Must have "COINCIDITIS":

Myocarditis, Pericarditis, Convulsions & Seizures, Arrhythmia, Pulmonary Embolism, Encephalitis, Blood Clots, Stroke, Heart Attack, Venous Thromboembolism, Neurological Impairment, Turbo Cancer, Transverse Myelitis, Thromboctopenia, Kawasaki disease, Guillain-Barre, Autoimmune disease and Sudden Death that all coincidentally and consistently affects those jabbed with mRNA, lipid nanoparticle gene editing technology.

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I cannot imagine what is going through the minds of the vaxxed that are waking up to the fact the vaxx is not safe nor effective. They still get covid even though they are vaxxed. The many side effects, turbo cancers and even sudden and unexpected deaths as well. I wonder how many reflect on their attitude to the unvaxxed during the scamdemic. Especially the ones that were hateful to the unvaxxed. I am still trying to wrap my head around all this. I am unvaxxed.

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You don't need to imagine as we all know. Precisely nothing has changed as they are all in complete denial and if they are told you are evil and should be put on a cattle truck for refusing the next poison jab that Tedros and his gang of criminal fiends at the WHO come up with they will be right there firing you from your job, holding you captive in your house and cheering when the meat wagon comes to take you down to the cattle truck. We are back to a pre-Christian era of humanism/paganism and that is not a world any sane person wants to live in, even humanists/pagans.

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Count 1: 18 U.S.C. § 2331 §§ 802 - Acts of Domestic Terrorism resulting in death of American Citizens

Count 2: 18 USC § 2339- Conspiring to Commit Acts of Terrorism

Count 3. 15 U.S.C. §1-3 - Conspiring to criminal commercial activity

Count 4. 18 USC $ 175 - Funding and Creating a Biological Weapon

Count 5. 15 U.S.C. §8 - Market manipulation and allocation

Count 6. 18 U.S.C. § 1001 - Lying to Congress

Count 7. 15 U.S.C. § 19 - Interlocking directorates

Count 8. 18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious Conspiracy

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Agree 100%. There are no apologies coming. Ever. Such is the human condition.

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I’d like to get a universal crowd apology going for Julian, Edward, Chelsea, and all the other journalists/reporters/Paul Reveres deserving of blessings and never-ending praise for their courage in the face of such terrible, dangerous odds.

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Nice comment as I used to think of myself as a perhaps highly cultured pagan and definitely a humanist. Too bad these traits now seem to make us sure trade for the meat wagon.

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Annie, you just asked the two newest, biggest elephants/questions in the room!

I wonder those same exact things constantly - and wonder when, if ever, us unvaxxed, will be apologized to by our old friends/family........or at least be able to discuss it with them.

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AGREED!!! My husband has over 50 yrs experience as a virologist/immunologist & worked in Public Health Dept. for many years advising the public/govt/doctors etc. on how to manage disease/epidemics etc. He also worked with Nobel prize winning scientist on her research team. His own identical twin refused to believe him when he tried to tell him DO NOT get jabbed, this whole covid things is a hoax. His twin absolutely refused to believe him and wouldn't even discuss it. He said "this conversation is over!" and hung up on him. He got jabbed 3 times and is now very sick with no energy, etc. He still won't talk to my husband and of course hasn't apologized. At some point, the whole truth of this will come out to entire public; what these folks will do is anyone's guess but I don't think it will be a pretty sight. They will probably look like this:


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Isn't it already out in public? How much more do these people need to see for them to understand what was done to them.

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I can't speak for the rest of them but my bro-in-law never reads news, not even MSM. I suspect the rest either don't read/watch news of any sort or some are so stubborn they refuse to believe govt would ever do anything harmful to any of us. "Willful stupidity" at its best.

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I guess so. It's very disappointing.

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I had lunch with a longtime friend that I hadn’t seen in years. She told me that Anthony Fauci is her hero, also, if need be, she’d take all those jabs over again.

