Hmmmm people might start to notice when pilots start dropping dead mid-flight. The FAA apparently is already loosening standards so Jab compromised pilots can continue to fly. Pax

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Husband was in the business for 20 years. Close friend flight attendant for decades. There are dozens and dozens of stories not hitting the media. Suffice it to say, we now are not flying, unless we know the status of the pilot!

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Yeah...word of Jab issues is leaking out and there has been a rash of Jab related retirements. This whole mess is just criminal. Pax

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Judy what anguish you must feel on behalf of such a profession

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The bigger anguish, for my husband, is all the years he spent in the military (almost 30), then to finally realize in the last 4 years that his country has been lying to him for decades!

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A close cousin of mine; a pilot and trainer of elite women pilots, left aviation eighteen years ago to raise a family. She stayed in touch with her people throughout the years, and the word inside the industry during the covidCon was dire. Formerly, the fitness standards for commercial pilots were one of the most stringent of any job on the face of the planet. The number of pilot deaths per year.....all causes and especially old age and accidents......prior to 2021 was in the single digits. Beginning in 2021 after the mandates, that number exploded; my cousin was tracking some MONTHS there were over forty deaths. Pilots do NOT "just die". Pilots do NOT have heart conditions, strokes, dementia, turbo cancers. All that changed in 2021, and yes....the FAA did lower the bar; significantly.

- My cousin went back to flight instructing last summer, after agonizing over balancing her family.....and how badly she was needed by the airline industry. She has consistently reported how everything has changed. New recruits have never-ending health problems, and many are mentally unbalanced. This is concurrent with the Boeing scandal, which of course casts a dark shadow over the lack of qualifications that diversity-based hiring brought into the industry....and that story has managed to steer many people into the blame/shame game rather than looking at the big picture -- diversity has NOTHING to do with the fact that over the last four years, the physical fitness capacity of pilots across the board has been reduced significantly.

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Thanks for such an informative/excellent post. Seems to me what we are experiencing has been very long in the making. I figure since the 1960s. Rather than creating a long diatribe as to how and why - I’ll remain focused. The airline industry has shot itself in the head. People are losing confidence with this mode of transportation and will look to other means to get somewhere. Logically it would be trips less than 500 miles. Trains and cars are viable options. The airline response will be to cut back service but they need these short hops to “feed the beast”. Conceptually this will create a snowball effect throughout a company. If folks really want to help/protect the airline industry…they should start demanding that the entire industry re-group. Something like a soft boycott. Demand that their aircraft be built by the most capable people. Demand that their pilots are the best at what they do AND that they’re 100% fit for service. Demand that a third pilot be on each flight as an emergency backup. Sure there will be added expense but I think people will pay up for safety. Again, I can go on and on with how to fix things but I’m sure you (and others) “get my drift”. Pax

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Thsnks for NOT blaming these terrible mishaps on DEI. While some of the DEI programs may be over zealous, the issue of pilots dropping dead etc has zero to do with diversity hiring.

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And 100% to do with whether they had the toxic jab???

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Love that uniform, walking through the airport but once at the controls? Not so smart. Heartbreaking and sickening

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It’s already happening.

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They're all being replaced with sub-literate and neurodiverse woke pilots. None of them have had any flight school training.

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For real??? You sure???

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well DARPA has already confirmed it read this halfway down is all about pilots in 2 articles about planes and pilots. https://normanjames.substack.com/p/countering-the-critics-a-defense

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What is really maddening is how so many within our military were forced to take the Jab. We have quislings running the armed forces. Wimp No.1 is Lloyd Austin. What a joke. Pax

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yea the problem i am seeing is that loads are talking about it and no one is talking about this a way to remediate there symptoms. This is advice from Military contractors EMF and environmental surveyors of homes for pre-buys for those in the know and saved my family too from up to 9 cell towers of radiation in my house from my neighbor GEOVITAL https://normanjames.substack.com/p/electric-diet?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

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Wow…really good 👍

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How have we, the world, come to this?! What happened that our leaders, teachers and such can admit publicly, to being so skewed!?? Vaccinate chickens, Deborah?! They haven’t a clue how they sound?!! Rather than the candidate having true pride in their abilities and experience and qualifications? It all starts with the brain, y’all.~~~ Some airliner will go down with 300 people, somewhere~~~and that, likely not over a cornfield

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My thoughts exactly.

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I live in a small west Texas town and they are not reporting accidents like they used to. I saw a truck that had taken out a utility pole and I could find no news about it at all. Crazy crazy times.

