escorted from ‘secure’ hospital unit across a balcony walkway from where she fell 5 stories? How is that even possible? No one believes that story as being accidental.

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I am seriously baffled by that too. The crap they write and excuses they give are ridiculous. All these young people with medical emergencies. 🙄

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Doesn’t it almost make one wonder about an insane medical murder attempt?

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Word salad!

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Escorted? Did they walk behind her? Were…..they holding on to her? In this case, what is the meaning of escorted? ~~~If I take my head off to give it a break, can I screw it on later?!!! We have a heart hospital here, but I don’t know if they have skywalks between buildings….

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There is a skywalk between the VA and pvt hospitals in Portland OR.

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I just posted the same thing. Also concerning is that a "secure" unit is where she was before falling. Sounds like a psych ward ? Was she suicidal ?

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How on earth can one fall five stories and not break their neck….I mean you don’t exactly choreograph your way down. Leaping from some rocky promontory in some coastal town in Italy, into the ocean, at least one watches others do it~~~but falling five stories unplanned?

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I can’t think of any balcony walkway at St. Paul’s.

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If you are 19 and told you will be seriously ill for life maybe you take matters into your own hands the first chance you get.

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Hospitals work very hard to prevent “falls” of any kind much less 5 stories. Smells too but this is fishy.

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The local news reports, predictably, have been vague. Hints at suicide attempts, first in Winnipeg, then this serious attempt recently.

Suicide? Seems hard to figure, given she has some celebrity value attached, attractive young gal with seemingly a future of wealth and security.

Could this be a Weinstein situation? It’s unfortunate the Canadian news media is completely incompetent, corrupt and controlled

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I was wondering the same

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The 100 Meter Drop Care Pathway.

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Sounds like a mental case to me.

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I had a similar experience with T-cell lymphoma. I was dying the day they told me what it was after 30 days of testing. Stanford didn’t return my doctor’s calls as they were sure I would not make it. I think they get funded on success statistics, and I was going to bring that down. After I achieved remission, the phone rang off the hook. My new best buddies, as I guessed they could then take the credit.

This was 18 years ago, and it is much worse now. When people enter the medical system, they need to understand they are completely on their own. I had 3 rounds of chemo they knew was not effective against T-cell lymphoma. When I asked why they did that, the response was “it’s the protocol”. Everyone stay healthy!

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So happy for you that you can write this! My neighbor succumbed to large cell anaplastic T-cell lymphoma, but that was very soon post-jab. Still miss that man.

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It’s been looking like a protective health pro-feshional group think….hope they don’t talk in their sleep, or during their nap in the doctor break room

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Key quote: "The pair will be guests of Uefa, with their story set to be part of the Get Trained, Save Lives campaign..." — all part of the normalization of jab-induced heart damage.

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I think Damar Hamlin started something similar to this.

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A quick search showed that ALL major North American sports leagues launched similar campaigns. "It's one Big Club and..."

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It definitely is! I just listened to this podcast. It blew my mind. It’s about Gematria which they use against us. How Francis Scott Key Bridge relates to Pelosi was especially interesting around time stamp 35:00.


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Wow! Dude spits a whole lotta numbers!

That's some high-level woo woo ... way above my pay grade!

The scary thing is, there could be something to it.

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It’s been awhile for him…is he playing at all or has he dropped out ?

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It’s a miracle he can play part time according to DrMcCullough. Many don’t believe it’s really him. But he is on borrowed time for sure. American football is not as strenuous as European Football aka soccer. They are dying at a rapid pace. Heartbeat goes up and they keel over.

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I tend to think it isn’t he. Dr. Palevsky rode in one of his seven cars that his family auctioned off after his health event (death). A friend of his bought it. Why would they do this if he were alive? You sell off property in large quantities after a death. They may have been paid off and agreed to signing an NDA. You’d wonder why his teammates wouldn’t speak out though. Maybe to do so would be career or life ending for them. I also heard someone claim to have found his name in death records in his state which I think was Pennsylvania.

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"Something I did to myself".....really?