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there are plenty of things I could be wrong about, but what you just related I'll never understand.

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In my experience, the intellectually challenged and indoctrinated rarely apologize, if ever.

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Annie, I ask myself those very same things every day. So far, only one out of the army of people (all, whom I once, without question, called "friends") has attempted to apologize... It's sad. But - what I can't understand is why there are no calls (from the injured + dying & family members) for justice / retribution.

This was a premeditated plot (we suspected it at the time it was happening) to carry out international genocide. Mass-murder on a scale never before imagined.

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Hope the kool-aid was worth it

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Very few if any, so what goes around comes around...

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And the fake doctor Tedros, of the WHO, wants to make these injections mandatory.

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Well Tedros can take all he wants of those....but if he ever comes near me for any reason he may not feel so well. Of course I don't own any weapons....but ...he could get damaged by a falling brick.

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Tedros did not take any poison - he said that he would not take any while poor African countries were not getting supplies of the poison. He is a CRIMINAL.

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He darkened Michigan last summer at the personal invitation of Gretched Whitless. What does that tell you? 🤔

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ha ha...Evil Gretched is truly a witch. I lived in Ann Arbor for 50 years and we all did hate her. I no longer live in Michigan but when I left there she had caste a dark shadow.

Hope she is gone soon along with her buddy Tedros. How long Oh Lord?...How long?

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That dark shadow involved some of the most absurd and oppressive lockdown policies anywhere. Did the WEF send out memos with lockdown checklists to their mentees?

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It tells me some sniper missed a golden opportunity 😁

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Every 4 months

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Wow! Is that really him? Not a healthy look especially in the midsection.

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Mr. Tedros.

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Shingles too

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I had shingles for some weeks after Mom died years ago, stress for her and my job.. not fun !

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Look at MMS for help. Jim Humble wrote the bible on Chlorine Dioxide. It cured me of Lyme disease, a terrible UTI, and Shingles. I've also used it on infections our cats have had. It works. It's Miracle Mineral Solution, just as Jim Humble says in his book.

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my husband andI use dmso all the time...a close relation to MMS...If everyone used these two incredible breakthrough products we could pour PHARMA and most of their toxic evil products down the toilet. See Dr. Stanley Jacobs

Dr. Stanley W. Jacob: The Visionary Behind DMSO

Dr. Stanley W. Jacob, born in 1924, was a renowned medical doctor, researcher, and a professor of surgery at the Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU). He first stumbled upon DMSO during his tenure at the University of Oregon Medical School in the early 1960s, triggering a lifelong fascination with this versatile chemical compound.

https://www.lifeextension.com › magazine › 2007 › 7 › cover_dmso

The Untapped Healing Potential of DMSO - Life Extension

According to Dr. Stanley Jacob, DMSO holds promise in treating the following conditions: Alzheimer's disease. DMSO has been shown to dissolve amyloids, the proteins that occur in the hallmark brain lesions of patients with Alzheimer's and almost invariably lead to the functional loss and eventual death of brain cells.....( and many other conditions.)

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This website has a section on DMSO....not only does it often relieve arthritis pain and speed healing....it seems to...and this is amazing... increase hair growth and stop balding. I know this sounds incredible....but my husband who is 77 has a full head of BROWN HAIR with a little graying at the edges. Great stuff and is off patent. It is actually TREE JUICE.

which points to the biblical injunction

What does Ezekiel 47:12 mean? | BibleRef.com

Ezekiel 47:12. ESV And on the banks, on both sides of the river, there will grow all kinds of trees for food. Their leaves will not wither, nor their fruit fail, but they will bear fresh fruit every month, because the water for them flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for healing."

