When celebrities (whether in sports, entertainment or politics) become gravely ill it is always reported on. There is now no denying that the numbers have gone way up. I wonder what it will take for some of these celebrities to say WTF when they see what is happening to their cohort?

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Dr. Peter McCullough said something the other day about 4% being injured or killed by the injections and my 1st thought was that Hollywood was hit with more than 4%. My own circle of people was way more than 4%....so many people I know that were coerced to get shots had adverse & or life threatening events. My healthy uncle died after a covid booster & flu shot on same day. I hate the news. Dangerous propaganda. Our medical is gone. Really depressing. Seems like so few are waking up.

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I often wonder if the disparity in numbers was part of the way the experiment (or whatever) was designed. According to the vaers data the deaths and injuries are very high with certain batches and not with others. Vaers data, due to under-reporting, may be nowhere near accurate but it might give some hint of why some people see a lot of injuries and others none. This allows authorities to cherry-pick the data from vaers to suit their narrative. These people are, after all, professional cherry pickers and have been fudging data that way for decades.

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my circle is way more then 4% too

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The media is the mouthpiece of our enemy. THEY are on the verge of taking over everything. Pulling off covid showed us (who are paying attention) that they felt confident enough that they could get away with it. If they cant fully get away with it they will start a nuclear war to obfuscate and eclipse their prior crimes. These scumbags are killers and they are trying to destroy our ability of self-preservation. Food and water and energy.

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Mass formation has FULL and ROBUST immunity against facts and data. You could say it's vaxd.

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Jun 22, 2023Edited
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My jaw drops every time I read these and they come sooner and quicker. Are we seeing a die-off?

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Jun 22, 2023
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Yeah my friend had a heart attack and was told to blame it on menopause. A year later and she has cancer in her appendix, ovaries and bowels. She’s a nurse and drank the poison. I dare not bring it up but I wonder if she wonders.

She’s 50, otherwise healthy active & super fit.

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Dr. labcoat with a bowtie says she is now at an even higher risk of covid and better get her booster if it's been more than 2-4 months.

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A heart attack from menopause. Never heard that one before. And in the 50's, it was usually only men who had heart attacks. But women have experienced menopause from the dawn of humanity. Hmm.

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Wow. Just wow.

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I do not know who most of these people are but Deion Sanders was an other worldly athlete. It was something special to see that guy play in real time. Few players had that. Bo Jackson was one. Barry Sanders was another. Walter "Sweetness" Payton. Jerry Rice. Herschel Walker.

There was those athletes that constantly were effecting the field, just notes above everyone else. Deion may have been the most talented of them all.

Thats what made Ray Lewis so fun to watch, he was one of those guys too. I retired from watching football when he retired. Im sure there are a few these days. But my point is, Deion may be the most naturally gifted professional athlete I have seen in my lifetime.

How does someone with such refined genetics come down with a condition like this? He has had access to the best healthcare (why does autocorrect want healthcare capitalized?) available in the world his entire professional life. He has money, its not like he is going to the local clinic for help. I would suspect he has a personal chef.

This is all conjecture on my part, but he might lose a foot? Really? Sorry folks, that is sus. That doesn't happen to people like this without something making it happen.

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From what I read, he is the only athlete in history to have both a World Series and super bowl ring.

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nope, he won no MLB rings but two in the NFL.

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You are correct and we were wrong.

He is the only person to play in the Super Bowl and the World Series, but he does not have an MLB ring.

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I stand corrected ! Thanks.

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Yup, and to put this in perspective, Michael Jordan couldn't even get out of the minors when he tried baseball.

Edit: this is wrong, per Jerard Capp, Sanders does not have an MLB ring. However he did play in both Super Bowl and World Series and is the only athlete to do so.

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You said: "That doesn't happen to people like this without something making it happen." We should put that on bill-boards.

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We now know many things, most of which we already knew

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Great way of putting it.

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All who comment here most likely share the same view as to why Sanders developed this condition. One wonders - as you point out - how top athletes can suffer such terrible consequences, when they are in excellent physical condition and, presumably, their health is regularly monitored and they have access to elite medical teams.

