More celebrities sidelined dramatically in just the last few days—and a sampling of the "rare"conditions now afflicting countless tots and babies (none famous, or related to celebrities)
So if He grants you free will, so that you can develop your faculties, including discernment and morality, and places you safely into an artificial 3 dimensional plane of existence or simulation, where you can only harm the body suit worn in such a place but not your essential self, your position is He should intervene and prevent you from wilfully or foolishly bumping into things that form part of the obstacle course? Or should He step back and root for you as you confront these challenges, and suffer with you when you crash into things that you could have seen coming if you had thought to look, and hope that you learn these lessons as you continue on to the next challenge?
Feels right to me except the Creator is neither male nor female, it is energy, manifested into millions of copies of itself in order to experience itself in as many ways as possible.
Not going to take issue with that, though I cannot confirm it either. I know with certainty that my imagination at its best still misses 99% of the possibilities. I chose He because it was the form used by the commenter I was responding to (and the one preceding), it was respectful to adherents and "it" or "they" seemed odd or presumptuous.
Tom Campbell is one physicist that I follow and he has been and is conducting scientific experiments now to prove this exact thing. He has a lot of material for free on You Tube under his Big TOE theory.
In my country he sent a Christian man to warn us of this that was coming away back in the early '70s. He figured from the Biblical prophecies and his own investigative research that our country was a test case for the global dictatorship plan and was called a conspiracy nutter. He began warning us in the 70s, gave up his teaching job & traveled NZ from end to end, towing a caravan with his wife & 5 children, to all the small towns, week long lecture tours outlining the diabolical plan. He was our first whistleblower. He then traveled globally for the remainder of his life lecturing on topic. Many of us here remember him and his lectures. Many of those are on YT with 'warnings' now added from the censors about the 'global dictatorship conspiracy'. Here is a clip of him speaking about their initial infiltration into NZ ... The whole interview with the UK TV program 'Revelation' is toward the end of this page ... well worth a listen.
It precedes on that page, the info from Bill Cooper, another Christian man who warned the world via his writings and Radio program & was eventually murdered.
God didn't 'allow' all this to happen ... he just allowed free will. We are seeing the end results of the natural direction that free will tends to go without him. And we can't say we weren't warned.
“Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge?”
On this side of the mirror a worm eats a child's brain but everything works the other way round on the other side of the mirror so the worm rebuilds that child's brain and God sees both sides of the mirror even if you don't. Your non-mirror reality judgements of God are completely meaningless in true reality. There is a reason that the only difference between the equations for a particle and its anti-particle is the sign of time or pattern if you will because one goes forward in pattern, or time, and one goes backwards in pattern, or time but pattern is the true reality and time is the illusion. If you look at the first chapter of Genesis and the final chapter of Revelations God tells you he uses a mirror "Let us make them in our image" and in Revelations a crystal clear stream comes from the throne of God down the street of new Jerusalem and on each bank of it is an identical tree bearing twelve fruits and the leaves of those trees are for the healing of the nations, ..... a more perfect description of a mirrored reality would be hard to find but you carry on criticising God like all the others have done down the ages with their complete lack of knowledge of reality "behold I shall send them great delusion that they shall believe a lie" and I ask again ..... Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge?
Here in Denmark, which is a very small country with only 5,96 mio, ONE zone therapist had in ONE month THREE injected pregnant women who all had to be induced due to preeclampsia. All three women's placentas had been full of blood clots, but the midwives had said, it could be caused by many things. The one little boy was so premature he had problems with his lungs, but was doing better.
The first person I mentioned this and the article to burst out 'so did my friend!' - meaning had preeclampsia.
Pfizer knew before the FOIA release of THEIR own document dated 2/28/2021 that the shot could cause MIS-C, the very inflammatory condition for which they later so strenuously pushed the shots.
Let's start giving it to Eric Rubin and his fellow panelists. Seems weird they didn't all just volunteer themselves there and then. I wonder what was up with the hesitancy.
A fellow bass player who derided me for standing up to the biosecurity state, took to Facebook a few months ago to announce that he suddenly and inexplicably had a brain tumor. I wish him all the best, I truly do, but I wonder if he's made the correlation.
One of my good friends ( thought I was crazy for not getting the vx) told me two members of her family have developed autoimmune conditions and the doctors at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston who push this on all the patients told them that it was due to the shots. Still, the only believe what the doctors tell them.
We’re going to have a much smaller society after this all settles out, and we will have this irascible independence and hard sensibility in common. We may all know each other on a first-name basis, maybe gather under a tree per Rousseau.
