We're all being played in the sense that we are still 'reacting' to what ever the state does.
Let's shut the news off. Stop funding government in every possible way. Quit buying from giant corporate powers that inject their toxic views/chemicals/greed into everything.
We need to remind people that everything around them is on a rug that ca…
We're all being played in the sense that we are still 'reacting' to what ever the state does.
Let's shut the news off. Stop funding government in every possible way. Quit buying from giant corporate powers that inject their toxic views/chemicals/greed into everything.
We need to remind people that everything around them is on a rug that can be pulled out from under them, if they continue to utilize services peopled by these weasels.
Source locally. Buy small, consume way less, share all.
This earth and all it's resources belong to every human being on earth. Resources do not belong exclusively to the acquisition minded Quisling parasite weasel billionaires who portion it out in a manner that reinforces poverty. This earth can easily support us all, and more.
Just as we all have God-given, certain and inalienable rights, we also have an inalienable right to give the middle finger to all these costumed enforcers of death and dissolution.
Make the purveyors of these lies into jackals, ridiculed in every public arena. French collaborator were shaved and ridiculed at every turn after the war.
That said, I would gladly embrace every penitent globalist, with a kiss on the cheek.
Give no quarter to the lying Quislings, otherwise.
We're all being played in the sense that we are still 'reacting' to what ever the state does.
Let's shut the news off. Stop funding government in every possible way. Quit buying from giant corporate powers that inject their toxic views/chemicals/greed into everything.
We need to remind people that everything around them is on a rug that can be pulled out from under them, if they continue to utilize services peopled by these weasels.
Source locally. Buy small, consume way less, share all.
This earth and all it's resources belong to every human being on earth. Resources do not belong exclusively to the acquisition minded Quisling parasite weasel billionaires who portion it out in a manner that reinforces poverty. This earth can easily support us all, and more.
Just as we all have God-given, certain and inalienable rights, we also have an inalienable right to give the middle finger to all these costumed enforcers of death and dissolution.
Make the purveyors of these lies into jackals, ridiculed in every public arena. French collaborator were shaved and ridiculed at every turn after the war.
That said, I would gladly embrace every penitent globalist, with a kiss on the cheek.
Give no quarter to the lying Quislings, otherwise.