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DMSO is the chemical that accounts for a tree being able to draw water up from the ground and into treetops. It is a mysterious chemical that opens cells ...thus permitting both self healing to occur and also hastens effects of the nontoxic good products such as aloe vera etc that heal injuries such as burns. DMSO is god-made. It will help and heal many conditions. Just my opinion. I am not a brainwashed automaton MD....just a person who once was confined to wheelchair with rheumatoid arthritis and now is extremely vigorous as proven by 10 mile hikes and bikran hot yoga practice etc. I credit DMSO and fresh pressed vegetable juice.

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A friend of mine also overcame her Lyme disease using chlorine dioxide. I use it whenever there is a health issue. I have personally seen many positive results.

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"Coinciditis" is THE disease of the 21st Century.

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Looks like Tiger may have a slight case of Guillain-Barre. Common with the RNA injections.

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POTS should be on the list also.

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Don’t forget all the spontaneous miscarriages of young healthy women. SMH.

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Thanks Mark, keep up the posts. A good source of information that we never see from corporate media.

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Good gosh. I recently made a post on this topic, observing that many people I know suddenly look much older ... or "rougher" than I remember them. This, I think, is a real thing although hard or impossible to quantify.

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I notice a lot of people walking slower, listing to one side like a ship that's going down. Some shuffle. Almost like walkers in the ZA.

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Ok at least we are dealing with the 'shufflers' rather than the 'runners' for the ZA. This is good given that I am not getting any younger here.

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BC (before covid) it was noted as "the diabetes knees." Now it's the "poison shot list."

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It's real among the vaxxed but I hadn't heard that shedding could cause rapid aging. I worked with vaxxined clients in '21 as a caregiver. I experienced something like African sleeping sickness around one guy for a month or so after his 2nd shot, and terrible allergies and intense throat tickles and reactions.

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So...did all this bad stuff and "terrible allergies" disappear when you stopped seeing him?

I saw a website claiming these covid vaccines are "self spreading"...I don't know enough about this technology to comment. I refused these "vaccines" and am so thankful to Sucharit Bhakdi et al...who sounded the first major alarm in 2020 in his book CORONA FALSE ALARM...at that time he made a youtube in which he pleaded with people "do not accept these injections....they will cause auto-immune attacks"....Of course now "they" are just finding that out. Among the big problems now are giant increases in cancer and thrombosis....I feel like saying...."well....du-u-hhhh" .....but that would just be bitter. So many terrible "side effects". A horrible tragedy and a crimie against humanity. p.s. FREE REINER FUELLMICH....he is imprisoned in NAZI-LAND --who knows what horrors are happening to him in jail! If we all descended on this jail....perhaps a "break-out" could occur?

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yep. Very elegant weapon.

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I’ve noticed the same

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I notice folks on TV talking out of one side of their mouth.

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snakes have always done that.

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made me laugh with the purity of your comment

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And so on...

Woman at work, BIG on boosters, her husband just came down with fast-moving cancer - out of nowhere, as she said.

All too sad.

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Out of a needle would be more accurate.

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Out of nowhere 🤷‍♀️

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It really is.

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Your report is extremely interesting, Mark. The spread of realization that this vaxx is causing illness will necessarily need to spread to groups likes fans who consider little unless the vaxx effects have hit close to home. Seeing their idol become incapacitated appears to be doing so. They forget so easily. Why Justin Bieber is no longer touring or performing. Why so many artists aren't. I used a great quote by Hitler for juxtaposition the other day: "The receptivity of the masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan." The same mechanism holds for their "waking up." Increment by increment.

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The majority of Justin Bieber's fans are now dealing with obesity and other serious mental issues. He completely torched his support base by encouraging them all to self-mutilate. As a purported role model it's only fair he should take a lot of blame for this.

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Anyone who would take medical advice from a rock star...has issues and would probably self-immolate anyway. Just my opinion.

Just because anyone may have achieved fame as a media figure- mainly for teenagers- does not make them experts on health. Well I feel sorry for Justin and all the rest who succumbed to the world wide genocide scheme. I also hail and respect those who stepped forward and but their careers on the line to stop the genocide. Sucharit Bhakdi, Dolores Cahill...many others. They really are heroes and they tried their best.

