Things are definitely not good in Canada and heaven knows how brutal I've been with this immature country along with the uber-corrupt Quebec, but she may have misspoken here. The clip seems to cut off but she may have meant those people purposely trained to eliminate people FROM asking for MAIDS. I don't know. Doesn't detract that this government has made it easier to request MAIDS. So they keep falling into this trap of trying to defend the indefensible.

This government needs to resign. All of them. They're out of control in my view. They're constantly picking fights with the provinces, citizens, and also nations like Russia. It's a party of angst and division driven by ideologues.

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Following the Footsteps of the Third Reich: Canada Announces Medicalized Murder of the Mentally Ill

History Repeating: the use of weaponized psychiatry in the recent past


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They say they are going to eliminate those individuals who are suffering from "simple" suicidal ideation from their list of individuals qualified to be assisted to die. In other words, and I am quoting directly from one of the lead individuals on this file, "we won't be offering MAID to people with the blues." What they really should be saying is that "we as a profession are completely useless at treating mental health problems and rather than admit that and dismiss ourselves we will simply kill our patients."

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

We live in 1939 Holland or Germany here in CHINADA right now.

Where my parents came from.

My Dad and Mom lived in Tyranny as children for 5 years as the Germans starved the Dutch in 39.

Two uncles starved to death.

Holodomor 2023-24 with our mass die off continuing daily.

They are coming for everyone at some point with the REPTILE BRAIN BOUGHT OFF GLOBALIST WHORES shilling for Klausy and Billy here in CHINADA leading the way to Tyranny.

Our little PUKE WEFer in charge along with his NAZI loving WEFer Freeland is most likely blackmailed to do what he is told according to David Hawkins.

Nobody can be this FUCKING LOW IQ.

If we don't have many more folks waking up we will be rounded up by 2030 or sooner as Klausy keeps saying.

I personally won't be going anywhere with anyone ever by force.

We keep EXPOSING where we can.

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The coup that has taken over the West is a Death Cult. Their Agenda is to terminate 90% of the population one way or the other.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

It’s becoming so apparent on the dangers of the jabs, that the perpetrators are getting more and more aggressive with censoring, propaganda, suspending licenses, even passing bills to counter the truth. But people are more awake now then ever to the dangers of the poisons that were pushed so vehemently at them. Just talking to people at the store, they are opening up about side effects they and their loved ones experienced post jab. I know these were Not reported in any data base, and I agree a 100% with this professors evaluation.

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Obligatory disclaimer that I hate Trudeau and what Canada has become. However, I want to see more context surrounding this clip, especially what came afterwards (if anything). Just based on this alone, it IS open to the counter interpretation stated by others here. "Purposely trained to eliminate people who are suicidal" COULD mean eliminate from the MAID program, not from life. Such limited use and intent of language from a standard bureaucrat like this is certainly possible.

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I think she misspoke and said eliminate instead of exclude. But still. That program seems extremely aggressive.

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1976 Swine flu vaccine.

Stopped after approximately 50 deaths.

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You can literally (and I hate that word) watch her swallowing the foot in her mouth.

Oh boy.

And a side note, anyone ever wonder why Canada or even Australia for that matter has a single social problem? It makes no sense. Those two countries are vast and swimming in natural resources and each of them respectively has less residents than California.

How do you screw that up?

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Thank you for this post, Mark. The other night on Twitter Spaces after the last Project Veritas video dropped, I heard the father of this young man who was killed by the jab speak with Dr. Ryan Cole. It was heartbreaking.

Extermination is the correct word for what is going on in Canada and around the world.

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CIA, et. al.


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Certainly there are days trudy looks in the mirror, and recognizes what is being said of him. Dictator...tyrant...fascist...communist... murderer....

these words ring thru his ears.

He then has one more look at his hair...smiles...and says to himself.

" I was born for this moment."

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I believe the woman was attempting to say that the suicidal would be eliminated from using the assisted suicide program but she didn't express it well. Having said that, it does seem that Canada is trying to make it way to easy to bump yourself off. Their Nat. Healthcare program is broke so getting rid of the people using the most resources (aka, the poor and sick) appears to be a goal. A vax is one method and if that doesn't work, here's something that might do the trick. Trudeau and gang are quite psychotic.

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We need to recognize their use of language. Seemingly understood words and phrases such as "effective", "provides benefit", "protecting national interests", and in this case, "eliminate" - we tend to interpret them as meaning (however dishonestly or not) for the general good of us all. But: if we reframe it to mean *advantageous to their agenda* then they appear to be speaking quite honestly - on behalf of themselves, NOT us.

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Please don't sink to the level of the opposition. Obviously she meant "exclude", not "eliminate". Unsubscribing.

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