We live in 1939 Holland or Germany here in CHINADA right now.
Where my parents came from.
My Dad and Mom lived in Tyranny as children for 5 years as the Germans starved the Dutch in 39.
Two uncles starved to death.
Holodomor 2023-24 with our mass die off continuing daily.
They are coming for everyone at some point with the REPTILE BRAI…
We live in 1939 Holland or Germany here in CHINADA right now.
Where my parents came from.
My Dad and Mom lived in Tyranny as children for 5 years as the Germans starved the Dutch in 39.
Two uncles starved to death.
Holodomor 2023-24 with our mass die off continuing daily.
They are coming for everyone at some point with the REPTILE BRAIN BOUGHT OFF GLOBALIST WHORES shilling for Klausy and Billy here in CHINADA leading the way to Tyranny.
Our little PUKE WEFer in charge along with his NAZI loving WEFer Freeland is most likely blackmailed to do what he is told according to David Hawkins.
Nobody can be this FUCKING LOW IQ.
If we don't have many more folks waking up we will be rounded up by 2030 or sooner as Klausy keeps saying.
I personally won't be going anywhere with anyone ever by force.
It's hard to come to that conclusion. Still, what do you call someone who deliberately legislate mandates and schemes like digital IDs and passports that they know will cause injuries and deaths? Maybe it's time to start calling it for what it is. If they were naive, or just mistaken, or misled..maybe, but they are well aware of what they are doing. The facts are all around them and have been there from the beginning. So what do you call someone who allows this on all their citizens, babies included?
We live in 1939 Holland or Germany here in CHINADA right now.
Where my parents came from.
My Dad and Mom lived in Tyranny as children for 5 years as the Germans starved the Dutch in 39.
Two uncles starved to death.
Holodomor 2023-24 with our mass die off continuing daily.
They are coming for everyone at some point with the REPTILE BRAIN BOUGHT OFF GLOBALIST WHORES shilling for Klausy and Billy here in CHINADA leading the way to Tyranny.
Our little PUKE WEFer in charge along with his NAZI loving WEFer Freeland is most likely blackmailed to do what he is told according to David Hawkins.
Nobody can be this FUCKING LOW IQ.
If we don't have many more folks waking up we will be rounded up by 2030 or sooner as Klausy keeps saying.
I personally won't be going anywhere with anyone ever by force.
We keep EXPOSING where we can.
Trudeau and Nazi Freeland are doing it freely...not blackmailed.
True psychopaths and murderers.
Not sure but I 100% agree with your last statement.
It's hard to come to that conclusion. Still, what do you call someone who deliberately legislate mandates and schemes like digital IDs and passports that they know will cause injuries and deaths? Maybe it's time to start calling it for what it is. If they were naive, or just mistaken, or misled..maybe, but they are well aware of what they are doing. The facts are all around them and have been there from the beginning. So what do you call someone who allows this on all their citizens, babies included?