It's time for all of us to face it: China's latest lockdown is a crime against humanity—and we ignore it at our peril, because what's happening there will surely happen here eventually, if we let it
Following orders for the "Greater Good". Coming soon to a city near you: Slaughtering "infected" pets, and caging, starving, and beating "infected" people. Wait till the next plandemic which will "get our attention" according to kill bates.
“For the Greater Good”: Shanghai COVID Atrocities Foreshadow Things To Come
China is signalling the next stage of the plandemic PSYOP
Mark, I cannot help but be suspicious. China lockdown number #1 had me all in, and I have to say China lockdown #2 is pretty believable as well. I do not believe the Chinese aren’t suffering so please do not misunderstand, but I do not believe that China is that stupid when it comes to Covid. We have Russia invading Ukraine and now China is locking down to Covid? No, I do not believe it is due to Covid, they are saying it's due to Covid but that’s not Why. Chinese are not stupid and by buying this PROPAGANDA we are believing they are. Why are they locking down? I do not pretend to know but it could be they are having civil unrest? It could be they want to pretend they are busy with Covid and are sitting out the Russia/Ukraine conflict? It could be they want to hurt the west by pretending they are down with Covid and sorry cannot make the IPhone19 for you. It could be the Globalists are using this lockdown to try and spark the next big thing. I do not believe though that China is locking down due to Covid, that I do not believe! Harry Vox video from 2014 said they will use pandemics to cover civil unrest and you educated me earlier that they did that at the beginning of this one, so why aren't they doing it in China? Do we believe they could never have civil unrest in China, that Chinese people would never lash out? Anyway, again I do not know. Here is the video I thought it was really interesting (James Delingpole tweeted it out the other day).
On Gettr there are a ton of Asians, and they are very friendly and follow you so I of course follow back, so now I have a ton of Asian writing that I don't understand in my feed. I started translating it the other day and was shocked to see this video mocking the death shot? Here is the link to the video sketch of a young person's friend dying of the death shot.
Xi and The faction in power might be using the lock down as a pretext to consolidate their power. There are a lot of people in Shanghai who don’t like Xi
I wouldn’t be surprised if 5G is playing at least a partial role in some of these bizarre behavioral patterns.
As for the media blackout, this is precisely what the global technocratic elites want for the West too. Why should they broadcast their plans/fantasies for total control or display their inferiority to China in this regard?
I doubt if there were media coverage, however, that many people would even be fazed. We’re a population dumbed-down by convenience; the masses have literally become too cognitively lazy to think for themselves.
The coverage that gets out is pretty much the same shit that happened during wuhan... They let it get out. That's why so few sources repeated and amplified in our media.
I could only hope that this makes the covid lockdown idea look bad for anyone and maybe prevent it elsewhere...
of course it's never been about covid .. but in light of how simple distribution of early treatment would be, and how much more effective that would be than any of the insanity happening .. this is even more creepily absurd that they pretend this level of control is to stop covid.
if these desperate people in china had the same PR machine that the Ukranians have, kids all over the western world would be having stoop sales to donate to feed them ...
of course it is all so sad ... but, yeah, the power of #ISupportTheCurrentThing. ; |
Our politicians are watching, licking their lips, waiting for their moment to institute this same reset garbage here. I wonder how many will comply this time? I'm pretty sure I know quite a few dumb dumbs who will, no doubt.
Dr miller consider this: chinese premiere Xi is up for a third term. The city of shanghai is chinas most liberal city. There are large factions in shanghai that dont want Xi in power. Right now China is having the closest thing it has to a campaign season. Hence the faction is power is using covid as a pretext to clamp down on shanghai and purge all their political opposition under the pretext of a health emergency. Sound familiar? Does china use mail in fake ballots ?
In Beijing, there are a few cases, and if someone has a confirmed positive, the whole building gets locked down for two weeks. These “alerted” buildings show on digital maps so others can stay away from the buildings. This from a contact there. He doesn’t give any opinion, and I was afraid to give any either, on email. Have to assume the building-lockdown policy is in other places too. I fear for everyone in China.
