Here are more examples of why I’ll never get vaccinated. All of these celebrities posting themselves getting vaccinated on social media. Virtue signaling 2.0 and some will never admit publicly that they regret their decision to get vaccinated. I work in grocery for a large supermarket chain in Oregon. I don’t wear a mask and I come into close contact with hundreds of customers every day for the past three years and I haven’t gotten sick. In my experience, it’s the vaccinated customers and coworkers who keep coming down with covid and they continue to reinfect themselves

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I have many jabbed and unjabbed friends. By far the ones still getting Covid are the jabbed. I keep a list on my phone.

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You just gave me a great idea!

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I was wondering if this same group of vaccinated people were also experiencing more colds and flu like illnesses. Absenteeism in the work force is really high now, due to illness.

While it's true that fall and winter were the traditional times for flu and cold related viruses, it seems the recovery time now is longer than it used to be. And people seem to be getting these virises on a recurring basis.

Recently, I asked a family member, who is a high school teacher, what the flu and respiratory numbers were in her school. . She said they were high, which isn't that alarming, but now, rather than being off school for a day or two to recover these kids are out for a week.

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Sheding from waksed

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That is IF, it's actually "covid." Could it be that the chemical adjuvants in the injections create such chaos in a person's defense system that systems become overwhelmed? More likely, the modified DNA (which I trust exists therein) could be the main culprit Can we actually trust the tests which supposedly determine if there is viral presence or not? Could the "tests" be keyed to react positively when subjected to anything which is IN the injection soup? Recall how any and every medical condition was formerly blamed on the virus!

I truly do not know the answers to these questions, but the fall-back can be assuredly counted on, and that is that whatever is in the soup, it is most obviously dangerous (and apparently harmful) to the immune system, weakening some, even the strong, and killing others; some immediately, some taking years.

It's REALLY hard to believe that the "campaign" and its managers would collaborate between themselves and draw straws, or whatever, to determine how and where the differing batches should be distributed, to confuse results. But it almost seems they did. Many people seem fine, while others struggle with life, are plagued with medical anomalies, sterility, and so forth.

Getting "to the bottom" of things, I contend, will not happen in this condition of worldly affairs. There might be a few token arrests and fines, but in the wake of the tsunami that has occurred and is still wreaking havoc, it seems that those small incidents of "correction" will be deemed "unavoidable collateral damage" by the perps and they will be swept or tossed under the bus and forgotten. The intended "goal" of the genocidal maniacs have been partially reached with very little "damage" done to their side. I can't say for sure, but would imagine that they're pleased with the results they've caused. It sure would be educational to be able to get inside their minds, just to see what goes on there. Do they think their progeny will be handed-down a better place to live in exchange for all of this treachery and pain? I would love to know!

He whose angels are busily taking notes regarding every thought, plan, or action, knows the answer. Nothing escapes Him. Therefore, we are assured that "Justice will prevail." Eventually. Those that are of the faith (that Christ is one third of the Godhead, and has been given supreme authority in all matters) can rest assured that those angel-taken "notes" are for our benefit, to double-check the Lord's Judgement before the Second Resurrection occurs, wherein all the wicked who have ever lived will be made to live again to receive their "just rewards" for the deeds which they have done while in the flesh.

Not to be redundant, but simply to reaffirm things which are yet to take place, and which have been adulterated through the propounding of many pastors in sheep's clothing, but who are actually lying, ravenous wolves, as Christ called them.


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Kary Mullis, the 'inventor' or 'discoverer' of pcr tech said pcr should never be used for diagnostics. they could never have pulled off the 'pandemic' had he not died a few months beforehand...which is why I think he was killed. the pcr tests used for covid are run at such a high rate of cycles that it's found covid in avocados and shampoo.

ps Mullis loathed fauci and stated publicly, 'the man knows nothing.' I'd been following Mullis since the early '80s. his death made me feel as though I'd lost a member of my family, and I've missed him every day since this began. he would never have allowed pcr to be (mis)used as it's being (mis)used. which is why he had to die...


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Yessss!!! Exactly!!! Mullis was extremely intelligent and likely removed because he would’ve ruined everything Fauci and Co. created. Read somewhere that he died of respiratory illness?? 🙄...oh plezzzz. Makes no sense. Mullis was fit and bold.

