Just like any other bully...they will continue to taunt and poke and prod until you hit back right in the kisser!!! WE all need to stand up for tyranny just like we used to....globally...when we used to see this in other countries there was an outcry or at least mention of corruption....WE all need to share these substacks, video clips, articles and start forwarding them to your govt reps....let's stop the bullying......oh, and Trudeau has daddy issues to begin with and the only Queen he worships is himself....
I agree, except for 1 thing. "WE all need to stand up *for* tyranny just like we used to..." I'm hoping you REally mean, "WE all need to stand up *against* tyranny just like we used to..."
It's the style. Slowly chipping away at rights. very methodical. I'm sure they are operating off of a master calendar. He tipped his hand when he froze bank accounts but he won't make that same mistake twice. If that didn't wake Canadians up, their fate is sealed.
It's methodical, but not slow! This is moving very fast, and Canadians seem generally ok with this. Private property rights are the basis for everything in western society. This is incredibly serious and terrifying.
We can put an end to this crap whenever we want. We stop complying. My motto is, "RESIST NOT EVIL, WORK AROUND IT." We don't have to "fight" them, they will win. We only have to stop playing their game. NOT saying it will be EASY, either, but ... Simple.
It won't. Canadians are too compliant and obedient. Too many see the truckers are the bad guys. That's an indication of how they view things. Obedient totalitarians.
Pretty blanket view of all Canadians. Nothing is a monolith of identical views. And BTW the truckers started with 3 people. Generalization is ridiculous.
More of us could be posting the tally of people just dropping dead with no listed Cause of Death... It's going to soon be so many people, it won't be able to be hidden any longer. THAT is when things can turn around...
There have been quite a few reports of programs to take our homes in the USA too. An expected jump when the WEF has already announced that by a certain year "We will own nothing and we'll be happy." Would imagine this is a planetary aim by all governments associated with the WEF.
I see For Sale signs all over with... BLACKROCK on them. But they'll have the big banks in on the whole thing... Cut off our money supply, shortages in food and fuel (and extremely high prices), they'll have us by the short n curlies... We shall suffer. But we also can do a LOT of things they don't want, and we still outnumber them by the BILLIONS.
the Agenda 21 list of cities & towns in USA was available online 5 years ago ... no longer - NY, California & Florida have the most in #'s, Connecticut only has 9, Vermont 3. Everywhere else will be like a ghost town.
The aim of the WEF and "stakeholders" (see their list of partners) aims to move the populations into "Tech Cities." These tech cities will likely resemble the current nightmare cities of San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, New York City, etc. Corralling us all into controlled city scapes is the plan. Where we will all own nothing and we will be happy. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/07/to-build-back-better-we-must-reinvent-capitalism-heres-how/
Just as it is unwise to allow anyone to tell you who you are, it is also unwise to allow anyone to tell you what your rights are. Most of us KNOW what our rights are, regardless of whether or not we can fully express that... We FEEL it. We are Children of the Light. The Children of Darkness are lost because there's not enough, or no LIGHT for them to see what's what...
He's just a tool. If he turned to our side, they'd off him in a minute. That's the trouble with psychopaths-- they will pretend to protect you, but only as long as you serve them, and fill a need. When you're no longer needed, no matter how "popular" or how "big of a deal" you are, they just take you out, like garbage.
The right to private property was an Act of Parliament. Attempts were made to put it into the Charter but failed because the provinces couldn't agree on the wording for the most part. The last attempt made was in 1981. Ever since then we just assumed private property was protected until this wannabe totalitarian reminded Canadians they are subjects and as such our rights aren't absolute.
Nations should keep this in mind whenever our leaders go off lecturing countries babbling about freedom and democracy. We've been vulnerable to a tyrant for decades and we didn't know or were too apathetic to care. Things were too good here. We were handed a good piece of real estate, blessed to be neighbours to a real country that basically was our economic lifeline, and proceeded to never grow up as a country. Maybe this is a positive now that we're aware of this.