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If future historians come close to telling the true, human story of Covid, it will be in large part because of the heroic work of an anonymous writer known as “Transcriber B” on Substack. My Q & A with this unsung hero explains why she’s doing what she’s doing and identifies some of the most heart-wrenching transcripts she’s preserved for posterity.


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Great work by Transcriber B.

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And yet no mainstream allopathic doctors can connect the dots? It’s so obvious. Very tragic and sad.

Thanks, Mark, for all your hard work!

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I think they understand what will happen to them if they start paying attention.

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Serious question. Besides cataracts and cancers and other items, what do you know about tears and fractures? I seems I know a number who have sprained and strained and ripped tendons and ligaments and muscles. How does the clot shot potentially contribute to those situations?

Finger sprains, toe sprains, or breaks and knees (less of these). Circulation as well? Not to mention the ragged low thyroid look if weight gain, low mood and thinning hair. That is very common right now regardless of age. It is truly sad.

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There has definitely been a sharp uptick in sports injuries.

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Im so glad you are tracking these. I was watching before it was “a thing.” It was so obvious if one was paying attention to friend circles, work circles...all the diff social circles we belong to these days. Incredible!

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And vaxxidents,


So strange, these fatal traffic accidents trended nationwide during the plandemic.

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Good question. In my circle of friends and acquaintances I am seeing large numbers of people needing knee replacements. It’s like there is an epidemic. Whether it is just coincidental or something else contributing to it, I don’t know.

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I can imagine that neuro damage would affect your gait, leading to sprains et alia

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Yes. All the balance issues. Ive never seen so many.

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In tennis they now have something called "full body cramp", like Carlos Alcaraz Garfia had in the French Open. I suppose the condition existed, but I have never heard of it before.

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Thank you Mark - this should all be front-page ongoing news - unprecedented devastation and it's all being ignored...

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The Culling of the Human race, in many ways, under the guise of being Covid " Vaccinated" Turbo Cancers, MS, SIDS, Strokes, Heart attacks, another twist is Nano Technologies in the jabs, go to www.anamihalceamdphd@substack.com Do you know what a MAC address is? (Media Access Control) Deceased bodies in Cemeteries, are emitting MAC requests. Download a MAC detector to your phone, Grocery store Meats, Dairy products, and other foods, are emitting MAC requests.

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Our food too?

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What can’t the amputation, the heart attack, the myocarditis, the MS, or the cancer happen to Fauci, Schwab, Walensky, “Brandon” and others who richly deserve it for causing all of us so much pain?

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Saline just doesn't carry the same message, does it?

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Right !

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Hi John. We love you, by the way…

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You got it…

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The Vaccinated Are To Be Judged By The Sickness

Of Their Behavior In Society Among Us.

Their Physical Suffering Is Not The Issue.

Their Own Government

Used Their Own Minds Against Them.

If You're Not On That

Your Own Government

Will Continue To Use Them Against You.


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Yes. Now we know who they are among us and I admit I'm very afraid of those people. They still can't connect the dots. Their thought processes are different. We were aware of the scam, many of us from the very beginning. They blindly accepted the fraud and surrendered themselves to it, "lock step." I'm also very afraid of all the people who went right along with the "lockdown", (which is prison terminology). Some of them still say "during lockdown" and don't understand it's insane. What are these people capable of?

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I Like To Think Of The Vaccines

As Pre - Pre - Pre Abortions

For Future Generations.

And Who Doesn't Support Abortion ?


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Yes, you see that correctly.

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I Will Pay

For The Funeral

Of Anyone

Who Demands

To Be Buried

With Their Mask On.


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Thank you, Thomas Lewis. I do appreciate your poetry. Because poetry is the way to express the deepest truths in the fewest words.

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If the WEF is serious about reducing the global population they need only be candid.

Imagine learning that you and your loved ones are the walking dead. Heart attacks alone will skyrocket!

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I think are candid--people are just not paying attention or believing what they hear. It has been several years since Gates went on TED Talks and bragged how 'if we do it right with vaccines, we will reduce the world's population 10-15%!" He is part of the WEF and a major controller of WHO with his money.