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exactly! he finally got some mainstream show (nightline?) to agree to do a deep dive on hiv, and re fauci/azt he said, 'I'd love to chase that little asshole from his car to his office, asking questions.' and he would've done it, too! that's a visual I'l cherish 'til the day I die. ps it would've been so easy to 'give him' a deadly respiratory infection. don't know why, but his wife hates people thinking he was assassinated. I'll never believe otherwise. it was all just a little too convenient...

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One of my visuals is Dr. Stella Emmanuel demanding Dr. Falsi's urine to test it for hydroxychloroquine after Falsi said that hydroxycholoroquine would not help against covid.

Also do ya ever wonder about the plane falling out of the sky in 2014? (Not sure if all these links still work)

Malaysian Fight MH-17 was carrying 298 passengers, many of which were scientists and researchers (who probably had better ideas to treat HIV other than Fauci's toxic AZT) were on their way to an AID's conference in Australia, was shot down in Ukraine( Ukraine being a country that the U.S. seems to control). But the Russians did it? Do you know who was safe and sound, Fauci and Birx. Here is Fauci being so sad about the whole thing. https://www.nbcnews.com/video/remembering-aids-researchers-lost-in-mh17-crash-309287491819

and Fauci almost gets upset in this video. Well no, not at all. https://www.hiv.gov/blog/dr-fauci-reflects-on-hiv-colleagues-lost-in-mh-17-crash/

Other videos regarding MH-17 crash:






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great info. and I love the Emmanuel visual! never heard about that. wish we could get a vial of his blood. bet he's taking hcq AND ivm. and of course that he's never taken one of the shots. I always found that plane crash highly suspicious, too.

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I don't know much about Mullis. Though I thought it is very convenient for Dr. Falsi that Mullis happened to die before the pandemic really started world wide with Mullis publicly hating on Fauci's intelligence. I too questioned Mullis's death. I do think though he looked like he lost a lot of weight right before he died. So I didn't know what to think.

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he died just a few months before they announced 'the pandemic,' and they used his pcr tech to make it happen. they knew he would never have allowed that. yes, he looked as though he was losing a lot of weight before he died, but we don't know exactly what they used to kill him. losing so much weight would've made him even more vulnerable to the respiratory infection which ultimately ended him. both things could've been part and parcel of the same bio-weapon. I'll never believe his death at that time was just a coincidence...

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Valid point. I have never been tested for Covid and I wouldn’t trust a faulty RT-PCR test either

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Ray, it's quite simple really. The shots are toxic. No need to get into modifying DNA,which they don't do. These shots are so toxic that they are self-adjuvanting. No added poisons needed. The body has to then remove the toxins in any pathway it can which appears as the fake disease called covid. No one has isolated covid. Therefore, there can be no test to prove an infection of said covid. You have to have the "thing" in order to make a test that shows the thing. All covid tests are frauds.

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As astounding as many will find your assertions, I would not be in the slightest taken aback if what you proclaim is fact. Treachery, lies, and distractions are all part and parcel of the campaign. Full-blown deceit is well within their play-book rules, and you know what? There is a strange thing I've learned about many of their devices being actually made to be obviations; or for them putting their stamp of authorship right there in plain sight, sort of like a light slap in the face, showing us that they can indeed slap us whenever their will dictates. I think it's a pride thing, but not sure. The evil entity which rules this temporal world, was horribly pride-filled, but has now replaced that with a vigorous hatred of God's creation (people). Since Satan has proven that he can direct "traffic" at his will, with little interference from other sources, he boldly flaunts his successes. The prophet states that this condition will escalate unimpeded until the last day. Those who follow Satan will become more emboldened in their furious campaign to disparage the Word of God, and eventually to focus their hatred upon it and those who uphold its tenets as "holy."

USA will lead out in this dark matter, and will retain its military strength, according to prophecy.


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Thank you for keeping us up with all these reports Mark. It’s brutal but people need to know truth.

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Those clucking hens on “The View” always came across like a bunch of mean, petty bitches, especially among themselves. How has that lame, god-awful show managed to survive all these years!?

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'Cos it's got a "lame, god-awful" audience.

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...and because they always promote and stand behind 'the current thing.' they're still on the air for the same reason people like anderson cooper, rachel maddow, don lemon, and chris hayes are still on the air. they're pit-bulls protecting the narrative.