If there's one good thing Justin is showing is just how much of a fraud this country is. It lacks any courage and values to defend the very PRINCIPLES that drive many countries including freedom of expression, assembly and speech. We have all the official appearances and employ the proper rhetoric of a free country but that shine has worn off significantly. Hopefully, other countries that are on an authoritarian path LEARN how free nations collapse and become totalitarian.
No private property no liberty pretty much. It's too late to ever revisit this now. The country is way too divided to ever bridge that gap. I understand that the government can 'take' land via eminent domain or if you don't pay taxes, but we should have stronger protections against a potentially authoritarian-leaning government.
Justin really does have his father's eyes - and ideological outlook. All he's missing are the army fatigues and he's good to go. Come to think of it, it's surprising he never dressed up as a comrade given he played the part of so many characters over the years including Al Jolson.
...Mmm. The US has the same thing; it's called 'eminent domain', whereby the state can confiscate private property (like: to build a highway); but always, in exchange for 'fair' compensation — by law. Ditto in France, where the state has the power to nationalize any business it wishes; but likewise, in exchange for 'fair compensation'. There are probably a lot more of these wartime / reconstruction-type property and individual rights abrogation laws, on the books, than people realize ( ex: military draft — which Canada used to be a haven against, ironically ). For example, in the US, the state can also invoke the 'Defense Production Act', and force industries to make a particular product ( e.g. respirators ), etc. So, private property, in this sense, is never absolute — anywhere ( income tax, and occasional price controls, come to mind ) — always being a matter of degree, circumstance, and, of course, power differential ( French: "rapport de force" ). ...While I am not a fan — at all — of what is happening in Canada, these days, with the Covid 'new normal' fascism, and the egregious targeting of dissenters, I wish we had a bit more context regarding this guy's statement, here. But, I agree, overall it can't be a good sign — esp. coming from the Minister of Justice, given recent events!
If we can't see the ever threatening hand of the Government's role in our lives in the Build Back Better plan (World Economic Forum and most governments) then we must not have looked closely enough. https://www.whitehouse.gov/build-back-better/
All the more peculiar, because it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that the foundation of law and order in all civilizations is the protection of private property...
These bloody people, they can say whatever they want, and the more tyrannical they get, the better our chances of kicking down the door and taking back our sovereignty. They are getting really desperate. And that makes them even stupider than before. Bollocks to Trudeau and all the rest of 'em.
The price of property where I live already makes it feel like I don’t have a right to it. They’ve been slowly carving this out for awhile now. You know that small lots in Vancouver are like at least a million dollars? Old tiny houses that are boarded up sell for that much. Just to get bulldozed down.
Just like any other bully...they will continue to taunt and poke and prod until you hit back right in the kisser!!! WE all need to stand up for tyranny just like we used to....globally...when we used to see this in other countries there was an outcry or at least mention of corruption....WE all need to share these substacks, video clips, articles and start forwarding them to your govt reps....let's stop the bullying......oh, and Trudeau has daddy issues to begin with and the only Queen he worships is himself....
I agree, except for 1 thing. "WE all need to stand up *for* tyranny just like we used to..." I'm hoping you REally mean, "WE all need to stand up *against* tyranny just like we used to..."
yes, of course...I meant "to"......"against" works, as well...angry rant before work....it's too much these days...thank you, though....
I'd be too mad to go to work if I read it before. 😉
You have no idea...thanks for understanding...
No problem. I only hope your day got better. 🤗
It did...thanks, friend....🤗
Yea! I'm glad it did! I hope the evening is good, too. Have a good night! 😴😌
Stella, you wrote some great words! I do hope you had a great day, I need more people like you in my circle of trusted souls!
Hi! I think you might have replied to the wrong comment. I'm sure Stella will appreciate your good wishes. 😊 Bandit
While Canada is taking rights away america is paying reparations ... & taking your rights
& flooding cities with the illegals & giving them phones , housing, cash and food stamps
And I am sure they are appropriating their ballots.
