"That scared her": Swiss ski star Nadine Fähndrich talks about heart surgery at 28, marathon runner Adrian Lehmann has heart attack at 34; Roma defender has chest pain, leaves field on stretcher; more
RE: Kristina Vogel's masive thromboses: Let us create some t-shirts and nifty merch, and maybe some marches and GoFundMe's to support this valiant athlete who is now an invalid. Such an undeserved fate. This is a sad coincidence with no one able to determine any why's. Let us forgive and move on. /s Thus sayeth all my blue state Northeast family members.
" Anyone with a brain had time to study the Scamdemic and see that it was false. If you didn't do this, if instead you ran off to get the jab so you could go travelling or not be offended or something like that? You're an idiot. And you're a coward. And you don't live, according to the truth."
On the one hand, some degree of compassion for this person because of that horrible accident and now this horrible surgery presaging worse to come? On the other? She was/is looked to as a role model and an example to millions of people who took The Lethal Injection in consequence. But it was her job to see the Nakedly Obvious and speak out: She did not do this.
Meanwhile "This is a sad coincidence with no one able to determine any why's"? I could determine a "why", did so by July 2021 if not earlier: Covid-19 and The Lethal Injections were and are, nothing but a scam intended to profit from premeditated mass murder, and the people responsible for this? The worst crime in human history? The slowest, most agonizing method of execution ever devised is too good for them, and in the end they would receive the utterly unmerited mercy of Death. Damnation is too good for them. Hell is too good for them. Eternity in The Lake of Fire with the Devil and his Angels, is too good for them...
The fat earthworm "thromboses" found in Vogel's lung are nothing more than the protein-like whitish ropes of an unknown substance(s) attached to blood clots being removed from cadavers. They've removed what they can from her lungs most likely, but unfortunately, all current research has no idea how long the process of manufacturing these clotting white ropes continues. Forever? A year? A few years? She'll be lucky to live a few more years. I'm very sorry for her.
I believe I also read of someone with an open wound who had one of these "white worms" protrude and then removed by the doctors. Don't know if the account is true. I would suspect that the exact correct opening would need to occur for open-wound expulsion. Opening up someone in surgery...well...Vogel was classic textbook. Deathly ill and the correct opening--into the lungs--occurred so the ropes/worms could be seen. I would imagine in a live person that the whitish ropes move in the blood vessels very much like worms.
Could it be that they show up on x-rays, or some other viewing platform as the docs look at the lungs? They do not connected to actual blood clots. They are separate and non-affiliated with blood, other than being covered by it when extracted. Rinsed, they show their true colors. The embalmers are collecting them for display now.
What a horrible way to end ones temporal life! This is such a nightmare!
I'm going to pray harder to the Lord for a bit more time for our probation.
Which stands to reason, since they obstruct blood-flow. A good sized rubberized growth (what can we call them?) is likely to cause a condition of concern in that it blocks (partially) the artery but might not yet do so fully. In that case, the affected would go for a checkup and upon discovery of one or more of these growths, (via x-ray?) a surgery would likely be settled upon. So yes! The "living" are the nurseries for these things. It's doubtful that the dead would be able to support their growth. That's just a layman's point of view. I'm just surprised it has taken so very long a time to fully investigate their composition and origin. The industry has microscopes now that are fully able to view what's going on at practically any level. The "coffee grounds" like looking grains in the blood of the deceased on the SS tables during embalming, are highly suspect without even looking at them, what they are, and what they will assemble or grow into.
If you want to read more about what the white rubbery clots are made of read Clifford Carnicom's stack. He's been studying this for long before the injections. There are other sites as well that can give you a lot of solid information.
The tech in the blood is continuing to grow after the blood has been removed and is dead. The tech does not die in any timely way.
Techs have been finding the white clots or worms in clogged blood dialysis machines for some time now. I watched a video a tech had made showing it.
This is a self-assembling process happening inside the vasculature. Removing the structures from a certain part of the vascular system only buys time before the next blockage, it doesn't stop ... I think it's a question of months, not years, imagine the diameter of a blood vessel compared to these expanding thick clots .. Unless an antidote is found soon, sadly i don't think those people have very long to live.
