That "January 6" was an "attempted coup" is a Big Lie EXACTLY like the Reichstag fire—and just as big a lie as "the pandemic," and those "safe" vaccines. Those who've bought it need to be deprogrammed
Don’t forget, Trump was also set up, or set himself up. Played into the hands of those who would frame him and his followers in a narrative of treason.
It's embarrassing how many times he has been booed by supporters whenever he tries to brag about the shots or warp speed. He seems as stubborn as Fauci in refusing to admit they were a mistake.
With having a friend like Cohn, there’s not a shadow of a doubt that The Trumpster is NOT some naive, kept in the dark, oh geez I didn’t know, type of guy. I’m sure he learned a lot from Cohn.
The problem is that they did not live up to his very specific and extremely well done CONTRACT, says former Pfizer biochemical analyst whistle blower Karen Kingston, who understands both the chemistry AND the legalese. Trump was lied to by Isadora Duncan Birks and Anthony "Dr. Faustus" Fauci and Big Pharma. THAT is what I think Trump needs to admit and call out. Those are the FACTS. See Kingston's Substack and/or her many interviews with Greg Hunter of USA Watchdog on Rumble. Ms. Generis says, "HUBRIS IS THE WORST PANDEMIC OF ALL."
Yes, and the advisor closest too him, Pence, was a snake in the grass. Pence ran Warp Speed and Pence didn't honor the correct electoral procedure under the extraordinary circumstances.
Bingo! I’ve been calling Trump a patsy for both parties when he didn’t expose the false Russia gate story. He had access to the information that Durham recently released which many people knew years ago but he didn’t use it to clear his name? Sure. It wasn’t until he was almost out of office before he exposed the lie that Russia hacked the DNC computers. No one did.
It wasn’t Fauci who closed down the country, but Trump with his executive order and so much more.
And he never even tried to put his pal Hillary in prison even though there was tons of evidence against her.
“Patsy” in regards to Trump has very special significance: Trump is effectively carrying a package of “curtain rods” to work on the day of the the JFK assassination. He is a professional actor. But like any good patsy, when he is rendered disposable, discarded, hung out to dry, he complains like Oswald did. Theater ensues, and even if convicted for Jan 6th etc. Trump would possibly be pardoned.
Only because Trumpstein's chosen to remain willfully ignorant! Either that, or he's simply too dumbed-down to see what's been going on by his chosen "tribe"!
I shuddered in my bones when I heard Trump tell people to show up in DC on 6 Jan to let the government know they were not happy with the 2020 result. I knew it would not end well; perhaps someone behind the scenes who convinced him to do this also knew it would not end well. Trump is not a brilliant man, but to assume that he honestly believed, especially with so much lead time, that nothing nefarious would happen is a bridge too far, IMO.
It is utterly amazing how easily Trump has been duped and manipulated by his "advisors". You would think he would have someone on the ball who would have warned him of the J6 plot. He made a mistake right from the start surrounding himself with corrupt insiders like Mike Pence and Chris Christie. He had a good advisor in the name of General Flynn and he stupidly let them railroad him out of his job. He should have fired the FBI & DOJ heads on the spot.
One can only hope if they let him get reelected he won't be President Woozy-man this time.
When Americans finally get the message that the two sides of the political arena are one in the same there might be some movement. It's past time to stop giving it so much focus. Taking personal responsibility and conducting ourselves in the highest mind-set possible just might get us out of this chaos, if not for the collective, at least individually.
Trump could have fired/replaced anyone on his team at any time. He isn't going to be reelected. He's just out to hog the nomination so that no other candidate can actually stand in opposition to the democrats. Remember how Bob Dole was anointed as the GOP candidate against the Clinton co-presidency's 2nd term? This is a similar deal.
The only other candidate the Republicans have who could win is Vivek. We know now that DeSantis is corrupt and a lackey for China. If Trump is allowed to run, and he loses it will be due to election fraud as it was in 2020. RFKjr would beat Trump but no way the Demonrats will allow him to run. And Cornel West will be a wild card, who could screw up the Dems, bad.
The whole electoral circus is a waste of time, or worse. Speculating on who could win just ignores the obvious fact that presidents are simply installed.
Thanks for pointing that out, living at the Canadian border I hear from the herons, the osprey and the bullfrogs about other things. I am happy you and others are clicking on this. Obviously I made an outrageously narcissistic comment and I am delighted to get confirmation that there is a thinking world out there where I do not want to go.
What is missing from the Reichstag fire theory is the actual fire.
I suspect the original plan was that the people there would riot for real and torch the building, esp. after Ashley was shot dead.
The plot fell apart though when people stayed inside the velvet ropes and didn't chimp out.
Had they not done that then I think there would have been a state crackdown on all Trump supporters with the FBI fully engaged in finding domestic terrorists and putting them in internment camps.
How anyone can believe that an organized "insurrection" was planned and executed with NO WEAPONS!!! That would have to be the stupidest insurrection in history. It was obviously a protest. Just watch a few of the cellphone videos and it is evident that there were a bunch of very disciplined, calm, methodical individuals walking around, whispering in people's ears, and pulling down barriers and opening doors and entrapping everyone.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but so was 9/11. It was all controlled demolition and the evidence is overwhelming -- remember Building 7? I thought not, I didn't either. See (architects and engineers for 9/11 Truth -- their video makes this beyond any doubt ). See also Pilots for 9/11 Truth. See the works of David Ray Griffin and articles by Paul Craig Roberts (Asst. Sec'y of Treasury under Reagan) on his website.
You don't have to dig very deep to find out the truth, plus this is another one of those things like the JFK assassination where the government does a shabby investigation then destroys the evidence. Same holds for the Pentagon crash and Flight 93.
I only came across this last August while I was reading, in bed with a mild case of the Wuhan flu. Took me two weeks before I could eat anything after having to readjust my entire understanding of what happened on that tragic day.
Good luck with the Truth.
PS The Truth does not always set you free. Sometimes it puts you permanently into deep, dark waters.
I know, Renee. It changed me forever. I used to be active in the local Republican party, but I find I can't even relate to them anymore. It's weird, isn't it?
No, it’s not weird at all! I feel the same way! I’m out! I’m done supporting government. After I see what’s been done in this country from BOTH parties, I will not add fuel to the dumpster fire.
Because everyone in power or media ignored the blatant 9/11 False Flag we got the Iraq & Afghanistan wars, and libya & Syria. Millions of deaths. And the Covid Plandemic. And further back the JFK, RFK, MLK assassinations. Let evil rein free and it will just keep growing.
I remember the controlled demolition of Building 7 on the day it happened. For the past 20+ years I have been telling everyone I know and on many online forums that 911 was orchestrated by the U.S. DIPs (demons in power). Who was in charge then? The RepubRats with retarded Bush Jr at the helm.
No one cared 20 years ago and no one cares now.
Now the DemonRats are in charge with retarded Biden at the helm. Nothing changes. It is all BS and grifting 24/7/365.