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9

It's the "new normal." Borrowing one of scamdemic's phrases etc.

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Sadly, I suspect you might be right: how often do you hear news reported (to use a somewhat absurd analogy) of someone successfully crossing the street?

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Hiding it so people cannot collect data on it, possibly?

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It does make me wonder - events like that used to be covered and talked about. I am skeptical about everything now.

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DWI - Driving While Inoculated...

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Driving While Spiked ?

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well, the spikes were spiked...so yes,

"Spiketacular Driving"!

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We had one yesterday morning where I live. Car accident caused by driver who had a seizure. Currently in ICU. I read it on NextDoor and my first thought was you know what. No one mentioned it tho or it was censored out.

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The culling of the gullible continues apace.

Anyone who doesn't see it doesn't want to see it.

I guess it is less stressful for the sheep to die believing that those who are harming them have their best interests at heart.

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The thing is, they only allow themselves to watch, listen to certain stations etc….I continue to be amazed and shocked that they allow the hints and phrases to fly past their ears……smart people otherwise? But what exactly means “smart”. ?!

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Hosea 4:6

King James Version

6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge:

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A "medical event." Wow. That is about as unhelpful, uninformative a euphemism as I've ever heard. It is much appreciated that Dr. Miller is taking the time and making the effort (and there are a few others, he is not the only one; however there are relatively few others) to examine all this.

What is among the most disturbing things to me about this phenomenon is the amount of people who seem to aggressively NOT want to know what is going on. It is almost as "if we don't talk about it, don't think about it, don't pay attention to it" maybe it will all just go away and disappear. I grew up in a family that engaged in that kind of magical-wishful thinking. Hiding from the truth is a form of self-delusion that is ultimately self-destructive.

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Are you familiar with the covid blog website? Check out the data Brian Wilkins wrote and documented from January 2021 to November 2023. I subscribed and received a monthly update up until Nov 2023. No information I can find on what happened to him. His site still is up and running and I pray that he is still with us.


I hope Dr. Miller is familiar with Brians work and can reference and add to his data base he is working on. It truly is a work that you must read.

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I know I scoured that site the other day, no live updates. Very strange

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I loved that blog and hope Brian is fine too.

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Thank you for that.

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9

One example of magical thinking that is at insanity level is the idea that if I don't get the injection that somehow I am a mortal danger to those whose are "protected" by a "safe and effective" "vaccine".

The giveaway is the extreme anger, to the point of wanting to do me harm, that they nourish, oblivious to the colossal contradiction they believe in.

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Yes. They want you to get "vaxxed" because they care so much about your well being; but if you don't get "vaxxed" all of a sudden they don't care about your well being anymore and want to punish you. It seems like hypocrisy to me and a characteristic of the small and simple minded.

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Good one. I’m thinking of a friend in California who was in her own ministry to abused women, domestic violence. Her table mate at a lunch remonstrated that’ she “didn’t know any of those women” and Marty said, “Look around, some of those you know are wearing long sleeves, tops with collars. And carefully applied makeup”

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Thank you for your response. A European sociologist Mattias Desmett (I may not have the spelling of his name exactly right) has addressed the issue of group psychology based upon fear, hysteria and in-group, out-group segregating. (Those in the in-group are "good" and accepted the vaccine i.e. the 'vaxxed'; and those in the out-group are "bad" and rejected the vaccine. I.e. the unvaxxed. Those who rejected the vaxx are "granny killers" and as members of the rejected "out" group can be treated as sub-human.)

I've been watching the Congressional hearings subjecting Dr. Anthony Faucci to cross-examination over his roll in the Covid event. (I'll refrain from using terms like "scamdemic" or fraud because they are obviously loaded terms.)

My personal belief (I may be wrong) is our Congress is playing the "bad apple" game. That is they call out Fauci as the "bad-apple" in the Covid vaxx event; the Americans still paying attention are placated that the "bad apple" has been cleansed from the barrel and the barrel of apples is now clean again. And we can put all the unanswered questions about Covid and the "vaxx" behind us. "Just forget about all this, folks, nothing more to see. We (Congress) have addressed the issue and resolved it so don't think about it anymore. " Meanwhile Fauci goes away with a slap on the wrist and is never heard from again. Fauci strikes me as a smarmy, lying-through-the teeth psychopath. But this is just my subjective, perhaps flawed subjective view.

