Golfer Michael Hendry diagnosed with leukemia; footballer goes into cardiac arrest in Liverpool, saved by opposing player; Aussie footballer goes into cardiac arrest mid-game, rushed to hospital
Just to clear things up for the good folks at "The measures were put in place to mitigate the risk of sudden cardiac death during sporting activity, with cycling being considered a particularly high-risk activity for those with cardiac irregularities. . . I mean, SPIKE PROTEIN CIRCULATING THROUGH THEIR PREVIOUSLY HEALTHY BODIES."
They forced this on athletes and employees in medical professionals. Thank God I was able to avoid it, but people are a lot more livor than me are suffering. I am 88 and I didn’t believe the bullshit in the first place and I had a choice.
Very smart, and well thought out decisions....I am so fortunate that my children, also young adults, and one in Uni, made their own wonderful decisions to reject the poison after being encouraged to read all of the literature, and noticing how one sided it all was. I also ignored all of the nonsense, knew it was all a scam, and put my health above anything else...sadly, so many did not. They will regret it. It required quite a deep dive into un-chartered territory, ( lots of medical knowledge) but I learned so much, and I'm grateful for my new wisdom. Our overall society has been primed for decades to be ignorant, compliant, and lazy....most of all, I feel for the children. It was a level of abuse I will never forget. Adults are adults, and they should have known better.
There has been a little dissent amongst a few universities, but you are right..not enough to make a difference. I am an educator, but left the public and private system five years ago, and went out on my own...the brainwashed kids come to me now, and a lot of my time is spent undoing, and not doing. And none of them like school..what a surprise! In fact, they hate it. They are there for social reasons, indoctrination, and barely learn anything of worth. I noticed it already when I was in University in Canada back in the early 80's; when I transferred out of an Honours Psychology Major ( which I regret to this day) into Elementary Education, I thought I had re-entered Kindergarten....I am not joking. I could not wait to get out of there, and ended up doing another degree in Design, and Fashion in Ontario. I did not start teaching until I moved to Europe, learned proficient German, ( it helps me immensely to know German ) and I now teach English as a foreign language to all ages. I did get my university qualifications, but not without thinking that what they were teaching me made little sense. Yes, I am Canadian, but happily have been living in Europe for almost 27 years.....I would not have survived the onslaught in Canada...they would have put me in jail; I am positive. Once a rebel, forever a rebel. Kudos to you for standing in the whole family in Canada is lost to me...they all sadly swallowed the BS, (even my doctor brother) and the toxins; I have no idea how this will all turn out, but Mark's reporting, and other's warnings and data analysis paint a horrific picture....we are living in historic times. My house, and what the kids call their "real school away from school" is a sanctuary for them; it has also allowed me to essentially ignore all of the nonsense, and create joy, and I hope "little rebels" as much as I can. :-) I am ever grateful to these Substack posts from all of these very aware, and intelligent has saved my mental health for sure! Blessings to all the commenters as well. You have been our support when we lost ours.
Sad. My mom lost her bowel before covid, and then after jabbing gallbladder flare required its removal. She seems okay other wise, but vasculitis was not helped by the jabs. Dad's had 3 and he has heart issues to begin with, and now after colic and gut pain, his pancreas looks a bit inflammed and his appendix as well... he's 90. Hoping his heart gets him before anything else. Easy pain free and quick way to go. Cause pancreas cancer or other is no way to go at all.
A lady who is an acquaintence got a turbo cancer and she also had half of her guts removed including her appendix. Reading about the skater who had a left ovary removed and her appendix ( on her right side) removed makes me wonder if the article is only telling part of the story.
Please don't misconstrue this as my sole thought on the matter, but more brains, less brawn would've served these athletes well. Had they all banded together and refused to play, they could've killed the mandate. Suffer for 6 months, a year or two, then live to play again and again, with vim, vigor, and in excellent health.
I agree! It would have been the same for employees of cities, counties and companies. People want no pain and instant gratification. Life isn’t like that. One day you may have to suffer for what is right.