"These substances are accumulating in blood vessels as they self-organize and self-replicate with the magnetic and electrically conductive materials found in the vaccines that are being used by the pre-programmed graphene oxide to build unidentifiable structures in blood vessels and tissue that block blood flow creating strokes and heart attacks. "
"it is a mystery" Think about it - when a gastrointestinal disease breaks out on a cruise ship - our heroic CDC sends some of their finest from the epidemiology "intelligence" service EIS to try to investigate the cause/source and diagnosis it. For the past 3 yrs folks, many healthy, active, and young have been having heart attacks, fainting/collapsing, developing just about every type of cancer - most diagnosed at Stage IV, developing blood clots, and dying - all reflected in the statistics they maintain and the records of which the the CDC has access to along with VAERS and V-Safe data. But the CDC is not just ignoring it they are promoting more shots and recommending them for children over 6 months along with the other recommended shots these poor pin cushions get. These folks need to be held accountable. Its amazing that the survivors haven't surrounded the building in protest. I use to think they could not find their buts with two hands and a flashlight. Now I believe they are just freaking evil.
Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD is a board-certified Internal Medicine Physician with a PhD in Pathology and over 20 years of clinical experience. She is extremely qualified in clinical and laboratory research, as well as microscopy. She has been studying the contents of the Covid-19 injections extensively, and has extremely important findings and solutions that we all need.
And UK highly popular doctor dr. Campbell interview with funeral director John O'Looney who reports finding white thrombii clots:
Maybe Bill Gates can monetize these thrombii, adding them to his cricket protein mix! BTW: I've read somewhere that most of these bugs have substances that are toxic to humans. That is, nothing can beat the chicken and meat that support human health that Bill's trying to cull right now.
Yes, the natural order is that the chickens eat the bugs, which they can digest without becoming ill. Then we eat the chickens, which are perfectly safe to eat.
And the animals that are being culled, and the milked tossed out, have not been shown to be a threat to humans. All based on trillion times PCR magnification. Many parallels to the COVID scam.
If only there were pill to take that would make it all just disappear! This is really like a scary sci-fi movie. Remember those days? This doctor gal, even stressed the point of being spiritually endowed. Which seems to be the best offense as a defense. They can kill the body, but not the integrity of the person. Jesus died for us. Are we willing to do the same for Him, and trust that He has the power to resurrect us when we are dead? With this "plague" having been unleashed on the unsuspecting public, is it not time to ponder these things? How much time do we have left to get our spiritual lives in order? Will we too be deceived when Satan impersonates Christ, declaring that he is the long-awaited for Messiah? Will we be duped by the preceding "saints" impersonated by his demonic host, claiming the "messiah's" imminent return? Will the masses indeed "wonder after the beast" of Rome whose power and seat of authority has been granted him by the "dragon?"
It's HIGH time to study these things out, or if you can trust it, just watch this:
2 (For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)
The grim Soviet phrase describing the defiant German footballer who ultimately recanted his covid stance-- "vaccinated and recovered"... "recovered" as in reformed, rehabilitated, re-educated... is the most chilling phrase of this whole article filled with chilling news.
Schadenfreude... mein Gott! German is just sooo useful 😄 watch my tears dry. Oops, too late, why dontcha get another jibberjab? Ya Conga Line of Death just keeps on giving...
Amyloidosis is probably an ancient disease, that was diagnosed recently. My Father was diagnosed with it in 2021 and died from it (congestive heart failure) in mid 2023 at age 92. He was vaxxed in 2021 and boosted in 2022. His cardiologist prescribed a new Pfizer product in 2021 that inhibits the production of Amyloids from the liver. The drug cost $10,000 a month but, he qualified for the trial at zero cost. No idea if Pfizer product helped or not. Looking back, I wonder if Pfizer developed this drug, anticipating the Covid vax would cause Amyloidosis that hardens the muscle around the heart, and constricts the ability of the heart to pump blood.
Perhaps a lot of rich people did get the shots but I wonder if those climbing up the power chain did? If you on the approved list of the WEF or WHO, the IMF, or any other controlling entity then I would have a hard time believing they took the shots.
They want to live forever. Become like gods. So they are transforming themselves as well.
My guess is they have vastly superior treatments should anything go wrong for them. They don't care if things go wrong for the rest of the world's population. I think they are fine with the ones who are being killed and disabled. They are looking for the ones who are transforming with them. The ones who survive this. Transformed into living robots, fleshbots, to serve them.
