Presumably, all these people took bioweapon shots, because entertainers were required to do so to work their venues, and in many cases -- like that of well-known "stars" like Bruce Springsteen, Elton John and Mick Jagger -- they apparently collected a bunch of money to push the shots, denigrate Refuseniks who tried to warn these assholes about the Covid injections, and people like Springsteen even made them mandatory for attending their shows. May God have mercy on their rotten souls. We moved all of the "boss's" CD's into the garage. We don't listen to useful idiot communist morons.

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Communist? LOL. Try greedy capitalists. "communism" has nothing to do with it. No, I am not a communist, but we must be logical, and call it what it is.

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It could be called corporatism, which is the bad part of both communism and capitalism.

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You feel it. I used to love a good Phish show, and didn't see the vaxx mandates to attend as that insidious until after the fact. All the poker players got jabbed to play in the WSOP in 2021. Many of them regret it. How many of our college students were coerced to jab or lose their opportunity at an education and profession? Of all the ways that we were coerced to jab, our love of live music was the most horrible.

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The concert promoters and artist's agents must recognize something extremely troubling is happening. I cannot imagine organizing a tour to have everything cancelled at the last hour or even mid performance due to...illness. How devastating it must be to everyone involved, including the performance centers. I suppose the show must go on, but not always.

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I am sorry for their illnesses. But OMG - at some point you have to give up trying to reincarnate your long ago fame. Stop.

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What do Jeff Beck, Irene Cara, and many other performers have in common?

They were all subjected to mandates to be able to perform in large crowds.

Long covid, may as well be called “ long jab.” After all, without proper medical testing, how could someone know for sure?

If a performer is able to run 6 miles daily and get into great shape, and after that almost drops dead, answers are needed. For example, did he get another jab recently?

To know what’s going on a cardiac MRI may be required.

If a rockstar can perform 3 songs, but then can’t go on, he too should reconsider if having covid is actually the only issue he has.

These scenarios seem to suggest a lot of musicians and regular people have questionable health futures, and should take proactive medical testing and detoxification.

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I think it is long jab and yes we do know that mandates have a lot to do with it. Judy is right about the promoters regardles of insurance. This is a risky biz.

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We hope the thousands of concert goers we’ll connect thee dots…… this has become everyday!

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