Amen. The concept of delayed gratification escapes many people. I've spoken to folks who took the bioweapon because they wanted to travel for pleasure, not necessity. How'd that work out?
Like those I know of who took it because they 'had to' to support their family. Um, if you're 6 foot under, how do you then support your family? Your family has to cope not only with financial worries, but the grief of losing you as well.
Before I was “fired”, a gal I worked with swore she’d never get the jab. She wanted to travel with her bf. I guess I don’t understand that mentality. The ramifications of free will is different for all of us, isn’t it?
Thats incredible! If one is not awake yet, we shall “part ways” in peace.
Novak is a man of true courage and integrity. Whether one agrees with him or not, you would have to say he definitely has guts, and is led by something far greater than a human being.
I feel like I’m in “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” everyday (both versions are great)!
Yes. - at the end of the day, it all comes down to energy and available resources; while the story took some unsuspected turns, I’m not really surprised at where we’re at now. The peak oiler movement had some insight here...
A complete halt for even just 6 months would have had a major impact and annihilated any mandate, club owners looking at the loss of revenue, easy decision ...
Well, the same can't be said for the pathetic, mewling doctors that couldn't replace the barbell at the gym without pinching their pinky finger. No brawn there. No brains, either, I guess. All you have to do to be a doctor is have rich parents and be willing to memorize. It doesn't take intelligence at all, and they're all probably outperformed by A.I. today anyway. So, I guess we're suffering from lack of brains. I don't blame the athletes' strength.
They sure are paying the price, though. I only started watching soccer because of Lionel Messi youtube clips. He always played against Sergio Ramos. Ramos retired with "old calf syndrome." Messi played on the Argentina national team with Sergio "Kun" Aguero. Aguero retired with heart arrythmia, like his club-mate Caroline Graham Hansen, both from FC Barcelona. It goes on and on. TWO soccer players collapsed in championship-tier matches yesterday. You can watch them both, if you want to:
I've encountered medical professionals of every stripe, so I can't fully agree, although I feel you, believe me. Ahole docs abound. But I've had a different experience. A doctor in the ER at Holy Cross Hospital, in Taos, NM, on Jan. 22, 2020, proved herself to be an excellent diagnostician. She had a heparin needle in my belly before an acute saddle pulmonary embolism (from Rocky Mountain elevation and blue-mo' aggravation) could kill me. The entire hospital staff said it was a game ender. But I lived another day (3+ yrs & counting, amen) to bitch about, then tweak the Zeitgeist. The outpatient pharmacists were also amazing. Private, family-owned hospital. Had I been in any city, I know I'd have croaked for sure. So, there's all that.
YOU are here for a reason! Your angels said, “NOT TODAY!” I truly believe in the protection of God and His angels. His will shall be done through many of us.
People are people no matter their station. Those who took it and those who didn't aren't separated by education or profession, imo, but rather by "smarts," if you catch my drift. There are those who perform their due diligence and those who do not. Those who are just following orders without question and those who are investigating the shit out of those orders.
Your post made me smile. The irony (correct word?) of it all is that the idiocy of the enemies of the US Constitution are taking themselves out. Doing so obviates the needfor civil war--if we can hold on a year or two more.
And for me, at least, Memorial Day is a time set aside to contemplate the loss of the courageous, not the fearful, brave US soldiers from ragtag Revolutionaries to the present day (short of the Men in Pumps Brigades and the Chicks with Dicks Battalions) who died for the principles that make this a republic like no other. I'm especially melancholy for those who were lied to, duped, and conscripted against their will in unnecessary, immoral wars for neocons Right and Left.
The sad thing is, pro athletes are the most likely population to know intimately what is going on in their bodies... and given all of the restrictions on what sort of substances you are allowed to compete on, you would think they would have erred on the side of caution.
