Things are definitely not good in Canada and heaven knows how brutal I've been with this immature country along with the uber-corrupt Quebec, but she may have misspoken here. The clip seems to cut off but she may have meant those people purposely trained to eliminate people FROM asking for MAIDS. I don't know. Doesn't detract that this government has made it easier to request MAIDS. So they keep falling into this trap of trying to defend the indefensible.

This government needs to resign. All of them. They're out of control in my view. They're constantly picking fights with the provinces, citizens, and also nations like Russia. It's a party of angst and division driven by ideologues.

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Out of control, under WEF control.

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A Freudian slip ( Google def: "an unintentional error regarded as revealing subconscious feelings" ). That sanctimonious cottonheaded hag ought to watch out, as they might come for her next.

The liberal party line these days: "We're all in this together, except you, you, and you — oh, and you too! ...One of our MAID specialists will contact you shortly."

That's the trouble with the neoliberal, homo-economicus conception of man. When the 'economicus' part falters ( as it is bound to, in our musical chairs casino-capitalist economy ), the 'homo' part is soon thrown out of the window, i.e. eliminated.

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Yes. They view the human body as a piece of hardware and machinery. Not as a miracle of God and nature. They believe they can tinker with it and conquer it. Human hubris is reaching a dangerous apex. They want us to go robotic without understanding how the human body works. They barely understand how the brain and the immune system work but they can't admit it.

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A quote from the prescient Carl Sagan, 1996:

"We've arranged a society based on science and technology, in which nobody understands anything about science and technology. And this combustible mixture of ignorance and power, sooner or later, is going to blow up in our faces."

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“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

arthur c. clarke

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Yes, Medical definitions of Sociopaths and Psychopaths and Homicidal Psychopaths


Typically, historically they are eliminated from our populous but as men have grown to be more effeminate and the Psychopaths have encouraged it OBVIOUSLY, ie Drag Queen specials to include children in the audiences! etc.

there are less tough, less testosterone driven men, to eliminate these Psychopaths. Remember cowboys and John Wayne 😂, the Wild West? ( yes, I realize he was an actor)

Sounds crazy but it is true, polyester blends with the estrogen like stimulators in the Under Armor and other plastic bottle clothes contribute to this change. FYI Stick to the organic cotton. Natural choices.

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Never thought of that about polyester blends. I wear them to run.

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That is when your absorption is greatest. Skin hot, vasodilated and moist. This is by design for the new generation athletic clothes. The Evils think of everything. For women it promotes breast cancer. Many articles and a fair amount of data on this subject. Once you realize their big destructive picture, everything falls into place and you start seeing it everywhere.

For instance ; they are promoting drinking alcohol everywhere successfully, taking in of micro plastics from food and drink containers, nanoparticles in foods, chemtrails ....on rumble.com or odysee.com ( chemsprays everywhere to poison humans, plants and animals- the whole damn food chain! )

Much of this is written about in The Epoch Times News Paper ( online and hard copy available ) and Dr. Mercola's substack ( Dr Mercola substack.com )

For clothes I would do a non google search say...Duck Duck go or Brave.com on synthetic polyesters clothing effects on health ( or human body )


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unless there is some truth to the "annunaki"-

but even so- this bunch are butchers...

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Johnny, Not ideologues. Homicidal Psychopaths. There is a large difference. You are being far too kind. Don't let them fool you!

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You summed up our country in a nutshell. I get the impression you reside in Quebec. I was born there and moved to British Columbia in 1978. Like many of us that left, ( 200,000 people took part in the largest migration within our borders) it was because the political climate was intolerable.

As a young adult I was there during the FLQ and all that it entailed.

I remember Bill 101 and signing against it.

We left shortly after it was enacted.

The one good thing about being raised in Quebec was it made me aware of politics and what to expect from governing bodies.

As you said. Things are definitely not good in Canada.

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Canada fooled the world. Including Bono. We have peace and stability but that was a facade. The last three years showed Canadians to be immature and cruel.

Yes, I'm in Quebec. And hopefully for not much longer. We are planning to eventually leave.