Outrageous claims. Next you'll be saying that the War of 1812 (which EEUU lost) was about Madison wanting to annex Canada. (General Isaac Brock and Tecumseh thwarted Madison's ambitions despite the U.S. having a 20 to 1 advantage in men and material. ) And you'll probably also claim that Japan was provoked into bombing Pearl Harbor, that Roosevelt knew it was going to happen, and that the atom bombs that murdered hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians were really a warning to the USSR.
Sounds like you're incapable of recognizing irony.
The U.S. lost the War of 1812, Japan was provoked by economic sanctions and the transfer of American naval base from San Diego to Pearl Harbor, and that revolting psychopath Truman dropped two atomic bombs on civilians for no good reason except to intimidate Stalin.
Sorry, hard to tell when no context. Still, you're not getting the whole Pearl Harbor thing correct, none of history is correct, literally none. And your comment about David Martin leads one to realize you still have some more to research and uncover.
These forms of communication are lacking greatly, unfortunately. I'd say that most on this particular substack are at least well on their way to finding just how much of our perceived lives have been an illusion and it's a long journey to travel, but the willingness and open mindedness to do so is commendable. It helps to be a natural rebel with an insatiable curiosity for answers to everything.
What's more a standard passenger jet could not penetrate the heavy outer columns on the trade centers. The planes were exchanged for drones, you can see the communications/control pod on the bottom of the plane that flew into WTC2. So the drones had to have been fitted with standard military penetrating ordnance on the front of the wings & fuselage. Off chance they could have used armored wings & front fuselage to penetrate the heavy steel, but I suspect they used shaped charges instead.
And, of course, that explains Flight 93, which almost certainly was meant to fly into WTC7, but had a control malfunction so it veered off course and they had to shoot it down, spreading debris over a wide area. One small piece likely fell into that hole at Shanksville, but no way a full plane could even come remotely close to burrowing into that ground. There are such things as the laws of Physics.
"....First off, all serious researchers aside from Morgan Reynolds (a former Bush economist) agree that planes actually hit the towers, however the planes that hit the towers had no windows and extra equipment attached (PODs) and are believed to be remote control drone aircraft. In fact, a similar plan was devised in 1962 by Robert McNamara called OPERATION NORTHWOODS which detailed flying an aircraft filled with FBI agents (allegedly college students on vacation) in flight the plane would switch transponder signals with a drone aircraft which would then be shot down over Cuba. The FBI agents on the plane would then land safely and resume new covert identities. There is evidence that a similar plot was hatched on 9/11:
Thomas Deatherage, Former Airline Captain B- 747-400 and B- 737-300: "After viewing many posted videos on "Youtube" I can tell you without hesitation that clearly aircraft # 2 B-767 - was radio controlled into the building Tower 2. The "pod" mounted on the bottom of the aircraft, is manufactured by "Martin Marietta" Corporation in Los Angeles. The pod has been used extensively by the USAF for outfitting drone aircraft for over 22 years, and you can clearly see it in (4) of the amateur videos- just before impact, with tower # 2. Also, I would like to find an insider A and P mechanic at both United and America to cross reference the A/C serial number of flight 77 and 93. I guarantee that they change the N issued tail number. However, one could trace and find this original A/C, from an insider employee, at these companies- leading to the smoking gun these aircraft were not destroyed."
Yes, we all know that, but they would not be able to precisely blow a hole into the side of a building in the shape of an airplane right where the drone happens to hit. So they would have had to mount shaped charges on the front of the drones to cut those holes into the structure, so the drone could explode inside the building.
Do a search on Bitchute about the truth about 911 - total deception created the false belief that jets took down the Twin Towers. Holograms were used to create special effects to convince people they actually saw it happen.
ReBecca: Rebekah Roth does a good job of laying out how they pulled it off, including the Airbase where the original planes were diverted to, and where the impossible phone calls were made from. As well as the unusual language used in the phone calls, like they were reading from a script.
Just for clarification the person called ReBecca on here is not me. Someone confused us. I am another Rebecca who occasionally posts about the need for a real 9/11 investigation. However, I am not a proponent of the "holograms" theory. I lived in NYC on 9/11 and knew multiple people who worked in and near the WTC, some of whom were around the area at the time it happened. My then fiancé also worked 2-3 blocks away from the WTC complex on 9/11.
I suspect ReBecca is right about the building being seeded with explosives and agree with a lot of SFS's info. Look forward to checking out some of the links he provided.
I suspect the buildings were actually hit by planes but don't know which planes.
The original planes could have been taken over by remote control.
If I might recommend two good dvds:
Again, I thank you both for sharing links and info.
Diane, I agree that you don't have to dig very deep into 9/11 to see that the official version of events makes no sense at all. The people who come up with these official stories are idiots. What they think sounds good shows that they're midwit liars at best. With so much evidence destroyed, though, finding the truth isn't easy.
From the first day, Building 7 was the smoking gun. The building wasn't damaged enough to make it unsafe, and pulling off an obvious controlled demolition simply showed anyone who noticed it happening that the towers had been demolished with explosives as well. The fact that the media immediately reported it as having collapsed on its own was final proof.
I also remembered how Rudy Giuliani helped establish and promote the whole idiotic official 9/11 lie. The fact that he became Trump's closest advisor during the election theft should have awakened any Trump supporters who were still asleep, but...
On 9/11 I knew someone in the vicinity of Building 7 the morning of 9/11. He was told by either police or FD that the building would have to be demolished "because it is damaged." We were just a bit surprised when the building then spontaneously apparently demolished itself several hours later... smh
SMH, as well. I didn't catch it on the day it happened, but the BBC reporter's broadcast with the view of Bldg7 in the background was also an eye-opener, once I read about it, in subsequent days. The way the media outlets were coordinating so completely was eerie, to say the least. That old southern saying comes to mind: "When everybody's telling the same tale, it's bound to be a lie".
That whole day must have been unreal to people who witnessed it on the ground.
We're all being played in the sense that we are still 'reacting' to what ever the state does.
Let's shut the news off. Stop funding government in every possible way. Quit buying from giant corporate powers that inject their toxic views/chemicals/greed into everything.
We need to remind people that everything around them is on a rug that can be pulled out from under them, if they continue to utilize services peopled by these weasels.
Source locally. Buy small, consume way less, share all.
This earth and all it's resources belong to every human being on earth. Resources do not belong exclusively to the acquisition minded Quisling parasite weasel billionaires who portion it out in a manner that reinforces poverty. This earth can easily support us all, and more.
Just as we all have God-given, certain and inalienable rights, we also have an inalienable right to give the middle finger to all these costumed enforcers of death and dissolution.
Make the purveyors of these lies into jackals, ridiculed in every public arena. French collaborator were shaved and ridiculed at every turn after the war.
That said, I would gladly embrace every penitent globalist, with a kiss on the cheek.