And it will be sweet to watch because ... THEY HAD A CHOICE! WE ALL did. Just some of us, who do not trust the media OR the gov't were more wary and read / researched. They didn't hide their tracks well, it was all there event 201 planning, we could find the data if we wanted to. But no one they gambled would. They thought everyone would 'follow the stars'. And where are those stars now? Dying at high rates... but shhh. This is the new normal. Babies dying of pericarditis and myocarditis, or heart attacks. Teens and 20s/30s formerly free from cancer getting the turbo ride. Cancer patients long in remission? Getting the turbo version and dying... it is so bad there is a shortage of the chemo drugs in the USA and it is NOT supply chain... it is DEMAND for the drugs for treatments... none of which will be useful to these poor wretches.... the genetic machinery has been turned on shut down normal cancer patrol and removal cellular functions... and there fore cancer flourishes... sad.
It is a slow kill via the SPIKE PROTEINS. Those who have taken the KILL SHOTS are a train wreck in motion as their bodies basically destroy themselves as the Spike Proteins eat away at their organs and cause their brains to malfunction.
Boggles my mind, why so many healthy athletes would accept to poison themselves, but the guilt really lies in those pushing for it and making it seem like it's necessary and safe.
We witnessed: A family member has been racing wild-water for 50 years. A canoeist collapsed and died suddenly of a heart attack during a race last month. Several other very good kayakers have mysteriously died while on rivers. Last weekend a bicycle rider collapsed and died of an apparent heart attack during a bicycle race that has been held for years with no such incidents...
Come to think of it, dying while kayaking on a nice river isn't the worst way of dying from the jab's toxicity. On the physiological side of things, there's little difference between a person dying of a heart attack while kayaking or a person having a vaxxident on the road, just the jab doing its thing, but vaxxidents can take many more lives.
So true. Two very weird suspected vaxxidents in our small town already. One rollover and one into the river. Both in places you would have to make an effort to crash. So yes, happening on the river or while riding at least avoids hurting others or ending up with tubes in hospital. All of this so sobering for me though as I deal with two elderly relatives suffering greatly from multiple jabs recommended by siblings. Both now in nursing homes so I'm pushing wheelchairs instead of visiting their independent abodes...
Vaxxidents involving trucks are the worst, and how about those operating nuclear facilities ... :| Sorry to hear this. I think some justice will be served at some point in time but not soon enough.
Yesterday Tom Lockyer from the new English Premier League team Luton Town collapsed during the qualifying match, and then in Brazil a top player collapsed during the Brazilian championship. And then in the NRL, top Australian rugby, another player went down with seizures during the match.
I posted this last night and found an update immediately. Then another one this morning from NOTB Sports Telegram channel. Two videos of two top soccer players collapsing in two different championship-level matches. And then we have the 17 year-old soccer player that didn't make it over in the UK. But at least someone had a medical emergency while paddling a "waka." I don't know what a "waka" is, so I got a chuckle out of that.
The Rise of the Medical Emergency Pt 10 - May 26th and May 27th - Updated!
So sad what’s currently happening to all those talented people who succumbed to this genocide. My heart hurts for all. Recently, everyday in my community I hear and see ambulances racing up and down a busy small town street. Never before have I witnessed this much emergency traffic. 🙏❣️
Yes here in NZ one of the Natural Health Professionals lives right near the capital city's hospital & often writes of the ongoing, continual ambulance sirens and rescue helicopter traffic to and from the hospital. 'Nothing to see here'.
An 18 year old boy flying from Ontario to Nova Scotia to compete in a skipping competition suffered a stroke. He was sent to a local hospital when the plane landed. The hospital determined after running many tests that the boy was full of cancer and would not recover from the episode. He was kept on life support until the family could come to be with him. You won’t hear about this in the news and they won’t attribute this to the shot. This is not normal stuff.