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My nephew's mother-in-law just died, Robin Robinett. There will likely not be an obituary. She was vaxxed. She was beautiful, and very lively. Last Christmas she had a double mastectomy due to breast cancer. This year, she had a severe respiratory ailment for a few weeks, went into the hospital and died in the hospital. We are all mourning the loss. On another note, I have a weekly Zoom meeting on Saturdays with a couple of bible study friends. One is dying of lung related disease. It is slowly killing her. She told me she knows the vax is killing people. She is black. She is vaxed and boosted. Her whole family if vaxed top to bottom, young to old. The other friend appeared in the video to be shaking, with what seemed to be Parkinson's like shaking. My husband and I haven't seen her or her husband in about a year, as they moved from Washington to Boise. She and her husband are also vaxed. She got vaxed because he was immunocompromised, having prostate cancer, and also because he got vaxed. "She did it for him and his health." It's all a matter of time (for all of us)...

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Sorry for your loss

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So sorry!

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So sorry to hear Patti Smith fell for the vaxx and is now suffering for it. I had hope that she might be more awake than her peers after reading this by her:

“I am sure [we] are being groomed to [be] cashless which seems discriminatory and encourages mindless spending.” (https://pattismith.substack.com/p/experimental-hello)

I pointed her to The Great Freeset in my comment, noting:

“And you are 100% correct about us being groomed for the transition to a cashless society. Please check out the World Council for Health’s The Great Freeset and consider joining the resistance to digital enslavement ✊” (https://pattismith.substack.com/p/experimental-hello/comment/42986331)

Patti published an update about her health status on her Substack yesterday:

“A health situation obliged me to have a hospital stay in Bologna but I am fine. Too much attention was given in the press but I had no control of that. I am fine, just a few of adjustments and rest required.” (https://pattismith.substack.com/p/update)

Let’s hope that’s true.

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The thing that amazes me is that I always thought artists and liberals, let's loosely say, always had a sixth sense which I used to think protected them from the main stream media shit fuckery going down, to use your terminology that I so admire haha....and thought that they would be immune to it. I remain bewildered by their compliance, do not wish any harm, but cannot understand this divergence from what I thought was their usual thinking. I can only think that the 'hard sell' that they participated in has come back to bite them, viciously and regrettably.

Oh dear.

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Haha, nice usage of “shitfuckery,” wendy 😆

I think the alphabet agencies have been working to undermine the counterculture for decades, but the menticidal propagandizing went nuclear with Trump Derangement Syndrome, and once that took hold, all the propagandists needed to do was associate noncompliance, critical thinking, and freedom with the wicked Deplorables, and they automatically flee in the opposite direction.

As I write in “Letter to a Scientifically-Minded Friend”

“An unwitting Goldstein, Trump played right into BigPharma’s strategy to discredit hydroxychloroquine by praising it—giving Trump Derangement Syndrome (a psychological disorder manufactured by and spread to tremendous monetary benefit and turnkey mass control by the media) sufferers the best and only reason they needed to dismiss it. They have been trained to plug their ears, cover their eyes, scream at the top of their lungs, and stamp their feet the instant any one of the Deplorables opens his mouth. One of the most effective instruments in the plutocracy’s toolkit, TDS has been brandished to misdirect the public for years, and it continues to work its magic despite Trump’s declining relevance, the embers of which the media will continue to fan as long as it pays dividends—just as Goldstein’s detested image is deployed in culturally unifying activities such as Two Minutes Hate.” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-scientifically-minded)

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All very true.

It's worth noting that the counterculture (a la sixties) was itself, ironically, in large part the handiwork of these very same alphabet agencies.

With regards to Patti Smith and the pert-near-entirety of the public/alleged rebels, their falling for the con shows 1) the shallowness of the analysis that underpinned their pronouncements and postures, and 2) that almost anyone is psyopable.

It is also worth noting that their "rebellion" was one that was elite-approved, a fact that is self-evident based on their commercial success alone.

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Always suspect to me - even though a big fan of Smith back in the day - that she hooked up early on w/so many of the other soon-to-be big names, like Mapplethorpe, Dylan, Springsteen, etc.

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That Van the Man and EC were the only rock/pop music A-listers to publicly say "Hey, wait a minute..." revealed the rock'n'roll rebels for what they always were — poseurs playing a version of innocuous/establishment-sanctioned rebellion within the limits of rebellion's Overton window ... even if they didn't know they were court jesters at the time; puppets unaware they were puppets in a show beyond their control.

Interestingly, the worst thing you could do in the sixties is the the best thing you could do now — sell out! What you wouldn't be caught dead doing back then, is now what you aspire to. The inversion of almost everything is as good as complete.

