Mark - this was a great amalgamation of multiple incidents that show what appears to be an increase in medical emergencies, very likely 'vaxxidents.' One of the ways to indicate that it may be related would be to compare these type of accidents in the years leading up to 2021. If there was some one of amalgamating that data it would tell the story.


Ivan M. Paton

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One indicator is the road death toll in the State of New South Wales, Australia. Even with vastly increased traffic numbers, the road toll has consistently reduced from 1980 onwards, with the gradual roll-out of safer traffic management systems and roads, safer cars and so on.

Well the death toll did generally reduce every year for the last 42 years, but last year (2023) showed a 23% increase! See https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-02-22/nsw-road-safety-forum-after-death-toll-increase/103500180

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Thanks for that Rory that's great information. Especially the point that the accident rate had been reducing for years. Of course it has. And then a massive 23% spike shows you something has SERIOUSLY gone wrong. And we know what that is. Cheers mate!

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Driving will become more unsafe and people will “need” cars to drive for them. How sad. I always wondered what was the purpose of such cars. Now I see, they have created a fake need for them. Just a thought. I could be wrong. Gut says I’m at least in the ballpark in this one though.

It is similar to all these communities having apartments and condos pushed by local governments and developers. I used to think this push was strange. I don’t anymore. I now see how it fits into their plans.

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Yes. They always have numerous exploitations up their sleeves ready to propagandize us from every direction with their “solutions” to all the events they created and are gaslighting us about. Just like the mRNA solutions to turbocancer...

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Sadly I think you are right. The (fake) claim to support autonomous cars is 'look at the accident rates you can't trust drivers.'

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I'd suggest take the far simpler route of just give all the injected access to semi-autonomous vehicles aka 'taxis' or 'buses'. Have it all done on a pay per use type of deal.

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Indeed, as I read MCM's post, I pondered the idea of "Jab in your arm = no license in your wallet".

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In the article you linked to, the Australian government is inverting reality yet again, blaming 'cookers' (a derogatory term for conspiracy theorists) for the increased road toll!

Roads Minister Graham said that "I want to be clear — we will not accept cooker culture on our roads" - "people who think rules do not apply to them".🤡🤡🤡

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Come to think of it, by blaming 'cookers', the minister is actually implying the increased road toll is mostly among the unjabbed.

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Projection once again.

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Ivan, I was thinking the same thing as I read the article. Would like previous years statistics to make a comparison, although I believe vaccidents are the reason these are happening.

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Jennifer, yes I think you are right. The only thing that changed in this period of time in an era of declining accidents was the max-vax mass poisoning of the populations. I think it is happening across the board. I am getting anecdoatal reports of groups of people in extremely high pressure jobs, bankers, who are reporting that their vaxxed coworkers seem to have become collectively cognitively impaired and absent minded compared to pre-vax. Unfortunately the authorities are never going to tell the truth, and so like the truth about the 46 year mandated vax for smallpox from 1853 to 1899 in the British Empire, and the max-vax leading to the alleged Spanish flu, these things will get lost in the mists of time.

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Ivan, I have been hearing the same thing from people about jabbed people seemingly not thinking clearly, which I have observed as well. A friend of mine has mentioned the dull, gray skin tones of those who got the jabs. My spouse and I have noticed many people turning into the wrong lanes, crossing several lanes of traffic regardless of other vehicles around them, etc. While this is not new we have noticed it happening more often. Saw an Amazon delivery person turn left from the far right lane, fortunately there were no cars traveling next to his van.

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Jennifer, wow. I am not surprised. You're in a western nation I take it, which are the group that they almost exclusively targeted for mRNA poisoning. It's not as extreme as you described here - or maybe I am just missing it, I tend to try and focus on the global picture instead of my local picture, which is Bangkok, Thailand, so I could be wrong. Nuts. Horrible. Evil. Which is why we must fight, fight, fight - for we are on the side of right, and must maintain our 'righteous anger.'

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This is so depressing, and concerning for those of us who drive for a living. Must be extra vigilant to observe the other cars on the road — whether they’re in the front or the back of you; or in an adjacent lane.

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Tight. Or approaching intersections. Be extra careful of red-light cross-traffic. Be sure it is stopped with no oncomings.