For videos to come out of China is highly suspicious. We should’ve learned our lesson the first time around with people falling flat in the street. This is propaganda. Question is what for?
Those videos in January 2020 were published in the West. These videos aren't published anywhere, except off in the margins. So if they're propaganda, they're not going to be effective.
What I don't understand about this is how the city could possibly function. Here in the States, we were never in complete lockdown because the elites relied on the labor of the working class. We still had to have people cleaning streets, collecting garbage, bagging groceries, delivering mail. I understand these essential services may be on pause in Shanghai. (I read that no trash is being picked up.) But don't the elites want their trash collected and their food delivered? Or do they live outside the city, and are having those services fulfilled in some other way? This is the only thing that makes me skeptical. It is nearly impossible to lock down the working class, on whose labor the upper classes all depend.
The Left (I can no longer be bothered adding scare quotes) presented the China case as a matter of "How to do it right" regarding covid. The WSWS were practically masturbating over it and whenever it seems there is any hint of China relaxing the regulations, this "Trotsky" site (OK so I couldn't resist the scare quotes there) goes ballistic.
Thus we can see China as an ideal for this Left. And it is clear that what is happening over there is nothing less than a patently obvious cull.
One genuine Marxist, Phil Greaves, summed it up: It's a sad day when everything the Right once said about the Left turns out to be true.
WSWS is vile beyond belief in their Covid coverage. Based upon promotion of the “zero Covid” fantasy they would fancy locking down the entire planet similar to Shanghai. Their primary medical “expert” is an obvious charlatan and no dissent is permitted internally.
Phil sadly only posts on Twitter. The only Marxist sites not pulled into the covid bullshit, as far as I know, are those by John Steppling, Simon Elmer and an Australian one called Redfire online.
The rest are either pathetic dupes who I no longer speak to or vile "spookeries" like the World Socialist Web Site which has banned me. Oh dear, how sad, never mind.
In addition, I urge you not to forget that the Biden administration has allocated 50 billion dollars for information warfare against China to counter its ascendancy and to try to stop the decline of the American empire and maintain its position as the sole hegemonic unipolar power dominating the planet.
By pointing this out I am not saying anything is correct or not and I'm NOT taking anyone's side, just providing this essay and this reminder about Biden's billions for an "information war" against china so that we may remember that the field is crawling with professional propagandists and american "intelligence" trained manipulators (who have been studying the psychology of how to manipulate human beings for more than a century now) so that we take everything about china in the english-lanuage sources with a HUGE grain of salt (and no, I am NOT on china's side). I haven't studied yet every single resource you provided but as one small example I can tell you without a doubt that epoch times is a CIA funded outlet (like 'radio free asia/libertt' and 'radio free europe/liberty' and the numerous other CIA outlets). I know this for a fact becasue of the deep dive i did during the US-funded Hong Kong riots and the NED-funded Uyghur disinformation campaign, one of the outlets i investigated deeply then was the epoch times and discovered its is very very intimate ties to the CIA (through the falun gong cult lunatics) and has pushed out numerous disinformation stories that were complete fabrications. I don't know anythung about what they said now because i haven't looked i to it, but i am telling you beyond a shadow of a doubt that at least this source is a CIA propaganda outlet. Please take this into consideration.
I'm sure i don't need to tell you that even if things have some factual basis, you can count on the professional propagandists in NED and CIA to spin everything in a way that benefits the american billionaire's empire and villifies its rivals (and in addition to that, of course american religious conservatives - who are deeply conditioned from birth to hate anything that doesn't operate according to the profit principle and does not support to american exceptionalism and supremacy over the planet - will jump on any opportunity to spin and magnify everything against their greatest hatred in this world - china), so i am not saying anything regarding the authenticity of what is being shared, just advising examining things with a criticsl eye, remembering that literally EVERYTHING you see and hear about china today is filtered through a gigantic and very intense information war (or through ideological/religious hatred) funded by hundreds of billions of dollars from the Biden admin.
