I’ve had EBV for years.Out of work with many degrees for 40 yrs. Check out Dysautonomia! It encompasses all symptoms. Homeopathic Epstein Barr drops are helpful and tons of Vit C .Whenever one with ebv gets a cold or anything, it activates. That’s why it takes us longer to recover. This sounds trite, but yoga and exercising, stretching a…
I’ve had EBV for years.Out of work with many degrees for 40 yrs. Check out Dysautonomia! It encompasses all symptoms. Homeopathic Epstein Barr drops are helpful and tons of Vit C .Whenever one with ebv gets a cold or anything, it activates. That’s why it takes us longer to recover. This sounds trite, but yoga and exercising, stretching as much as possible helps. Arnica30C are homeopathic pellets that help with aches. Boswella is a natural ibuprophen ( sp ?) Phytotrophin by Thorn is boswella.
I’ve had EBV for years.Out of work with many degrees for 40 yrs. Check out Dysautonomia! It encompasses all symptoms. Homeopathic Epstein Barr drops are helpful and tons of Vit C .Whenever one with ebv gets a cold or anything, it activates. That’s why it takes us longer to recover. This sounds trite, but yoga and exercising, stretching as much as possible helps. Arnica30C are homeopathic pellets that help with aches. Boswella is a natural ibuprophen ( sp ?) Phytotrophin by Thorn is boswella.
Good ideas.
I’m on so many nutraceuticals and prophylactic IVM, I’m unusually healthy at this point in life. Better late than never, I guess.