I see no future here.

But B.C. seems to be a pretty absurd place too.

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Not only did Canada fool the world as a benevolent, tolerant and compassionate nation, the world has fooled us. I'm not aware of your age but for the record I will be 73 this spring and at this point I have very little faith in humanity but I continue on. You are absolutely right about Canadians being cruel and immature. You need go no further than comments posted on articles by the CBC. They are horrific. Full of left wing woke platitudes, condemnation of the unvaxxed all the time. It never stops. Honestly if the commenters on CBC truly reflect us as a nation and as a people then we are truly fucked. Excuse my language!

I will say one thing. If it hadn't been for the turmoil and politics that were occurring in my birth place of Quebec I would never have left. I loved Quebec and the people, both English and French. To this day I miss the joi de vive.

An interesting and very enlightening time in Quebec occurred during the Duplessis Era. If you are not familiar with it, look up the Duplessis Orphans. I was never aware of it until a few years ago. The entire situation of it was with the complicity of the Federal Government, the Quebec Provincial Government, the Quebec College of Physicians and the Catholic Church. Fascinating reading and history. What really resonated with me was the active and appalling endorsement of this program by the College of Physicians.

As for moving to British Columbia, my advice is don't unless you have bags of money. The very thing I sought to escape while living in Quebec which was Government overreach is here now.

During the 44 years that I have lived here, I have seen lots of changes. We are under an NDP Government now. The last time we were, my husband and I moved to Alberta for a year and a half. However the Liberal Party here is no better.

My choice to move here in 1978 is way different than yours based on the different time era. . It is a beautiful province but if I were a young person this would be the last province I would choose to move too.

And on a lighter note, two of the phrases I fondly remember from Quebec are "tete carree" and " modes anglais". We had a lot of French friends.

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Oh, I have nothing against the people of Quebec - most of them.

It's a unique place (the sense of humour here is among the best anywhere in the West) but unfortunately, the politics are tedious, and corruption suffocating. No better or worse than any place? Any person who knows history and travels understands Quebec takes bad ideas and makes them worse. Just look at how overzealous the restrictions. Result? Worst outcomes.

Yes, I'm familiar with the Duplesis era and the history of Quebec. Quebec, in many ways, IS Canadian history along with Ontario. As you say, Montreal and Quebec City are amazing places teeming with bon vivants. Alas, things are simply not good in Canada at the moment.

You can feel the morale is low. The vibe of MTL is gone.

I'm a Gen Xer for the record. Old enough to remember things from the 70s. So I remember the second Quebec referendum (I was too young for the first one in '76), remember the Habs winning in '79 but missed the St. Leonard Riots (about language rights).

Alberta and Saskatchewan, it appears, are our Florida and South Dakota at the moment. If they can keep protecting the integrity of their provinces like they are against Justin's power grabs, they''ll be fine and attract talent. I can't say the same for the whores who run Quebec. Always doing the bidding of others (WEF, McKinsey, U.S. pharma etc.). If the Feds come knocking with cash, you can bet Quebec will pimp itself. It has to as a 'have-not' province. This is why it's always at loggerheads with Alberta (a have province) because of equalization payments. Quebec has a luxurious (but decrepit) welfare apparatus but Alberta pays for it. No wonder they're upset. And if Saskatchewan continues as it is, it will find itself at odds with Quebec soon enough too.

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I agree with your interpretation of what she is 'nominally' saying- nonetheless the reality is that all who want to end their lives are necessarily "suicidal"- that is, they have given up hope.

It used to be called "Physician Assisted Suicide" after all...

"MAID" is glossy pamphlet 'newspeak'

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That can last a very short time and variations in time.

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I had the same thought. Her brief remark may have been misinterpreted by some people. We need to extend the same courtesy to them that we would like them to extend to us and create opportunities for dialog when misunderstandings may have occurred. I believe the MAIDS policy to be reprehensible and it is likely that too many people will be lost to the world rather than being given the opportunity to be contributors to society.