Too many cancer, heart and brain issues for infants up to two years old children which never had to happen if parents were paying attention. Steve Scalise has had a horrible 10 years and the shots have increased the problems, also never had to happen.
Speaking of vaxxed and boosted I just read a thread on Covid and someone said that after getting 8 jabs he has tested positive for it for the first time. He took paxcovid and got better and then he rebounded so he took a second dose and rebounded again so he’s on his 3rd dose. No mention at all that none of the 8 jabs didn’t prevent him from getting infected and now he has to keep taking paxcovid.
"Get jabbed and the virus stops with you."
"Jabs don’t keep you from getting infected, but do keep you out of hospital."
"Hospitals are being overwhelmed with people who have Covid and most have been vaccinated."
"Mask mandates have returned for many hospitals."
Hey remember when most people had been jabbed and there was a mask mandate everywhere and still tons of people got omicron anyway?
But they didn’t make it, did they? They distributed the product from DoD. The pharmas themselves were saps in this, they thought they were merely grifting, but DARPA poisoned the punch. I’m still trying to sort this out, very dark and hidden from view.
His lists do cover just about the whole planet. I've had to look up a few places to see where they were and I've listened to music that is new to me from far away lands sung or played by people that have sadly left us. Thank you, Professor Miller and your team.
Good question. When your neighbor loses their job it’s a recession. When you lose yours it’s a depression. I think the same applies to what’s happening now. Until it affects one directly most bury their heads and continue to live in denial.
they're already using the excuse of an ageing population and thus more deaths...for years pre pandemic we were all lambasted by them telling all western countries that the populations were ageing with not enough younger generations coming up behind is the perfect time to roll out the excuse that all the excess deaths are now due to this...the populace will not do their due diligence and examine the ages of those that die.
yes, human kind rationalizes marginalize justifie everything only stops when they have a spiritual awakening or people tell them we well not cosign your bull shit!
I was reading a prayer request list the other night, one person has FIVE family members dealing w/cancer. I don't even begin to know how a family copes w/that.
Seems ages ago! They were one of the first doctors that I encountered online who gave words to my doubts.
I sent their videos to a friend in California who replied that these dangerous people luckily were punished by the medical board.
The fact that it didn't even cross his mind that they may well had something important to say was an omen of the Cult that would develop the years after.
I assume every subject of all your stories have been thoroughly vaxxd... susan sullivan is not cancer free, nslc will return... too bad she got vaxxed at 80...this is sad
Maybe some did. In this case, most did not. But it's beside the point, since what we're trying to do here is not to get you pitying those sick celebrities, but to dissuade others from getting any further jabs.
Do you think they’re all going to die, professor? I do.
I get to shepherd my family through this hell. I think it’s the final blow to the sovereign debt complexes that hold up the roof. Samson does his thing.
And his mother was told not to drink any wine during her pregnancy, wasn't she? Cf, 'safe and effective' for pregnant women. Edit: because just reached that story this a.m. in Judges--not to drink wine nor strong drink, nor eat any unclean thing (Judges 13:4)
Well, here’s the thing. Can we still care about culture and living and hiking and being, while they deal with the mess they have created? Life goes on, for us. The agony ahead is on them.
Indeed. We must reach out and schedule culture, or go nuts. They on the other hand do not wish to balance this “incoming,” they only want to care about movies and the latest, whatever, remaining pure in the ignorance until it is too late….”that can’t be true!”
I'm saying most of those noted in this post did not, as far as I know; and I'll bet that, while many did promote it, many others just got jabbed.
But even those who did were guilty not of knowingly promoting something dangerous, but of failing to look into it with proper care. Chances are they don't know anybody like the people in your circle, so we should cut even them some clack, obnoxious though they often were. That's my view, anyway.
I have two friends that work in Hollywood that are closet conservatives for obvious reasons. One is Jewish with a high paying job at a film studio, and she told me she had to get the vax to work. I begged her not to take it, told her to take a sabbatical, that the mandate would end eventually. She told me that two "Trump supporting" doctors she knows said it was safe. I told her no one knows because it's experimental, no one knows the long term effects. She said that she was soon to have a big promotion and couldn't take a sabbatical ( even though she is quite wealthy). She said she didn't want to hear anymore from me regarding the jab and she took the J&J. The other friend is very involved in her church and she knew about the dangers and didn't take it, but got a fake vax card to continue to work, and she too is quite wealthy ( I had told her to take a sabbatical too). My point is, it seems like some in Hollywood didn't know it was bad because others told them it was safe, so they took it, and others knew it was bad, and didn't take it.
