Pilot disabled by two strokes after mandated shots; Sioux Falls 15-month-old battling "rare, aggressive form of cancer"; "Couple in MA both diagnosed with cancer"
Technically, you “invoke” an exemption, you don’t ask for it. It’s your right. But I get what you’re saying. Like I wouldn’t buy a fake vax card because that’s acknowledging the legitimacy of the system.
Yes, it’s a false choice (You can request an exemption and we can deny it, so it’s not really your choice). They’re trying to falsely assume authority you haven’t given them.
Stella. I think White Rights means that Covid Vax early adopter means started taking the shots in the very beginning when first offered and kept going with the others that were made available.
The Miami Dolphins waived rookie wide receiver Daewood Davis on Tuesday, the team announced. The move comes three days after he was stretchered off the field during a preseason game.
Davis was reportedly waived/released with an injury settled, meaning he will be paid for the amount of time he would've missed if he had made the team.
Seeing that precious little baby made my heart hurt. Why can't these people see what's causing these horrendous things, they're healthy, they get jabbed and soon after they're either dead or very sick with cancer and heart issues, what can't they see. My advice to them is, "stop listening to your lying delusional doctors."
Hannahlehigh - I honestly believe the Drs & nurses in our American “hell”thcare “system” are either woefully ignorant or willfully ignorant. I do not know their hearts. I would now trust a decent lawyer over just about any Dr - and that is shocking to even me who has been skeptical of so many things for decades - thx to my incredibly discerning Dad.
My mother abused me starting as soon as she brought me home from the hospital. Years later, in a support group, about half of us were there due to maternal abuse.
I don't know what makes a woman hate her own offspring, but even animals reject theirs sometimes.
And many of those mothers seem quite comfortable with the current " gender philosophies" that advocate hormones and permanent surgical changes for their offspring.
I once read this comment: "There is no greater love than what a parent has for a child. Parents move heaven & earth to protect their children except when someone in a white coat says to hand them over."
People cannot see because the aggregation of nanoparticulates in the neural pathways laid claim to by the vaccines. The vaccinated can't think independently of these nascent transhuman neural networks. They have attacked human thought and therein dignity; they're after the soul.
That's no excuse at all, imo. I repeat: in my opinion. Look at the numbers of people who easily dismissed that lying bullshit and went directly to honest sources and sources from which info originally emanated. No excuses whatsoever. It reminds me of people who say, in the presence of Dr. Ben Carson, that there's no way out of the ghetto.
Because people today inherently want to be told what to do. As long as they have their Amazon Alexa, their sports, and their Grubhub, they'll gladly outsource their own thinking to the "experts". All to say we're on a fast track to Chinaism.
This quote sums it all up. These doctors are so blinded to the obvious they should turn in their licenses, and reconsider their basic humanity:
“And I told the doctor, ‘Well, the only thing is three weeks prior I got the second shot of the vaccine,’” Tim said. The doctor responded, “‘No, that had nothing to do with it.’ And he walked out.” “The thing that got me,” Tim said, “is they were telling me they had no idea why it happened, but they were really quick to eliminate only one possible cause, the one change that had happened.”
Heart-breaking in a million ways. I hope these tragic incidents wake folks up to what could be driving all this and that they get their hands on effective detox protocols (ie, Dr. McCullough's The Wellness Co., etc), and never take the shot(s) again!
In an ideal world, the culprits behind this slow-drip democide would stand trial before an international people's tribunal and suffer the consequences of their crimes against humanity.
I would've thought that when the pen didn't work anymore--because we have a rogue govt, criminal selected dunces, and no justice system to rely on--the American fists would. Or the vigilantes, who as someone (where, I forget) smarter than I pointed out that given the aforementioned Zeitgeist, those who rise up are NOT vigilantes at all.
Fifteen-month-old babies, are you kidding me! Parents who will most likely die and leave three young children behind as orphans. What will it take? Will it have to hit home, or will even such an event be dismissed as a pig in makeup?
The husband and wife sadly remind me of Justin and Haley Bieber who both got stroke like illnesses within a short time of each other. They almost certainly got vaccinated together too, as this couple likely did.
I see Air Canada is cancelling a bunch of domestic routes due to a (perceived) shortage of pilots, and the planes on these cancelled routes are typically full to the gills. OK, so pilots might make a few dollars more south of the border but surely there is another reason. Just saying!
Sean O' Dalaigh. Thanks for the comment re our Canadian Airline. It's happening in all industries right now.
I live in British Columbia and our vast and excellent ferry system is also experiencing lack of highly qualified staff and a huge increase in sick days.
The same is happening in our health care system. Constantly sick staff.
However due to the insane policies of covid we pretty much stopped training and hiring these people. If you combine that with the disastrous results of the vaccinated majority of our population its no surprise we are " suddenly" short of qualified personnel to fulfill these jobs.
Helen: Add to that the absolutely insane mandate put in place by Dr Bonnie Henry that all health workers need to be up to date with their frankenshots and it is a perfect storm. Imagine what the witch will do with the arrival of the next new imagined thing (I always thought as a virus mutates, it becomes less deadly, but hey what do I know)
And I'm certain that "doctors are baffled" about all of these strange, sudden medical events. A new game show might be one called "Are You Smarter than a Doctor?" -- I know I am. After downloading and studying (which required much researching into medical terminology, word definitions, etc.) more than 250 medical and science research papers on the virus and the vaccine, I know more about all of this than most doctors are willing to admit. They might know but God forbid that they ever link these adverse events to the jab! They might lose their medical license. Actually, if they've lied to patients they deserve to lose their medical license!!
Clare Goldsberry. You are a kindred soul. Like you I did all the research I could and am so thankful that I did.
However Covid wasn't my first experience researching health issues.
I questioned transfats back in the 80's, Gmos a few years later and vaccines for years. I'm a skeptic my nature and now at the age of 73 I am glad I am.
The deaths and sudden onset impairments keep on coming. They are the most tragic tip of the iceberg from this psychopathic campaign that appears to still remain the most vigorous in the United States. How many of us reading Mark's words survived the shots with some damage? Who else tracks significant issues that arose within hours, weeks or months from injection?
For the misguided trust I placed in a buddy in Internal Medicine, I allowed myself to be talked into the original 2 shot Moderna series in early 2021. (He went on to have every booster he could, and developed a rare form of Temporal Arteritis. There are case studies of this correlating with the vaccines.) Personally, I saw an immediate rise in A1c--from 5.5 to 6.3 that required Metformin to return to 5.5. I developed frequent Herpes Simplex 1 and Zoster infections that continue to this day that previously occurred once-a-year.
All the patients I have that have developed rapid onset cancers since 2021 report 2-3 or 4 COVID injections. Yet their oncologists are not adamantly urging them to have no more "boosters".
I am curious what a random survey would reveal among the varied subscribers to Mark's work.
Dr. Makis writes about injuries and deaths on his substack, but he usually paywalls his work. Other sites will republish some of his work and here’s one that Mark included the link to. It’s the last article. Whole families are being wiped out or injured. Probably because they all got the jab at the same time and from the same batch.
Maha. I will be the first to answer the, as yet, unofficial survey.
I'm female, 73 years of age and have never had the covid shot. I have never had covid and have enjoyed excellent health since the so called pandemic started.
A judious use of vitamins and minerals, avoiding gmos, eating a healthy diet, and taking responsibility for my own health, based on years of research, has proved to benefit me greatly.
I have never had a flu shot or one for shingles. Actually I haven't had any vaccines since I was a kid and during my childhood there were very few available.
I experienced chicken pox, red measles, German measles, mumps and various cold viruses with the occasional bouts of flu. I managed to survive them all and believe that because I was exposed to many of these pathogens is why I have a strong and functioning immune system.
The one shot I did have at age five for polio concerns me given the information that came out years later.
Thank you, Helen. Since you are unvaccinated, you would be part of a control group. As many have observed, and studies like the Cleveland Clinic Study suggest, vaccinated people are more at risk for COVID, and many other afflictions, than the unvaccinated.
I think we deserve the title of " wise woman". In so many other cultures this honorary title is bestowed. Sadly in our culture we are ignored and given little credit for our attained wisdom. They just want to shuffle us off into old age homes. Out of sight. Out of mind. That was more than evident during covid.
What could a couple in heavily vaccinated MA have been exposed to which could have caused such cancers? 🤔 Here in even heavier vaccinated Stowe, VT. The resort we are staying at had to shut down their restaurant because they lost two of their servers. Labor is short all around.
It’s obvious there are two different planets. One of the aware and another of the benighted, those always in the dark. How an athlete could remain unaware of the present reality I will never understand.
Jerry Newfield. They probably do but most sport salaries are so overpaid and they are participating in a hugely profitable industry. Why would they speak up?
We need to say no, and quit asking for permission in the form of religious or personal exemptions.
Absolutely! I should not have to ask for permission to not take something in to my body.IT IS MY BODY AND I MAKE THE CHOICES!
Right! Your body and your life only. I think it's good to remind the murderesses of this distinction.
Technically, you “invoke” an exemption, you don’t ask for it. It’s your right. But I get what you’re saying. Like I wouldn’t buy a fake vax card because that’s acknowledging the legitimacy of the system.
100%. I refused to file a religious exemption to keep my job. I quit instead. I will not use God to uphold an immoral system.
Yes, it’s a false choice (You can request an exemption and we can deny it, so it’s not really your choice). They’re trying to falsely assume authority you haven’t given them.
My brother- 62- just died of two different neck and throat cancers. Yes he was multiple injected.😞
RIP to your brother and my deepest condolences to you, the rest of the family, his friends etc.
My dad died of espophgeal cancer, too, in 2016...it's an awful way to go......sending you lots of love.❤
Stella - 💔
What do you mean?
Stella. I think White Rights means that Covid Vax early adopter means started taking the shots in the very beginning when first offered and kept going with the others that were made available.
Yes, but my dad died in 2016 so nothing to do with the vax......so, I was confused about the comment in reference to my father.....
You are absolutely right. I think he missed the death date of your Dad and attributed it to the shots.
I was merely trying to interpret his statement about what an early adopter was, not implying your Dad took the shots. Sorry for the confusion.
I am really sorry about the loss of your Dad in 2016. I lost mine in 2004 and I still miss him.
Im so sorry for your loss.
Oh man. It sucks to lose a beloved sibling. On the upside, but for your discernment and the grace of God there go you. Blessings on your family.
Sandy - My sincerest condolences in the loss of your brother 💔
so sorry
Or, they really just do not care about the casualties.
I'm sure that the ones driving this, see us as less than cattle.
Cattle and useless eaters.
So many coincidences! I wonder how the rest of the NFL is feeling watching their friends drop like flies.
Edit to add more info:
The Miami Dolphins waived rookie wide receiver Daewood Davis on Tuesday, the team announced. The move comes three days after he was stretchered off the field during a preseason game.
Davis was reportedly waived/released with an injury settled, meaning he will be paid for the amount of time he would've missed if he had made the team.
Been wondering that myself.
Most likely muzzled under their contract or possibly not being rehired ever again for speaking out.
Even a three year old can connect the dots.
Seeing that precious little baby made my heart hurt. Why can't these people see what's causing these horrendous things, they're healthy, they get jabbed and soon after they're either dead or very sick with cancer and heart issues, what can't they see. My advice to them is, "stop listening to your lying delusional doctors."
Hannahlehigh - I honestly believe the Drs & nurses in our American “hell”thcare “system” are either woefully ignorant or willfully ignorant. I do not know their hearts. I would now trust a decent lawyer over just about any Dr - and that is shocking to even me who has been skeptical of so many things for decades - thx to my incredibly discerning Dad.
Do we know for sure that the little baby was jabbed? Something like a medical record or a virtue-signaling Instagram post by the parents?
We don’t know whether the baby or his mom were jabbed. Rare cancers do occur, but the timing is suspicious.
My mother abused me starting as soon as she brought me home from the hospital. Years later, in a support group, about half of us were there due to maternal abuse.
I don't know what makes a woman hate her own offspring, but even animals reject theirs sometimes.
And many of those mothers seem quite comfortable with the current " gender philosophies" that advocate hormones and permanent surgical changes for their offspring.
You may be right.
YES about the jabs.
I once read this comment: "There is no greater love than what a parent has for a child. Parents move heaven & earth to protect their children except when someone in a white coat says to hand them over."
People cannot see because the aggregation of nanoparticulates in the neural pathways laid claim to by the vaccines. The vaccinated can't think independently of these nascent transhuman neural networks. They have attacked human thought and therein dignity; they're after the soul.
That's no excuse at all, imo. I repeat: in my opinion. Look at the numbers of people who easily dismissed that lying bullshit and went directly to honest sources and sources from which info originally emanated. No excuses whatsoever. It reminds me of people who say, in the presence of Dr. Ben Carson, that there's no way out of the ghetto.
Because people today inherently want to be told what to do. As long as they have their Amazon Alexa, their sports, and their Grubhub, they'll gladly outsource their own thinking to the "experts". All to say we're on a fast track to Chinaism.
This quote sums it all up. These doctors are so blinded to the obvious they should turn in their licenses, and reconsider their basic humanity:
“And I told the doctor, ‘Well, the only thing is three weeks prior I got the second shot of the vaccine,’” Tim said. The doctor responded, “‘No, that had nothing to do with it.’ And he walked out.” “The thing that got me,” Tim said, “is they were telling me they had no idea why it happened, but they were really quick to eliminate only one possible cause, the one change that had happened.”
Mark t - BINGO!
Heart-breaking in a million ways. I hope these tragic incidents wake folks up to what could be driving all this and that they get their hands on effective detox protocols (ie, Dr. McCullough's The Wellness Co., etc), and never take the shot(s) again!
In an ideal world, the culprits behind this slow-drip democide would stand trial before an international people's tribunal and suffer the consequences of their crimes against humanity.
Weihan Xing. You're right but it will never happen.
I would've thought that when the pen didn't work anymore--because we have a rogue govt, criminal selected dunces, and no justice system to rely on--the American fists would. Or the vigilantes, who as someone (where, I forget) smarter than I pointed out that given the aforementioned Zeitgeist, those who rise up are NOT vigilantes at all.
Fifteen-month-old babies, are you kidding me! Parents who will most likely die and leave three young children behind as orphans. What will it take? Will it have to hit home, or will even such an event be dismissed as a pig in makeup?
The husband and wife sadly remind me of Justin and Haley Bieber who both got stroke like illnesses within a short time of each other. They almost certainly got vaccinated together too, as this couple likely did.
I see Air Canada is cancelling a bunch of domestic routes due to a (perceived) shortage of pilots, and the planes on these cancelled routes are typically full to the gills. OK, so pilots might make a few dollars more south of the border but surely there is another reason. Just saying!
Sean O' Dalaigh. Thanks for the comment re our Canadian Airline. It's happening in all industries right now.
I live in British Columbia and our vast and excellent ferry system is also experiencing lack of highly qualified staff and a huge increase in sick days.
The same is happening in our health care system. Constantly sick staff.
However due to the insane policies of covid we pretty much stopped training and hiring these people. If you combine that with the disastrous results of the vaccinated majority of our population its no surprise we are " suddenly" short of qualified personnel to fulfill these jobs.
Helen: Add to that the absolutely insane mandate put in place by Dr Bonnie Henry that all health workers need to be up to date with their frankenshots and it is a perfect storm. Imagine what the witch will do with the arrival of the next new imagined thing (I always thought as a virus mutates, it becomes less deadly, but hey what do I know)
Not to mention Bill 36 that was passed in British Columbia last fall and is now known as the Health Proferssions and Occupations act.
What health professional, in their right mind, would want to practice here.
And I'm certain that "doctors are baffled" about all of these strange, sudden medical events. A new game show might be one called "Are You Smarter than a Doctor?" -- I know I am. After downloading and studying (which required much researching into medical terminology, word definitions, etc.) more than 250 medical and science research papers on the virus and the vaccine, I know more about all of this than most doctors are willing to admit. They might know but God forbid that they ever link these adverse events to the jab! They might lose their medical license. Actually, if they've lied to patients they deserve to lose their medical license!!
Clare Goldsberry. You are a kindred soul. Like you I did all the research I could and am so thankful that I did.
However Covid wasn't my first experience researching health issues.
I questioned transfats back in the 80's, Gmos a few years later and vaccines for years. I'm a skeptic my nature and now at the age of 73 I am glad I am.
The deaths and sudden onset impairments keep on coming. They are the most tragic tip of the iceberg from this psychopathic campaign that appears to still remain the most vigorous in the United States. How many of us reading Mark's words survived the shots with some damage? Who else tracks significant issues that arose within hours, weeks or months from injection?
For the misguided trust I placed in a buddy in Internal Medicine, I allowed myself to be talked into the original 2 shot Moderna series in early 2021. (He went on to have every booster he could, and developed a rare form of Temporal Arteritis. There are case studies of this correlating with the vaccines.) Personally, I saw an immediate rise in A1c--from 5.5 to 6.3 that required Metformin to return to 5.5. I developed frequent Herpes Simplex 1 and Zoster infections that continue to this day that previously occurred once-a-year.
All the patients I have that have developed rapid onset cancers since 2021 report 2-3 or 4 COVID injections. Yet their oncologists are not adamantly urging them to have no more "boosters".
I am curious what a random survey would reveal among the varied subscribers to Mark's work.
Dr. Makis writes about injuries and deaths on his substack, but he usually paywalls his work. Other sites will republish some of his work and here’s one that Mark included the link to. It’s the last article. Whole families are being wiped out or injured. Probably because they all got the jab at the same time and from the same batch.
Maha. I will be the first to answer the, as yet, unofficial survey.
I'm female, 73 years of age and have never had the covid shot. I have never had covid and have enjoyed excellent health since the so called pandemic started.
A judious use of vitamins and minerals, avoiding gmos, eating a healthy diet, and taking responsibility for my own health, based on years of research, has proved to benefit me greatly.
I have never had a flu shot or one for shingles. Actually I haven't had any vaccines since I was a kid and during my childhood there were very few available.
I experienced chicken pox, red measles, German measles, mumps and various cold viruses with the occasional bouts of flu. I managed to survive them all and believe that because I was exposed to many of these pathogens is why I have a strong and functioning immune system.
The one shot I did have at age five for polio concerns me given the information that came out years later.
Thank you, Helen. Since you are unvaccinated, you would be part of a control group. As many have observed, and studies like the Cleveland Clinic Study suggest, vaccinated people are more at risk for COVID, and many other afflictions, than the unvaccinated.
Living the same healthy life as you; female, 72, no shots, no sickness.
I think we deserve the title of " wise woman". In so many other cultures this honorary title is bestowed. Sadly in our culture we are ignored and given little credit for our attained wisdom. They just want to shuffle us off into old age homes. Out of sight. Out of mind. That was more than evident during covid.
What could a couple in heavily vaccinated MA have been exposed to which could have caused such cancers? 🤔 Here in even heavier vaccinated Stowe, VT. The resort we are staying at had to shut down their restaurant because they lost two of their servers. Labor is short all around.
It’s obvious there are two different planets. One of the aware and another of the benighted, those always in the dark. How an athlete could remain unaware of the present reality I will never understand.
But don't athlete's talk with each other? They must know the score or at least have some suspicions.
Jerry Newfield. They probably do but most sport salaries are so overpaid and they are participating in a hugely profitable industry. Why would they speak up?
I can see that, but he seems genuinely clueless.
Showed to my vaxxed friends, this is "SELECTIVE PROGRAMMING" in their eyes..."Don't show us this conspiracy crap...."
This is all just coincidence as Substack is just alarmist. 😔🫣
A horse to water...