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Wow, the power of forgetting….”oh that’s just a one time news item…yes, so sad about the tv host..”. “oh we hardly ever see big accidents in this town….anyway, that’s depressing, where are we meeting for dinner!?” “She worries a lot, my mom, we don’t pay attention”.

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He was a genius.

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My husband has taken to saying about the countenance of certain jab junkies, “They’ve got the shrink” meaning, their visage is now pulled in, shrunken, shriveled, oddly de-collagenized! These vaccines destroy collagen. People are aging rapidly. Scary as hell.

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Yes...it is frightening. I live in a "retirement community"...Every single day someone keels over and they have to call an ambulance. 100% "vaccination" comply here ...except one person--me. At first I got a lot of flack--avoidance, being "uninvited" etc. Now they are jealous.

I feel bad for them. I wish they had listened to me. I told them the truth and handed out flyers....That's how they knew I was a deplorable "anti-laxer"....

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Same here. I live in an 55+ community. We hear of people moving in and one spouse either dies suddenly or gets a fast moving illness etc. I have been told that moving creates undue stress on people and then they pass away. No connecting of dots to the vaxx. They are all vaxxed. I thought retiring is supposed to be less stressful. I know I am loving it.

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I have seen the same - people turning white haired in just a few weeks. The collagen loss is very explanatory - I had not heard that before - fast-forward aging. But total plausible deniability.

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I saw my friend, a bicyclist, after not seeing him for several months. His hair was white. It was pitch black with salt pepper the last time I saw him. Either he had been dying it and stopped or he has rapid aging syndrome.

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It does scare me. No one would listen to me about the poison, and now I actually don't want them to as it is too late.

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Right - at a certain point it has to be wrenching info to them if they have the courage to face it, and if they don't they'll remain in denial and become angry with you for telling them something they don't want to hear. I tried to tell people. I was ridiculed, prevented from working for months, and called "fake news" Their loss. Jab away.

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Wow, yes I likewise, though majority of population returned to home and other states for summer. I fear for what coming months could bring when jab catches up. Wondering beyond the three or four folks who know I am not vac’d what the conversations will be should something happen by fall

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Wow, Kathleen. What a story and how brave you have been to stand up to their shunning and abuse. Three cheers for you! I wish more people would have had your fortitude. I did not want my mom to take it, but my sister who lived in her town, insisted she do so. Four months later, she died a horrible death. No forgiving or forgetting that. May good health continue for you, Kathleen!

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Thanks....but I couldn't stop my MD daughter from taking my blind husband to the clinic for his "vaccinations"....Now he has Guillaine Barre syndrome and can barely walk across the room without a ton of meds. It is hard to forgive these people who "believed" in the "vaccine" and bought into the whole lie now that there are so many terrible side effects and even deaths.

In the meantime-- people like scientist Denis Rancourt have proven the numbers show there really was no "pandemic"...

People were just being murdered in cold blood and with the complicity of the media outlets...they created a totally fake pandemic and then used these lies to kill people.

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God bless you Kathleen

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Fascinating…and so meaningful to those who need the filler doctors, the surgeries and such….I’m interested in the behavior issues resulting from vac as well. What a mess…a health tsunami, so quiet, torrential, powerful, with its unseen depths, unable to control, no predictable ending…..OMG. Sickening, the detachment of the medical tyrants not to be believed

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Oh my Lord, yes. Thank you for these excellent posts. I too have noticed that people around me are looking older. And I've never seen so many people - granted many are in their 60's and 70's - walking with canes. And signs in many places saying "disrespect and abusive behaviour will not be tolerated". (When I commiserate with those working the counter, and ask if it really has gotten that bad, they roll their eyes and say "you have no idea". ) And a friend who was always smart and passionate and a good thinker has become angry and obsessive. Sigh.

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The bad behavior is a sign of dementia or alzheimer. The clot shot is messing up their brains among other things.

