"Can all these journalists AND doctors be too dumb to see what's causing THIS pandemic? "

Of course we know the answer to this question. At what point does pharma collusion and pharma money cease to trump human values and human decency? We're not there, yet, and may never get there at this rate (before we're all dead).

Stunning compilation; thank you.

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IT is hard to convince of man of something when his livelihood depends on not seeing it.

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They pushed the barely tested shots onto everyone. Their patients, their families down to the grandkids and pregnant relatives, all of their friends, and everyone they could reach through social media.

Confronting reality on this issue is beyond the pale for most of them.

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V good point...so they need to keep denying & "muddying the waters" ...Met a young Paediatrician yesterday w 2 small kids, she had Lung specialist husband, said she vaxxed her baby for Whooping cough & something else I thing she said....needed to get vaxxed C19 for job...I said "evil" she didn't disagree...said husband didn't recommend the "death shot" for under 55 I think it was. So the MD's seem aware & modifying their "going along to get along". I wish I had just said "How do we "Know" vaxx is safe, do our "powers that shouldn't be actually know whats in injection?" Where can we see this information?

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If she was my child's pediatrician, I would FIRE her immediately.

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All vaccines are poison; alway have been.

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Yep and that's most of the reason to go to a Ped in the first place.

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Must be so hard for professionals who have many, many yrs training, & families to support, to be one of the v few to try & make a difference & risk getting smeared & targeted, & pos cancelled by the Big Pharma-Big Bro mafia! One good thing is MD's & BigPharm Big Bro etc are no longer on a pedestal!!

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The wrong training too! Since C19, I think a LOT LESS about higher level college education than I used to. All the big universities are pro Pharma and Big Bro Mafia. I am so glad to see that these allopathic docs are "falling off" the pedestal.

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I have wondered about this since the whole issue began to manifest itself: How close does the jab injury need to be for a person to accept the reality? A public figure, a coworker, an acquaintance, a friend, a relative, spouse, or one's self? I am sure a multitude of factors are involved.

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Cognitive dissonance is a powerful thing. It takes a lot of serious and honest introspection to understand we made a mistake, something not too many people are capable of. What do you say to yourself when you realize you poisoned not only yourself but also your children? Imagine how difficult it is to have that conversation with yourself.

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I can somewhat grasp that notion. I have had the scales ripped from my eyes over the last few years with our experience with the Cancer Industrial Complex. This enabled us to better see the machinations around the plandemic and our so-called leaders' response. Perhaps the only silver lining.

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Yes, I agree. I have a WHOLE family including cousins, aunts/uncles (except me) who went to so-called good schools and even Ivy's who are all Crats and all took the shots and boosters. I went to a few decent universities but then I studied nutrition. This was the clincher and the school also promoted WestonAPrice.org, another more important clincher! This didn't even count all the other books on healthy eating that I have been reading for 45 years. So this is another thing that most people often forget to mention.

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How many of them, to your knowledge/suspicion, have come down with some mystery malady in the ensuing months? We have friends who have died from the jab (submitted to VAERS) and one with early onset Parkinson's and other things, another with trigeminal neuralgia. The last two are both engineers and have been told there is no relation with the jabs and evidently believe it. On the other hand, I work with technicians (smart but not highly educated) who have suffered myocarditis (28 YO) and one whose spouse survived severe guillan-barre and they are willing to accept the possibility of a causal relationship with the shots they took. Maybe it's book smart versus street smart.

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They just keep inventing reasons, like virology has done for decades.

Why? To cover up the real causes, like shots and glysophate.

In the past, polio was used to cover up the real cause, DDT and lead arsenate pesticides.

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I think we are over thinking it. I’m the oldest of many children by some years. This puts me in a unique position to hear the young ones out. I can tell you they are not falling out because of a broken heart. Most of them do a pretty good job of steering clear of harms that could bring pain later. The ailments we are witnessing our young ones suffer from stem from sheer panic. Let me explain…..

Remember when we’d were in school, we looked forward to summer breaks, holidays, birthdays……fun stuff. The generation we are dragging into the 21st century are scared, really scared. Can’t get a higher education without being a willing participant in a lifelong payback program. Cant land a job that would allow you to sleep at night; period. We were the last generation to maybe see a better day. Not our children. And don’t lie to them, they don’t appreciate it. There is zero chance for a bright future for “the children” and they know it. That’s the problem. Maybe we should have hidden it better. Or…maybe….should have strung up a few to make a point, watched run and get back to the business of raising families. No time left for that now. There are way too many fires. By the way. I’m staring down the barrel of cancer 3.0 (third time, same cancer, different spot). So. If I sound a little jaded, it’s because I am. People call me SK! If stands for still kicking. Haven’t killed me yet and THE GOOD LORD knows they’ve tried. My entire medical team refers to me as the unluckiest patient they have ever met.