Well Jane.. let's start with all your white buddies in Hollywood...then on to all your white buddies in the Democrat party and the Rinos...then all the white guys in the climate action organizations...then all the white guys in the WHO...WEF...IMF...World Bank..Rockefelkers...Gates...Soros...FDA...CDC...NIH...NIAID...Facebook, Google...then all the white pilots that fly you to your engagements in private jets to discuss the climate...all the white guys on MSM who promote your insanity....nation leaders like Trudeau...Macron...the new moron in NZ...Schlotz...etc....all the white guys in doctor suits that jabbed millions worldwide. If we can agree that these white men are the problem...I think we have something to talk about.
Imprison them...hang them?
I am fine with either. When can we talk?
This post is a response to a Jane Fonda video link just below.
I can hear echoes of Jeremiah Wright's famous pronouncement, "America's chickens have come to roost." Justifying carnage in the name of long held resentments that frankly, are rather mild compared to most places. And I can hear Jessie Jackson too, "Hey hey, ho ho, Western Civ has got to go." If even the history of a people is decried, with no wisdom applied whatsoever to their grand accomplishments, their existence naturally, is in the crosshairs. It seems the Pharma State has taken up arms (no pun intended) against all of the West, and like a gargantuan narcissist, has no respect for human dignity, but seeks power and control at all costs. The ideology of billionaires has aligned with the arms dealers (pun intended) in recognition of the fact that there is greater short-term material gain in selling arms (pun intended) than in protecting the dignity of people. Dignity is a disease, as far as they are concerned. It gets in the way. There's too much money on the other side of it for them to care. To hell with dignity, we want the money!
Yeah I don't believe arabs and chinese are really part of the true cabal leadership. They are all using each other until the US is defeated, then they will fight it out amongst themselves and no side sees the other as equals. Absolutely the chinese will never agree to be ruled by whitey once they believe they have enough power.
"True cabal leadership"? Good gravy! They operate from whence they live. That makes them truly cabalist "leadership" (lmao) in their respective domains.
There was no long-term testing on this RNA programming passed off as a vaccine. No long-term testing done even had the product stayed where we were told it would "do its magic" with is the deltoid muscle. No way could the injection be confined in a muscle group with certainty... was there human testing on what happens when cells in various areas of the body express the spike? Yes there was testing and we are seeing the results of test which is still ongoing. Cardiac cells? We are seeing it. Reproductive organs? We are seeing it. Cells that line the blood vessels? We are seeing it. If you took the shot and feel ok, don't think you dodged the bullet. Underlying issues are probably there. Aneurysms. The programming goes into cells that line the blood vessels. The initial expression of the spike not only causes clots may or may not dissipate but the blood components also attack the cells that create the spikes which results in weaknesses. This type of damage does not repair itself. An aneurysm is a blood vessel rupture waiting to happen. Countries are putting out numbers of excess deaths but no one practicing wants to be the one to find out exactly why more people are dying. A doctor coming out and making the connection would be the same as coming out against the experimental programming. But you can take it to the bank... we are seeing the results of this massive trial that most people participated.
Just to clear things up for the good folks at "The measures were put in place to mitigate the risk of sudden cardiac death during sporting activity, with cycling being considered a particularly high-risk activity for those with cardiac irregularities. . . I mean, SPIKE PROTEIN CIRCULATING THROUGH THEIR PREVIOUSLY HEALTHY BODIES."
They forced this on athletes and employees in medical professionals. Thank God I was able to avoid it, but people are a lot more livor than me are suffering. I am 88 and I didn’t believe the bullshit in the first place and I had a choice.
Very smart, and well thought out decisions....I am so fortunate that my children, also young adults, and one in Uni, made their own wonderful decisions to reject the poison after being encouraged to read all of the literature, and noticing how one sided it all was. I also ignored all of the nonsense, knew it was all a scam, and put my health above anything else...sadly, so many did not. They will regret it. It required quite a deep dive into un-chartered territory, ( lots of medical knowledge) but I learned so much, and I'm grateful for my new wisdom. Our overall society has been primed for decades to be ignorant, compliant, and lazy....most of all, I feel for the children. It was a level of abuse I will never forget. Adults are adults, and they should have known better.