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Jun 8Edited

Yes, I fear that you’re right. I know that Covid itself can bring on brain Fog that sometimes lingers. But this dear woman seems to have completely lost her bearings. And she loved the shots. Wore masks first and longest of anyone I know.

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Lingering covid 'brain fog' is usually medical wokespeak for drug induced presenile dementia. But they got everyone instead blaming that on the common cold aka 'mystery illness covid' instead.

Hence avoid everyone around you at all costs because they might give you long covid and brain fog. That trick was played almost five years ago and astonishingly people still actually believe it.

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Sad way to live.

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Heavy metal exposure does this, see the info that Medical medium Anthony Williams has about this and what to do.

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This Substack article will blow you away, I read this yesterday for the first time, learning that the Egyptians used a form like the PCR Sticks to punish their Slaves!


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I take a commuter train, I am seeing more people walking with a painful forceable limp who are not old or overweight, and still people wearing masks--makes you want to scream. CCP must be very happy that they have exported their muzzling of citizens to America.

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Wow. Yes I agree. Interesting. I watched a youngish man - a teacher - walking with a painful limp and a cane. A student said “oh he had a knee injury 6 months ago”. As I f that was normal. I thought “since when do young healthy people take that long to heal?” Sounds like you’re seeing the same thing as I am.. As in my earlier comment, a day later, I was in an eye clinic Where I saw a number of older people, limping and It struck me that I had not remembered seeing that many people limping before. And then when they wear conspicuous black masks, you can assume that they have taken all of the recommended pharmaceutical interventions

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Disease of all kinds on upswing and death increasing. Population numbers will certainly being going down--what TPTB want (or what AI wants—heard recent segment with Alex Jones interviewing Dr Naomi Wolf where he speculates that the jab's genetic formulation could have been impacted by an AI that deems humanity is a risk to itself).

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2 Timothy 3

King James Version

3 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

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Yes I am often reminded of this verse. All of it true in these days.

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There have been a slew of articles in Daily Mail recently discussing the "shocking rise among young people" of cancer or some other chronic disability. Of course, no suggestion by the "medical experts" in the articles of a link to the jab. However, and here is the good part-the comments section notes otherwise; multiple commenters bring up the jab, sometimes even the majority of them. Thanks to efforts such as Mark's work, people know. Yes, people know why the diseases are rising in frequency.

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Much good is the msm medical community as they are baffled by all this. Avoid the doctors, dentists and veterinary people if at all possible. You will be safer.

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Yes, they are baffled. The article often shows a pic of these white-coated geniuses pondering these amazing mysteries with the regulation hand to the chin with a somber expression, heroically bearing the burdens of the world for us useless mouth breathers.

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ha ha. just canNOT figure this out....shoot people up with poison and they die!

who wudda thunk it?

This scenario reminds one of when the THREE cement and steel buildings in the WTC totally crumbled into dust--each weighing in at millions of tons--when struck by TWO aluminum passenger planes...doesn't take a genius to see through it....

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A recent DM article attributed early and rapid cancers to Covid, the disease, and not the shot.

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What a tangled mess!

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I have heard some "experts" say that the "vaccine" AND the disease do cause cancer. I can't remember which scientist said that....was it Sucharit Bhakdi?

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1 John 5:21

Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.

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🙏🏼 Amen 🙏🏼

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even a shedding incident can cause people to age 20 yrs more than they are.

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This is why anyone who has been around the jabbed (and we all have) should be looking into, and using, the shedding protocols. We’ve all been exposed!

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What are the shedding protocols?

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They’re pretty much the same protocols used for vaccine injury. FLCCC has a good protocol (I think it’s called iRecover), Dr McCullough has a good one, etc. . Here’s a quick reference from the World Council For Health, that lists 10 protocols to look into. https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/resources/spike-protein-detox-guide/

I will note that I’ve followed the prevention protocols since the onset of Covid and despite being exposed multiple times, not locking down and not isolating, I’ve never gotten covid. I’m a firm believer in the protocols!