Anyway, the children are scared out of their minds. All we have is bad news all day every day. The future is bleak. If we can’t help ourselves, how are we supposed to help them? We have zero answers. If I remember, and I’m not claiming that I do, my parents had an answer for everything. When my children ask me a question, any question, all I can do is druel.

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Sorry you're battling cancer yet again. You should check into ivermectin and fenbendazole and give one or both a try. I'm taking both for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, and after 4 months had the lowest lymphocyte count in 7 years. The next test, it was even lower. It sure wouldn't hurt to give it a shot! This substack has good info about it: https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/ivermectin-may-defeat-cancer-and-203

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Thank you. I’m going to do just that. Are there dosing instructions within the stack?

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Coz, check out this substack: https://fenbendazole.substack.com/

Anecdotes from various people with various cancers and how they used fenbendazole to fight it. In many cases used in conjunction with "traditional" chemo and radiation, but in some cases used exclusively. Lots of discussion within the various stories about dosing. Best of luck to you.

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This should be helpful to you: https://www.fenbendazole.org/fenbendazole-information/fenbendazole-dosage-guide/ I think it's where that guy I know got the 444mg dosage he took.

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Great! People do post about different things there that they are doing and how much they're taking, but I'll tell you what I'm taking, which is 24mg ivermectin 3 days/week, and 250mg fenben the other 4 days. I just buy syringes of Duramectin and Panacur (fenben) for animals from Chewy.com I get 10 doses from the Panacur, and 5 from the Duramectin. 250mg of fenben is all that the famous Joe Tippens took to cure his stage 4 lung cancer, but I know a guy who cured his prostate cancer taking fenben at 444mg/day. I guess it depends on what cancer you have and what you think you need to take. It's kind of a guessing game right now.

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There are a lot more options out there for cancer treatment/cure than traditional chemo/radiation. Dr. Colleen Huber has a substack that you might check out. She runs the Nature Works Best clinic in Tempe. "Chris Beat Cancer" might be a helpful read. I recently watched a segment on Sharyl Attkisson's show about a national shortage of carboplatin and cisplatin and was internally thinking "good" though I realize I need to be cautious about such thoughts as I grasp I don't know everything.

Please be well and be alert (the world needs more lerts).

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Look at this: ".... alcohol and white bread, were found to increase the risk, regardless of genetic factors.

How many people eat white bread and drink alchohol? " Who eats white bread and drink alchohol?

Most of us.


Let's just guess.





Nope, couldn't be that.

And WHY ARE PEOPLE ALL SICK ALL OF A SUDDEN? it couldn't be low vitamin D levels and a completely ruined immune system as the result of a "MeDICAL INTeRVENtION" starting in 2021??


YEah, THAT's the TICKET.

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And then one will have to buy more and more drugs to try and “get well”. What a scam and a racket. Big pharma doesn’t want us well and happy, they want us sick and sad.

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They want us sick then dead.

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It’s a perfect cancer cocktail Duchess.

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Yeah, it’s all of that. And parasites. Tons of parasites doctors are clueless about... I think on purpose. The only To stay even remotely healthy you have to eat organic, use reverse osmosis on your water supply, do regular parasite and metal detox. Most people won’t do this, don’t understand the risk. And then there’s 5g.

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True..good comment!

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I think many are too dumb, to join the dots and see. Others just don't wan't to see. My father and his girlfriend both said to me early in 2023, please don't send us anymore articles. She even said; "we are in 'the program' now. We have had the vaccine and so there is no point sending us this stuff".

As we know, there are many docs and journalists who chose to join the program. So I suspect they are feeling the same as most of the jabbed- 'don't tell us about the sudden deaths & cancers-you can't prove it, so stop talking about it!'. Just leave us alone while we put our head in the sand. It's safer down there.

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There was a female politician here in Australia who was in remission for brain cancer and then suddenly it came back with a vengeance and very soon after she was dead. It could not have been the safe and effective vaccine, could it? Famous guitarist Eric Clapton said his immune system is shot to hell after taking one. I saw a interview of a guitarist who had all his fingers amputated because of the vaccine.

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We all have been dealing with these people .. most people we know .. who won’t wake up. I started watching Archaix on YouTube. Everyone here should watch. I now think that they have not been woken up, and we have. His research is putting together the pieces I have been missing. The nature of our reality.