Give no quarter to the lying Quislings, otherwise.
God bless you for taking a stand. I just don't understand why more officers don't appreciate the long term repercussions of their failure to stand with their fellow human beings. It's a failure to stand for the future of humanity. We need to be fearless for our numbers to grow. We really are all in this together. Thank you for your commitment.
Josh, I totally understand what you’re saying! I knew CONvid was a scam, to what extent still amazes me. It was soul crushing to see everything transpiring, and knowing it went against Truth. I believe in God/Creator and prayed daily before work. I received guidance, discernment, and Grace, which only strengthened my faith in the love of God. Every individual soul has free will, always! Us human beings are on this journey, on the physical plane, together. What a time! It is up to all of us to help one another.
Don’t ever forget that God loves you Josh. Bless you!
It has been known forever that the people who apply to be police officers in any country should under no circumstances ever be allowed to become police officers because they are hateful control freaks for the most part.
I remember a BBC program where they followed British police officers being trained to use guns. Very few British police have guns and they have to apply to join a gun squad. They were being taught by ex-army officers and the BBC crew sat with the ex-army guys during a lunch break and one of them said that the people we are being sent to train are the last people on earth that should be given guns as they want to have them for their own reasons. The BBC guy asked what he meant and he said well look what we told them today that they were not to carry a gun when it wasn't necessary and do you see a single one of them sitting in here at lunch that doesn't have a gun with them and yet none of we trainers are sitting here with a gun.
I can't imagine being a police officer. You deal with the dregs of society all day and you then have to support the DIPs (demons in power), no questions asked.
I always assumed to be a police officer one must enjoy chaos and violence, or else the daily grind of the job would drive a normal, moral, non violent person insane.
New York state is begging for state troopers. I say good that the average Joe is not signing up to be a "peace officer." Let the system crumble. Let the DIPs stop being propped up by "law enforcement." Maybe it is time for anarchy to remove the DIPs from their golden thrones.
Several officers committed suicide after Jan 6th. We will never know why but I would imagine this weighted heavily on many of them on top of any other issues they had.
That's what I think. Maybe even Officer Brian Sicknick I suspect was given a CIA drug to induce a stroke. They had the story of him being killed by the protestors all set up.
Respect to Officer Johnson for speaking up. It takes real courage to buck the official narrative these days. But since he can't be dismissed as a "white supremacist" - we'll have to turn to the Critical Social Justice Theory crowd for answers.
According to CSJ tenants any time a person of color goes off script and shares thoughts or opinions of their own - of the - "unapproved variety" - it is clearly an example of - "internalized white colonialism" - and thus not really that person's own valid opinion. I'm sure NPR will quickly respond to officer Johnson's comments by bringing on an appropriately - "woke" CSJ saturated and addled academic - to explain how all this works to we poor peons. : /
What I learned during the Newsom recall is that black people can also be white supremacists, as Larry Elder was described by the LA Times as the "black face of white supremacy".
All the intelligence agencies knew that Trump supporters were going to the capitol for weeks and warned that there were no plans for security. Remember all the cops when BLM protested there? And the other thing not well known is that it was the cops that started the violence by shooting tear gas and rubber bullets at the protesters who were being peaceful. It’s on video. Speaking of videos remember Carlson showing cops with the buffalo guy and opening doors for him. Then Schumer threatened Fox News and no more videos were shown that would have blown up the democrats violent edited dog and pony show.
This man needs to be placed in protective custody. I have always wondered about those DC officers that supposedly killed themselves in the days following the January 6 orchestrations. It recalled neologisms like “Clintoncide” and “Arkancide.” It made me reflect further on the death of Oklahoma City PO Terence Yeakey. Still, at some level comforts an ex-cop such as myself that there are still those willing to say and do the right thing. If only they had the numbers.
NY Times and others, even though this was reported on 60 Minutes (if it really was) should mandatorily alert their readers immediately! Then let the people jailed for J6 out of prison immediately. Put DJT back on the 2024 ballots (or even better how about no election and just put him back in the real WH 8/7/2023) and get FJB and cabinet out of the fake WH. Get rid of WEF and all the perps like Gates, the fraudster and the other Globalists and every leader who allowed C19 to happen and wants more fake viruses to occur.
No election? Just reinstall Trump—who (I hate to break it to you) was installed in the first place? (Can you imagine how "COVID" would have played out if Hillary were in the White House, instead of Trump? How, then, could the country have been violently split? Who would have played the Punch-and-Judy show with Dr. Fauci?)
There's actually strong evidence that Trump didn't really win that contest (though Russia had nothing to do with it)—just as there's strong evidence that Biden didn't win three years ago.
It is good to see someone with a voice bring that up, I've been saying that for years, that there was no way in hell covid would have happened the way it did if Clinton had been president. The only reason there wasn't strong right wing objection to the lockdowns was because Trump allowed them.
Yes, I believe it is a scam, a scripted scam. Trump and covid were the perfect team to break the collective mind of this country with social media keeping the flames alive.
Same thing with the vaccines. Remember Biden and Harris saying that they wouldn’t take the Trump vaccine because it was rushed and there were no long term studies? But then Biden won and he mandated those same vaccines!
And of course Trump promoted HCQ because it worked, but since he did that Democrats poo poo'd it and his executive order to send it to us was ignored.
And he never said to inject bleach, but the media said he did…just too many lies that were meant to divide us.
Correct. Just like the final looting of social security will happen under a democratic president/congress...the "left" will only push back if a big bad republican does it.
It is hard not to see it everywhere, NAFTA, the '94 crime bill, NATO in Yugoslavia, could the new security State have been built under a Gore presidency, could McCain have expanded our wars like Obama did or have pulled off the sweetheart deal known as Obamacare?
I've heard (I'm NOT expressing yea or nay) some argue that with Trump the injection roll out, which was going to happen no matter what he did, deliberately happened more quickly than planned so as to hinder the effectiveness of the planned roll out.
I have no opinion on that. Just something I've heard from maybe two disparate sources.
Fortunately, we have the electoral college, so the millions of "popular votes" which come from the fake registrations in blue cities, aren't usually enough to overcome the EC. In 2020, they had to cheat on for weeks to overcome the margin of victory, and even then, they had to stomp on the 1A to keep the lid just partially on their fraud.
As one living (fourth generation) on the Northern California coast, I can assure you that there hasn't been a clean election here in over two decades.
We in Commiefornia are not as stupid and left as the press seems to intone. That Californians have accepted the idiotic democrat narrative bespeaks two problems:
1). A lying press
2.) An ignorant, TV watching, lazy as hell, 'electorate'.
That democratic operatives were buoyed at the idea that "we are going to win, no matter what" prior to the last election (See Project Veritas files) belies the false nature of elections in this state, indeed, in the country.
Government Quislings are all-in, and they have to be, since the other option is to return to a functioning society and judicial system, where they all go to prison, or for some, to the, hopefully, reinstated gallows.
