Yeah my friend had a heart attack and was told to blame it on menopause. A year later and she has cancer in her appendix, ovaries and bowels. She’s a nurse and drank the poison. I dare not bring it up but I wonder if she wonders.
A heart attack from menopause. Never heard that one before. And in the 50's, it was usually only men who had heart attacks. But women have experienced menopause from the dawn of humanity. Hmm.
Yeah my friend had a heart attack and was told to blame it on menopause. A year later and she has cancer in her appendix, ovaries and bowels. She’s a nurse and drank the poison. I dare not bring it up but I wonder if she wonders.
She’s 50, otherwise healthy active & super fit.
Dr. labcoat with a bowtie says she is now at an even higher risk of covid and better get her booster if it's been more than 2-4 months.
A heart attack from menopause. Never heard that one before. And in the 50's, it was usually only men who had heart attacks. But women have experienced menopause from the dawn of humanity. Hmm.
Wow. Just wow.