welcome here! Speculation makes more sense than the "official narrative" we've been fed...

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And guess what... There just was another one yesterday! This is getting scarier by the day!

'A 61-year-old driver of a passenger car has died after colliding head-on with a lorry near Rødding in Southern Jutland.

This is what Syd- og Sønderjyllands Politi write on the social media X.'

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I remember my hitchhiking days and hoping a deranged psycho wouldn't pick me up. Today I wouldn't let my grandkids thumb for a ride. Driver is likely jabbed...

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How long until the vaccinated lose their licenses? Remember-the plan was "smart cities" with no driving. I think this is going to fail, but they are letting it play out.

This is a clue that they are going to try lockdowns again. Too many accidents are getting obvious. They can't have people talking at the water cooler at work either.

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They're going to have to redesign cars and trucks so they're like airplanes that have a pilot and co-pilot, so when the driver keels over from a covid injection injury, the co-driver can take over the driving....


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This is crazy, not safe anywhere anymore. I wonder what it is like in Australia? Not able to find statistics.

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There are 3 MILLION 4 HUNDRED THOUSAND 265 deaths per year in the USA in all age categories. Humans don't have an unlimited lifespan. I understand there is PROBABLY a VAX connection but unless proven this is just another obituary.

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Demanding it be "proven" is a way to skirt the issue, since they've made it near-impossible to do proper autopsies, and intimidate surviving family into keeping mum. This means we must rely on the evidence of our senses, our memories of former times, and common sense—a kind of reason that you're trying to blow off. (Why?)

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For a country (US) that claims excellence and extraordinary exceptionalism in many professional disciplines, the lack of meticulous records, investigations, and autopsies is troubling.

Ed Dowd has said there is 40 percent excess mortality for ages between 25-64 (US workforce) A 10 percent increase would be a one in 200 year flood or three standard deviation event. Forty percent was off the charts. https://www.bitchute.com/video/VLVH8rmaqhVI/

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It all goes back to the criminal drug companies. It is NOT up to us to prove that their poison injections are killing and injuring people! It was up to THEM to prove that they were safe! They did not do that. They ran fraudulent trials where they eliminated people who had serious reactions from the trial! Maddie de Garay was one who was eliminated. More people died in the vax group than in the control group. They didn't even test for some things like whether they caused autoimmune diseases to flair up or whether they caused miscarriages to pregnant women. They are criminal enterprises. The FDA should not have approved the injections, but THEY are a criminal enterprise as well! We are on our own and until these criminals can prove to us that it wasn't the "vaccine" that caused these crashes, the millions of deaths around the world, hundreds of professional athletes collapsing on their playing fields, millions of disabilities being filed, I will say it's the "vaccines" that are causing all these horrors.

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No! Dr. McCullough said if nothing is found, the vax is to blame. Don’t remember exact words.Jabs are killing machines!

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The brainwashing is very deep with this one. I may need to flex my Jedi powers.

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I heard from one author that there's around 7500 deaths per day in the United States. BUT, and I think this BUT really matters-- as Mark said, we're not allowed to study whether a death comes from the covid-vaxx or from other causes; therefore, as others have said, we should assume it's the vaccine (by, like Mark said, using our senses, our memories) until we're allowed to investigate. Because the whole bit today is about lying and distortion-- and because we've all been and are still being pretzeled up in mind as we can't get to much fact based truth, here's where I stand: The killers won't let us discover the truth? Then blame the deaths that seem like the vaxx on the killers.

As for me, I blame ALL DEATHS EVERYWHERE on the covid19 lethal injection... 🧐🤓

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There's a reason investigations aren't happening. They don't want to find proof.

That should be more concerning than the current lack of proof.

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Ha! Ha!

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Thank you very much. I have saved this and will refer to it often. I’ll be starting the Fenben/IVM protocol tomorrow.

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Well, PET. scan lit up! I met with the doc team yesterday and we now have a “western” plan of attack. Keytruda and another med as an infusion that is a trial and the trial has been proving to be pretty successful. Nope, I know what you are thinking. There is a six week period before my first trip to the infusion room. So, I will have six weeks of the FENBEN and IVM combo “in the books” before we ever see an infusion room. So, question to whomever: What scan should I request at that point to show progress of the FRNBEN/IVM protocol?

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Not trying to influence you in the least, Max.

Just keep in mind that "treatment" is irreversible.

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That is one of the many reasons for asking about a progress marker of some kind. I’ll have 6 to 8 weeks on our protocol before I ever see a Keytruda infusion chair. As fast as this cancer is progressing, I don’t believe I’ll have another 6 to 8 week period for testing; I’ll need to at least start treatment at that time. Losing a little time doesn’t affect my decision making; 6 to 8 weeks is another story only because of the progression the cancer has shown to date.

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For those who may have missed yesterday's hearing hosted by Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson, here is the link: https://thevaccinereaction.org/2024/02/federal-health-agencies-and-the-covid-cartel-what-are-they-hiding/

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