That's actually a common way to select presidents and PMs. It is far worse in Canada whereby Trudeau can become PM with <30% of public support. People seem to think a direct plurality FPTP system is the norm. It isn't. Even in France they use a run-off system.
The French 2-tier system is totally rigged so that the establishment candidate always wins the first round, along with the far-right candidate. And there have been some very suspicious irregularities even in the second round runoff the last two elections, with many millions of paper ballots being disqualified for "rips" (hanging chads, anyone?), which always seem to occur in the exact same place, as if made by machines, and have overwhelmingly been for the opposition candidate. (I live in France.)
I dont have a problem with it, just making the point he didn't win on votes, he won because the way the electoral college works out, he was able to beat the cities.
Pick your poison. Trump was doing great things before the infiltrators released a planned virus to cheat on an election. Hillary and cabal’s plan was to have us locked up for years. Again, pick your poison....
Think you should do a post showing the strong evidence Trump didn’t win 2016.
In the same post show why evidence is sketchy that many musicians did not just organically, from out nowhere, but have connections too many high powered establishment or intel figures. Try not to cherry pick one or two to prove you point, but look at the entire landscape
Next you will be telling me there is no evidence that Paley founder of CBS and the others also just came out of nowhere. There is no evidence connecting Hollywood and these same intel folks. The studios, stars, films all organic as well.
Or how about the modern art scene. I can’t remember the name but there was a war department focused on culture. Spent fortunes pushing ‘art’ and multiple ‘art’ magazines popped up around the same time as our fearless musical revolutionaries. Just odd timing. All organic.
many of these ‘art’ rags have been exposed as funded and fronted by Intel
Look up Frances Stormer, who I think was there to just spin what was coming out away. There are others also.
If you put it all in one post, your audience will get a front row seat to the criteria you use to classify evidence as ‘strong’ vs ‘supposition’
BTW, you’re making a big assumption if Hillary had been POTUS, Covid would have still happened. You literally have no evidence of that and I am sure we can both agree that the people running things don’t have a static planogram with ‘things’ that must happen and when.
More likely they know the outcomes they want and then work within that to insert and switch things to get there
Covid was not necessarily something that definitely was going to happen if Hillary had been POTUS
I appreciate all the work you do documented the vax nightmare
If Hillary had won the Covid Plandemic would have occurred during her term. That was one of the reasons they wanted her in there so badly. And right in the face of Brexit freedom event, which would have been blocked with Covid.
I'm not sure except maybe because his whole goal was to pull out the Deep State and I consider Gates to be a part of the grouping. He did also speak with RFK Jr because they both realized that most shots harmed lots of people and should never be mandated. Gates then talked him into not speaking again with Bobby or putting him in his cabinet. He should have trusted his first instincts.
It's this example and others as to why I can't understand why they think Trump is still going to take down the deep state. He's either an idiot for trusting those people and institutions or he is in on it. He couldn't even adequately challenge Fauci, who is a serial liar.
Whats funny about all this is before they started heaping these lawsuits and indictments on him, he wasn't polling all that well. A significant part of that coalition was leaning towards DeSantis because of the vaccine issues.
But then the Mar O Lago raid happened and many returned.
This whole thing is reading like a pro-wrestling script.
Probably shouldn't buy anything that is based on an X post. There is an NPR story about him that doesn't really clarify much. He was a Capitol policeman and he was there that day. Skepticism is always best.
Those who watched it live from different angles by citizen journalists, of which there many on youtube - knew this as it was happening. But nooo we’re just conspiracy theorists.
Dear Lord, please protect Officer Johnson from harm 🙏
Don’t forget, Trump was also set up, or set himself up. Played into the hands of those who would frame him and his followers in a narrative of treason.
Just as with Operation Warp Speed. He's been a patsy all along.
It's embarrassing how many times he has been booed by supporters whenever he tries to brag about the shots or warp speed. He seems as stubborn as Fauci in refusing to admit they were a mistake.
Those shots were no mistake.
Right? Those vaccines are working remarkably well, if you read what Bourla brags about, a 60% global population reduction.
And Bourla thinks the earth is overpopulated?
Wait til he gets to hell.
What if hell is right here and now?
It's not. But it's coming.
Well, if this isn't hell can you just imagine what the real thing is like. No thank you.
No, they certainly were not.
no they weren't and i didn't make the mistake of taking them.
He knew from the get go what those shots were all about. I wish people would stop with the “he didn’t know”, he was “misinformed”, bullcrap.
He signed EO13887 in Sept 2019 Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States to Promote National Security and Public Health
Which opened the door for the EUA which gave the criminal pharmafia and the medical cartel all they needed to do what they did.
So that’s why he isn’t stubborn to admit a mistake. He knew at least a year before the game plan that was gonna go down.
And I’m sure Trump had a lot of interesting tips from Roy Cohn😉.
With having a friend like Cohn, there’s not a shadow of a doubt that The Trumpster is NOT some naive, kept in the dark, oh geez I didn’t know, type of guy. I’m sure he learned a lot from Cohn.
BIG TIME! And look at the connections Cohn had.
Precisely. Yet his die hard supporters just cannot (will not) reconcile this inconvenient truth. They all should be in jail.
That isnt always true, but Biden vs Trump, Biden is a Totalitarian, so what do we do?
The problem is that they did not live up to his very specific and extremely well done CONTRACT, says former Pfizer biochemical analyst whistle blower Karen Kingston, who understands both the chemistry AND the legalese. Trump was lied to by Isadora Duncan Birks and Anthony "Dr. Faustus" Fauci and Big Pharma. THAT is what I think Trump needs to admit and call out. Those are the FACTS. See Kingston's Substack and/or her many interviews with Greg Hunter of USA Watchdog on Rumble. Ms. Generis says, "HUBRIS IS THE WORST PANDEMIC OF ALL."
No... not just stubborn. He's an idiot... and transactional. If he gets paid, he's your guy.
Yes, and the advisor closest too him, Pence, was a snake in the grass. Pence ran Warp Speed and Pence didn't honor the correct electoral procedure under the extraordinary circumstances.
Pence also brought the horrible Fraudci and Scarf lady to the mix! He’s a traitor many times over!
Pence is possibly the most evil of all of them. He is a Psychopath to the point he thinks his thoughts are normal.
And his ratings are in the sewer. Say good by Rino!
Even worse was Chris Christie. And Jeff Sessions.
You can also look up the role Pence had in the Anthrax scam following 9/11. Deep state all the way.
Remember when that black fly landed on his head during the debate? Satan always shows you what he is going to do and with whom.
He invited the public to J6 with "It will be wild!!"
After kangaroo copping the election fraud.
After inviting Republicans to (notoriously hard to watchdog) "early voting".
After "fathering" (own word) warp speed.
After rolling out helicopter cash to Democrat! governors to lockdown
After platforming Fauci.
After declaring quack emergency.
After bff bill hill epstein.