The Fauci cross-examination by Congress is meant to bring the Covid-vaxx uncertainty to a definitive close so the American public can stop speculating and wondering about how badly they may have been defrauded, bamboozled and perhaps had their or their loved ones' lives comprimised and/or shortened by the Covid vaxx event. Notice how zero Big Pharma executives were called before Congress? And as far as I'm aware Big Pharma's records pertaining to their vaccine manufacture have never been subpoenaed.

Personally I am still uncertain as to whether the Covid vaccines were intentionally designed to harm people or if they were just hastily thrown on the market, poorly tested and poorly manufactured so Big Pharma could make a bundle off the hysteria that Dr. Fauci seems to have been largely responsible for. Perhaps both yourself and Dr. Miller have more knowledge and insight into this than I do presently. I will look at the web site you provided. Thank you for that.

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Have those in my family…no intellectual curiosity … And what’s clouding my mind in the last few minutes is thinking of the iconic paintings, sculptures of grieving mother and child, warscapes, shadowed uniforms, helmets …and battlefields….. Folks aren’t able to acknowledge the real destruction, nor understand the back story of those traffic accidents, connect the media lies ….

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Driving while ignorant, perhaps!?

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Indeed magical thinking.

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Is it legal for businesses to prefer Purebloods in hiring?


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Hmmm 🤔 Interesting point. I do know that my refusing the vaxx is not openly looked down upon anymore as people start to realize maybe I was right. Few admit it. So maybe as an unvaxxed I will have more value in the workplace. Not so sick, less illnesses and cancers etc.

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I just came from shopping a big store…..met an employee in the parking lot and we got talking…turns out other than her mom who passed away 20 years ago, another 7 or so family and friends are DX or dead from cancer or some unique ailment….and I lost a good friend, etc….she said her family is mostly in Midwest state, “there must be something in the water….” Oh that people would wake up!! OMG That they are allowed to think like that when the real truth is all around them ….would like to beat F to a pulp, slowly….

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So sorry to hear all that. Same here- we know so many who are chronically ill, and just can't make the connection. We also have lost 7 friends/ neighbors/ acquaintances. I'd like to assist with the last thing you said!

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Ummmm….. Lots of cuts, and afterwards, a bath in iodine. I will look for you there

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Jun 8·edited Jun 9

It definitely seems like vaccidents are on the rise; unfortunately, that is a trend that is likely to continue for years to come. God help us if the self-serving globalist parasites are able to con a large segment of the population into another fake pandemic. Unfortunately, it looks like they are trying to do just that with some form of human-modified "avian flu".

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Large segment? Impossible. 1/3 of the population at most if they try again. The avian flu campaign seems to be more about culling the food supply.

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9

One-third of the world's population equates to over 2.5 billion people; I'd consider that an incredibly large number of people who could be potentially killed or seriously injured by fake vaccines--perhaps you think otherwise. For me, even one is too many. As for the avian flu, what you say is true, for now. But, is that all they plan to do? Or, are they just trying to demonstrate to the sleeping masses how "dangerous" it is before announcing it to the world that it is now infecting humans at a frenetic pace and everyone must start lining up immediately--regardless of whether they are symptomatic or not--in order to be injected with another poison?

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Yes and Deborah wants to give weekly? shots to chickens !??!

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I guessed a third at most, mainly in countries where the propaganda is strongest.

However hard they try to push another vaccine, the majority will not comply. If a third of the most propagandized are still compliant, at least an equal amount of people are at the point of "over my dead body".

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You're taking my comment out of context. The discussion was about people who are getting into accidents as a result of symptoms brought on by the so-called "vaccines". I said that that trend is likely to continue. I then went on to suggest that that would only be made worse if people received another jab. It doesn't matter if it's 1/3, 1/10, or 1/10,000 of the population, if more people get another jab the problem is only going to get worse.

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I agree with you there

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People who cannot pay attention to what they are doing, being distracted by the rise in heat of the planet, rise in heat of politics and wars worldwide, rise in the heat of fear and rage, the rise of crime against family members against women and children as tempers of loose cannons flare, triggered by all manner of heat. On major urban/ suburban highways such as where I live, car crashes occur morning noon and night, drivers move in between dense traffic at, I guesstimate, 90 mph, tailgating at high speeds. The behavior of psycho drivers has become so normal, I take it as a sign of the times, a sign that I experience in my world. People blast their Latin or hip hop beat from their cars with such volume it makes me hatchback door jump. I keep myself covered in travelling mercies. People are losing their minds with fear and rage whether they know it or not, sensing that the rising temps and the 5g EMFs and pandemics are coming harder and faster.

