Rest assured the best scientific minds in the world are working on this. Right now they haven't a clue what is causing any of this, but they're on it, and they won't quit until they have an answer..................!!!! My money is on "climate change".

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You know it will never be the jabs, likely the cause of all recent strokes, clots, turbo cancers, etc!!! Wonder how much these medical geniuses are being paid to look the other way. Hospitals made fortunes with “ covid” treatments of Remdisiver and vents!

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Nah, their whole narrative is collapsing around them. Just too much evidence coming out from researchers and scientists, as well as the ever-increasing number who suffer harm. The fact that the turbo cancers act completely differently to the paradigm. Same with the blood clots and a wide variety of other diseases. It cannot be long before so many autopsies have been done showing modRNA spike in the organs/tumours, that it breaks through. Recently, German mainstream have been reporting on DNA integration. If the monsters don't start a war else release or propagandise another pathogen, they are finished.

It's great, they are feeling the pressure (Davos remarks on 'misinformation'), and are more likely to make a mistake.

According to Reiner Fuellmich, they had already moved this forward about 20 years. Therefore, they are making so many mistakes, one of the biggest was altering the modRNA spike so it can easily be differentiated. Oh, and patenting the murder weapon for good measure.

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Yeah well... how many years now have they been working on "a cure for cancer"? How many researchers have died in mysterious circumstances, their homes and practices burned to the ground, or wound up in prison for many years?

You question never mind work against the Medical Racket on your living peril my friend... 🤔

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Great clip, thank you.

I wonder why he decided to advertise the EUA injection - weird, since this youtube clearly shows he knew better 14 years ago....

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It would be hilarious if it weren't the truth. Some jackals actually expects us to believe that they do not know that this is all the result of the kill shot. When the reckoning comes, it will not be televised

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I too have faith "they" will figure it out.

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For Doctors Of Medicine:

This Is Not A Crisis Of Identity;

This Is Not A Crisis Of Competence

( ... There Is Too Little To Matter) ;

This Is A Crisis Of Conscience.


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Weeded that out with Obama care .

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They're all in on it. Reagan with the vaccine indemnity, Trump with OWS. The only Presidential candidate I've heard who says anything negative about the covid injections is RFK Jr. Controlled opposition or not, at least he talks about it, and how to fix the public health agencies.

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& the pharma lobby is huge, I’ve lost track.

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Understatement of the century... 🙄

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Yep, the docs know. These cases illustrate the complex and bizarre presentations that they previously may have been seen once in a career; now I’ll bet at least weekly. Calling Keith Marler’s symptoms ‘vertigo’ is technically correct, but his “constant and sustained sensations of motion or spinning” is more suggestive of a brain than an inner ear issue - i.e. stroke. Friend had the same acute onset sx 2 weeks after the shot; brainstem stroke; docs called his ‘inner ear’ too. He knows better. :(

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We need to be careful about thinking everything is jab-related. We know a woman who had a sudden acute attack of vertigo in her mid-twenties that lasted for weeks. This was around 1994. Her family doc told her it was caused by a virus attacking her inner ear. This became a chronic problem and she was sent to an ENT, who diagnosed her with BPPV, Benign Positional Paroxysmal Vertigo - multiple MRIs showed no tumors or malformations in the brain. Her longest attack lasted 3 months. So many things can cause vertigo that causes need to be systematically ruled out and get 2nd and 3rd opinions.

That being said, it seems likely that the jabs are exacerbating or accelerating any weakness in a person's health. For instance, a friend whose mother has Parkinson's was diagnosed last year with early on-set Parkinson's, and it seems to be progressing rather quickly.

Mrs. "the Knife"

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You are absolutely correct, and I am guilty of jumping to conclusions if the event fits the stereotypical picture. Yep, vertigo can be debilitating, but if the cause is anywhere outside the brain, it’s not continuous. The inner ear stuff (have had that) is typically movement induced. Perhaps I’m taking the comment too literally though. Neuro friend said he’s seeing more rapid onset dementia, but not necessarily Parkinson’s. (Sometime you’ll have to share how you got your name. Surgeon?) :)

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😁 Surgeon used to be a honorable title. No, the name comes from a character in the Dune books and movie, that Mr. "the Knife" likes. Since we share this account, I sign my posts Mrs. "the Knife" to distinguish from when he posts comments.