After playing kayfabe in World Wrestling Entertainment.
Best reality actor ever! Most gay friendly president ever! Most wanted-to-insert-rape-exceptions-into-GOP-Platform ever!
Bingo! I’ve been calling Trump a patsy for both parties when he didn’t expose the false Russia gate story. He had access to the information that Durham recently released which many people knew years ago but he didn’t use it to clear his name? Sure. It wasn’t until he was almost out of office before he exposed the lie that Russia hacked the DNC computers. No one did.
It wasn’t Fauci who closed down the country, but Trump with his executive order and so much more.
And he never even tried to put his pal Hillary in prison even though there was tons of evidence against her.
Patsy indeed.
And he still says the vaccines saved millions of lives.
“Patsy” in regards to Trump has very special significance: Trump is effectively carrying a package of “curtain rods” to work on the day of the the JFK assassination. He is a professional actor. But like any good patsy, when he is rendered disposable, discarded, hung out to dry, he complains like Oswald did. Theater ensues, and even if convicted for Jan 6th etc. Trump would possibly be pardoned.
I agree that.
Only because Trumpstein's chosen to remain willfully ignorant! Either that, or he's simply too dumbed-down to see what's been going on by his chosen "tribe"!
Patsy for who, Mark
Are you saying Trump was the first patsy POTUS? Or they all are?
Can’t have it both ways?
You have dedicated your life to propaganda. I think the least you can do, is an an article, where you can explain Trump was a patsy, and for who?
Let us know if previous POTUS were, and for whom?
Or in your opinion, was Trump the first and only patsy, POTUS?
I shuddered in my bones when I heard Trump tell people to show up in DC on 6 Jan to let the government know they were not happy with the 2020 result. I knew it would not end well; perhaps someone behind the scenes who convinced him to do this also knew it would not end well. Trump is not a brilliant man, but to assume that he honestly believed, especially with so much lead time, that nothing nefarious would happen is a bridge too far, IMO.
It is utterly amazing how easily Trump has been duped and manipulated by his "advisors". You would think he would have someone on the ball who would have warned him of the J6 plot. He made a mistake right from the start surrounding himself with corrupt insiders like Mike Pence and Chris Christie. He had a good advisor in the name of General Flynn and he stupidly let them railroad him out of his job. He should have fired the FBI & DOJ heads on the spot.
One can only hope if they let him get reelected he won't be President Woozy-man this time.
When Americans finally get the message that the two sides of the political arena are one in the same there might be some movement. It's past time to stop giving it so much focus. Taking personal responsibility and conducting ourselves in the highest mind-set possible just might get us out of this chaos, if not for the collective, at least individually.
Neil Oliver: The right and natural way of things will prevail, because the universe wants that:
Thank you Neil! Beautifully said.
Trump could have fired/replaced anyone on his team at any time. He isn't going to be reelected. He's just out to hog the nomination so that no other candidate can actually stand in opposition to the democrats. Remember how Bob Dole was anointed as the GOP candidate against the Clinton co-presidency's 2nd term? This is a similar deal.
The only other candidate the Republicans have who could win is Vivek. We know now that DeSantis is corrupt and a lackey for China. If Trump is allowed to run, and he loses it will be due to election fraud as it was in 2020. RFKjr would beat Trump but no way the Demonrats will allow him to run. And Cornel West will be a wild card, who could screw up the Dems, bad.
The whole electoral circus is a waste of time, or worse. Speculating on who could win just ignores the obvious fact that presidents are simply installed.
Thank you for being the only person beside me in three years to point out the parallels to the Reichstag fire.
if you think you're the only one to think that, you don't get out much.
Thanks for pointing that out, living at the Canadian border I hear from the herons, the osprey and the bullfrogs about other things. I am happy you and others are clicking on this. Obviously I made an outrageously narcissistic comment and I am delighted to get confirmation that there is a thinking world out there where I do not want to go.
Wow Margie.
I compare it to the Reichstag Fire all the time. Wish I heard it from other people more often too.
What is missing from the Reichstag fire theory is the actual fire.
I suspect the original plan was that the people there would riot for real and torch the building, esp. after Ashley was shot dead.
The plot fell apart though when people stayed inside the velvet ropes and didn't chimp out.
Had they not done that then I think there would have been a state crackdown on all Trump supporters with the FBI fully engaged in finding domestic terrorists and putting them in internment camps.
How anyone can believe that an organized "insurrection" was planned and executed with NO WEAPONS!!! That would have to be the stupidest insurrection in history. It was obviously a protest. Just watch a few of the cellphone videos and it is evident that there were a bunch of very disciplined, calm, methodical individuals walking around, whispering in people's ears, and pulling down barriers and opening doors and entrapping everyone.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but so was 9/11. It was all controlled demolition and the evidence is overwhelming -- remember Building 7? I thought not, I didn't either. See (architects and engineers for 9/11 Truth -- their video makes this beyond any doubt ). See also Pilots for 9/11 Truth. See the works of David Ray Griffin and articles by Paul Craig Roberts (Asst. Sec'y of Treasury under Reagan) on his website.
You don't have to dig very deep to find out the truth, plus this is another one of those things like the JFK assassination where the government does a shabby investigation then destroys the evidence. Same holds for the Pentagon crash and Flight 93.
I only came across this last August while I was reading, in bed with a mild case of the Wuhan flu. Took me two weeks before I could eat anything after having to readjust my entire understanding of what happened on that tragic day.
Good luck with the Truth.
PS The Truth does not always set you free. Sometimes it puts you permanently into deep, dark waters.
I’ve been in “deep dark waters” for quite a few years. Once you’re awake, everything you see is totally DIFFERENT!
I know, Renee. It changed me forever. I used to be active in the local Republican party, but I find I can't even relate to them anymore. It's weird, isn't it?
No, it’s not weird at all! I feel the same way! I’m out! I’m done supporting government. After I see what’s been done in this country from BOTH parties, I will not add fuel to the dumpster fire.
It’s worse than I ever imagined.
It can be very depressing. Such evil in this world.
Because everyone in power or media ignored the blatant 9/11 False Flag we got the Iraq & Afghanistan wars, and libya & Syria. Millions of deaths. And the Covid Plandemic. And further back the JFK, RFK, MLK assassinations. Let evil rein free and it will just keep growing.
I remember the controlled demolition of Building 7 on the day it happened. For the past 20+ years I have been telling everyone I know and on many online forums that 911 was orchestrated by the U.S. DIPs (demons in power). Who was in charge then? The RepubRats with retarded Bush Jr at the helm.
No one cared 20 years ago and no one cares now.
Now the DemonRats are in charge with retarded Biden at the helm. Nothing changes. It is all BS and grifting 24/7/365.