Govt leaders worldwide are unable to keep the peace and the powerless push back against authority with unfocused useless rebellion, not realizing that leadership is increasingly powerless to manage the destructive forces.

Unfortunately govts continue to hang their hats on income from the machinery of war to fund rentier economies where most people do not own property and many or most are living on subsidies, hand to mouth or addicted and homeless and the wealthy pay their bills with income from investments over which worry keeps them up at night.

Mankind's compulsion to destroy, to murder, to destroy Creation and one another makes even the religious person ask "where are you, God?'

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Ephesians 6:10-18

10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

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One might want to examine the capitalist economic system in America that makes the 1% "owners of the means of production" filthy rich while the middle-class and the poor are increasingly immiserated.

No one, and I mean no one (except for useless outliers like Bernie Sanders) cares about the American working-class anymore. When Ted Kennedy died and Tip O'Neil retired from Congress the American working class was thrown under the bus.

This is what you get with financial capitalism and a rentier economy. Generally, capitalist don't even produce goods here in America anymore; they manufacture in China and Vietnam. The only people with income now are the financiers and the rentiers and they get their wealth not by creating value but by extracting the wealth of the middle and lower classes. This is what America has come to.

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There was no American middle class prior to the post WWII boom. Capitalism in of itself is not more evil than man's sinful nature, but global capitalism has brought greater potential for impoverishing peoples worldwide, not just here. The U S. picked up the economics of the British Empire, increasing American hegemony relatively right alongside the sun setting on Britain. Nazi Socialism and Soviet communism were obviously not better examples of modern economies. The impulse to sell machinery of war and to mock climate science is no less than proclaiming "my children's children be damned".

The errors in the calculations of business, law and govt I believe, are based on denialism and/ or the false belief that having a shred

of hope for the future is

utterly vain. Another miscalculation in analysis is to view classes as if people still lived on average into their 40's. What affects retired people living off investment dividends after selling a family home is irrelevant to the college graduate.

Manufacturing jobs are never coming back - not because a class of people were thrown under a bus but because such economies have been replaced by service economies as surely as the industrial revolution replaced agricultural economies. Factories will be run by robots. Services are desperately needed and young intelligent people will take advantage. Those who have lost factory based careers must re-train or retire or emigrate - I don't have answers for that.

How money and capital works is not intrinsically evil. Greed and selfishness, self centered egotism and deadly resentment, disregard for making wise and healthy choices are what each individual must bring to their faith or lack thereof in their higher power. Even so, the populations of the earth are

increasingly in chaos as the world burns and the insane leadership of the U.S. and NATO goad Putin beyond the pale, running us into debts that cannot be paid. Hate fills the air: hate for Israel, hate for Jews, hate for migrants, hate for Trump, hate for Biden - an utter waste of precious resources, meaning our common humanity. The atomic clock approaches midnight. The hate and the terror needs to stop.

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You ought to be more specific when using nebulous weaponised woke terms like 'hate and the terror' otherwise you and everyone else will inevitably end on the wrong side of someone else's idea of 'social justice'.

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I get your point, but one cannot be responsible for the denialism or narrowminded thinking in human society. Sometimes one has to yell F I R E ! 🔥

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Your comment brings a few issues to mind. First in a declining capitalist-imperialist economy such as the United States' economy now and as it has been since about the 2008 Financial Crisis, generally the Middle-class is subject to "austerity" by the capitalist and financier% ruling class. Yes, this makes people angry and resentful as they lose hope for a better (more prosperous) future. As you indicate the U.S. has been an economy and a society of hope (and hope fulfilled) since the end of WWII.

Secondly, the capitalist owners "off-shored" many, now most, relatively good paying manufacturing jobs since about 1975 or so. Reagan's term, with tax cuts for the wealthy and dismantling of a progressive federal income tax system increased wealth distribution upward. It has been estimated by economists that something on the order of 50 trillion (that "t" is not a typo) have been shifted upward from the middle-class to the capitalists and financiers since 1981. (Sorry I don't have a cite for this off the top of my head; might be Martens and Gillian or Emanual Siez?)

Third, the mal-distribution of income allowed under capitalism can be mitigated by worker owned cooperatives. Manufacturing cooperatives don't pay their top executives tens of millions of dollars a year. The Mondragon cooperative in Spain is and has been a successful cooperative for on the order of 70 years now. I believe they top their top-level executive pay at seven times the lowest paid worker. Wealth is much more equitably distributed.