There has been a little dissent amongst a few universities, but you are right..not enough to make a difference. I am an educator, but left the public and private system five years ago, and went out on my own...the brainwashed kids come to me now, and a lot of my time is spent undoing, and not doing. And none of them like school..what a surprise! In fact, they hate it. They are there for social reasons, indoctrination, and barely learn anything of worth. I noticed it already when I was in University in Canada back in the early 80's; when I transferred out of an Honours Psychology Major ( which I regret to this day) into Elementary Education, I thought I had re-entered Kindergarten....I am not joking. I could not wait to get out of there, and ended up doing another degree in Design, and Fashion in Ontario. I did not start teaching until I moved to Europe, learned proficient German, ( it helps me immensely to know German ) and I now teach English as a foreign language to all ages. I did get my university qualifications, but not without thinking that what they were teaching me made little sense. Yes, I am Canadian, but happily have been living in Europe for almost 27 years.....I would not have survived the onslaught in Canada...they would have put me in jail; I am positive. Once a rebel, forever a rebel. Kudos to you for standing in the whole family in Canada is lost to me...they all sadly swallowed the BS, (even my doctor brother) and the toxins; I have no idea how this will all turn out, but Mark's reporting, and other's warnings and data analysis paint a horrific picture....we are living in historic times. My house, and what the kids call their "real school away from school" is a sanctuary for them; it has also allowed me to essentially ignore all of the nonsense, and create joy, and I hope "little rebels" as much as I can. :-) I am ever grateful to these Substack posts from all of these very aware, and intelligent has saved my mental health for sure! Blessings to all the commenters as well. You have been our support when we lost ours.
any dropping with the turbo cancers? I know of at least 1...
Sad. My mom lost her bowel before covid, and then after jabbing gallbladder flare required its removal. She seems okay other wise, but vasculitis was not helped by the jabs. Dad's had 3 and he has heart issues to begin with, and now after colic and gut pain, his pancreas looks a bit inflammed and his appendix as well... he's 90. Hoping his heart gets him before anything else. Easy pain free and quick way to go. Cause pancreas cancer or other is no way to go at all.
A lady who is an acquaintence got a turbo cancer and she also had half of her guts removed including her appendix. Reading about the skater who had a left ovary removed and her appendix ( on her right side) removed makes me wonder if the article is only telling part of the story.
Still falling for that "spike protein" propaganda? It's worse than that.
graphene oxide
Please don't misconstrue this as my sole thought on the matter, but more brains, less brawn would've served these athletes well. Had they all banded together and refused to play, they could've killed the mandate. Suffer for 6 months, a year or two, then live to play again and again, with vim, vigor, and in excellent health.
I agree! It would have been the same for employees of cities, counties and companies. People want no pain and instant gratification. Life isn’t like that. One day you may have to suffer for what is right.
Amen. The concept of delayed gratification escapes many people. I've spoken to folks who took the bioweapon because they wanted to travel for pleasure, not necessity. How'd that work out?
Like those I know of who took it because they 'had to' to support their family. Um, if you're 6 foot under, how do you then support your family? Your family has to cope not only with financial worries, but the grief of losing you as well.
Before I was “fired”, a gal I worked with swore she’d never get the jab. She wanted to travel with her bf. I guess I don’t understand that mentality. The ramifications of free will is different for all of us, isn’t it?
Like Novak Djokovic
God love Novak! What a Christian soldier!
Thats incredible! If one is not awake yet, we shall “part ways” in peace.
Novak is a man of true courage and integrity. Whether one agrees with him or not, you would have to say he definitely has guts, and is led by something far greater than a human being.
I feel like I’m in “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” everyday (both versions are great)!
Yes. - at the end of the day, it all comes down to energy and available resources; while the story took some unsuspected turns, I’m not really surprised at where we’re at now. The peak oiler movement had some insight here...
