Mark, thank you for documenting.

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Absolutely. This is history.

I tried it for awhile. My athlete list got to around 300 athletes dead or injured. It was a lot of work. There was little reward. The steady reporting is the work, and I admire those that are keeping on it.

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Amazing how important this is.

It sounds kinda boring when I tell someone about it, but it's really moving the horror and hidden-ness.

Another thing to document would be notable types who are now waking up to their dupidity.

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John Fetterman, the Pa democratic candidate for the US Senate had a full on stroke in May, but his symptoms now mirror those of Bruce Willis. I wonder how many others have become similarly afflicted with aphasia.

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Good observation! Good question!

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I used to have a lot of sympathy and empathy for people. But as an empath myself, it’s now become very unhealthy for me and has caused so much stress trying to help others. I can honestly say I have zero sympathy for the “comedian” Kathy Griffin. Her behavior and words disgust me.

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You are not alone in your sentiment.

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

Kathy Griffin is not one I would seek out, but I embrace free speech and she has her following. I'm sorry she is suffering the uncertainty of declining health and what that will mean to her future. Let's show a bit of mercy.

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Sorry, I won't have mercy for her. She is an evil one.

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Fuck her!!

No mercy on that bitch

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And they are STILL pushing the VACCINE....

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Sorry, but I couldn’t stand Griffins voice period. I pray for all of them to see the truth.🇺🇸

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You know at this point in time even if the world admits there is a problem it’s already too late. The demonic left knows that and they don’t care because they achieved their agenda.

However we must not stop shouting from the rooftops as the carnage continues because maybe a few lives may be saved.

If this leads to retribution against these creatures of darkness then maybe we will see justice if they are brought to their knees and the world will be purified once truth has been acknowledged and accepted and they are no more.

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Wake up. This is not "the left." "The left" are useful idiots for the GLOBALISTS behind all this; and as long as people hate each other, rather than unite in opposition to the billionaires above it all, we're screwed.

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Any label you feel comfortable with is your label. Left right middle it doesn’t matter republican democrat rich poor black white whatever. It’s the semantics that are irrelevant. The billionaires (for sure) are behind all this carnage need the group of followers to carry out their wishes.

And no one has guns to their heads...it’s voluntary, like the ww2 camp guards they are willing participants in this.

The (whatever label you want) are committing horrendous destruction to us and someone someday will be called out for it. Hopefully the ones blamed will be the planners and their soldier puppets whomever they might be.

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No, Catherine, "the left" is YOUR label; and it is not a trivial point to stress the elite make-up of the forces pushing this catastrophe, as opposed to placing the primary blame on any multitude of (comparative" have-nots. Moreover, some of the most avid "pro-vaxxers" out there—in Russia, Mexico & Germany, among other places—have been way out on the RIGHT.

We really have to stop this self-division, and figure out how to FORGIVE all those who took the jab, hard as that surely is.

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It’s not MY label. It’s just ONE label. There are many labels. Identification of the correct label is the problem. It’s all lies.

But if you want me to apologize for using that label I apologize.

I think you’re doing an admirable job pointing out the obvious no one else seems to be doing. So thanks and I will stop commenting. Your thoughts reign supreme here and I won’t challenge them. Sorry.

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Keep contributing. I think Mark’s point is that we need to look at the bigger picture. the left are useful idiots and so are many on the right.but we have to understand the globalist forces causing this hellish political climate and how we are being played.

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Why stop commenting? We need to discuss these issues as it keeps us thinking about them in different ways. I'm sure you have a lot of good ideas to share. We should be able to disagree with each other, engage in healthy debate, as we try to things out.

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I meant "as we try to figure things out" up above.

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Well I am ashamed to say this but Miller is a little intimidating indeed. I think I hit a raw nerve. Don’t want to create waves

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I don’t really give a fuck anymore about intimidation because it’s just not worth fighting a loosing battle. If you don’t really know your enemy .. you loose

Friends life joy kindness and prayer gets me through life.