We are also seeing an increase in neurological issues amongst family and friends: the aforementioned friend with new diagnosis of Parkinson's, a friend recently diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia, a dear couple, one with Alzheimer's and one with Parkinson's, went from managing and living independently, to having to move in with their daughter within about 6 weeks of getting the 2nd jab, an elderly cousin with symptoms of dementia, and on and on it goes. That doesn't include 2 with stable Crohn's (30 yrs) and Ulcerative Colitis (20 yrs) who have had sudden onset of acute symptoms; or 2 who died suddenly 2-3 weeks after getting jabbed; or 3 with sudden cancer diagnoses out of nowhere, etc. It is hard not to assume every new illness we hear about is not related to the jabs.

Mrs. "the Knife"

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There is too little to matter.

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The very last place I would go for a "medical emergency" is the hospital! Just get me into bed, give me morphine for pain, and let nature take its course.

I'm dead serious...

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3 min video from a Youtuber talking about one of his regular commentators dying suddenly.


One of the comments below the video:

'@samdorchester25245 days ago (edited)

I know exactly what you are saying. My son passed away on January 10, 2023 at 44 years old with stage 4 cancer. Left behind a wife and a 6 years old daughter. He was in excellent condition and exercised several times a week and doctors told us this doesn’t happen to a person like this. He supposedly had the best doctors in Phoenix but they could not save him. My daughter found out she has stage 4 cancer a few months ago and today I am taking my wife to the hospital because her mammogram showed abnormalities. I have no one else in my family please pray for us. God Bless you.'

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I will pray for you☦️♥️

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True horrors ahead.

I actually want to have more kids (via surrogates) so I have something to delight and believe in as the world dies around us.

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Surrogates? You mean rent-a-wombs? Why don’t you just find a good woman and marry her and start a family. Children are not commodities. They are not pets. They deserve a mother and a father.

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My Pureblood daughters are a treasure. We have to repopulate and rebuild from the ruins, so why not get some more while modern med tech is still available?

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So sorry! 💔🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Thank you. I am not the person whose family is ill. I am merely posting. the comment that I saw on YT.

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Looking like Google's "sensitive event" ahead, is at least a partial reveal of the danger and damage of the vaxx. They see a panic. They know.

They can't contain the facts any longer, the died suddenly and the excess mortality, so it's time to spin them.

Ellul teaches that propaganda rests on actual facts, the trick is what we would call "spin" to shape a narrative, to use the facts for a purpose.

So the trials were faked, the vaxx will kill you, and Trump is to blame. That's coming soon.

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They've been blaming Trump for all the "excess deaths" for years now.

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Well, yeah, but this is different. This is a policy change at Google with suspect timing, we've been discussing it over at /pol/:


The third bullet point says it all.

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Quite curious. So basically they are saying those people that were pimping the jabs and then succumbing to the deadly outcomes from said jabs are not allowed to be mocked or criticized? 🙄

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I read it as, the truth will come out, the first real dribs of it for now. It may be eased out on us, as gradual a progression as they can manage:

the vaxx didn't help you

... could harm you

... will harm you

... could kill you

... will kill you.

Panic ensues along here, markets crash, people do desperate and nasty things. They're going to try to corral the Purebloods' gloating for now.

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Screwgle is now showing articles by McCullough when searching for excess death

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he may deserve it for still touting his warp speed poison jabs

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Trump did allow himself to be played. I have no way of knowing what his actual feelings were on the issue, but publicly he was all-in with all the nonsense and foolishness. Convenient for the leftists, no?

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Solzhenitsyn wrote that in Gulag, many of the prisoners believed that Stalin had been deceived by his associates, and that if he only knew what was going he would put a stop to it.

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"How do you solve a prob-lem like Ber-i-a?"

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haha nothing can help the cult that their dear leader is not dear. they used to say trump was playing 4d chess to rationalize the naked stupidity. as our prof miller shows, amazing how propaganda works on both cults

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Also possible he knew he could not stop it, so he hurried it and upset the timeline, which called for extended lockdowns. You had to read between the lines and understand what his advocacy of HCQ meant at the time.

I'm sure when the dust clears we'll get an official history on these years that sorts it all out and explains everything.

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Heck no, we won’t! We’ve been deceived our entire lives. JFK RFK MLK assassinations, 9-11, moon landing, World Wars. All set ups; all lies. History books are fiction. And none of the Global Parasites will ever be held accountable!

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1913 "The Creature From Jekyll Island" That in the modern era it started.

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he also said that we can't let the cure be worse than the disease. nailed that one.