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Feb 4, 2023
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Following the Footsteps of the Third Reich: Canada Announces Medicalized Murder of the Mentally Ill

History Repeating: the use of weaponized psychiatry in the recent past


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They say they are going to eliminate those individuals who are suffering from "simple" suicidal ideation from their list of individuals qualified to be assisted to die. In other words, and I am quoting directly from one of the lead individuals on this file, "we won't be offering MAID to people with the blues." What they really should be saying is that "we as a profession are completely useless at treating mental health problems and rather than admit that and dismiss ourselves we will simply kill our patients."

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We live in 1939 Holland or Germany here in CHINADA right now.

Where my parents came from.

My Dad and Mom lived in Tyranny as children for 5 years as the Germans starved the Dutch in 39.

Two uncles starved to death.

Holodomor 2023-24 with our mass die off continuing daily.

They are coming for everyone at some point with the REPTILE BRAIN BOUGHT OFF GLOBALIST WHORES shilling for Klausy and Billy here in CHINADA leading the way to Tyranny.

Our little PUKE WEFer in charge along with his NAZI loving WEFer Freeland is most likely blackmailed to do what he is told according to David Hawkins.

Nobody can be this FUCKING LOW IQ.

If we don't have many more folks waking up we will be rounded up by 2030 or sooner as Klausy keeps saying.

I personally won't be going anywhere with anyone ever by force.

We keep EXPOSING where we can.

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Trudeau and Nazi Freeland are doing it freely...not blackmailed.

True psychopaths and murderers.

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Not sure but I 100% agree with your last statement.

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It's hard to come to that conclusion. Still, what do you call someone who deliberately legislate mandates and schemes like digital IDs and passports that they know will cause injuries and deaths? Maybe it's time to start calling it for what it is. If they were naive, or just mistaken, or misled..maybe, but they are well aware of what they are doing. The facts are all around them and have been there from the beginning. So what do you call someone who allows this on all their citizens, babies included?

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The coup that has taken over the West is a Death Cult. Their Agenda is to terminate 90% of the population one way or the other.

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Seems like lots of folks still don't realize this.


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But at the same time they want to bring in half a million refugees annually - I'm not really following their calculus

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Initially, the plan was for CoV2 to have wiped out a massive % of the population, but that didn't happen, so the open border was to be a replacement population. When it became clear neither the virus nor the jab was going to clear out the population, the open border was used to just sow fear and suffering along with economic distress, which would be resolved by uniting all countries in a North American Union.

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and just what is 'CoV2' again...?


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the virus

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okay- thanks. and now- proof of any such...?


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I think the best prood if the Moderna patent from 2016, and the confessions of Dr. A Huff in his book THe Truth About WuHan

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They are not refugees. It's a replacement strategy - first world becomes the third world.

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If you think it's 90%, then I suggest that you keep a close watch on Ukraine--and also at all the US taunts of China. Only nuclear war could approximate this number--and then what would all the capitalists neo-cons do with all their global markets totally shattered?

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US is controlled by the CCP/Pfizer at the top levels.

Nothing would make the Globalists more happy than to see an EMP that would wipe out humans and not physical assets... These balloons are exactly the type of delivery system an EMP attack would use.

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A new study measures the actual impact of robots on jobs. It’s significant.


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I conducted an experiment into this "Death Cult" hypothesis in the NYT comments the other day (I cancelled my subscription years ago but due to a glitch in the matrix maintain full access to the site). I made a comment on an article about the supposed next big pandemic in which I rather gently pointed out that the recent Cochrane Review showed an absence of evidence in support of masking and that recent Cleveland Clinic data showed vaccination increasing risk of Covid infection. This comment was of course censored by the "moderators."

Then I read more comments on the same article and found several arguing that millions or billions of people dying would be a good thing, particularly if those deaths occurred predominantly among the "anti-science" Republicans. These comments were of course NOT censored, and moreover received many "recommends" and no apparent push-back from other readers. So... advocating/hoping for mass death, particularly among one's political adversaries? Great! We approve! Pointing to basic data from establishment sources that happened to run counter to establishment narratives? Unacceptable. Must be censored.