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I am at the Psychedelic Sciences conference and heard pioneer researcher Roland Griffiths talk today. In 2022, he got diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer at routine colonoscopy. Had he been considered for turbo cancer? https://www.npr.org/2023/05/14/1175762261/cancer-patients-psychedelics-medical-spirituality

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I see desperate cases where medical science can no longer help. Yet, Urine Therapy has proven to be effective against most sicknesses no matter how late and how desperate. Look up Manav Mootra, a 60-year-old book from India.

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Hah! Have been saving our urine for a year now (started when last summer we had toilets in two places mal-functioning), then 'attended' a webinar on Urine My Garden (Rich Earth Institute, Brattleboro Vt) and this season am using urine alone (heavily diluted) as fertilizer. You should see the health of my cabbage, raspberries, grapes, tomatoes, celery--I have never before (in 51 years of gardening) seen such healthy, fruitful, deep green plants. In short, I now see urine as a wonder-drug for plants. Moving to humans I can well imagine something similar.

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'Once told my gardening sister the news with an email entitled, "Urine The Money" lol


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Decades ago when industrial fertilizers were not common, farmers and gardeners would use toilet waste, animal dungs, etc. for vegetable farms. The vegetables were organic.

Read the two books...The Water of Life and Manav Mootra. They provide explanations on what is urine, the phobia over urine and more importantly, the amazing recovery stories of those dying from cancer who recovered. Plus dozens of other diseases. A simple application is urine on an insect sting, a cut, rash, etc.

I have used urine for 25 years without any harm. Never went to a doctor as I was never sick, just the rare mild colds.

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I haven't done any research on it, but employed it and it sure does work. But I have heard somewhere that if it is allowed to become aged, that it turns into something less desirable chemically. 'Don't know much more than that, and don't know if even that is true. Any thoughts?


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I avoid the extremes...injection of urine, enemas. Aged urine is good for skin application but not for drinking or internal use. Urine fasting on fresh urine with water is testified as saving many lives...often done in desperation by those very sick and sometimes dying.

When in good health, go easy...just rub urine for a few minutes (arms, body, legs, etc.) Hold a spoonful in the mouth, can spit it out or swallow. I swallowed for 25 years. I never did urine fasting and seldom drink by the glassful. Yet I am in great health.

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I did, on your earlier post-suggestion, download Manav Mootra, and began reading it. Many thanks to you.

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How diluted? I am certainly willing to experiment.

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I try to use 3 c in a gallon jug, top up with water. For my particular soil, I know I need 5 gal urine /annum/100 s

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square feet.

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Or 1 quart urine in 2.6 gal watering jug--top up with water. Just gave my raspberry beds a second dose in this way, on Weds---picking "July" crop now, fertilizing for the "October" harvest (which this year will be in Sept? )

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Thank you.

BRB, peeing on the raspberries, LOL!

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is this supposed to be like a pure vaccine... or a natural vaccine? it must rely on some similar rationale--if effective.

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Why isn't the vaccine status of these people included or at least an introductory comment? Seems very important when trying to inform those who are truly ignorant of the problem.

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If it's known, it's included.

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I have not seen one mention of the covid drug in any of Miller's posts.

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You mean the "vaccines"? Then you haven't read them very carefully. Check out (for example) the one about Google, posted two days ago.

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Yes, I try not to use the 'v' word as these drugs are not vaccines by any stretch of the imagination. I will go back to find the post you mention. Not sure what you mean by "about Google?" I was referring the lists of well known people who died suddenly or wound up with rapidly developing cancers and other critical diseases.

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They are gene-therapies, pure and simple.

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They are not 'therapies.' They are drugs/chemicals designed to impact the body's DNA. There is nothing therapeutic about them--they kill!

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Fake news! I just read an article which proves that Chris Lencioni didn't have cardiac arrest because of the injection. It's actually super common for 28 year old professional athletes to have cardiac arrest. Do your research before you publish these lies. While we're on the subject, it's also super duper common for rappers to die suddenly while onstage at a concert


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Mark, I saw your interviews with USAWatchdog. You were cool calm and collected, unlike Greg. He's a "little" excitable. Good info and interview.

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Dear Vaccine Injured Deniers

You Will Have To Forgive Me

For Not Completely Trusting Your Assesment.


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