Also, if workers owned their own businesses (rather than a few well-to-do shareholders as is the case now) what worker would offshore his own job to Asia? All those good paying factory jobs would still be based in the U.S. and workers would be paying themselves perhaps 80 or 90 percent of the value they add to the company instead of having that value added taken by upper management and shareholders who turn around and pay their workers a mere 10 or 20 dollars an hour, a fraction of the value the workers add to the business.

In short there are (or were when we had the chance) several things that could have been done to bolster America's now declining and disappearing middle-class. But it is too late now as has been indicated. The capitalist, in the interest of maximizing their profits, have taken most of the wealth creating aspects of their businesses overseas and left the U.S hollowed out. That is why capitalism is a seriously flawed economic system. And there are other reasons too tangential to enumerate here.

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Cardiologist Dr. Bider calls for abolishment of the WHO: 'Enough is enough!'

Dr. Bider was forced into psychiatric hospital after speaking against COVID narrative.


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RemovedJun 10
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What it is helpful to keep in mind is that "The New World Order" (Novus Seculorum) that was created at the end of WWII with the drafting of the Bretton Woods Accord was that the international institutions that were set up by the United States such as the World Trade Organization and the World Bank were not really meant to "develop" the third-world or the underdeveloped world as American school children are misinformedly taught. They were meant to assist American capitalist corporations in exploiting the "developing" to make American corporations and their executives and high-level shareholders maximally wealthy off the work of those in the developing world. ( See, e.g. the work of the late Immanual Wallerstein for more on this.)

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And is it any wonder why auto insurance premiums are going up up and away!

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JUST IMAGINE - if we were to turn the tables and say ALL vaccinated people are a danger to us and themselves and take away their licences for cars, trucks, bikes, trains, boats and planes as we cannot predict when they might have an unexpected cardiac issue causing death to themselves and others in their path!!

What if - we banned the vaccinated from mixing with unvaccinated people. What if we banned them from restaurants and schools and flying etc because they are a shedding risk to all who are unvaccinated.

Does that sound familiar - well that’s what they did to us who used our intelligence and resilience to choose to remain unvaccinated and we got punished for saving our own lives. Maybe it’s time to turn the tables and BAN THE VACCINATED from all the activities they tried to ban us from and THEN MAYBE THEY WILL LEARN A LESSON FROM HISTORY. ONE THEY WILL REMEMBER AND NEVER REPEAT!!!

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Can you imagine????

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I commiserate with your justified anger. But why punish people for being sheep-like and compliant? Is that just?

Perhaps we should -- or the American justice system should -- go after the big-time criminals and grifters like the Big Pharma executives who put their junk poison on the market?

And what about the biggest fear monger, hysteria pusher of them all: Anthony Fauci? Have you seen the Congressional hearing cross examining Dr. Fauci? It was quite a show! Fauci, as far as I could see, got off with a slap on the wrist and walked off quietly into the sunset while the American people move on to further distractions.

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News reports didn't used to present a vague description of "medical emergency". They might say so and so died from a sudden heart attack, or from choking on a hot dog, or from accidentally knocking a plugged in radio into the bathtub while bathing. Now the most vigorous and thorough reporting tells us only that a "medical emergency took place.

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Everyone wants to know whether you've been vaxed or not? The insurance companies can tell you after the fact. Anyone who took the vax should have their car insurance rates go way up. Anyone who accuses the rise in car accidents on reckless drivers is lying to you.

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You've reported so many "medical emergency" crashes that this, one would think, has to be a new thing. If more of these accidents are happening, why?

Did more of these start to happen in 2021-2024?

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Yes….here in Canada they first started reporting all these sudden deaths and medical emergencies causing accidents…..then they (MSM) stopped. Insurance rates on life insurance and auto are steadily rising. This definitely on the rise post vax.

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We live about a mile from our local hospital and the medical chopper flies right over our house. We used to see them sporadically, but it's just about every day now- sometimes multiple times a day. This, despite the satellite hospital having been made a Primary Stroke center, just after the rollout. (Makes me think they were expecting to see a lot of strokes....) The ambulance company goes up the main road here FAR more frequently, as well. We have had many vaxxidents, too. I'm a retired medic, and my spidey senses tell me many of these ARE from people coding/ seizing, etc, at the wheel. I would love to get the flight and run stats, but not sure where to look...

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Ed Dowd, “They Lied, People Died”.

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Yes, they started happening in 2021, not long after the poison injections began.

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Crazy sheeeeeit going down.

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