A complete halt for even just 6 months would have had a major impact and annihilated any mandate, club owners looking at the loss of revenue, easy decision ...
Well, the same can't be said for the pathetic, mewling doctors that couldn't replace the barbell at the gym without pinching their pinky finger. No brawn there. No brains, either, I guess. All you have to do to be a doctor is have rich parents and be willing to memorize. It doesn't take intelligence at all, and they're all probably outperformed by A.I. today anyway. So, I guess we're suffering from lack of brains. I don't blame the athletes' strength.
They sure are paying the price, though. I only started watching soccer because of Lionel Messi youtube clips. He always played against Sergio Ramos. Ramos retired with "old calf syndrome." Messi played on the Argentina national team with Sergio "Kun" Aguero. Aguero retired with heart arrythmia, like his club-mate Caroline Graham Hansen, both from FC Barcelona. It goes on and on. TWO soccer players collapsed in championship-tier matches yesterday. You can watch them both, if you want to:
I've encountered medical professionals of every stripe, so I can't fully agree, although I feel you, believe me. Ahole docs abound. But I've had a different experience. A doctor in the ER at Holy Cross Hospital, in Taos, NM, on Jan. 22, 2020, proved herself to be an excellent diagnostician. She had a heparin needle in my belly before an acute saddle pulmonary embolism (from Rocky Mountain elevation and blue-mo' aggravation) could kill me. The entire hospital staff said it was a game ender. But I lived another day (3+ yrs & counting, amen) to bitch about, then tweak the Zeitgeist. The outpatient pharmacists were also amazing. Private, family-owned hospital. Had I been in any city, I know I'd have croaked for sure. So, there's all that.
YOU are here for a reason! Your angels said, “NOT TODAY!” I truly believe in the protection of God and His angels. His will shall be done through many of us.
Like Nole did! (Novak Djokovic)
People are people no matter their station. Those who took it and those who didn't aren't separated by education or profession, imo, but rather by "smarts," if you catch my drift. There are those who perform their due diligence and those who do not. Those who are just following orders without question and those who are investigating the shit out of those orders.
Your post made me smile. The irony (correct word?) of it all is that the idiocy of the enemies of the US Constitution are taking themselves out. Doing so obviates the needfor civil war--if we can hold on a year or two more.
And for me, at least, Memorial Day is a time set aside to contemplate the loss of the courageous, not the fearful, brave US soldiers from ragtag Revolutionaries to the present day (short of the Men in Pumps Brigades and the Chicks with Dicks Battalions) who died for the principles that make this a republic like no other. I'm especially melancholy for those who were lied to, duped, and conscripted against their will in unnecessary, immoral wars for neocons Right and Left.
The sad thing is, pro athletes are the most likely population to know intimately what is going on in their bodies... and given all of the restrictions on what sort of substances you are allowed to compete on, you would think they would have erred on the side of caution.
The sport world is toast. Young athletes are sick or dead.
My buddy has been a season ticket holder at Fenway for decades. Not this year...
Every sporting competition feels like watching gladiators at Sparta, who will die in this game?
And it will be sweet to watch because ... THEY HAD A CHOICE! WE ALL did. Just some of us, who do not trust the media OR the gov't were more wary and read / researched. They didn't hide their tracks well, it was all there event 201 planning, we could find the data if we wanted to. But no one they gambled would. They thought everyone would 'follow the stars'. And where are those stars now? Dying at high rates... but shhh. This is the new normal. Babies dying of pericarditis and myocarditis, or heart attacks. Teens and 20s/30s formerly free from cancer getting the turbo ride. Cancer patients long in remission? Getting the turbo version and dying... it is so bad there is a shortage of the chemo drugs in the USA and it is NOT supply chain... it is DEMAND for the drugs for treatments... none of which will be useful to these poor wretches.... the genetic machinery has been turned on shut down normal cancer patrol and removal cellular functions... and there fore cancer flourishes... sad.