Gaslighting, anyone?

Welcome to Censorship 2024; where you reap what you sow.

Sorry......not sorry. When you're part of the celebrity parasite class....you're unfortunately going to get what they all deserve.

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It might happen to you or someone you love. It happened to me more than once and it’s a horrible thing to go through.

No one deserves any of these diseases/disorders.

Strange thoughts coming from a doctor.


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Hollywood was set up in order to ensnare humanity with dark spellcasting; there is nothing that is good or pure about it and those who willingly become its minions eventually all pay the price for their fame and fortune as well as for the collateral damage they are helping to cause in the ongoing mind-control of the addicted population that they influence. These are the consequences of their choices, and although I do have sympathy for any pain and suffering....I do not pretend that choices are not choices or that there should be no consequences to choices; we all make life choices and we all have consequences from those choices. These are lessons that we must learn for soul growth.

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Sadly and tragically we are learning a whole new, and shocking sentence structure

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Hasten the elderly to their graves, make sick the healthy young, sell them "miracle" drugs and treatments, extract all value, squeeze us like lemons, and we will have no energy or will to protest anything.

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It's so that the old stop collecting SS and/or pensions as the system has been hemorrhaging for too long.

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And by some means administer a forgetfulness drug, some perfumed air spray perhaps, so that the dots never do connect and they all keel over quietly, at home without endangering the neighborhood….. ARGRGHRGARG. I cannot understand it….it’s those news sites naming the truth tellers as nuts…. And…!! …Do you know, today at BN, I scanned Newsweek, the issue about Ukraine war, and pp 30-41 listed !!! public relay-shun companies ….doing what they do best……Ai yi yi Terrifying ! No wonder!! OMG….full throated, controlling the truth, or lack of…..

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FDA just approved new experimental vax for that respiratory disease for Moderna aka Gates. But Madonna is not a big pharmaceutical company they were created by Gates and they got there shot information from CDC who had filed the pattern so who gave them the information to make this vaccine Fauci NIHCDC? They pay royalties to them so banana Moderna just gave millions to the CDCfor the COVID-19 vaccine shots. I read that in the trials this RSV vaccine. I think it’s RSV killed babies and children so this is only for seniors that FDA gave approval. Does it look like they’ve learned their lesson?

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They ALL I guarantee got the Covid shots. It’s time people came clean about it and sued these companies and put the CEO and scientist in prison for crimes against humanity. Terrible.

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Prison doesn't seem to be Just enough at this point.

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No it doesn’t

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Poor Mamie. Here's to her recovery. Her story is confusing: She was escorted from a secure unit at the hosp across a balcony walkway and fell 5 stories. What were her escort/s doing ?

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Seems like I would be suing somebody STAT.

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Doctors who don’t run routine tests in see if a person is ill, but then gaslight them should have to go back to medical school for remedial studies for how to be a doctor! So many people have been gaslighted only to find out later that they have a serious problem.

Even though the ER doctors thought I was faking it the 6 times I went in they ran every test to rule out serious issues. But then they ignored me until they could discharge me.

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Go back to medical school? That’s where they learn it.

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Yeah good point. But there is no reason why they won’t run routine tests unless there’s a nefarious reason. Boy I hate being this cynical.

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Awful so sorry …. Some sort of haunting in the residents’ fourth floor nap room should be possible …. 2 am…

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Thank you. My GP did spend time with me to try to figure out my problem. I’m knowledgeable about medical issues and I appreciated that he took the time to listen to me and do all tests we could think of.

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That’s wonderful you have such a contact. My doctor was already to give me a booster last time I visited. ;-) And no we have discussed my disgustment about all of this…it could lose precious minutes and lose her regard for me next time I need her. See what happen when truth begins to show.

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Good point. Notes get put into digital files.

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Of course there are good ones. Glad you found one but just getting appointments can be hard and assessment difficult. I see a functional medicine doc who is unvaxxed and did lead me to some answers. It’s expensive though as insurance doesn’t cover most of it. At my age I consider myself worth it. Hope all gets better, Sam.