Outrageous claims. Next you'll be saying that the War of 1812 (which EEUU lost) was about Madison wanting to annex Canada. (General Isaac Brock and Tecumseh thwarted Madison's ambitions despite the U.S. having a 20 to 1 advantage in men and material. ) And you'll probably also claim that Japan was provoked into bombing Pearl Harbor, that Roosevelt knew it was going to happen, and that the atom bombs that murdered hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians were really a warning to the USSR.
Sounds like you have a lot of in depth real research to do on all things historical and political, as well as in the biological sciences.
Sounds like you're incapable of recognizing irony.
The U.S. lost the War of 1812, Japan was provoked by economic sanctions and the transfer of American naval base from San Diego to Pearl Harbor, and that revolting psychopath Truman dropped two atomic bombs on civilians for no good reason except to intimidate Stalin.
Sorry, hard to tell when no context. Still, you're not getting the whole Pearl Harbor thing correct, none of history is correct, literally none. And your comment about David Martin leads one to realize you still have some more to research and uncover.
I like some things David Martin says but not all.
I don't trust gurus.
I agree with you about history and while I suspect the official stories of everything are suspect,
we can only guess what really happened.
I apologize for the sharpness of my comment and suspect that if we ever met and shared a conversation, we'd agree on most things.
No apology necessary, but thank you.
These forms of communication are lacking greatly, unfortunately. I'd say that most on this particular substack are at least well on their way to finding just how much of our perceived lives have been an illusion and it's a long journey to travel, but the willingness and open mindedness to do so is commendable. It helps to be a natural rebel with an insatiable curiosity for answers to everything.
Whatever happened to Pilots for 9/11 Truth?
Good question. I can't find a link.
A friend who is a pilot can't believe anyone who never flew a jetliner could get behind the controls and fly the thing into a building.
What's more a standard passenger jet could not penetrate the heavy outer columns on the trade centers. The planes were exchanged for drones, you can see the communications/control pod on the bottom of the plane that flew into WTC2. So the drones had to have been fitted with standard military penetrating ordnance on the front of the wings & fuselage. Off chance they could have used armored wings & front fuselage to penetrate the heavy steel, but I suspect they used shaped charges instead.
And, of course, that explains Flight 93, which almost certainly was meant to fly into WTC7, but had a control malfunction so it veered off course and they had to shoot it down, spreading debris over a wide area. One small piece likely fell into that hole at Shanksville, but no way a full plane could even come remotely close to burrowing into that ground. There are such things as the laws of Physics.
9/11 PODs and Remote Control Plane Theory:
9/11 PODs and Remote Control Plane Theory - video Dailymotion WTC2 video, Flight 175, Boeing 767-222/ER:
Gallery | 9/11 Anomalies Plane Boeing 767 crash into WTC2 pictures, remote control pod
"....First off, all serious researchers aside from Morgan Reynolds (a former Bush economist) agree that planes actually hit the towers, however the planes that hit the towers had no windows and extra equipment attached (PODs) and are believed to be remote control drone aircraft. In fact, a similar plan was devised in 1962 by Robert McNamara called OPERATION NORTHWOODS which detailed flying an aircraft filled with FBI agents (allegedly college students on vacation) in flight the plane would switch transponder signals with a drone aircraft which would then be shot down over Cuba. The FBI agents on the plane would then land safely and resume new covert identities. There is evidence that a similar plot was hatched on 9/11:
Thomas Deatherage, Former Airline Captain B- 747-400 and B- 737-300: "After viewing many posted videos on "Youtube" I can tell you without hesitation that clearly aircraft # 2 B-767 - was radio controlled into the building Tower 2. The "pod" mounted on the bottom of the aircraft, is manufactured by "Martin Marietta" Corporation in Los Angeles. The pod has been used extensively by the USAF for outfitting drone aircraft for over 22 years, and you can clearly see it in (4) of the amateur videos- just before impact, with tower # 2. Also, I would like to find an insider A and P mechanic at both United and America to cross reference the A/C serial number of flight 77 and 93. I guarantee that they change the N issued tail number. However, one could trace and find this original A/C, from an insider employee, at these companies- leading to the smoking gun these aircraft were not destroyed."
The buildings were planted with explosives to cause a controlled demolition.
Yes, we all know that, but they would not be able to precisely blow a hole into the side of a building in the shape of an airplane right where the drone happens to hit. So they would have had to mount shaped charges on the front of the drones to cut those holes into the structure, so the drone could explode inside the building.
Do a search on Bitchute about the truth about 911 - total deception created the false belief that jets took down the Twin Towers. Holograms were used to create special effects to convince people they actually saw it happen.
ReBecca: Rebekah Roth does a good job of laying out how they pulled it off, including the Airbase where the original planes were diverted to, and where the impossible phone calls were made from. As well as the unusual language used in the phone calls, like they were reading from a script.
Just for clarification the person called ReBecca on here is not me. Someone confused us. I am another Rebecca who occasionally posts about the need for a real 9/11 investigation. However, I am not a proponent of the "holograms" theory. I lived in NYC on 9/11 and knew multiple people who worked in and near the WTC, some of whom were around the area at the time it happened. My then fiancé also worked 2-3 blocks away from the WTC complex on 9/11.
Thank you ReBecca and SmithFS for the links and suggestions.
I've read a lot about 911 and seen Mazzucco's excellent movie:
I suspect ReBecca is right about the building being seeded with explosives and agree with a lot of SFS's info. Look forward to checking out some of the links he provided.
I suspect the buildings were actually hit by planes but don't know which planes.
The original planes could have been taken over by remote control.
If I might recommend two good dvds:
Again, I thank you both for sharing links and info.
Ignorance is bliss. Knowledge can be torture.
Diane, I agree that you don't have to dig very deep into 9/11 to see that the official version of events makes no sense at all. The people who come up with these official stories are idiots. What they think sounds good shows that they're midwit liars at best. With so much evidence destroyed, though, finding the truth isn't easy.
From the first day, Building 7 was the smoking gun. The building wasn't damaged enough to make it unsafe, and pulling off an obvious controlled demolition simply showed anyone who noticed it happening that the towers had been demolished with explosives as well. The fact that the media immediately reported it as having collapsed on its own was final proof.
I also remembered how Rudy Giuliani helped establish and promote the whole idiotic official 9/11 lie. The fact that he became Trump's closest advisor during the election theft should have awakened any Trump supporters who were still asleep, but...
On 9/11 I knew someone in the vicinity of Building 7 the morning of 9/11. He was told by either police or FD that the building would have to be demolished "because it is damaged." We were just a bit surprised when the building then spontaneously apparently demolished itself several hours later... smh
SMH, as well. I didn't catch it on the day it happened, but the BBC reporter's broadcast with the view of Bldg7 in the background was also an eye-opener, once I read about it, in subsequent days. The way the media outlets were coordinating so completely was eerie, to say the least. That old southern saying comes to mind: "When everybody's telling the same tale, it's bound to be a lie".
That whole day must have been unreal to people who witnessed it on the ground.
There is nothing more gross and incriminating than democrat and corporate media's defense of Ray Epps.