It is a slow kill via the SPIKE PROTEINS. Those who have taken the KILL SHOTS are a train wreck in motion as their bodies basically destroy themselves as the Spike Proteins eat away at their organs and cause their brains to malfunction.
I feel that there have to be a lot of athletes that forged their cards, especially in the US.
Boggles my mind, why so many healthy athletes would accept to poison themselves, but the guilt really lies in those pushing for it and making it seem like it's necessary and safe.
We witnessed: A family member has been racing wild-water for 50 years. A canoeist collapsed and died suddenly of a heart attack during a race last month. Several other very good kayakers have mysteriously died while on rivers. Last weekend a bicycle rider collapsed and died of an apparent heart attack during a bicycle race that has been held for years with no such incidents...
Come to think of it, dying while kayaking on a nice river isn't the worst way of dying from the jab's toxicity. On the physiological side of things, there's little difference between a person dying of a heart attack while kayaking or a person having a vaxxident on the road, just the jab doing its thing, but vaxxidents can take many more lives.
So true. Two very weird suspected vaxxidents in our small town already. One rollover and one into the river. Both in places you would have to make an effort to crash. So yes, happening on the river or while riding at least avoids hurting others or ending up with tubes in hospital. All of this so sobering for me though as I deal with two elderly relatives suffering greatly from multiple jabs recommended by siblings. Both now in nursing homes so I'm pushing wheelchairs instead of visiting their independent abodes...
Vaxxidents involving trucks are the worst, and how about those operating nuclear facilities ... :| Sorry to hear this. I think some justice will be served at some point in time but not soon enough.
Yesterday Tom Lockyer from the new English Premier League team Luton Town collapsed during the qualifying match, and then in Brazil a top player collapsed during the Brazilian championship. And then in the NRL, top Australian rugby, another player went down with seizures during the match.
I posted this last night and found an update immediately. Then another one this morning from NOTB Sports Telegram channel. Two videos of two top soccer players collapsing in two different championship-level matches. And then we have the 17 year-old soccer player that didn't make it over in the UK. But at least someone had a medical emergency while paddling a "waka." I don't know what a "waka" is, so I got a chuckle out of that.
The Rise of the Medical Emergency Pt 10 - May 26th and May 27th - Updated!
A 'waka' is a canoe ... Māori (indigenous) word for canoe : )
So sad what’s currently happening to all those talented people who succumbed to this genocide. My heart hurts for all. Recently, everyday in my community I hear and see ambulances racing up and down a busy small town street. Never before have I witnessed this much emergency traffic. 🙏❣️
Yes here in NZ one of the Natural Health Professionals lives right near the capital city's hospital & often writes of the ongoing, continual ambulance sirens and rescue helicopter traffic to and from the hospital. 'Nothing to see here'.
An 18 year old boy flying from Ontario to Nova Scotia to compete in a skipping competition suffered a stroke. He was sent to a local hospital when the plane landed. The hospital determined after running many tests that the boy was full of cancer and would not recover from the episode. He was kept on life support until the family could come to be with him. You won’t hear about this in the news and they won’t attribute this to the shot. This is not normal stuff.
I'm in Scarborough Ontario CHINADA.
Toronto east.
Maybe the most censored MSM COMMIE GLOBALIST BOUGHT OFF region on the planet.
Full of HOBBITS drinking their draft and dancing on the tables while the EYE of GAVI runs Ontario "health care ."
There is no health care.
There are though lots and lots of sirens daily.
May be anecdotal but we've lived here for 25 years and it's incredible how often we here them.
The young man you mention will not be mentioned anywhere but here.
EVIL DARK SHIT happening from TPTB at every level.
Well Jane.. let's start with all your white buddies in Hollywood...then on to all your white buddies in the Democrat party and the Rinos...then all the white guys in the climate action organizations...then all the white guys in the WHO...WEF...IMF...World Bank..Rockefelkers...Gates...Soros...FDA...CDC...NIH...NIAID...Facebook, Google...then all the white pilots that fly you to your engagements in private jets to discuss the climate...all the white guys on MSM who promote your insanity....nation leaders like Trudeau...Macron...the new moron in NZ...Schlotz...etc....all the white guys in doctor suits that jabbed millions worldwide. If we can agree that these white men are the problem...I think we have something to talk about.
