Respect to Officer Johnson for speaking up. It takes real courage to buck the official narrative these days. But since he can't be dismissed as a "white supremacist" - we'll have to turn to the Critical Social Justice Theory crowd for answers.
According to CSJ tenants any time a person of color goes off script and shares thoughts or opini…
Respect to Officer Johnson for speaking up. It takes real courage to buck the official narrative these days. But since he can't be dismissed as a "white supremacist" - we'll have to turn to the Critical Social Justice Theory crowd for answers.
According to CSJ tenants any time a person of color goes off script and shares thoughts or opinions of their own - of the - "unapproved variety" - it is clearly an example of - "internalized white colonialism" - and thus not really that person's own valid opinion. I'm sure NPR will quickly respond to officer Johnson's comments by bringing on an appropriately - "woke" CSJ saturated and addled academic - to explain how all this works to we poor peons. : /
What I learned during the Newsom recall is that black people can also be white supremacists, as Larry Elder was described by the LA Times as the "black face of white supremacy".
All the intelligence agencies knew that Trump supporters were going to the capitol for weeks and warned that there were no plans for security. Remember all the cops when BLM protested there? And the other thing not well known is that it was the cops that started the violence by shooting tear gas and rubber bullets at the protesters who were being peaceful. It’s on video. Speaking of videos remember Carlson showing cops with the buffalo guy and opening doors for him. Then Schumer threatened Fox News and no more videos were shown that would have blown up the democrats violent edited dog and pony show.
Respect to Officer Johnson for speaking up. It takes real courage to buck the official narrative these days. But since he can't be dismissed as a "white supremacist" - we'll have to turn to the Critical Social Justice Theory crowd for answers.
According to CSJ tenants any time a person of color goes off script and shares thoughts or opinions of their own - of the - "unapproved variety" - it is clearly an example of - "internalized white colonialism" - and thus not really that person's own valid opinion. I'm sure NPR will quickly respond to officer Johnson's comments by bringing on an appropriately - "woke" CSJ saturated and addled academic - to explain how all this works to we poor peons. : /
What I learned during the Newsom recall is that black people can also be white supremacists, as Larry Elder was described by the LA Times as the "black face of white supremacy".
Actually, NPR did interview him.
All the intelligence agencies knew that Trump supporters were going to the capitol for weeks and warned that there were no plans for security. Remember all the cops when BLM protested there? And the other thing not well known is that it was the cops that started the violence by shooting tear gas and rubber bullets at the protesters who were being peaceful. It’s on video. Speaking of videos remember Carlson showing cops with the buffalo guy and opening doors for him. Then Schumer threatened Fox News and no more videos were shown that would have blown up the democrats violent edited dog and pony show.