The feds there that day and all of their informants engaged in violence should be locked up a lot longer than the people that fell into their trap.
We're all being played in the sense that we are still 'reacting' to what ever the state does.
Let's shut the news off. Stop funding government in every possible way. Quit buying from giant corporate powers that inject their toxic views/chemicals/greed into everything.
We need to remind people that everything around them is on a rug that can be pulled out from under them, if they continue to utilize services peopled by these weasels.
Source locally. Buy small, consume way less, share all.
This earth and all it's resources belong to every human being on earth. Resources do not belong exclusively to the acquisition minded Quisling parasite weasel billionaires who portion it out in a manner that reinforces poverty. This earth can easily support us all, and more.
Just as we all have God-given, certain and inalienable rights, we also have an inalienable right to give the middle finger to all these costumed enforcers of death and dissolution.
Make the purveyors of these lies into jackals, ridiculed in every public arena. French collaborator were shaved and ridiculed at every turn after the war.
That said, I would gladly embrace every penitent globalist, with a kiss on the cheek.
Give no quarter to the lying Quislings, otherwise.
Why is it so difficult to get more officers, everywhere, to stand up for what is right?
We did. We got fired.
God bless you for taking a stand. I just don't understand why more officers don't appreciate the long term repercussions of their failure to stand with their fellow human beings. It's a failure to stand for the future of humanity. We need to be fearless for our numbers to grow. We really are all in this together. Thank you for your commitment.
Josh, I totally understand what you’re saying! I knew CONvid was a scam, to what extent still amazes me. It was soul crushing to see everything transpiring, and knowing it went against Truth. I believe in God/Creator and prayed daily before work. I received guidance, discernment, and Grace, which only strengthened my faith in the love of God. Every individual soul has free will, always! Us human beings are on this journey, on the physical plane, together. What a time! It is up to all of us to help one another.
Don’t ever forget that God loves you Josh. Bless you!
It has been known forever that the people who apply to be police officers in any country should under no circumstances ever be allowed to become police officers because they are hateful control freaks for the most part.
I remember a BBC program where they followed British police officers being trained to use guns. Very few British police have guns and they have to apply to join a gun squad. They were being taught by ex-army officers and the BBC crew sat with the ex-army guys during a lunch break and one of them said that the people we are being sent to train are the last people on earth that should be given guns as they want to have them for their own reasons. The BBC guy asked what he meant and he said well look what we told them today that they were not to carry a gun when it wasn't necessary and do you see a single one of them sitting in here at lunch that doesn't have a gun with them and yet none of we trainers are sitting here with a gun.
I can't imagine being a police officer. You deal with the dregs of society all day and you then have to support the DIPs (demons in power), no questions asked.
I always assumed to be a police officer one must enjoy chaos and violence, or else the daily grind of the job would drive a normal, moral, non violent person insane.
I used to be a newspaper reporter and frequently spoke to the police. I think it is true. It is a very difficult job, especially in certain places.
New York state is begging for state troopers. I say good that the average Joe is not signing up to be a "peace officer." Let the system crumble. Let the DIPs stop being propped up by "law enforcement." Maybe it is time for anarchy to remove the DIPs from their golden thrones.
& THE U.S.A. !
Police Officer Tarik Johnson !
To You & Yours.
& Your Fellow Officers In Blue.
Several officers committed suicide after Jan 6th. We will never know why but I would imagine this weighted heavily on many of them on top of any other issues they had.
That's what I think. Maybe even Officer Brian Sicknick I suspect was given a CIA drug to induce a stroke. They had the story of him being killed by the protestors all set up.
Respect to Officer Johnson for speaking up. It takes real courage to buck the official narrative these days. But since he can't be dismissed as a "white supremacist" - we'll have to turn to the Critical Social Justice Theory crowd for answers.
According to CSJ tenants any time a person of color goes off script and shares thoughts or opinions of their own - of the - "unapproved variety" - it is clearly an example of - "internalized white colonialism" - and thus not really that person's own valid opinion. I'm sure NPR will quickly respond to officer Johnson's comments by bringing on an appropriately - "woke" CSJ saturated and addled academic - to explain how all this works to we poor peons. : /
What I learned during the Newsom recall is that black people can also be white supremacists, as Larry Elder was described by the LA Times as the "black face of white supremacy".
Actually, NPR did interview him.
All the intelligence agencies knew that Trump supporters were going to the capitol for weeks and warned that there were no plans for security. Remember all the cops when BLM protested there? And the other thing not well known is that it was the cops that started the violence by shooting tear gas and rubber bullets at the protesters who were being peaceful. It’s on video. Speaking of videos remember Carlson showing cops with the buffalo guy and opening doors for him. Then Schumer threatened Fox News and no more videos were shown that would have blown up the democrats violent edited dog and pony show.
This man needs to be placed in protective custody. I have always wondered about those DC officers that supposedly killed themselves in the days following the January 6 orchestrations. It recalled neologisms like “Clintoncide” and “Arkancide.” It made me reflect further on the death of Oklahoma City PO Terence Yeakey. Still, at some level comforts an ex-cop such as myself that there are still those willing to say and do the right thing. If only they had the numbers.
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Those neologisms have helped distract attention from the CIA, which handles all such "wet work."
thank you!!!!
so seriously needed correction.
be well we love you
NY Times and others, even though this was reported on 60 Minutes (if it really was) should mandatorily alert their readers immediately! Then let the people jailed for J6 out of prison immediately. Put DJT back on the 2024 ballots (or even better how about no election and just put him back in the real WH 8/7/2023) and get FJB and cabinet out of the fake WH. Get rid of WEF and all the perps like Gates, the fraudster and the other Globalists and every leader who allowed C19 to happen and wants more fake viruses to occur.
No election? Just reinstall Trump—who (I hate to break it to you) was installed in the first place? (Can you imagine how "COVID" would have played out if Hillary were in the White House, instead of Trump? How, then, could the country have been violently split? Who would have played the Punch-and-Judy show with Dr. Fauci?)
There's actually strong evidence that Trump didn't really win that contest (though Russia had nothing to do with it)—just as there's strong evidence that Biden didn't win three years ago.
It is good to see someone with a voice bring that up, I've been saying that for years, that there was no way in hell covid would have happened the way it did if Clinton had been president. The only reason there wasn't strong right wing objection to the lockdowns was because Trump allowed them.
Yes, I believe it is a scam, a scripted scam. Trump and covid were the perfect team to break the collective mind of this country with social media keeping the flames alive.
Same thing with the vaccines. Remember Biden and Harris saying that they wouldn’t take the Trump vaccine because it was rushed and there were no long term studies? But then Biden won and he mandated those same vaccines!
And of course Trump promoted HCQ because it worked, but since he did that Democrats poo poo'd it and his executive order to send it to us was ignored.