And guns the Dems don't want citizens to have.
Losing the guns will be the END of all of this. We'd have no chance in hell of fighting anything, much less genocide.
THAT is exactly why there is the 2nd Amendment -- and a billion guns.
The Dems hate "ghost guns" for a reason. I suggest doing some research on these. But not with Google.
Divide and conquer, divide and conquer, it's all they know how to do... Sooner or later even the idiots spoiling for a fight will figure it out.
It's the style. Slowly chipping away at rights. very methodical. I'm sure they are operating off of a master calendar. He tipped his hand when he froze bank accounts but he won't make that same mistake twice. If that didn't wake Canadians up, their fate is sealed.
It's methodical, but not slow! This is moving very fast, and Canadians seem generally ok with this. Private property rights are the basis for everything in western society. This is incredibly serious and terrifying.
We can put an end to this crap whenever we want. We stop complying. My motto is, "RESIST NOT EVIL, WORK AROUND IT." We don't have to "fight" them, they will win. We only have to stop playing their game. NOT saying it will be EASY, either, but ... Simple.
Please link the study you have on Canadians seem generally ok with this. Generalizations suck and are about as useful as a 3 dollar bill.
Well if they are "ok" with it, then how can it possibly be stopped?
It won't. Canadians are too compliant and obedient. Too many see the truckers are the bad guys. That's an indication of how they view things. Obedient totalitarians.
Pretty blanket view of all Canadians. Nothing is a monolith of identical views. And BTW the truckers started with 3 people. Generalization is ridiculous.
More of us could be posting the tally of people just dropping dead with no listed Cause of Death... It's going to soon be so many people, it won't be able to be hidden any longer. THAT is when things can turn around...
Sigh-- really fate is sealed. 🤣 takes one person to start. Always has always will.
There have been quite a few reports of programs to take our homes in the USA too. An expected jump when the WEF has already announced that by a certain year "We will own nothing and we'll be happy." Would imagine this is a planetary aim by all governments associated with the WEF.
I see For Sale signs all over with... BLACKROCK on them. But they'll have the big banks in on the whole thing... Cut off our money supply, shortages in food and fuel (and extremely high prices), they'll have us by the short n curlies... We shall suffer. But we also can do a LOT of things they don't want, and we still outnumber them by the BILLIONS.
the Agenda 21 list of cities & towns in USA was available online 5 years ago ... no longer - NY, California & Florida have the most in #'s, Connecticut only has 9, Vermont 3. Everywhere else will be like a ghost town.
The aim of the WEF and "stakeholders" (see their list of partners) aims to move the populations into "Tech Cities." These tech cities will likely resemble the current nightmare cities of San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, New York City, etc. Corralling us all into controlled city scapes is the plan. Where we will all own nothing and we will be happy. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/07/to-build-back-better-we-must-reinvent-capitalism-heres-how/
Fuck that.
I've seen the construction going on & they call them "Packem' & stackem' apartments 400-600 sq ft ... they plan to house us like animals in cages :/
It’s going on in cities all over the world.
All their plans and ideas will be like so much water down the drain.
Yes, they are a pretty unintelligent lot and mad as hatters.
Just as it is unwise to allow anyone to tell you who you are, it is also unwise to allow anyone to tell you what your rights are. Most of us KNOW what our rights are, regardless of whether or not we can fully express that... We FEEL it. We are Children of the Light. The Children of Darkness are lost because there's not enough, or no LIGHT for them to see what's what...
Can’t stand to hear Trudeau speak. Creepy evil impetuous man child who doesn’t give a wit about people except himself. Oh and godless too.
He's just a tool. If he turned to our side, they'd off him in a minute. That's the trouble with psychopaths-- they will pretend to protect you, but only as long as you serve them, and fill a need. When you're no longer needed, no matter how "popular" or how "big of a deal" you are, they just take you out, like garbage.
Madness! Fight back , good neighbors !
I'm afraid Ratto is right.
