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As far as I am concerned every health minister world wide deserves to be called a murderer. Good for Italy.

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Health ministers, health “entities” & “agencies”, doctors, politicians, pharmacists, nurses, businesses, “journalists”, media, social media, globalists, pharma & anyone else who created, promoted, mandated & otherwise forced people to take the poison

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What's insane is how vast this "vaccine" machine became.

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I totally agree Cindi.

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The thing is, no one was actually forced, at least in the US, there was always a choice... even if it was an awful one. And that's how these pricks are gonna try and skate.

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Coercion is force in a velvet glove. If you can't feed your kids because you lose your job, that isn't a "choice" by my understanding. However, there were plenty who did take it voluntarily, and subjected their children to the possible consequences of that folly. Not really the children's choice either.

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The same argument could be made that an armed policeman can't force you into the squad car-- after all, you always have the choice to run away...

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That choice was de-facto extortion, those presenting it protected from prosecution by means of loopholes created via regulatory capture.

Your assertion is rational and supported by verifiable fact, and I wish it wasn't, greatly preferring to respond to your post with a "respectfully disagree and here's why...," but that would be, most regrettably, unsupportable.

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I hear you. I have loved ones that felt they had no choice, the effects of which have already manifested in at least 3 different ways. This is an epic human tragedy.

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Promoting a poison is also a crime in most places.

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This a great and clear argument on that topic by an American lawyer and long disaffected Constitutional conservative (voluntarist libertarian at this point), who goes by the handle 'Legalman': https://the-quash.captivate.fm/episode/the-lie-of-nobody-was-forced-to-get-a-jab-

I recommend all his webcasts. He's very smart, and the legal perspective is rare, and his is unique.

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He's right. Coercion on the levels that were employed by the government *are* indeed a form of violence. Telling a single mom with 2 kids that she will lose her job (during a lockdown when she had no chance of finding other employment) unless she submits is violence. Much more so than using the wrong pronoun is- yet that is what our society defines as violence, while, coercive injections are "a choice."

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He's right about a lot of things. Those of us who know better will need to abandon the group references, all the 'greater good', 'general welfare', 'society' stuff (used to manipulate regular people, and completely ignored by our 'governors'), and deal with moments, events and situations as people in real time, sometimes facing immediate threat and harm that cannot be deferred to or helped in any way, and possibly caused directly by, those references.

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Rochelle Wolensky specifically, patronizing POS who IMO is responsible for pimping that vax on pregnant women and babies...notice you NEVER hear from her or read about that witch anymore. She absolutely disgusts me.

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She just left us with a parting comment as she exited her role that, paraphrased. 'she knew it was being oversold (as effective), would not work as suggested, promised.' The confession of a criminal with immunity, basically.

And for the thousandth time in a row, just counting from JFK's public killing, there will be much flailing of arms and raising of voices, and gradual admissions over many years that the conspiracy theorists were right all along, but no repercussions for the abusers of the public 'trust' (for whom Dante had a special circle of Inferno allotted).

I think that's all we need to know about the system we live within. The details don't really matter that much at this point.

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Sadly and as much as it irks me to admit it, you are absolutely correct.

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I agree, Black Sheep. All of those MF’ers (Fauci, Collins, Redfield, Birx, Walenski ad nauseum have gone into hiding to count their millions from Big Pharma or Moobman Gates or whichever demons are calling the shots, so to speak. I want to see real justice in my lifetime & it ain’t gonna happen

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Gates, too, made a downplay statement, once the horse was long gone from the barn, about how, it turns out, 'gosh, it really wasn't all that severe, only really affected old people, was basically a lot like the flu.'

Above all things we might do, disassociating with these people and the power structures that allow them to abusively exercise powers they were never given (and could never be given), and with smug impunity, is, I believe, the most important and essential of all, the indispensable factor.

They and the system that creates them have to be neutered. No way around that.

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The FDA and the vaccine manufacturers knew exactly what the vaccines do to the cardiovascular/ reproductive systems of pregnant, and other, women. NTM, the other public health 'parties' involved. Over a third of the pregnant women in the trials miscarried. That is a fact. Completely ignored and covered up by the propagators of this situation. Pu.

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Yeah, that’s what I meant by agencies & entities

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And all of them need to be ignored en masse in future as just normal people with no more particular or legitimate authority than you or I have.

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I agree of course.

This is good to hear though. Thank you for passing it along Mark.

I have a mask improvement idea, cover the whole face, there are some faces I no longer wish to see.

Although there is one face here that is always begging for a slap.

Maybe we could form a reception line of sorts?!?!

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I admire your self control. I want to slap them all!

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Most of them I don't want to go anywhere near.

Although I could think of other images, but I will restrain myself.

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You are too kind!🤗

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Not at all!

I'll do my anger and rage work in my own solitude.

Although that doesn't make me unkind.

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It makes you wiser than most of us dangling over the edge of insanity.

Keep it up babe, WE are all in this together.

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Those who think I'm wise often end up hating me. A woman in her power is attractive, but ultimately not deeply understood.

I do feel that sense of connection to something much larger than myself.

But I am alone.

This life has cost too much.

(you don't need to respond)

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The one I’d take a sledgehammer to is Faux Fauci. I hope he has to spend all the millions he made on security

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Yes but would it make you feel better to actually annihilate him. Yeah go for it in your mind, that can be liberating.

From what I understand U.S. taxpayers are footing F's security force.

Maybe a looped snare leaving all who enact such ceaseless uncaring, dangling from trees.

(now I feel bad for the trees, but who knows maybe they would be cheering)

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"From what I understand U.S. taxpayers are footing F's security force."