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When our daughters were learning to drive, I cautioned them to "watch out for the intersections--that's where the loonies lurk".

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Amen!!🙏 I drive for a living too. Safe Travel 🧳 s!

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I ran into a friend today whom I haven’t seen in awhile. She told me that her 14 year old daughter lost consciousness in class and fell forward hitting her head. She will be seeing a cardiologist. I can almost say with certainty that she was vaccinated given their fear of Covid and adherence to rules.

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Population reduction operation, working as planned.

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I suspect, we will see a Tsunami of these type of accidents and Deaths, among the Covid Vaxxed, as Hearts damaged by Myocarditis fail when stressed, and other Vaxxed related injuries...

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You know these are terrible but what we hope and pray well not happen is a fully loaded passenger jet go down. Take off and landings are the most dangerous and they vaxxed the pilots.

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There are insufficient expletives in our lexicon.

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Bad news- my car insurance is going up. PUREBLOOD paying price.

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Mine went up almost $400 this year... due to "inflation".

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Piss on these self driving cars.

I am sick of being pushed around by these psychopathic commie bastard filth.

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I suspect that Insurance companies are pretty soon going to refuse insurance for "medical emergencies", and only insure for negligence causing damage to others.

It will be up to everyone to get addditional insurance for damage they cause as a result of a medical emergency (at an enormous premium cost), or else run the risk that they can be sued by an innocent party.

After sufficient public outcry against the social costs, the Government is going to step in, and ban the vaxxed from driving or operating machinery. Only because the Government is there to help out...

Mark my words, 10 years or less.

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Right. And push driverless cars.

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Self-driving cars will crash even more often than vaxxed drivers.

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Good grief, any modality of travel is high risk these days. Airplane pilots, train engineers, truck drivers, bus drivers, passenger vehicles. One cannot even ride a bike without worrying about being hit by a “vaxxident”.

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That´s one of the reasons I mountain bike. No vehicles around me. :)

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As a teenager, my driving instructor said to me - "never make anybody swerve, slow down, or stop, and always make allowances for other people's mistakes." We shall all be making a lot of allowances for increasingly dangerous 'mistakes' of others, owing to "medical emergencies". Watch out for the drifting across lanes, the vehicle in the rear view mirror getting closer at high speed, and general erratic behaviour.

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There is a great essay by a trucker called "Read it again dammit" and one of his points is do not leave the road trying to avoid an accident. It’s because bridge abutments are stationary objects and the result will be much worse. I highly recommend people read it just to be more aware of their options.

It’s posted on daily kos years ago. I read it yearly.

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"vaxxidents" - no parenthesis needed as it is already approved neologism.

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Dr. Cartland on the cognitive / personality changes he is seeing in NHS doctor colleagues, how NHS doctors are refusing the jabs themselves but continue to jab patients and how they gaslight jab damaged patients.


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The stories he tells of injured and dead people, both inside and outside of the NHS, as well as the cognitive dissonance of doctors is shocking.

The 100 day cough gets discussed at 1 hour 02 minutes. Crazy stuff. Just prior to this the story of a person dropping dead at a jabbing centre and no one leaving the queue. Prion disease. Jab damaged oncologist who could not make a link to the jabs until it was pointed out to her. Dead jab damaged eye surgeon who had been seeing micro clots in his patient's eyes. Goes on and on

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There is no pain too severe or too long-lasting for those doctors, and all others who exhibit the same behavior.

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My son’s 21 year old girlfriend had a grand mal seizure while driving. She went off the road and into a field. She was lucky to survive.

She had never had any type of seizure before. She was vaccinated as a high school senior in 2020.

She had a second seizure during the night following her accident. She is now on anti-spasmodics for life.

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Thank you Mark for highlighting all the deaths, although having to say that is so heart breaking. At the beginning of the bio weapon my other half a crane operator, took the vax to see his Mom. He got an injury, I could see it everyday he came home his cogitative brain was not working right, more stressed etc....I had stated to him that you are a danger to workers. He eventually had to stop working. It has been hard on him, and at times just recently, said it was not a vax injury. Somehow this vax is really screwing with peoples brains. It is so said having to see all those that are dying from this evil.

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