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And he was very keen to end lockdowns -- by Easter he said.

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ya sure

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I sometimes wondered what I would have done in his shoes. It would be very hard to resist pressures from medical authorities. If you are wrong, many people die. It is not a risk most would take. We are all conditioned to believe medical authorities. It is only recently that people have lost confidence in the judgement of medical authorities.

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We cannot know what trump knew but we can be sure he knew more than we did.

Don't be fooled.

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not completely true. trump brought up the issue of child vax causing autism during the primary and talked to rfk jr after winning. then changed his mind on rfk heading a commision. either he got fooled by pharma or compromised

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Trump, like many of us, probably used to believe the “experts” were actually experts. Now we all know ow better.

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I've read that anyone in an official position of 'promoting' the poisoning would lose the liability shield if they didn't toe the party line.

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Once fraud and deceit is proven immunity from prosecution goes away. The personal injury lawyers will have their day in the sun and those who promoted, advertised, and advocated for it will be sued into oblivion. Doing evil should have consequences, no?

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Trump indicated that he would not have made the vax mandatory for anyone. I think he was duped.

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Possible, too, they showed him a second and third Zapruder film and advised him to be a team player.

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he seems he still remains duped when even normies are woke, as he touts his ows jabs. either he is compromised or cannot admit to getting played

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But they can contain the facts as long as so many people remain in denial.

Covid Hysterics look at the world with rose-colored glasses as they face the reality of the deadly mRNA injection. Listen to Turfseer’s song. MY POLYANNA SUMMER. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/my-polyanna-summer

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All we've had up to now are the blessed VaxJamz:


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Is this a satire?

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No idea who created them. They're a staple on 4chan. Some are genius.

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It just gets worse for the vaccinated everyday...

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there's no advantage to being young anymore

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Good point!

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Paging Dr. Baffled. Sudden death in room 10.

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It's a good feeling when you are given the belief You're being heard > assuming anyway > it must be sadly noted Mark the Warriors Asst Coach has succombed to the "sudden medical emergency" & thus should be added to the ever growing list of Consenters who have fallen prey to the Technofascist Transhumanist Eugenics Agenda.

Continued thanks Mark for all You're doing in disseminating the truth & narratives directly associated with which are being very systematically buried (literally & figuratively).

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Steroid injections in her eyes?? Lovecraft's line about man-made horrors beyond your comprehension comes to mind

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Jan 24, 2024Edited
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Someone commented on ZH that there was a LOONG line to get the jab during a snowstorm during the winter of 2021. Suddenly an ambulance with sirens blaring drove up to the jab tent, carted off a young woman who just got the jab, and NOBODY left the line.

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Jan 24, 2024
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fear of unknown killer germ paralyzes thei thinking. the fear propaganda was so total in spacetime. like deer in headlights

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Talking and reasoning to new people, every day you can, is still the most direct solution. Sharing our observations is more powerful than papers. And people are starved for interaction at this point, if they remember what real interaction is.

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Dejan Milojevic passed away, not just hospitalized. This is only the beginning. The truth cannot be told, it has to be realized.


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It was worse than a simple hospitalization for Mr. Milojevic. He's dead. RIP

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she said, Like I'm only 24 what did I do in my past to deserve all of this," well, girl you got vaxxed , pfizer's or moderna's gift to destruction of humanity...

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What the hell could it be?

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Maybe climate change is worse than we anticipated. /sarc

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How much longer will it be before doctors and all of these TV and sports stars begin to admit that it was the JAB! Are they really that stupid or have they bought into the idea that if they openly admit this they will cause vaccine "hesitancy" among people? Seriously? Every adverse event/disability Mark mentions in this list is on Pfizer's Post-marketing Report list of 1,200 Adverse Events of Special Interest - cancers in glands (thyroid) and lymph nodes; Bell's Palsy, heart problems, blood clots in the lungs and everywhere else, etc. They aren't fooling anyone anymore. Give up the lies and speak the truth so that others will see your bravery and know that NOT getting the JAB was a courageous act! For those who listened to the narrative and got the JAB, check out the protocols for helping to heal from the Front Line doctors like Peter McCollough!

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They believe it's "Covid" that's killing them not their sacred vaccines. These are religious fanatics, cultists who believe the vaccine is a holy sacrament.

There's a new church in town. Watch the hit music video CHURCH OF THE PANDEMIC MIND. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/church-of-the-pandemic-mind

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