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Look I am in NY and totally remember and lived through 911. I really think the labels we use are fostered on us by media extending into culture and their brainwashing techniques to turn us against one another. I really don’t think extremes are good in right or left. When it becomes extremes it all about control. I value my freedom and therefore the second I feel controlled by anyone I just don’t comply. I wait.. I evaluate and then act on it.

So when 911 happened I knew life as we knew it was over. But when coved happen then I knew it was war and now genocide but how to stop it or escape it lies in all of us coming together.

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I call them elites. I was/possibly still am a "leftie" in the sense of what that used to mean--caring about the underdog, wanting to level the playing field for the disadvantaged in life. I tend to be anti war and pro civil rights, pro economic equality.

Anyhow, I agree that these labels don't matter anymore. The right brought in the surveillance state after 9/11. Now it appears to be the left, but it isn't really. Maybe we could use the term "elites" because it appears to be multimillionaires and billionaires behind this. The rich have always thought they were superior to us.

But what disturbs me is how many Americans--even some in this "freedom" movement--think that the rich are superior in some way. I think we need to let go of that too. There's nothing superior about Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Big Pharma/Tech/Media/Medicine CEO's. They're just people... screwed up people, yes, but people.

Anyhow, the problem with people trying to make this a left vs right issue is that is what those in power want us to think so that we'll keep fighting with each other. But I remember 9/11 and how the democrats feigned innocense. I won't fall for that second time. Both sides are in on it! No one will save us but us. We need to come together and work together to save ourselves...

My not so humble two cents...

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A significant silver lining of the health freedom movement is that I have listened and learned from what I used to consider “the other side”. I consider myself to be on the “right” but I didn’t even think of politics when I subscribed to Substack writers like MCM, Malone, Kirsch, Rose, etc. I was just interested in their varied expertise in support of health freedom. Reading their articles and interacting with other Stackers has helped open my eyes to other political perspectives I might have missed otherwise. For example, I used to be a hawk and pro corporate capitalism. But I’ve listened and learned from “the other side” and now believe the opposite. I’m witnessing a Great Realignment of politics, at least for me. Let’s continue to find our commonalities!

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Hear Hear! I think many of us have had our foundations shaken.

I thank God he has delivered me from being a Democrat Idealogue or

any political idealogue for that matter.

We need to lead and help people look beyond their old biases--because they

really aren't true and don't work anymore. I agree we need to come together as

members of humanity and skip the petty bickering that won't help us solve these

big problems.

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Truer words seldom spoken in these troubling times.

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Tragic for the Chilean to suffer a stroke at 23, but at least he is awake enough to recognize the cause.

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Ugh. The hits just keep on coming. And we’re still just at the beginning.

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Okay, this madness must stop. Somethings got to give. This is sickening.

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Even if it stops.

I fear it's too late.

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Tell me how, I’m in.

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Now called *sudden illness*.

Illness didn't used to be sudden.

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Think they see a pattern yet? WOW!

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Sorry, if I didn't already see this one: 'D.H. PELIGRO DEAD AT 63 ...Hit Head in Bathroom' (Dead Kennedys Drummer)


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My father had a paralyzed vocal chord after aortic surgery.

The doctors said ti could heal on its own. It never did.

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It’s a SNAKE OIL PARADISE as millions delude themselves that vaccines are safe. Listen to Turfseer’s hit on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/turfseer/snake-oil-paradise

Turfseer’s entire "Scamdemic Collection" can be found here on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/turfseer/sets/scamdemic-collection

And please check out this review of The Scademic Collection which was published in the Feb 2022 edition of New York Music Daily at https://newyorkmusicdaily.wordpress.com/2022/02/07/turfseer/

Fight Medical Tyranny. Subscribe to my new Substack newsletter where you can listen to more songs and music videos along with bonus material including ezines and blogs. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-virus-is-my-god

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Mark there may be a lot of overtime coming soon.

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In my studies of various scientific subjects, what I always found most fascinating were the unintended consequences. Not that these are unintended by the planners, only those who willfully played along. Still, it is fascinating. And terrible.

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