Huge huge levels of discernment are advised, and not quickly falling into the hate/rage trap that they're clearly trying to induce.
I highly recommend reading the profound essay above to gain a broader perspective on what is happening as well as on the information war and psychological operations that we are in the midst of.
Many thanks. I will read that piece ASAP; but let me say now, just off the top of my head, that that announcement of a $500 million disbursement for "information warfare" against China may itself be a stroke of "information warfare" against all the rest of us. If they do spend that sum on psy-war, you can bet your boots that the results will be a lot more visible, get far more traction, than the videos some few of us are seeing now, here and there online. As of now, I see no evidence of any major anti-CCP psy-war operation by the US—whereas we're drowning in the propaganda psy-war against Russia. There's actually very little anti-CCP propaganda in the NYTimes, or on CNN, or from any other major outlet here, which I think tells us something.
My own observation is that there are few pro-russian bots circulating, but I've seen a lot of suspected chinese bots, even here on substack telling me how great every thing is there and how horrible the USA is.
But there are factions that fight and vie for control. There are groups in china that want more capitalism , more freedom. Those groups are concetrated in the large cities esp shanghai , shenzhen, hongkong
The Xi faction may be using covid as a pretext to assert control
Following orders for the "Greater Good". Coming soon to a city near you: Slaughtering "infected" pets, and caging, starving, and beating "infected" people. Wait till the next plandemic which will "get our attention" according to kill bates.
“For the Greater Good”: Shanghai COVID Atrocities Foreshadow Things To Come
China is signalling the next stage of the plandemic PSYOP
Mark, I cannot help but be suspicious. China lockdown number #1 had me all in, and I have to say China lockdown #2 is pretty believable as well. I do not believe the Chinese aren’t suffering so please do not misunderstand, but I do not believe that China is that stupid when it comes to Covid. We have Russia invading Ukraine and now China is locking down to Covid? No, I do not believe it is due to Covid, they are saying it's due to Covid but that’s not Why. Chinese are not stupid and by buying this PROPAGANDA we are believing they are. Why are they locking down? I do not pretend to know but it could be they are having civil unrest? It could be they want to pretend they are busy with Covid and are sitting out the Russia/Ukraine conflict? It could be they want to hurt the west by pretending they are down with Covid and sorry cannot make the IPhone19 for you. It could be the Globalists are using this lockdown to try and spark the next big thing. I do not believe though that China is locking down due to Covid, that I do not believe! Harry Vox video from 2014 said they will use pandemics to cover civil unrest and you educated me earlier that they did that at the beginning of this one, so why aren't they doing it in China? Do we believe they could never have civil unrest in China, that Chinese people would never lash out? Anyway, again I do not know. Here is the video I thought it was really interesting (James Delingpole tweeted it out the other day).
Well, of COURSE it's not REALLY about COVID, any more than it's really been about COVID anywhere else.
Okay, well you taught me that much. See aren't you proud how skeptical I've become?
On Gettr there are a ton of Asians, and they are very friendly and follow you so I of course follow back, so now I have a ton of Asian writing that I don't understand in my feed. I started translating it the other day and was shocked to see this video mocking the death shot? Here is the link to the video sketch of a young person's friend dying of the death shot.
Xi and The faction in power might be using the lock down as a pretext to consolidate their power. There are a lot of people in Shanghai who don’t like Xi
"they are saying it's due to Covid but that’s not Why."
It never was Why. Neither in China nor anywhere else.
It's the only way out. I only pray others also respect the first amendment about speech and religious conscious as well.
2nd amendment
I wouldn’t be surprised if 5G is playing at least a partial role in some of these bizarre behavioral patterns.