Possibly just as interestingly, just now, spellcheck suggested Rockefeller for "rock'n'roll" and overtone for "Overton".

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My understanding is that Clapton and Morrison took a lot of flak for their songs and positions on CV19. Presumably, they could afford to in the financial sense. The inversion is still quite head-spinning, to say the least. As much as I like Smith's body of work and early rebel days persona, I felt the ole Spidey senses tingling when she talked in an interview about how she used to playact the future by herself when she was a kid/teen and practice giving snappy, one-line answers to Johnny Carson when she would be interviewed as a guest on The Tonight Show. Overtone = Overton, oh, the irony...

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Ain't no bizness like show bizness.

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Always an excellent and spot on explanation Margaret Anna ! and with reference to

one of your wonderful letters.

When and if we all go down, at least I will know I've had the privilege of reading such beautifully written missives by one of the finest minds around. You've incessantly been able to settle so many of us with your sensibly written letters. I should just refer to them on my own during my daily consternations haha. What a gift you are to all of us Margaret.

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Aww, you are so wonderfully kind, wendy. It is an honor to write for readers like you 🤗

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As we speak, here in Canada, under the glorious leadership of our current extreme left wing Liberal government, we are being subjected to a daily barrage of the evils of the right. And in an ongoing effort to smear the current opposition party which happens to be conservative and climbing in the polls they have resorted to comparing the leader of our Conservative Party as our Canadian Trump. This is their new tactic to discredit this party.

And no doubt our compliant media will be happy to add to the narrative. Particularly our government funded CBC which, due to its massive funding is nothing but a mouthpiece for our current government.

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I don't know why but for some reason, the left adopted covid vaccination as cause. Most likely because people on the right were questioning it and also some kind of a F-you to Trump who said covid was nothing to worry about. The irony is that it was Trump that gave them the shots they are dying on the hill to defend.

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Yeah I keep trying to figure that one out. Trump warp speed those shots and even gave "vaccine" companies money to do so and left Kennedy high and dry who opposed mandatory shots, but yet the left who love the shots don't like Trump's position on covid.

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Patti Smith performing Bob Dylan's prescient "A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall" at the Nobel ceremony in 2016, at which he was awarded the Nobel for Literature


The lyrics to this prophetic anthem:

"A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall"

Oh, where have you been, my blue-eyed son?

And where have you been, my darling young one?

I've stumbled on the side of twelve misty mountains

I've walked and I've crawled on six crooked highways

I've stepped in the middle of seven sad forests

I've been out in front of a dozen dead oceans

I've been ten thousand miles in the mouth of a graveyard

And it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, and it's a hard

It's a hard rain's a-gonna fall

Oh, what did you see, my blue-eyed son?

And what did you see, my darling young one?

I saw a newborn baby with wild wolves all around it

I saw a highway of diamonds with nobody on it

I saw a black branch with blood that kept drippin'

I saw a room full of men with their hammers a-bleedin'

I saw a white ladder all covered with water

I saw ten thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken

I saw guns and sharp swords in the hands of young children

And it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, and it's a hard

It's a hard rain's a-gonna fall

And what did you hear, my blue-eyed son?

And what did you hear, my darling young one?

I heard the sound of a thunder, that roared out a warnin'

I heard the roar of a wave that could drown the whole world

I heard one hundred drummers whose hands were a-blazin'

I heard ten thousand whisperin' and nobody listenin'

I heard one person starve, I heard many people laughin'

Heard the song of a poet who died in the gutter

Heard the sound of a clown who cried in the alley

And it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard

It's a hard rain's a-gonna fall

Oh, what did you meet, my blue-eyed son?

Who did you meet, my darling young one?

I met a young child beside a dead pony

I met a white man who walked a black dog

I met a young woman whose body was burning

I met a young girl, she gave me a rainbow

I met one man who was wounded in love

I met another man who was wounded in hatred

And it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard

It's a hard rain's a-gonna fall

And what'll you do now, my blue-eyed son?

And what'll you do now, my darling young one?

I'm a-goin' back out 'fore the rain starts a-fallin'

I'll walk to the depths of the deepest dark forest

Where the people are many and their hands are all empty

Where the pellets of poison are flooding their waters

Where the home in the valley meets the damp dirty prison

And the executioner's face is always well hidden*************************************

Where hunger is ugly, where souls are forgotten

Where black is the color, where none is the number

And I'll tell and speak it and think it and breathe it

And reflect from the mountain so all souls can see it

And I'll stand on the ocean until I start sinkin'

But I'll know my song well before I start singin'

And it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, and it's a hard

It's a hard rain's a-gonna fall

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Great song. Here is a quote I found from him re Covid (he doesn’t seem to have said anything about the jabs):

“Extreme arrogance can have some disastrous penalties,” he said. “Maybe we are on the eve of destruction. There are numerous ways you can think about this virus. I think you just have to let it run its course.”