I don't know how to interpret all this other than to conclude that mass death is the goal. Absolutely psychotic. I think "Death Cult" is an accurate description.

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It’s becoming so apparent on the dangers of the jabs, that the perpetrators are getting more and more aggressive with censoring, propaganda, suspending licenses, even passing bills to counter the truth. But people are more awake now then ever to the dangers of the poisons that were pushed so vehemently at them. Just talking to people at the store, they are opening up about side effects they and their loved ones experienced post jab. I know these were Not reported in any data base, and I agree a 100% with this professors evaluation.

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Too bad BC health is making it mandatory for all health professionals now to be jabbed or lose their license, and if they share their thoughts with a patient? Heaven forbid, they will be hit with a $200,000 fine and long-term jail sentence. It is criminal and just not enough people are waking up fast enough.

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The Toronto birthday party for a 70 year old I attended yesterday full of relatives saw me as the only one there who has even an inkling of vaccine deaths. If the tide is turning, it’s very slow. Hate to be so negative but I see little raised awareness so far in Canada among the “ liberal class”.

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Obligatory disclaimer that I hate Trudeau and what Canada has become. However, I want to see more context surrounding this clip, especially what came afterwards (if anything). Just based on this alone, it IS open to the counter interpretation stated by others here. "Purposely trained to eliminate people who are suicidal" COULD mean eliminate from the MAID program, not from life. Such limited use and intent of language from a standard bureaucrat like this is certainly possible.

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Judging from many comments to Poilievre's tweet, the minister meant to say "eliminated from the MAID program". That said, I agree with your main point about Trudeau and what Canada has become.

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I think she misspoke and said eliminate instead of exclude. But still. That program seems extremely aggressive.

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You'd better watch out, the rhetoric here is so extremist, that you sound like a moderate, for whom many, is suspect. Have all the more rational commenters, who were around in the beginning, checked out?

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1976 Swine flu vaccine.

Stopped after approximately 50 deaths.

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Fewer. (Read the post.)

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There were 3 deaths at the same clinic in Pittsburgh alone. That, should have set off major warning bells alone. Guess because the deaths were in the elderly, they really didn't count.

I was in the military at the time and the swine flu shots were mandatory.

Not thrilled about using Science Magazine as a source but it was so long ago.


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So was I and I got it.

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At least we are not dead.

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But Mark, "The benefits outweigh the risks!"

I deal with statistical variance metrics on an ongoing basis, but no familiarity with data compilation, use and misuse is required to discredit the above assertion.

When I have youngsters, with no knowledge whatsoever of statistical analysis, tell me that they want nothing to do with the mass human trials because no one ever corrected the admittedly false cause-of-death reporting that was disseminated early on, we can surmise that a very simple "they lied for money and nobody cares about telling the truth" conclusion can and should be reached by everyone, with no arithmetic required. The utilitarian calculus of relative harm becomes manslaughter (at a minimum) when erroneous data is knowingly used in a foundational manner.

Well, you just carry on, Mark. Your efforts have been effective and are very much appreciated.

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And the mouse protein used in it, started the chronic fatigue/fibromyalgia epidemic, ruining thousands of lives! Dr. Judy Mikovits mentions this in “Plague of Corruption”.

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Thank you Nancy. I have suffered with fibromyalgia since the late 70’s and could never understand why I had this disorder. I have Judy’s book and will look it up. I got the swine flu shot in 1977 or 78.

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Welcome, of course! That’s the shot!!! It’s towards 5he end of the book.

Good luck. I wish we could all get together. We’re so spread out. SEastern pA here.

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I’ve suffered two devastating rounds of EBV with resulting years of CFS following each episode. Just learned of this recently.

Wow, at least I finally know the Truth about those hard years of my life.

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I’ve had EBV for years.Out of work with many degrees for 40 yrs. Check out Dysautonomia! It encompasses all symptoms. Homeopathic Epstein Barr drops are helpful and tons of Vit C .Whenever one with ebv gets a cold or anything, it activates. That’s why it takes us longer to recover. This sounds trite, but yoga and exercising, stretching as much as possible helps. Arnica30C are homeopathic pellets that help with aches. Boswella is a natural ibuprophen ( sp ?) Phytotrophin by Thorn is boswella.

