Because everyone in power or media ignored the blatant 9/11 False Flag we got the Iraq & Afghanistan wars, and libya & Syria. Millions of deaths. And the Covid Plandemic. And further back the JFK, RFK, MLK assassinations. Let evil rein free and it will just keep growing.
Because everyone in power or media ignored the blatant 9/11 False Flag we got the Iraq & Afghanistan wars, and libya & Syria. Millions of deaths. And the Covid Plandemic. And further back the JFK, RFK, MLK assassinations. Let evil rein free and it will just keep growing.
Because everyone in power or media ignored the blatant 9/11 False Flag we got the Iraq & Afghanistan wars, and libya & Syria. Millions of deaths. And the Covid Plandemic. And further back the JFK, RFK, MLK assassinations. Let evil rein free and it will just keep growing.