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Ol' Zimmy has had his ups and down over a very long and varied career and personal life but he's often seemed to be more tuned in than other popular musicians.

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check the grim syringe imagery in the video for his jfk assassination epic, murder most foul https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NbQkyvbw18

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Cool thanks—love the song! The link went to audio version so I didn’t see the syringe—is it in the video that has reference photos?

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Wow! A very long set of lyrics form R.A.Z. (aka Bob Dylan). 'Makes one think!

Dylan sat down with a black reporter (from 60 minutes, if I am correct) and disclosed the fact that he had made a covenant with Satan in exchange for fame/fortune through his musical talent. Many have claimed his personal genius for the words written which seem to be instilled with higher than worldly intuition. Many of his works are amazingly deep and thoughtful, and of an order that stimulate contemplative emotions. Sure, these and many other lyrics of his can be pointed to as temporal "genius" but when the man himself admits that Satan assured him of guidance along the way, insuring his worldly success, does the thing still resonate with any doubts?

There's many a performer who have defected, broken their covenant with Satan, and come out to tell their stories. The Holy Spirit, I would imagine, is aggressive in that He is always looking to draw hearts and minds to God. If is be so that a (well-known) performer retracts himself from his stardom "deal" with Satan, so much the better since it might become spread abroad more widely. That's just a guess.

It's much like the UFO scene. Too many sightings by dependable, truthful people, to assume the folks are all delusional. What then? They MUST exist! But that does not mean they are entities from another time or star system. Far more probable, is the theory that they are Satanic constructions, aimed toward the deception of the public at large, for a future purpose, known only, at this point, to none but a very select few mortals, and of course, God Himself and likely His angelic host. Things will unfold, I believe, shortly. But the whole thing might be simply a "reserve" strategy which Satan could decide is unwarranted or useless and is moth-balled. Who can tell?


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She may have needed the vax for travel. I don't think she is overly wealthy, so continuing to perform is a financial necessity.

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I just want this nonsense to stop. All the talk of "COVID" testing and symptoms that people in the MSM have that they associate with "COVID" or "monkey pox" or "virus x" or whatever is next on these monsters' agenda. But it's not going to stop. It's not going to stop because it serves their agenda to divide, destroy, and enslave us. It is difficult for me to explain this outside of a supernatural desire to destroy humanity. Do the controllers not already have every material possession and comfort available in our world. But that is not enough for them. They want to be God. I pray for us.

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Yes it is quite bad but we can win in the end: stopworldcontrol.com

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Parallel sentiments here. What could they want more than what they already have? I think also that there is a supernatural desire to destroy humanity involved with their demented minds. How can that take place so widely? The answer is to be found in the protective parameters of our Lord and Savior. If we reject Christ, then His arm of protection is withdrawn (after a number of attempts to dissuade the individual from doing so). Much like an entire nation (USA and Canada) for tossing out the Truth and stomping it openly, have suffered the back-lash of their own rejection and following after lies and deception. On a personal level, the same thing occurs, which opens the way (and I'm assuming gives permission to Satanic agencies) to short-circuit or otherwise pollute the rational thinking of the brain toward justice, and even logic!

So now, whether or not prophecy is being witnessed first-hand with all the "plague" issues we see, it (the vax) is an obvious contributor to whole-sale brain dysfunction. That, when combined with the guilt factor, the "stupid me" factor, and the Satanic "open door" factor, is it any wonder why we see among us so many unable to think properly?

We as God's creatures are in deep trouble.


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Best way to not get Covid is to not test for it.

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I got some home tests so I could test the apples and oranges.

You can never be too careful.

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Reminds me of President John Magufuli who tested some random things back in 2020 and it all came back positive. He died in 2021. They labeled him as a covid denier.

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I believe he was murdered.

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Me too! He was killing their narrative.

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There were at least two other ones who died after refusing the clot shot for their country.

The leader of Burundi and Haiti.

I have read there were at least 5 total, but I can't remember the other two.

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I wasn't aware that many spoke out and died. That's very telling. Thank you for this information.