Imprison them...hang them?
I am fine with either. When can we talk?
This post is a response to a Jane Fonda video link just below.
Geo engineering pretending to be global warming and climate change.
It’s Not That I’m Anti-Vax.
It’s Just That I Am In The Middle Of
A Rock ... Scissors ... Paper
Challenge With Robert Malone
To The Count Of 17 Trillion Billion Zillion.
Alabama judge, 54, dies unexpectedly.
Submitted, should be in this week's
It’s Not That I’m Anti-Vax.
It’s Just That I Am In The Middle Of
A Rock ... Scissors ... Paper
Challenge With Robert Malone
To The Count Of 17 Trillion Billion Zillion.
I can hear echoes of Jeremiah Wright's famous pronouncement, "America's chickens have come to roost." Justifying carnage in the name of long held resentments that frankly, are rather mild compared to most places. And I can hear Jessie Jackson too, "Hey hey, ho ho, Western Civ has got to go." If even the history of a people is decried, with no wisdom applied whatsoever to their grand accomplishments, their existence naturally, is in the crosshairs. It seems the Pharma State has taken up arms (no pun intended) against all of the West, and like a gargantuan narcissist, has no respect for human dignity, but seeks power and control at all costs. The ideology of billionaires has aligned with the arms dealers (pun intended) in recognition of the fact that there is greater short-term material gain in selling arms (pun intended) than in protecting the dignity of people. Dignity is a disease, as far as they are concerned. It gets in the way. There's too much money on the other side of it for them to care. To hell with dignity, we want the money!
On-field football player collapses on field, dies in hospital in Victoria Australia May 27
( Note it’s under Crime category )
"I wasn't completely lying"
It all makes sense now...
Jane Fonda Blames Men For Climate Change
"There’d be no climate crisis if it wasn’t for racism,” she said.
She is correct. The cabalists are all white racists for sure.
Except for the ones running China, Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
Yeah I don't believe arabs and chinese are really part of the true cabal leadership. They are all using each other until the US is defeated, then they will fight it out amongst themselves and no side sees the other as equals. Absolutely the chinese will never agree to be ruled by whitey once they believe they have enough power.
"True cabal leadership"? Good gravy! They operate from whence they live. That makes them truly cabalist "leadership" (lmao) in their respective domains.
I think she is talking about Ted Turner.
Still stunning, but I think she’s lost it!
Someone else might have mentioned or posted this but something weird happened at the Luton Town play-off match yesterday.
This player just went down and no-one else was any where near him.
There was no long-term testing on this RNA programming passed off as a vaccine. No long-term testing done even had the product stayed where we were told it would "do its magic" with is the deltoid muscle. No way could the injection be confined in a muscle group with certainty... was there human testing on what happens when cells in various areas of the body express the spike? Yes there was testing and we are seeing the results of test which is still ongoing. Cardiac cells? We are seeing it. Reproductive organs? We are seeing it. Cells that line the blood vessels? We are seeing it. If you took the shot and feel ok, don't think you dodged the bullet. Underlying issues are probably there. Aneurysms. The programming goes into cells that line the blood vessels. The initial expression of the spike not only causes clots may or may not dissipate but the blood components also attack the cells that create the spikes which results in weaknesses. This type of damage does not repair itself. An aneurysm is a blood vessel rupture waiting to happen. Countries are putting out numbers of excess deaths but no one practicing wants to be the one to find out exactly why more people are dying. A doctor coming out and making the connection would be the same as coming out against the experimental programming. But you can take it to the bank... we are seeing the results of this massive trial that most people participated.
This could be the start of an accelerating process of cancers in vaxed people.
Follow for further developments.
Agree it seems cancer stories are accelerating.