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Thank you!

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Great...thank you!

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We all take ivermectin in our house - which is part of the FLCCC protocol. We take it 2x a week at 1/2 the dose we would take if we were sick. I ordered it thru a Canadian pharmacy - it ships out of India I believe. I ordered online & received the order in about 10 days. My husband is not taking the pills - he is taking the easy to obtain farm store variety. No side effects, no problems. We have been taking all of the preventative supplements since the onset of the plandemic: Vit. C, zinc, quercetin and Vit D3.

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Medical medium Anthony Williams has a lot of good info about detoxing safely. He talks a lot about heavy metal exposures and how to get them out.

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I watched day 1 of the Canadian National Citizens Inquiry (into covid and by the public, no government) of the Regina hearings and Dr. Kory spoke and did a presentation on shedding. The speaker after him was a scientist showing data and her calculations for shedding affecting the unjabbed genome! It was a jaw dropping and horrifying presentation. nationalcitizensinquiry.ca. It was for 3 days last week and can also be seen on Rumble. Mind blowing and heart breaking testimonies. 😱😭

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Yes! I had one and I am convinced I have aged in the 2.5 years since...And I'm unjabbed. It could be worse, I tell myself, but still....

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I have aged a lot due to stress and trauma being an unjabbed Australian.

Still look WAY better than the jabbed though.

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Boy, I hope your not right on this lol

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I have numerous jabbed friends with tremors now. Their hands shake. One even has head shakes like a bobble head🙄

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Seinfeld has a head tremor, too.

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Post-rube regret can result in head tremors as well.

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According to Access to Information (ATIP) documents shared with LifeSiteNews, the CAF’s COVID vaccine injury figures skyrocketed from 14 cases in 2020 to a whopping 128 in 2021, representing an increase of over 800 percent. According to the data, the majority of events, over 100 of them, happened after receipt of Moderna’s COVID vaccine.

The documents also show that in 2022, the vaccine injury figures swelled even higher to 223 cases.

“We know it’s not effective, and now this data proves it’s not safe,” a CAF member told LifeSiteNews under the condition of anonymity.

“They fired hundreds of us for having the wisdom and the courage to stand up for our beliefs,” he continued. “They destroyed our careers, marriages and our families. And they sacrificed the credibility of the CAF to score political points. Every Canadian should be outraged that this is how they treat those who would lay down their lives to protect our country.”

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Not just the well known. In my town, lots of people look sick as they go about their shopping, a grey sort of colour. Very sad.

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Have heard others talk of the "grey colour." More aware personally and currently of people's constant confusion and forgetfulness.

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Well, I guess that’s what happens when the Adrenochrome supply dries up. (Taylor Swift is also a man, which is pretty visible in the picture below). They all started to look like “hell” well before the vax injuries started after being boosted. I live in a town were the majority of people that I know got the jab and non of them changed that drastically. I personally don’t think it has anything to do with that in the case of celebs. But surely the fresh blood of a child can keep you looking great! And what happens to your body if you get withdrawals from not having access to it anymore?

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Exactly what I was thinking about the celebs. No more adrenochrome = fast aging and looking like hell.

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let us know what you find from that withdrawal 😂

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I was actually thinking how terrible Fauci looked at the recent hearing. I mean, I know he is old AF but guy looks like Satan is trying to climb out through his face.

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probably not satan, just the real demon inside.

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People are getting older which is inescapable...Some of these people appear as though recently injected with fillers causing temporary inflamation if not allergic reaction for a few. Fillers most certainly contain the Bully Billionaire's Magic Potion for Depopulation, Disability, Sterilization and Cyber-Digital Slavery as well as excellerated aging...And, so it's anybody's guess what the culprit must be for particular individuals.

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And don’t forget Ozempic face. It’s definitely noticeable on many celebs.