The right to private property was an Act of Parliament. Attempts were made to put it into the Charter but failed because the provinces couldn't agree on the wording for the most part. The last attempt made was in 1981. Ever since then we just assumed private property was protected until this wannabe totalitarian reminded Canadians they are subjects and as such our rights aren't absolute.
Nations should keep this in mind whenever our leaders go off lecturing countries babbling about freedom and democracy. We've been vulnerable to a tyrant for decades and we didn't know or were too apathetic to care. Things were too good here. We were handed a good piece of real estate, blessed to be neighbours to a real country that basically was our economic lifeline, and proceeded to never grow up as a country. Maybe this is a positive now that we're aware of this.
If there's one good thing Justin is showing is just how much of a fraud this country is. It lacks any courage and values to defend the very PRINCIPLES that drive many countries including freedom of expression, assembly and speech. We have all the official appearances and employ the proper rhetoric of a free country but that shine has worn off significantly. Hopefully, other countries that are on an authoritarian path LEARN how free nations collapse and become totalitarian.
No private property no liberty pretty much. It's too late to ever revisit this now. The country is way too divided to ever bridge that gap. I understand that the government can 'take' land via eminent domain or if you don't pay taxes, but we should have stronger protections against a potentially authoritarian-leaning government.
Justin really does have his father's eyes - and ideological outlook. All he's missing are the army fatigues and he's good to go. Come to think of it, it's surprising he never dressed up as a comrade given he played the part of so many characters over the years including Al Jolson.
Here's Biden's preliminary plans related to "Ease the burden of housing costs." https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/05/16/president-biden-announces-new-actions-to-ease-the-burden-of-housing-costs/
The WEF partners (stakeholders) plan to own just about everything.
So many useless words which mean nothing but to deceive. It’s hard to believe so called liberals aren’t aware of these deceptive tactics.
...Mmm. The US has the same thing; it's called 'eminent domain', whereby the state can confiscate private property (like: to build a highway); but always, in exchange for 'fair' compensation — by law. Ditto in France, where the state has the power to nationalize any business it wishes; but likewise, in exchange for 'fair compensation'. There are probably a lot more of these wartime / reconstruction-type property and individual rights abrogation laws, on the books, than people realize ( ex: military draft — which Canada used to be a haven against, ironically ). For example, in the US, the state can also invoke the 'Defense Production Act', and force industries to make a particular product ( e.g. respirators ), etc. So, private property, in this sense, is never absolute — anywhere ( income tax, and occasional price controls, come to mind ) — always being a matter of degree, circumstance, and, of course, power differential ( French: "rapport de force" ). ...While I am not a fan — at all — of what is happening in Canada, these days, with the Covid 'new normal' fascism, and the egregious targeting of dissenters, I wish we had a bit more context regarding this guy's statement, here. But, I agree, overall it can't be a good sign — esp. coming from the Minister of Justice, given recent events!
Canadians are all lost! USA: save yourselves.
Don't give up YET!!!!!!!!! The shit hasn't even really gotten off the ground. But it will. And we must stand up. For our / the children's sake.
Thanks chicken little 🙄
If we can't see the ever threatening hand of the Government's role in our lives in the Build Back Better plan (World Economic Forum and most governments) then we must not have looked closely enough. https://www.whitehouse.gov/build-back-better/
Or, are victims of hypnosis, ie, Mass Formation.
Like father, like son. And both are masons.
You will own nothing and be happy
All the more peculiar, because it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that the foundation of law and order in all civilizations is the protection of private property...
These bloody people, they can say whatever they want, and the more tyrannical they get, the better our chances of kicking down the door and taking back our sovereignty. They are getting really desperate. And that makes them even stupider than before. Bollocks to Trudeau and all the rest of 'em.
The price of property where I live already makes it feel like I don’t have a right to it. They’ve been slowly carving this out for awhile now. You know that small lots in Vancouver are like at least a million dollars? Old tiny houses that are boarded up sell for that much. Just to get bulldozed down.