Dear Lord, deliver us from evil & help us to help ourselves. Thank you MCM for your courage & dedication in delivering TRUTH ...
Amen to that. Lord, give us the strength and discernment to know what to say and how to behave in these trying times.
Strange how He allowed this to happen. Moves in mysterious ways, right?
So if He grants you free will, so that you can develop your faculties, including discernment and morality, and places you safely into an artificial 3 dimensional plane of existence or simulation, where you can only harm the body suit worn in such a place but not your essential self, your position is He should intervene and prevent you from wilfully or foolishly bumping into things that form part of the obstacle course? Or should He step back and root for you as you confront these challenges, and suffer with you when you crash into things that you could have seen coming if you had thought to look, and hope that you learn these lessons as you continue on to the next challenge?
You are 100% correct, but most of us forget this when we come here.
Reading Leviticus is very helpful in this matter.
Thank you, I will.
Feels right to me except the Creator is neither male nor female, it is energy, manifested into millions of copies of itself in order to experience itself in as many ways as possible.
Not going to take issue with that, though I cannot confirm it either. I know with certainty that my imagination at its best still misses 99% of the possibilities. I chose He because it was the form used by the commenter I was responding to (and the one preceding), it was respectful to adherents and "it" or "they" seemed odd or presumptuous.
Tom Campbell is one physicist that I follow and he has been and is conducting scientific experiments now to prove this exact thing. He has a lot of material for free on You Tube under his Big TOE theory.
Interesting. I'll check it out.
wrong, called free will
In my country he sent a Christian man to warn us of this that was coming away back in the early '70s. He figured from the Biblical prophecies and his own investigative research that our country was a test case for the global dictatorship plan and was called a conspiracy nutter. He began warning us in the 70s, gave up his teaching job & traveled NZ from end to end, towing a caravan with his wife & 5 children, to all the small towns, week long lecture tours outlining the diabolical plan. He was our first whistleblower. He then traveled globally for the remainder of his life lecturing on topic. Many of us here remember him and his lectures. Many of those are on YT with 'warnings' now added from the censors about the 'global dictatorship conspiracy'. Here is a clip of him speaking about their initial infiltration into NZ ... The whole interview with the UK TV program 'Revelation' is toward the end of this page ... well worth a listen.
It precedes on that page, the info from Bill Cooper, another Christian man who warned the world via his writings and Radio program & was eventually murdered.
God didn't 'allow' all this to happen ... he just allowed free will. We are seeing the end results of the natural direction that free will tends to go without him. And we can't say we weren't warned.
“Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge?”
On this side of the mirror a worm eats a child's brain but everything works the other way round on the other side of the mirror so the worm rebuilds that child's brain and God sees both sides of the mirror even if you don't. Your non-mirror reality judgements of God are completely meaningless in true reality. There is a reason that the only difference between the equations for a particle and its anti-particle is the sign of time or pattern if you will because one goes forward in pattern, or time, and one goes backwards in pattern, or time but pattern is the true reality and time is the illusion. If you look at the first chapter of Genesis and the final chapter of Revelations God tells you he uses a mirror "Let us make them in our image" and in Revelations a crystal clear stream comes from the throne of God down the street of new Jerusalem and on each bank of it is an identical tree bearing twelve fruits and the leaves of those trees are for the healing of the nations, ..... a more perfect description of a mirrored reality would be hard to find but you carry on criticising God like all the others have done down the ages with their complete lack of knowledge of reality "behold I shall send them great delusion that they shall believe a lie" and I ask again ..... Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge?
We all know War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery and Ignorance is Strength.
It's high time we added a fourth — Illness is Health!
And adverse reactions are a sign the jab is working. Remember that pile of shit they tried to lay on?
"Treatment is Death" (grim)
'But, we're never going to learn about how safe this vaccine is until we start giving it. That's just the way it goes.'
- FDA panelist and Editor in Chief of NEJM Eric Rubin.
To children. Who they knew at the time didn't need it.
it probably was there mothers, they got vaxx and boosted when pregnant, they Dr's probably endorsed it what a system!
Here in Denmark, which is a very small country with only 5,96 mio, ONE zone therapist had in ONE month THREE injected pregnant women who all had to be induced due to preeclampsia. All three women's placentas had been full of blood clots, but the midwives had said, it could be caused by many things. The one little boy was so premature he had problems with his lungs, but was doing better.
The first person I mentioned this and the article to burst out 'so did my friend!' - meaning had preeclampsia.
