Canadians DON'T have an "absolute right to own private property," says Fidelito's Justice Minister
Justin "Trudeau" may worship Queen Elizabeth, but his heart belongs to Daddy
(I say this with all due respect to Castro, who at least was capable of charm, and sometimes changed his mind, whereas his son in Ottawa has neither.)
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News from Underground is based on my belief that, like journalists, academics have a civic obligation to help keep the people well-informed, so that American democracy might finally work.
Just like any other bully...they will continue to taunt and poke and prod until you hit back right in the kisser!!! WE all need to stand up for tyranny just like we used to....globally...when we used to see this in other countries there was an outcry or at least mention of corruption....WE all need to share these substacks, video clips, articles and start forwarding them to your govt reps....let's stop the bullying......oh, and Trudeau has daddy issues to begin with and the only Queen he worships is himself....
While Canada is taking rights away america is paying reparations ... & taking your rights