And he never said to inject bleach, but the media said he did…just too many lies that were meant to divide us.
the majority of my friends say they did not take the trump vaccine - they waited and took the biden vaccine, which was obviously much better.
yup, this is how the "trust the science" crowd thinks.
The insanity of it all is baffling.
Demonic Clowns. All of them.
Correct. Just like the final looting of social security will happen under a democratic president/congress...the "left" will only push back if a big bad republican does it.
It is hard not to see it everywhere, NAFTA, the '94 crime bill, NATO in Yugoslavia, could the new security State have been built under a Gore presidency, could McCain have expanded our wars like Obama did or have pulled off the sweetheart deal known as Obamacare?
I've heard (I'm NOT expressing yea or nay) some argue that with Trump the injection roll out, which was going to happen no matter what he did, deliberately happened more quickly than planned so as to hinder the effectiveness of the planned roll out.
I have no opinion on that. Just something I've heard from maybe two disparate sources.
How do you imagine things would have played out with Hillary in command?
I think half the country would have said "no" and it would not have worked.
Interesting. I too have wondered.
Sorry, but I believe DJT won because millions actually voted for him and very few wanted HRC. I only know a handful of people who didn't vote for him.
I'm honestly surprised people are still debating like we have secure elections. They've been rigged for decades.
You do know he lost the popular vote by millions?
Fortunately, we have the electoral college, so the millions of "popular votes" which come from the fake registrations in blue cities, aren't usually enough to overcome the EC. In 2020, they had to cheat on for weeks to overcome the margin of victory, and even then, they had to stomp on the 1A to keep the lid just partially on their fraud.
by the leftist millions on the coasts where most of the population is. not inland.
As one living (fourth generation) on the Northern California coast, I can assure you that there hasn't been a clean election here in over two decades.
We in Commiefornia are not as stupid and left as the press seems to intone. That Californians have accepted the idiotic democrat narrative bespeaks two problems:
1). A lying press
2.) An ignorant, TV watching, lazy as hell, 'electorate'.
That democratic operatives were buoyed at the idea that "we are going to win, no matter what" prior to the last election (See Project Veritas files) belies the false nature of elections in this state, indeed, in the country.
Government Quislings are all-in, and they have to be, since the other option is to return to a functioning society and judicial system, where they all go to prison, or for some, to the, hopefully, reinstated gallows.
That's actually a common way to select presidents and PMs. It is far worse in Canada whereby Trudeau can become PM with <30% of public support. People seem to think a direct plurality FPTP system is the norm. It isn't. Even in France they use a run-off system.
The French 2-tier system is totally rigged so that the establishment candidate always wins the first round, along with the far-right candidate. And there have been some very suspicious irregularities even in the second round runoff the last two elections, with many millions of paper ballots being disqualified for "rips" (hanging chads, anyone?), which always seem to occur in the exact same place, as if made by machines, and have overwhelmingly been for the opposition candidate. (I live in France.)
I dont have a problem with it, just making the point he didn't win on votes, he won because the way the electoral college works out, he was able to beat the cities.
I had heard that but I don't believe that.
🎯MCM , every comment ..... thank u.
Link to said evidence? I've never seen anything like that.
Pick your poison. Trump was doing great things before the infiltrators released a planned virus to cheat on an election. Hillary and cabal’s plan was to have us locked up for years. Again, pick your poison....
Think you should do a post showing the strong evidence Trump didn’t win 2016.
In the same post show why evidence is sketchy that many musicians did not just organically, from out nowhere, but have connections too many high powered establishment or intel figures. Try not to cherry pick one or two to prove you point, but look at the entire landscape
Next you will be telling me there is no evidence that Paley founder of CBS and the others also just came out of nowhere. There is no evidence connecting Hollywood and these same intel folks. The studios, stars, films all organic as well.
Or how about the modern art scene. I can’t remember the name but there was a war department focused on culture. Spent fortunes pushing ‘art’ and multiple ‘art’ magazines popped up around the same time as our fearless musical revolutionaries. Just odd timing. All organic.
many of these ‘art’ rags have been exposed as funded and fronted by Intel
Look up Frances Stormer, who I think was there to just spin what was coming out away. There are others also.
If you put it all in one post, your audience will get a front row seat to the criteria you use to classify evidence as ‘strong’ vs ‘supposition’
BTW, you’re making a big assumption if Hillary had been POTUS, Covid would have still happened. You literally have no evidence of that and I am sure we can both agree that the people running things don’t have a static planogram with ‘things’ that must happen and when.
More likely they know the outcomes they want and then work within that to insert and switch things to get there
Covid was not necessarily something that definitely was going to happen if Hillary had been POTUS
I appreciate all the work you do documented the vax nightmare
so trump stole the election from killary?
Mark says so
But offers no proof
I asked him to write a post showing his evidence
I doubt he ever will
If Hillary had won the Covid Plandemic would have occurred during her term. That was one of the reasons they wanted her in there so badly. And right in the face of Brexit freedom event, which would have been blocked with Covid.
I have serious doubts that had Hillary said to lockdown, half if the country would have said no way.
I dont see how she could get away with it.
You dont send Woody Guthrie to open ties with China, you send Kissinger.
Because had Hillary been POTUS they would not have played this card
Understand this. Mark Crispin Miller knows this.
He is more than okay with pretending he doesn’t to mislead you all
Pretty sure he stated above the opposite
No it wouldn’t. It was not needed
She would have signed on to so many treaties that Obama government had lined up, it would make your head spin
No need just yet for Covid
When Trump stopped funding the WHO he gave the money to Bill Gates. I can’t find the link for this, but if it’s true why would he do that?
I'm not sure except maybe because his whole goal was to pull out the Deep State and I consider Gates to be a part of the grouping. He did also speak with RFK Jr because they both realized that most shots harmed lots of people and should never be mandated. Gates then talked him into not speaking again with Bobby or putting him in his cabinet. He should have trusted his first instincts.
It's this example and others as to why I can't understand why they think Trump is still going to take down the deep state. He's either an idiot for trusting those people and institutions or he is in on it. He couldn't even adequately challenge Fauci, who is a serial liar.
Whats funny about all this is before they started heaping these lawsuits and indictments on him, he wasn't polling all that well. A significant part of that coalition was leaning towards DeSantis because of the vaccine issues.
But then the Mar O Lago raid happened and many returned.
This whole thing is reading like a pro-wrestling script.
This is theater…the duopoly infighting with Trump as the beleaguered protagonist is for home consumption.
Good for him. He GETS it.
I don’t buy it.
Don't buy what, exactly?
I don’t “buy” this cop.
Probably shouldn't buy anything that is based on an X post. There is an NPR story about him that doesn't really clarify much. He was a Capitol policeman and he was there that day. Skepticism is always best.
An on duty law enforcement officer wouldn’t do what he did. It’s super strange, in my humble opinion.
Those who watched it live from different angles by citizen journalists, of which there many on youtube - knew this as it was happening. But nooo we’re just conspiracy theorists.