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I’m sorry. These same doctors were paid big bucks to injure ppl with these shots!Hope you can get a real doctor to help. You must take detox and EDTA and Mrtm blue at the least!Dr Ana Maria Monica’s.

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My problem wasn’t related to the jab and I feel lucky I wasn’t given a fake Covid test and stuck on a ventilator. I wasn’t jabbed, but wasn’t aware of the hospital protocols that were killing patients. I feel very lucky that I dodged that bullet!

I’m looking into detoxing from heavy metals because my lead level is extremely high. The state has been here looking to see what’s causing it, but so far no luck.

But my problem at the time wasn’t because of the lead level.

I’m lucky to be alive after a horrific head injury at age 18, but damn I’ve had one medical issue after another since.

Thanks for your concern.

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Please do detoxing De Blaylock directions and like Corella greens drinks.so glad you are free. I got the

Monoclonal antibody I took with hydrochloriquine and caused me damage

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Thank you for the information.

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And you have us Sam!

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Absolutely. I have gotten lots of support online for which I’m grateful.


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I had high levels of lead and arsenic. I went through 2 EDTA (?) detoxes which helped. I was raised on a farm in the 50s. Old house, old water pipes, old paint, farm chemicals—who knows. Doc was surprised I wasn’t high in mercury.

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Can you point me to some literature on this? I have heard of the treatment, but I want to look into it. My doctor said he would look into it, but I don’t think he has the time.

The tests the state did Iin my home didn’t find anything that would cause a, but lots of people in my area have house problems. They have been digging up the streets just blocks from my house.

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The one I took you had to capture urine for a few days. Make a vial of the aggregation and send it to the lab. Then I took 2 pills which apparently leech out heavy metals and do the urine capture again, sending the vial to the lab and compare it to the control procedure done first. . I have a functional medicine doc. They are more apt to do this. I doubt a conventional gp would. I did this whole thing twice and a substantial amount of heavy metals were removed. I was in a good health state anyway so I’m not sure if I felt any different. I was doing several treatments, including thyroid support. Are you in a radon area?

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Thank you. I’m working with the state who just got grant money, but they are still setting everything up. They tested the water and paint. No problem with either.The guy I’m working with says that he will have more information on testing and treatment soon.

I didn’t notice any symptoms except my leg was numb, but it has nerve damage from my back injury. I just related it to that.

I’ll ask him tomorrow where they are now.

He gave me a meter for radon and it was low.

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The word I’m looking for is unrelenting☘️

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One of my good friends got autoimmune hepatitis right after 2 jabs. Very, very sick in 2021-2022. Now she had the nuclear cat scan Thursday because her blood is showing some cancer markers. I am afraid for her. She is the first one in my close circle that looks like she has a continuing medical issue. We are all in our 70s.

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Awesome compilation. And only a tiny tip of the iceberg. I've seen a lot of these reports and not just husband and wife but also siblings, parents & their children, and even uncles, aunts, nephews, and nieces. There are not enough hours in the day for researchers to document all of this even if all of the information were made available (which as we know is not).

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Whoah. Thats deep and dark.

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Most skywalks I’ve seen are completely enclosed—especially in Canada you would think considering the weather is ice and snow. Something doesn’t smell right there.

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Not in Vancouver. Moderate climate. Snow and sub-zero is rare, compared to the prairies where skywalks are more common.

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One of the blessings in this nightmare is figuring out that physicians have most likely been gaslighting their patients forever! And people are speaking out about the nasty treatment. I'd wager they have a class in first year teaching them how to do this... gaslighting 101...

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The survival rate after falling five stories isn’t good.

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Agree…. yikes! Cannot imagine

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How weird is that

Psychiatrist of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Commits Suicide

Anguished Suicide Note Cites ‘Deluge of Doublethink’ In Driving Kind-Hearted Shrink to Despair


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“We are deeply saddened to report that on May 26th, Mamie, who has been in intensive treatment for the past two weeks, was escorted out of a secure unit of the hospital and taken up to a balcony walkway from which she fell five stories.”


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