Yes, I try not to use the 'v' word as these drugs are not vaccines by any stretch of the imagination. I will go back to find the post you mention. Not sure what you mean by "about Google?" I was referring the lists of well known people who died suddenly or wound up with rapidly developing cancers and other critical diseases.
You mean the "vaccines"? Then you haven't read them very carefully. Check out (for example) the one about Google, posted two days ago.
Yes, I try not to use the 'v' word as these drugs are not vaccines by any stretch of the imagination. I will go back to find the post you mention. Not sure what you mean by "about Google?" I was referring the lists of well known people who died suddenly or wound up with rapidly developing cancers and other critical diseases.
They are gene-therapies, pure and simple.
They are not 'therapies.' They are drugs/chemicals designed to impact the body's DNA. There is nothing therapeutic about them--they kill!
Same with nearly all their pharma drugs. 'Therapy' is the name given by them for all their poisons - ie chemotherapy.
'Glad I read your post before making the same remarks you have.