As for the media blackout, this is precisely what the global technocratic elites want for the West too. Why should they broadcast their plans/fantasies for total control or display their inferiority to China in this regard?
I doubt if there were media coverage, however, that many people would even be fazed. We’re a population dumbed-down by convenience; the masses have literally become too cognitively lazy to think for themselves.
The coverage that gets out is pretty much the same shit that happened during wuhan... They let it get out. That's why so few sources repeated and amplified in our media.
I could only hope that this makes the covid lockdown idea look bad for anyone and maybe prevent it elsewhere...
re: 5G see Frances Leader’s Substack ‘Uncensored’ and mejbcart’s Newsletter Substack.
of course it's never been about covid .. but in light of how simple distribution of early treatment would be, and how much more effective that would be than any of the insanity happening .. this is even more creepily absurd that they pretend this level of control is to stop covid.
if these desperate people in china had the same PR machine that the Ukranians have, kids all over the western world would be having stoop sales to donate to feed them ...
of course it is all so sad ... but, yeah, the power of #ISupportTheCurrentThing. ; |
Letting them do this to our neighbors is wrong. What good is physical survival if our souls are killed in the process? Death happens.
Our politicians are watching, licking their lips, waiting for their moment to institute this same reset garbage here. I wonder how many will comply this time? I'm pretty sure I know quite a few dumb dumbs who will, no doubt.
Dr miller consider this: chinese premiere Xi is up for a third term. The city of shanghai is chinas most liberal city. There are large factions in shanghai that dont want Xi in power. Right now China is having the closest thing it has to a campaign season. Hence the faction is power is using covid as a pretext to clamp down on shanghai and purge all their political opposition under the pretext of a health emergency. Sound familiar? Does china use mail in fake ballots ?
They don’t have national elections at all, only local. It’s CCP rule. Leader is appointed.
That video with the song is horrific.
In Beijing, there are a few cases, and if someone has a confirmed positive, the whole building gets locked down for two weeks. These “alerted” buildings show on digital maps so others can stay away from the buildings. This from a contact there. He doesn’t give any opinion, and I was afraid to give any either, on email. Have to assume the building-lockdown policy is in other places too. I fear for everyone in China.
For videos to come out of China is highly suspicious. We should’ve learned our lesson the first time around with people falling flat in the street. This is propaganda. Question is what for?
Those videos in January 2020 were published in the West. These videos aren't published anywhere, except off in the margins. So if they're propaganda, they're not going to be effective.
My take is that if we’re seeing them here in the west, they’re published, made known. Ideally we should find the source of first distribution.
What I don't understand about this is how the city could possibly function. Here in the States, we were never in complete lockdown because the elites relied on the labor of the working class. We still had to have people cleaning streets, collecting garbage, bagging groceries, delivering mail. I understand these essential services may be on pause in Shanghai. (I read that no trash is being picked up.) But don't the elites want their trash collected and their food delivered? Or do they live outside the city, and are having those services fulfilled in some other way? This is the only thing that makes me skeptical. It is nearly impossible to lock down the working class, on whose labor the upper classes all depend.
The Left (I can no longer be bothered adding scare quotes) presented the China case as a matter of "How to do it right" regarding covid. The WSWS were practically masturbating over it and whenever it seems there is any hint of China relaxing the regulations, this "Trotsky" site (OK so I couldn't resist the scare quotes there) goes ballistic.
Thus we can see China as an ideal for this Left. And it is clear that what is happening over there is nothing less than a patently obvious cull.
One genuine Marxist, Phil Greaves, summed it up: It's a sad day when everything the Right once said about the Left turns out to be true.
WSWS is vile beyond belief in their Covid coverage. Based upon promotion of the “zero Covid” fantasy they would fancy locking down the entire planet similar to Shanghai. Their primary medical “expert” is an obvious charlatan and no dissent is permitted internally.
Phil sadly only posts on Twitter. The only Marxist sites not pulled into the covid bullshit, as far as I know, are those by John Steppling, Simon Elmer and an Australian one called Redfire online.