Pfizer knew before the FOIA release of THEIR own document dated 2/28/2021 that the shot could cause MIS-C, the very inflammatory condition for which they later so strenuously pushed the shots.
Let's start giving it to Eric Rubin and his fellow panelists. Seems weird they didn't all just volunteer themselves there and then. I wonder what was up with the hesitancy.
A fellow bass player who derided me for standing up to the biosecurity state, took to Facebook a few months ago to announce that he suddenly and inexplicably had a brain tumor. I wish him all the best, I truly do, but I wonder if he's made the correlation.
One of my good friends ( thought I was crazy for not getting the vx) told me two members of her family have developed autoimmune conditions and the doctors at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston who push this on all the patients told them that it was due to the shots. Still, the only believe what the doctors tell them.
tx him
We’re going to have a much smaller society after this all settles out, and we will have this irascible independence and hard sensibility in common. We may all know each other on a first-name basis, maybe gather under a tree per Rousseau.
I plan to buy you lunch.
And don’t forget the 12 million illegals that just walked across the southern border … they’re transplanting new democrat voters
And near as I know the illegals are not getting the mRNA jabs while bringing in all sorts of diseases not seen in western civilization in decades.
Replacement work force
Too many cancer, heart and brain issues for infants up to two years old children which never had to happen if parents were paying attention. Steve Scalise has had a horrible 10 years and the shots have increased the problems, also never had to happen.
Steve probably has been vaxxed and boosted
Speaking of vaxxed and boosted I just read a thread on Covid and someone said that after getting 8 jabs he has tested positive for it for the first time. He took paxcovid and got better and then he rebounded so he took a second dose and rebounded again so he’s on his 3rd dose. No mention at all that none of the 8 jabs didn’t prevent him from getting infected and now he has to keep taking paxcovid.
"Get jabbed and the virus stops with you."
"Jabs don’t keep you from getting infected, but do keep you out of hospital."
"Hospitals are being overwhelmed with people who have Covid and most have been vaccinated."
"Mask mandates have returned for many hospitals."
Hey remember when most people had been jabbed and there was a mask mandate everywhere and still tons of people got omicron anyway?
I'm sure and the illnesses probably started after he got hit in the baseball game. The shots just brought it all to a head!
All covid vax should be pulled from use and the manufacturers license to produce medicine revoked.
That's the very least of what should happen.
But they didn’t make it, did they? They distributed the product from DoD. The pharmas themselves were saps in this, they thought they were merely grifting, but DARPA poisoned the punch. I’m still trying to sort this out, very dark and hidden from view.
Spread out the responsibility so widely that no one entity can be considered responsible.
Pfizer, just following orders..........
Dr. Peter McCullough explains this. The DOD and DARPA haven't really hidden anything. Except the fact that these shots are poisoning us.
Mark Crispin, Thank you so very much for what you are doing for mankind. At least, for American mankind.
His lists do cover just about the whole planet. I've had to look up a few places to see where they were and I've listened to music that is new to me from far away lands sung or played by people that have sadly left us. Thank you, Professor Miller and your team.
Each,believed the Govt. " Safe & Effective", BS? Now paying for the choice,with their lives?
Yeah, and won’t say crap while little kids die!
TexBritta the biggest crime
Money makes people do satanic things!
And shame. they can't admit they were wrong.
Exactly! If these celebrities were fooled they should publicly apologize. They won’t.
Everyone loves Dolly Pardon, but even she will not come clean so as far as I’m concerned you’re correct. The biggest crime ever!
We are talking about innocent blood.
They hide behind their crimes because they don’t think they have to apologize.
They are superstars and everyone glorifies them!
They are no better than Fauci as far as I’m concerned.
And Travis Kelce …
This is happening with such frequency now I guess all these folks must be getting treated at the Kaufman Institute of Coincidences…
It’s still so early! Imagine the Zeitgeist when enough have croaked that the truth can no longer be concealed. It’s going to be wild.
Perhaps so. But also perhaps not.
The human capacity for self-deception is almost infinite.
I’m finding that to be so
Many will lose their minds, get violent, lash out, commit atrocities. Best to lay low, catch up on some reading.
The 143,000% Surge In Fatal Cancers Among The Jabbed Is A Humanitarian Crisis That’s Being Ignored & Hidden.
So where’s the tipping point? There is a moment where even the msm grasps at an idea to at least try to spin its spread.