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My husband and I were issued 2 boxes of these marvelous home tests. They're still sitting in a cupboard taking up space. Never wanted them. Never used them. Thanks for the reminder. In the trash tomorrow.

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Me too. Wouldn't jam that poison up my nose.

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Re Clooney; my husband’s vaxxed cousin just had it too . 37 days she was sick, she said! Newsflash: I had it too, unvaxxed. Took Ivermectin starting day one. Out of bad later that day, back to normal the next other than for nasal stuffiness which lasted several more days. SMH these people. And their lesson from all this? “ I should’ve taken the 16th booster!”

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It’s appropriate that actors and entertainers “catch covid” being as it’s a fake disease.

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And using contagion as means of “getting” it

All BS

Contagion is a myth and has been proven to be a myth. See Dr Tom Cowan for more info on that

Pathogenic “viruses” don’t and have never ever been proven to exist

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I’m not even talking about that but yeah that’s another problem. Anyone can go back and listen to Rfk’s interview w/Rancourt for example and it was embarrassing. The guy bumbled his way through the discussion and each time Rancourt put forth evidence that refuted Rfk’s nonsense about “galloping pathogen” Rfk couldn’t come up with a coherent response and turned to another subject. You or I do this we rightfully get laughed out of the ballpark. I’ve witnessed this on multiple occasions with Rfk and still his fawning fans give him a pass.

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Joy B is an ass!

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“The Walking Dead's Ross Marquand shares cancer diagnosis” You star in a show called The Walking Dead and now you are literally THE WALKING DEAD? Is this some kind of cosmic twist of fate where the next scene is Rod Serling telling us that contrary to what appears to be reality, Ross has just entered the Twilight Zone?

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At this point Rod is probably saying, I can't imagine, can you? Re all the old faery tales about various monsters that eat people, I am considering them to be more than tales, lately. More warnings. Despite these atrocities, I still wish you an especially good Holiday, or perhaps because of them.

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Thanks - Merry Christmas to you and yours too Jacquelyn.

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RETARDATION IN FULL BLOOM is what we are watching.

These idiot sports announcers and explayers like Wayne Gretzky who now pushes the POISON, are incredibly MIND FUCKED.

I am Canadian and played hockey for 4 decades and really enjoyed my youth because of hockey.

I played small town Ontario where many great players came from, played elite for 12 years against guys like Gretzky who I respected very much and some other boomer players that are announcers here in CHINADA.

I've lost respect for all of them on TSN and the rest because they will not speak up.

George Clooney needs another BOOSTER also.

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Did not realize the great one and others are pushing the vaccine but I’m not Canadian. Sadden life long hockey fan. Of course we have the shot pusher Travis Kielce

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I don't know who Travis the PUSHERMAN is.

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Football player for Kansas City chiefs name spelled wrong

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Did not know Gretsky was pushing the vax. Such a shame. Some celebrities are being paid for this, but surely Gretsky does not need the money.

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He most likely doesn't need the $$$.

He's MIND RAPED is all.

If these celebrities and athletes around the globe would wake up and help us it would be over fast.

Instead they promote DEATH.

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Rough one.

Seeing that pic of Smith and her comment was just...sad. Punk peters out with a whimper.

Will any of these people connect the effing dots? I'm running out of stick people here.

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“I don’t know what the answer is, except that we just have to fight for what is right.” she said. Sadly, she doesn't know what the question is either. Never mind. Just fight. All these people are for rent. You can hire them to say anything.

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In their own minds

I'm sure Some have. However, they'll never admit it publicly until the they have something to gain.

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English Premier League player collapsed today and the game was abandoned https://www.espn.com/soccer/story/_/id/39125011/bournemouth-luton-abandoned-lockyer-collapses

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29 yrs old !

And this was his 2nd event !

Oh dear....

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I wonder if there have been any studies related to how jabs interact with tattoo inks. From what I understand tattoo inks have quite a few metals in them.

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I would not be suprised to find out there is graphene in tatoo inks, but just a guess....

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They're all "vaccinated" while their friends are dropping like flies, I can't believe the stupidity of these people, do your damn research BEFORE you jab yourself.

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The clot shots are culling the idiots! Get some more while you can

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Being so full of hate is not helping either!! These people are just waaay too TRUSTING! If they realize that Covid was politicized and structured to take away your freedom and implemented for government control over its citizens, that’s all I want them to learn!! Also I would welcome them to the side of TOTAL AUTONOMY FREEDOM!!

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