The rest are either pathetic dupes who I no longer speak to or vile "spookeries" like the World Socialist Web Site which has banned me. Oh dear, how sad, never mind.
Truly heart-wrenching. 😢
Thank you for this Mark. If I may I'd like to share with you this very insightful and in-depth exploration of what is happening in Shanghai that might put things in perspective and context. Highly recommended.
In addition, I urge you not to forget that the Biden administration has allocated 50 billion dollars for information warfare against China to counter its ascendancy and to try to stop the decline of the American empire and maintain its position as the sole hegemonic unipolar power dominating the planet.
By pointing this out I am not saying anything is correct or not and I'm NOT taking anyone's side, just providing this essay and this reminder about Biden's billions for an "information war" against china so that we may remember that the field is crawling with professional propagandists and american "intelligence" trained manipulators (who have been studying the psychology of how to manipulate human beings for more than a century now) so that we take everything about china in the english-lanuage sources with a HUGE grain of salt (and no, I am NOT on china's side). I haven't studied yet every single resource you provided but as one small example I can tell you without a doubt that epoch times is a CIA funded outlet (like 'radio free asia/libertt' and 'radio free europe/liberty' and the numerous other CIA outlets). I know this for a fact becasue of the deep dive i did during the US-funded Hong Kong riots and the NED-funded Uyghur disinformation campaign, one of the outlets i investigated deeply then was the epoch times and discovered its is very very intimate ties to the CIA (through the falun gong cult lunatics) and has pushed out numerous disinformation stories that were complete fabrications. I don't know anythung about what they said now because i haven't looked i to it, but i am telling you beyond a shadow of a doubt that at least this source is a CIA propaganda outlet. Please take this into consideration.
I'm sure i don't need to tell you that even if things have some factual basis, you can count on the professional propagandists in NED and CIA to spin everything in a way that benefits the american billionaire's empire and villifies its rivals (and in addition to that, of course american religious conservatives - who are deeply conditioned from birth to hate anything that doesn't operate according to the profit principle and does not support to american exceptionalism and supremacy over the planet - will jump on any opportunity to spin and magnify everything against their greatest hatred in this world - china), so i am not saying anything regarding the authenticity of what is being shared, just advising examining things with a criticsl eye, remembering that literally EVERYTHING you see and hear about china today is filtered through a gigantic and very intense information war (or through ideological/religious hatred) funded by hundreds of billions of dollars from the Biden admin.
Huge huge levels of discernment are advised, and not quickly falling into the hate/rage trap that they're clearly trying to induce.
I highly recommend reading the profound essay above to gain a broader perspective on what is happening as well as on the information war and psychological operations that we are in the midst of.
Many thanks. I will read that piece ASAP; but let me say now, just off the top of my head, that that announcement of a $500 million disbursement for "information warfare" against China may itself be a stroke of "information warfare" against all the rest of us. If they do spend that sum on psy-war, you can bet your boots that the results will be a lot more visible, get far more traction, than the videos some few of us are seeing now, here and there online. As of now, I see no evidence of any major anti-CCP psy-war operation by the US—whereas we're drowning in the propaganda psy-war against Russia. There's actually very little anti-CCP propaganda in the NYTimes, or on CNN, or from any other major outlet here, which I think tells us something.
My own observation is that there are few pro-russian bots circulating, but I've seen a lot of suspected chinese bots, even here on substack telling me how great every thing is there and how horrible the USA is.
But there are factions that fight and vie for control. There are groups in china that want more capitalism , more freedom. Those groups are concetrated in the large cities esp shanghai , shenzhen, hongkong
The Xi faction may be using covid as a pretext to assert control
Just like everywhere else.
Here is an IG video of what I believe is Jane’s boyfriend:
Also this Twitter feed is full of Chinese brutalities:
This is exactly why we in the US have a second amendment.