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Thanks Caroline. Yeah, it can be so hard living in one reality, when so many of our friends and family are living in another. I have thought back to when I was 'asleep' (I only really woke up in 2020) and it was so much more of an innocent time in my life. It can be hard being awake to the lies all around us. It takes work (I find) to stay positive and optimistic, which has generally been my nature.

Anyway, I just looked up Archaix on Youtube. He has a video at the top of his page titled 'Archaix for Beginners', so I will listen to that throught the day today. For anyone else interested, here's the link....


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I’m listening to that now! I have watched a bunch but wanted an overview. It will make you more optimistic. Pulls everything together. Me too, awake since 2020. I want my kids to be awake but it’s really a hard place to be.

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Geeee...could it possibly be that SV-40 they accidentally put in the bio weapon jab??

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I think so. This is a known cancer causing agent, and it is in the covid shot. They have created permant and lucrative employ for the worlds med. establisment

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We have skipped over a snippet that stated “we will have a cure for all cancers by 2030”. There could be no better thought out business plan than advertising a complete cancer eradication and then give everyone cancer. Gotta keep the roll...

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This increase in cancer under 50 started before the shots.

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If you can lead me to a source I would appreciate it.

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Here’s one. When I first heard this stat I assumed that too, but their data is pretty old.


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This was written in 2022 It does not show any data It just states that the data shows increases starting in 50 and 60s Are u actually believing this article as truth? Or was this article written as a cover up for the actual data I’ve seen actual data from Ed Dowds book and many other substack articles that actually show data where increases showed up in 2021 and 2022 after the vaccines came on the scene!

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I don’t doubt that the vax increased cancer.. but the first time I heard about this when I looked into it it was saying it was from 2019.. maybe fake data. I think there’s a lot going on that could increase cancer before the vax, the childhood vax schedule, chemtrails, glyphosate, parasites

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Sure and that’s the logic they will use for sure but the increases after the vaccines came on the scene are the greatest increases over the last 5 years for sure The data does not lie Sure if u look back 50 years it’s steadily increased and those increases were for sure from all the poisons they have been bombarding us with for years. The kill and pay outs were not quick enough for them so they stepped it up!!

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I pray for humankind - so much evil & corruption, makes me sad & mad. A lie repeated does not make it so. I will never stop speaking Truth to medical tyranny. The Light of TRUTH will come to pass, in time, due to individuals like you MCM - thank you for your articles ...

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Big Pharma and its chemo labs are probably drooling at all the new patients needing their cyanide chemo therapies. I guess one way or another the WEF will be effective in removing a large portion of the human population. If the shots didnt do it, the conditions the shots brought on, will have people flocking to their doctors only to be treated with other poisons from the oncology clinics. It seems Big Pharma has us coming and going.

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Oh you bet...the ‘conditions’ the Jabs are causing is and a ‘grander money stream’ for Big Pharma and the Industrial Medical Healthcare Delivery System!

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I was talking to an oncologist a couple weeks ago. Showed him an article about the many pathways to cancer that both infection and injection can cause. Asked him, “Have you been seeing more cancers this past year or two?” He replied, “Well, I’m sure it’s from lack of early diagnosis during the pandemic, but we should know more in another couple years…..” Yeah, right. He KNEW. He KNOWS. And he knew I knew that he already knows!! His cheeks turned pink when I asked the question. Hmmm.

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If you'll forgive the gallows humor, this reminds me of an old joke:

A lady is leaving the hospital after giving birth to her tenth child in 10 years (ages 0-10).

The midwife says: I guess we'll see you next year.

The lady replies: Uh-uh. We finally figured out what was causing it.

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Yes and cancers and autism is all genetic, though looking back 60+ years cancer rates were very low and autism was one in 10,000 - so how is this genetic? But by calling something genetic you can blame the patients or their parents. The climate and fracking finger is to serve the agendas. If all these folks were held accountable - there would be a rope shortage.

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Just sitting here waiting for a friend's biopsy to be complete at MSK. This healthy young man was in perfect health for 50 years until now. Heartbreaking.

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It's all just a mere coincidence folks... Just keep on taking the safe and effective mRNA/saRNA miracle science jabs and Godspeed!!!


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Fabulous that you put this together ! Merci MCM !

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Some Mmedical publication articles blame on racism if you can believe it.

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Each of the baffled scientist and doctor stories is a reminder to be grateful for resisting.

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The article about needing more “public intervention” and “public investment “ and “WE dropped the ball” is pure propaganda gold: create the problem, the solution is more of the same problem, round and round we go…

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