I think he needs to be very very "secure" ..i.e. in an underground cell with no visitors allowed....piped in access to all the angry citizens' voices who want to tell him a thing or two...all day long-- every day. And all his "vaccines" should be "updated" at least once a month...

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Imagine if 'we' channeled all our anger and rage as this beautiful passionate, life changing force. Like a sweeping tsunami across the whole earth.

I imagine the sky would clear. All the players, layers of puppets would be knocked off their feet, cease to exist and there would be a ground swell of independent thought and clarity amongst all.

A healing of all the cruddy hereditary trauma, a healing of the earth and all it's creatures.

And this is not to say at all, that right now, we shouldn't get our hate on. Yell, scream. Feel the yuck of it.

In my mind I slash tires and burn down houses on the regular. (it informs me how I feel, moves it through)

POW!!! BAM!!!!

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"I imagine the sky would clear."

Hi Elizabeth...where I am today-- North Carolina...there are NO chemtrails....weren't any yesterday either. What does this mean? Nothing probably. But here's hoping. One of my huge grievances has been the discharge in our skies....I don't know what the heck it is...but it is NOT jet trails. What did that dead poet Emily say about "hope"...I hear that little bird today.

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Emily Dickenson:

“Hope” is the thing with feathers -

That perches in the soul -

And sings the tune without the words -

And never stops - at all -

And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard -

And sore must be the storm -

That could abash the little Bird

That kept so many warm -

I’ve heard it in the chillest land -

And on the strangest Sea -

Yet - never - in Extremity,

It asked a crumb - of me.

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Thank you so much for posting this. I was going to ask. ❤️

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Here's hoping!

Sometimes I sing to the sky and all the weight parts and clears.

It snowed the past three days here in Maine. Today's been a bit brighter. Here's hoping for blue.

It's one of my biggest grievances too. Sometimes I have to ignore it or I will just shred.

You might like this poem, I'll link it because it's long. It's about being moved, feeling.

It's written by Denise Levertov.


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Thank you! I forgot about Levertov....a favorite from about 15 years ago....I think.

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Oh wonderful.

I record this poem sometimes, I love reading it aloud.

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Helen, I am not convinced they were all in on it. I think some of these leaders were duped into believing what they were told. global inertia superimposed by the elites is hard to resist. Useful pawns to kill lots of people.

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Arrest them. Question them. Listen to their side of the story. Part of the cross-examination would ask for explanations of why authorities didn't know what they should have known if they were doing due diligence. Maybe they could name some names of those that did mislead them. What has to stop is the self-satisfied arrogance of the chief culprits who think they are getting away with it. Why are people in Italy so much more ready to do what has to be done, than those of us in North America?

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If that is the case they should be speaking out now after all these deaths and injuries. There is no excuse for not standing up. Mistakes were not made.

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Question them always results in the same response.

I Do Not Recall..

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That is what I would like to see also. And it should be public.

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maybe because they lived thru a war of totalitarianism inflicted on their soil... maybe they dont have fluoride in their water supplies either.

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They got rid of the last dictator by hanging, it’s a part of their natl memory.

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Italy is much smaller country. The US has a millions times more inertia built into the institutional elements built up within the system. Just think how much money is being funneled from the government thru scientific medical establishments and academia down into the lowest elements regional and local government. Everyone is in bed with each other.

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For some reason North America is on the slow train. It is a good question.

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Lack of due diligence.

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agree, have to be brain damaged to not see what was/is going on

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There is a terrible disease and I have seen it go on and on in families with alcoholism and addictions...This "disease" is a mental illness called DENIAL. What will you say to your doctors....what will you say to your "health practitioners"...when your family member has a "rare" adverse reaction ....as Vonte Davies former NFL player did recently....He simply "dropped dead"....I never heard of football stars dropping dead before they pushed "vaccine mandates" ....have you?

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Vontae Davis death: Former NFL cornerback found dead at his home in ...

6 days agoVontae Davis, the former NFL cornerback who made two Pro Bowls with the Indianapolis Colts and memorably retired at halftime of his final game, was found dead by police at his home in South ...

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Plenty of information available.

No excuse.

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ArnoldF. I think you have a valid point. If any of these people had objections or concerns they would have been vilified.

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What, like the rest of us?

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Roc. Exactly. I know all too well how that feels.

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Anyone & everyone, on a sliding scale, who have contributed , or participated in this murder, does not belong in an polite society.

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Obviously true. The military tribunals need to separate the sociopaths from the enablers.

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What about the Vatican? No vaccine - no entry. No vaccine - no job. Religious exemption - Ha ha. Good joke. Tell me another. Last time I checked, it is surrounded on all sides by Italy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Jk5rh3lzgY Pope Francis touts vaccine in ad campaign . And these too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXI8TlWanqU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohH72KW4Z5k . Can a Holy Man be killed? Well, Mencius, disciple of Confucius, has this to say: https://iep.utm.edu/mencius/#H4

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E Lye. You're absolutely right. The Vatican is surrounded by all sides in Italy. I was there in 2013. Historically it's amazing. It's a powerhouse in the political realm under the guise of religion.

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When your cardinal/priest refuses to grant you religious exemption, that says a lot. They boast of caring for the Least, Lost, Little and Last but I cannot ignore the treachery and betrayal, Livelihoods lost. Suicides. Mental illness leading to domestic violence. that surround me. 1 billion Catholics could have raised a mighty resistance. But no. Pope Francis calls me suicidal instead. Only the rare ones like Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano stands by the unvaccinated. And Japan. https://www.theworldlawgroup.com/news/philippines-q-a-employer-covid-19-vaccination-policies-1-2 https://dwightlongenecker.com/the-st-gallen-mafia/ .

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Not just called but also trialled as such in front of the special tribunal and if convicted, face the appropriate punishment.

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