Good question. When your neighbor loses their job it’s a recession. When you lose yours it’s a depression. I think the same applies to what’s happening now. Until it affects one directly most bury their heads and continue to live in denial.
they're already using the excuse of an ageing population and thus more deaths...for years pre pandemic we were all lambasted by them telling all western countries that the populations were ageing with not enough younger generations coming up behind is the perfect time to roll out the excuse that all the excess deaths are now due to this...the populace will not do their due diligence and examine the ages of those that die.
yes, human kind rationalizes marginalize justifie everything only stops when they have a spiritual awakening or people tell them we well not cosign your bull shit!
Rule No.1 of Rona Club - Do not talk about the jabs.
Rule No.2 of Rona Club - Refer to Rule Bo.1
Rule No.3 of Rona Club - All of the above
I was reading a prayer request list the other night, one person has FIVE family members dealing w/cancer. I don't even begin to know how a family copes w/that.
That’s aweful.🙏
This was from April 2020 and squelched. Mistakes were not made.
Seems ages ago! They were one of the first doctors that I encountered online who gave words to my doubts.
I sent their videos to a friend in California who replied that these dangerous people luckily were punished by the medical board.
The fact that it didn't even cross his mind that they may well had something important to say was an omen of the Cult that would develop the years after.
I assume every subject of all your stories have been thoroughly vaxxd... susan sullivan is not cancer free, nslc will return... too bad she got vaxxed at 80...this is sad
I saw pics of Michael Bolton, he looks a bit "unaware". I wonder if he wrote his own Tweets.
Always like it when a blue-checkmark (supposedly THE person) Twitter account outlives its author.
If they promoted the poison I don’t feel sorry for them AT ALL.
Maybe some did. In this case, most did not. But it's beside the point, since what we're trying to do here is not to get you pitying those sick celebrities, but to dissuade others from getting any further jabs.
Do you think they’re all going to die, professor? I do.
I get to shepherd my family through this hell. I think it’s the final blow to the sovereign debt complexes that hold up the roof. Samson does his thing.
And his mother was told not to drink any wine during her pregnancy, wasn't she? Cf, 'safe and effective' for pregnant women. Edit: because just reached that story this a.m. in Judges--not to drink wine nor strong drink, nor eat any unclean thing (Judges 13:4)
Good one….hope they catch that on their high tech phones And meanwhile, out there “didja see that new movie this week?”
Well, here’s the thing. Can we still care about culture and living and hiking and being, while they deal with the mess they have created? Life goes on, for us. The agony ahead is on them.
Indeed. We must reach out and schedule culture, or go nuts. They on the other hand do not wish to balance this “incoming,” they only want to care about movies and the latest, whatever, remaining pure in the ignorance until it is too late….”that can’t be true!”
And I do exactly that but in my circle most people I know I don’t have to convince because they know now.
So are you saying most celebrities did not promote it?
I'm saying most of those noted in this post did not, as far as I know; and I'll bet that, while many did promote it, many others just got jabbed.
But even those who did were guilty not of knowingly promoting something dangerous, but of failing to look into it with proper care. Chances are they don't know anybody like the people in your circle, so we should cut even them some clack, obnoxious though they often were. That's my view, anyway.
I have two friends that work in Hollywood that are closet conservatives for obvious reasons. One is Jewish with a high paying job at a film studio, and she told me she had to get the vax to work. I begged her not to take it, told her to take a sabbatical, that the mandate would end eventually. She told me that two "Trump supporting" doctors she knows said it was safe. I told her no one knows because it's experimental, no one knows the long term effects. She said that she was soon to have a big promotion and couldn't take a sabbatical ( even though she is quite wealthy). She said she didn't want to hear anymore from me regarding the jab and she took the J&J. The other friend is very involved in her church and she knew about the dangers and didn't take it, but got a fake vax card to continue to work, and she too is quite wealthy ( I had told her to take a sabbatical too). My point is, it seems like some in Hollywood didn't know it was bad because others told them it was safe, so they took it, and others knew it was bad, and didn't take it.
i hope they wake up soon and tell there fan base, then they would be heroic in my eyes.
And I totally agree with you but I hear crickets of an apology. So sorry, with all due respect I shall not cut them any slack until they do apologize.
They can come clean now, just like some people have on Twitter. Babies and infants have died and are still dying and I have no respect for them! ❤️
Perhaps 'cutting them some slack" is not pertinent because they are already headed to 'over the cliff'?
Thank you, thank you Dr. Mark Crispin.
Please listen to Tucker's interview with Bret Weinstein. His journey into searching for the truth then being willing to say things out loud is more than refreshing. The full interview may be behind a paywall at Tucker's website, but The Conservative Treehouse has about half of it here: