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NY Times and others, even though this was reported on 60 Minutes (if it really was) should mandatorily alert their readers immediately! Then let the people jailed for J6 out of prison immediately. Put DJT back on the 2024 ballots (or even better how about no election and just put him back in the real WH 8/7/2023) and get FJB and cabinet out of the fake WH. Get rid of WEF and all the perps like Gates, the fraudster and the other Globalists and every leader who allowed C19 to happen and wants more fake viruses to occur.

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No election? Just reinstall Trump—who (I hate to break it to you) was installed in the first place? (Can you imagine how "COVID" would have played out if Hillary were in the White House, instead of Trump? How, then, could the country have been violently split? Who would have played the Punch-and-Judy show with Dr. Fauci?)

There's actually strong evidence that Trump didn't really win that contest (though Russia had nothing to do with it)—just as there's strong evidence that Biden didn't win three years ago.

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It is good to see someone with a voice bring that up, I've been saying that for years, that there was no way in hell covid would have happened the way it did if Clinton had been president. The only reason there wasn't strong right wing objection to the lockdowns was because Trump allowed them.

Yes, I believe it is a scam, a scripted scam. Trump and covid were the perfect team to break the collective mind of this country with social media keeping the flames alive.

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Same thing with the vaccines. Remember Biden and Harris saying that they wouldn’t take the Trump vaccine because it was rushed and there were no long term studies? But then Biden won and he mandated those same vaccines!

And of course Trump promoted HCQ because it worked, but since he did that Democrats poo poo'd it and his executive order to send it to us was ignored.

And he never said to inject bleach, but the media said he did…just too many lies that were meant to divide us.

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the majority of my friends say they did not take the trump vaccine - they waited and took the biden vaccine, which was obviously much better.

yup, this is how the "trust the science" crowd thinks.

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The insanity of it all is baffling.

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Demonic Clowns. All of them.

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Correct. Just like the final looting of social security will happen under a democratic president/congress...the "left" will only push back if a big bad republican does it.

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It is hard not to see it everywhere, NAFTA, the '94 crime bill, NATO in Yugoslavia, could the new security State have been built under a Gore presidency, could McCain have expanded our wars like Obama did or have pulled off the sweetheart deal known as Obamacare?

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I've heard (I'm NOT expressing yea or nay) some argue that with Trump the injection roll out, which was going to happen no matter what he did, deliberately happened more quickly than planned so as to hinder the effectiveness of the planned roll out.

I have no opinion on that. Just something I've heard from maybe two disparate sources.

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How do you imagine things would have played out with Hillary in command?

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I think half the country would have said "no" and it would not have worked.

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Interesting. I too have wondered.

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Which is why Trump was put in the WH to begin with. ?

If they've had this cvid plan in place for years then it stands to reason that part of the plan was the set up - dividing the nation so extremely.

It was the perfect set up.

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Sorry, but I believe DJT won because millions actually voted for him and very few wanted HRC. I only know a handful of people who didn't vote for him.

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I'm honestly surprised people are still debating like we have secure elections. They've been rigged for decades.

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You do know he lost the popular vote by millions?

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Fortunately, we have the electoral college, so the millions of "popular votes" which come from the fake registrations in blue cities, aren't usually enough to overcome the EC. In 2020, they had to cheat on for weeks to overcome the margin of victory, and even then, they had to stomp on the 1A to keep the lid just partially on their fraud.

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by the leftist millions on the coasts where most of the population is. not inland.

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As one living (fourth generation) on the Northern California coast, I can assure you that there hasn't been a clean election here in over two decades.

We in Commiefornia are not as stupid and left as the press seems to intone. That Californians have accepted the idiotic democrat narrative bespeaks two problems:

1). A lying press

2.) An ignorant, TV watching, lazy as hell, 'electorate'.

That democratic operatives were buoyed at the idea that "we are going to win, no matter what" prior to the last election (See Project Veritas files) belies the false nature of elections in this state, indeed, in the country.

Government Quislings are all-in, and they have to be, since the other option is to return to a functioning society and judicial system, where they all go to prison, or for some, to the, hopefully, reinstated gallows.

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I’m a 3rd generation California native (raised in SF). You are 100% correct. Damn…I remember when Commifornia was red, not that it matters. The Communists wanted CA for the 55 Electoral College votes. The Communist take over was/is very methodical in my humble opinion.

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I usually insert Satanic in place of communist, and agree with you 100%.

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Why not both?

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And how many lives has Communism extinguished?

Oh, but this time it will be different, right????

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Bingo. There hasn't been a clean election in New York state, basically forever. The election process in New York state is a big 'ol dumpster fire. I haven't voted in over 30 years. I will not prop up the shame election system.

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That's actually a common way to select presidents and PMs. It is far worse in Canada whereby Trudeau can become PM with <30% of public support. People seem to think a direct plurality FPTP system is the norm. It isn't. Even in France they use a run-off system.

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The French 2-tier system is totally rigged so that the establishment candidate always wins the first round, along with the far-right candidate. And there have been some very suspicious irregularities even in the second round runoff the last two elections, with many millions of paper ballots being disqualified for "rips" (hanging chads, anyone?), which always seem to occur in the exact same place, as if made by machines, and have overwhelmingly been for the opposition candidate. (I live in France.)

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Yes it is a dumb way to do a Presidential Election. It would be a whole lot better just to use a Ranked Choice Ballot and do the whole process in one day with all citizens able to vote for their preferred candidate(s). Not the two who FLUKE there way to the top 2 positions in a first ballot.

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I assume you're being ironic. It's never a fluke, at least not in recent history. The grand guignol 5-year version of dog-and-pony has been ongoing since before the turn of the millennium--though at least, back then, the establishment candidate was far more acceptable than today. I remember almost with tears Villepin's eloquent antiwar speech at the UN, France's last noble, independent moment on the world stage. Since then it's been plain ignominy, vassalage to the "worst of the worst" stoking the empty engines of a desperate empire while strutting ignobly to the jeers of the global south. They will fall hard, but are by now so small that the thud will not run so deep.

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I don't know the details of what has been happening in French elections. I'm just talking about the two ballot system they use is largely a statistical fluke method. You have 8 candidates with various degrees of support, vote splitting everywhere, it is a statistical fluke who comes out on the top 2. Certainly not the 2 most popular candidates.

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But, aside from the possible cheating, what I'm saying, in fact, is that the two-tier system is designed to favor the establishment candidate, by sapping votes from potential viable challengers in the first round. They let everyone and their dog who scrape together 50,000 signatures by mayors around the country (and every last backwater village in France has a useless mayor) run for president in the first round. And thus there are always a raft of ridiculous nobodies draining votes away from the most prominent challengers, while the establishment candidate, in the first round, never has to face any similar threat, as there is never anyone from roughly the same political camp attempting to do the same. This system, for example, has prevented the dissident left leader (and NATO and EU skeptic) Jean-Luc Melenchon from surviving the first round in the last several elections, always losing by just 1 or 2 points, which means that without the clown show of leftist losers siphoning off his votes, he would have been a shoo-in to make the second round, AND, if you took all those rinky-dink left-wing votes together with the former Socialist votes and threw them in to his pot, he would have easily won the second round and been president of France, since his proposed policies best represent the largest consensus of the French populace, at least over the past 10-odd years.

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Yes, definitely an idiotic system. Pretense of being run-off voting or ranked choice but actually being a version of FPTP. Ranked Choice is the way to go, then you will get the candidate who has broad public support. We have similar problems with the FPTP system, easiest way to win is to finance a candidate to split votes from your main rival. They've even gone so far to get some schlock candidate with the same name as your rival. Just ridiculous.

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I dont have a problem with it, just making the point he didn't win on votes, he won because the way the electoral college works out, he was able to beat the cities.

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If they had used the Ranked Choice ballot and Trump picked up Libertarians and probably half the Greens, then Trump would have won the popular vote. Is another way to look at it.

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Yeah, I agree with that, I haven't made a final decision on ranked choice voting, but I think overall he was more favorable.

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I had heard that but I don't believe that.

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🎯MCM , every comment ..... thank u.

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Link to said evidence? I've never seen anything like that.

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Pick your poison. Trump was doing great things before the infiltrators released a planned virus to cheat on an election. Hillary and cabal’s plan was to have us locked up for years. Again, pick your poison....

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Think you should do a post showing the strong evidence Trump didn’t win 2016.

In the same post show why evidence is sketchy that many musicians did not just organically, from out nowhere, but have connections too many high powered establishment or intel figures. Try not to cherry pick one or two to prove you point, but look at the entire landscape

Next you will be telling me there is no evidence that Paley founder of CBS and the others also just came out of nowhere. There is no evidence connecting Hollywood and these same intel folks. The studios, stars, films all organic as well.

Or how about the modern art scene. I can’t remember the name but there was a war department focused on culture. Spent fortunes pushing ‘art’ and multiple ‘art’ magazines popped up around the same time as our fearless musical revolutionaries. Just odd timing. All organic.

many of these ‘art’ rags have been exposed as funded and fronted by Intel

Look up Frances Stormer, who I think was there to just spin what was coming out away. There are others also.

If you put it all in one post, your audience will get a front row seat to the criteria you use to classify evidence as ‘strong’ vs ‘supposition’

BTW, you’re making a big assumption if Hillary had been POTUS, Covid would have still happened. You literally have no evidence of that and I am sure we can both agree that the people running things don’t have a static planogram with ‘things’ that must happen and when.

More likely they know the outcomes they want and then work within that to insert and switch things to get there

Covid was not necessarily something that definitely was going to happen if Hillary had been POTUS

I appreciate all the work you do documented the vax nightmare

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so trump stole the election from killary?

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Mark says so

But offers no proof

I asked him to write a post showing his evidence

I doubt he ever will

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If Hillary had won the Covid Plandemic would have occurred during her term. That was one of the reasons they wanted her in there so badly. And right in the face of Brexit freedom event, which would have been blocked with Covid.

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I have serious doubts that had Hillary said to lockdown, half if the country would have said no way.

I dont see how she could get away with it.

You dont send Woody Guthrie to open ties with China, you send Kissinger.

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Because had Hillary been POTUS they would not have played this card

Understand this. Mark Crispin Miller knows this.

He is more than okay with pretending he doesn’t to mislead you all

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Pretty sure he stated above the opposite

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No it wouldn’t. It was not needed

She would have signed on to so many treaties that Obama government had lined up, it would make your head spin

No need just yet for Covid

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When Trump stopped funding the WHO he gave the money to Bill Gates. I can’t find the link for this, but if it’s true why would he do that?

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I'm not sure except maybe because his whole goal was to pull out the Deep State and I consider Gates to be a part of the grouping. He did also speak with RFK Jr because they both realized that most shots harmed lots of people and should never be mandated. Gates then talked him into not speaking again with Bobby or putting him in his cabinet. He should have trusted his first instincts.

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It's this example and others as to why I can't understand why they think Trump is still going to take down the deep state. He's either an idiot for trusting those people and institutions or he is in on it. He couldn't even adequately challenge Fauci, who is a serial liar.

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Whats funny about all this is before they started heaping these lawsuits and indictments on him, he wasn't polling all that well. A significant part of that coalition was leaning towards DeSantis because of the vaccine issues.

But then the Mar O Lago raid happened and many returned.

This whole thing is reading like a pro-wrestling script.

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