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Good ideas.

I’m on so many nutraceuticals and prophylactic IVM, I’m unusually healthy at this point in life. Better late than never, I guess.

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Thanks for the link. Lots of folks have never seen it.

...that was back in the day when journalists were actually reporting.

The reporting of Guillain-Barre Syndrome as a side effect was important.

There is a FDA black box warning on the shingles vaccine for Guillain-Barre.

Every time I go to the VA for a PCP appointment, they remind me I am due for the shingles vax.

And then I have to remind them again that it has a black box warning. So much for informed consent.


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You can literally (and I hate that word) watch her swallowing the foot in her mouth.

Oh boy.

And a side note, anyone ever wonder why Canada or even Australia for that matter has a single social problem? It makes no sense. Those two countries are vast and swimming in natural resources and each of them respectively has less residents than California.

How do you screw that up?

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one word. Trudeau.

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Thank you for this post, Mark. The other night on Twitter Spaces after the last Project Veritas video dropped, I heard the father of this young man who was killed by the jab speak with Dr. Ryan Cole. It was heartbreaking.

Extermination is the correct word for what is going on in Canada and around the world.

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I’m sure that was gut wrenching to listen to 😢

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As a mother of an only son (un-jabbed, praise God), I can only imagine the struggle this father faces each day. Even though our son is an adult, I told him over my dead body would he get that shot. I'm hopeful for his future education as he and his fiancee (jabbed 3x 😢) got their own copy of "Turtles All the Way Down."

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Well that is certainly a step in the right direction. I’m sure you are relieved. Women can have great powers over men and the way they think.

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I'm not sure who was behind getting this book as she has not been open to conversations about covid. I'm just thankful they are even open to reading the book!

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CIA, et. al.


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And McGill University (the honorary Ivy League school) features prominently in many heinous experiences.

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Thanx JD.

I didn't know of McG.

Will check it out.


"O Canada !"

(NOT The People, of course, but the "leaders").

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The leaders got there because of people going along with the program.

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Yes. You Are Correct !

& "WE" must not comply anymore. Hopefully, things are changing, for The Good.

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Feb 4, 2023
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None need apply !

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Certainly there are days trudy looks in the mirror, and recognizes what is being said of him. Dictator...tyrant...fascist...communist... murderer....

these words ring thru his ears.

He then has one more look at his hair...smiles...and says to himself.

" I was born for this moment."

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I believe the woman was attempting to say that the suicidal would be eliminated from using the assisted suicide program but she didn't express it well. Having said that, it does seem that Canada is trying to make it way to easy to bump yourself off. Their Nat. Healthcare program is broke so getting rid of the people using the most resources (aka, the poor and sick) appears to be a goal. A vax is one method and if that doesn't work, here's something that might do the trick. Trudeau and gang are quite psychotic.

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We need to recognize their use of language. Seemingly understood words and phrases such as "effective", "provides benefit", "protecting national interests", and in this case, "eliminate" - we tend to interpret them as meaning (however dishonestly or not) for the general good of us all. But: if we reframe it to mean *advantageous to their agenda* then they appear to be speaking quite honestly - on behalf of themselves, NOT us.

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Please don't sink to the level of the opposition. Obviously she meant "exclude", not "eliminate". Unsubscribing.

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What she "obviously meant" and what she actually said are two different things—especially in the larger context of Canada's full-scale, multi-front campaign to ELIMINATE as many Canadians as possible.

Were these two doctors also "misquoted"?


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Why won’t people see what’s right in front of them?

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How are those words you get confused? Unless Freudian....?

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"Obviously" meaning to be understood in meaning. But is it? When I listen to Biden or Gates or any of their nefarious ilk, I ALWAYS run it through the filter... when they say a word such as "benefit", are they speaking for us - or for them and their agenda?

Make sure you've got your pearls tightly clutched on the way out.

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