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It sure is. Trump is just the latest. He looks as if he's aged quite a bit in a short time..

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Wouldn't you age if you were under the stress and bullshit he has had to deal with?

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i’m missing something here, bit of a mixed message, the culprit that we are guessing on… is it fillers, old age, injections (that only cause temporary inflammation), or just the appearance that makes them feel less than well.

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Supposed to be a 'Mixed Message' as a portrait with words mirroring the report and pictures presented.

They're older people and getting older.

Many, if not all use fillers for that 'sagging skin' brought on with unavoidable aging.

Aging, itself, is excellerated by the BioElectroChemicalNanoWeapon Injections.

The same BioElectroChemicalNanoWeapon Ingredients are now in ALL injectable

substances for all purposes; including Botox and Fillers.

Some people are allergic to the measures taken to appear eternally youthful.

The BioElectroChemicalNanoWeapon Ingredients ALSO attack the Brain and Mental Functioning ending as diverse DEMENITAS viewed problematic among many famous and wealthy people.

Thanks for responding about confusion.

Gives a chance to better spell-out truthful perceptions and aspects observed some don't see....

Just love it when reading Responses and others help me with more accurate vision.


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So TigervWoods at 58 , and Martin Lawrence at 59 are old people? Sorry still confused.

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What happened to the other response? Or, are you another nasty TROLL popping-up out of nowhere?

Here is a Link with the most up to date information about the EUA Countermeasures which are in reality BioElectroChemicalNanoWeapon Injections and their component Poisons.


There are encyclopedic Posts in that Substack by the Physician performing some of the most advanced research concerning the BioElectroChemicalNanoWeapons, the ingredients of variety options provided by various companies and the diverse methods of distribution from Injection over the recent four years to Geo-Engineering since around 2008 and coating food stuffs with it mixed with unhealthy, Highly Processed Vegy Oil which the ingredients are automatically attracted to.

As for Tiger Wood and Martin Lawrence...We're all of an age and it's considered 'MIDDLE AGE' which by any definiton means we're not exactly 'Spring Chickens' and past the age our healthiest, strongest and most sexually/phyically attractive...Past the 'prime'. While it is common for people to maintain youth as long as possible and short of that; to at least appear youthful cosmetically, it's also a false appearance and time is required to heal from the efforts and measures taken to remain young in appearance.

Suggesting far more than deliberate murder through 'Cosmetic Applications' and Injections...MURDER through food and water as the whole Earth is being poisoned through Geo-Engineering which is an attack and mutilation of all organic DNA on the planet creating and 'Extinction Level Event' of all organic life. The Criminals Against All Life on the Planet are theiving all creation from God.

Is that clear enough for you?

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sigh. moving goalposts much?

what a lot of words that did not answer my question about your assertions.

i’m good with the jabs as being a cause of all sorts of things

my issue with your original post still stands. it muddys the waters of MCP’s post by watering it down to other things. Things other than what you just long windely posted. Things like old age, and botox being the cause of saggy looks on the likes of Tiger Woods.

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Nothing less than bizarre.

Older, Middle-Aged people begin to show the signs of aging even without the poisons now excellerating the aging process. It's a fact of life impossible to deny. When receiving botox, fillers and cosmetic surgery using any manner of I.V. Drugs...All of which now carry the ingredients of the Weapon Injections as well as those Geo-Engineered into the environment poisoning all Earth and placed in food...Any and all creat INFLAMMATION or SWELLING resulting in the pictures of them appearing bizarre. Don't tell me you haven't seen the lips with all the filler in them making faces appear as a Chimp's bum in Estras.

Wasn't long-winded to begin with.

Those unable to read beyond 3rd Grade really should practice to obtain accurate understanding of what's read.

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"Bully Billionaire's Magic Potion" Bill Gate's lovely depopulation devise....He sang a song about it...https://sagehana.substack.com/p/bill-gates-sings

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Thanks but I feel already over exposed to that useful idiot

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