This is transhumanism. I think the culling is a secondary effect. The primary effect is for human beings to be transformed into living robots. Though only some will successfully make that transformation. Most will not.
They will be as gods and the fleshbots will be their people. That's their fantasy.
Of course God will not allow this. The entire thing is a lie that the egomaniacal have swallowed hook, line and sinker. This is the beginning of the separation of the wheat from the tares.
I sincerely hope getting right with God is on the top of everyone's list. Jesus is the only escape.
I've seen more than one article where someone with a (previously) ultra-rare cancer comes across as believing they are somehow special and unique because they got the disease but don't question a cull-shot connection.
Was the thromboses of the cycling champion related to the thick, white fibrous clots this whistleblower reports are being removed (in "emergency" operations) "three to 10 times" EVERY WEEK at ONE U.S. hospital?
Of course, thousands of embalmers are finding these same clots (and "dirty blood") in corpses every single week.
I still think if this was investigated and "confirmed," this could stop the shots in a week.
would like to see the metrics of World Class Athletes who have suddenly fallen ill to strange/rare diags pre cv jab era & then compare to post jab #'s > wanna bet it's a significant eye opener > & the retort would be something like ...."well it far outweighs the risk vs those who have not experienced adverse reactions & exposed themselves to the medical experiment" > SMH
The litanies of 'mysteries'... Not a single ordinary crime would ever be solved were detectives as resolute in their determination to discount obvious leads as are the medical 'sleuths'...
I am sorry to say that the Swiss Marathon runner Adrian Lehmann (see your post above) DIED two days after his myocardial infarction, on April 20, 2024. You can update this one.
You feel empathy...and then you remember that they probably would have scorned you for not wearing your slave mask.
RE: Kristina Vogel's masive thromboses: Let us create some t-shirts and nifty merch, and maybe some marches and GoFundMe's to support this valiant athlete who is now an invalid. Such an undeserved fate. This is a sad coincidence with no one able to determine any why's. Let us forgive and move on. /s Thus sayeth all my blue state Northeast family members.
" Anyone with a brain had time to study the Scamdemic and see that it was false. If you didn't do this, if instead you ran off to get the jab so you could go travelling or not be offended or something like that? You're an idiot. And you're a coward. And you don't live, according to the truth."
-- Br. Alexis Bugnolo, July 2021 (https://www.bitchute.com/video/3HUeE4m3zMUw/)
On the one hand, some degree of compassion for this person because of that horrible accident and now this horrible surgery presaging worse to come? On the other? She was/is looked to as a role model and an example to millions of people who took The Lethal Injection in consequence. But it was her job to see the Nakedly Obvious and speak out: She did not do this.
Meanwhile "This is a sad coincidence with no one able to determine any why's"? I could determine a "why", did so by July 2021 if not earlier: Covid-19 and The Lethal Injections were and are, nothing but a scam intended to profit from premeditated mass murder, and the people responsible for this? The worst crime in human history? The slowest, most agonizing method of execution ever devised is too good for them, and in the end they would receive the utterly unmerited mercy of Death. Damnation is too good for them. Hell is too good for them. Eternity in The Lake of Fire with the Devil and his Angels, is too good for them...
The fat earthworm "thromboses" found in Vogel's lung are nothing more than the protein-like whitish ropes of an unknown substance(s) attached to blood clots being removed from cadavers. They've removed what they can from her lungs most likely, but unfortunately, all current research has no idea how long the process of manufacturing these clotting white ropes continues. Forever? A year? A few years? She'll be lucky to live a few more years. I'm very sorry for her.
This answers the question as to whether they are just in corpses.
I believe I also read of someone with an open wound who had one of these "white worms" protrude and then removed by the doctors. Don't know if the account is true. I would suspect that the exact correct opening would need to occur for open-wound expulsion. Opening up someone in surgery...well...Vogel was classic textbook. Deathly ill and the correct opening--into the lungs--occurred so the ropes/worms could be seen. I would imagine in a live person that the whitish ropes move in the blood vessels very much like worms.
Could it be that they show up on x-rays, or some other viewing platform as the docs look at the lungs? They do not connected to actual blood clots. They are separate and non-affiliated with blood, other than being covered by it when extracted. Rinsed, they show their true colors. The embalmers are collecting them for display now.
What a horrible way to end ones temporal life! This is such a nightmare!
I'm going to pray harder to the Lord for a bit more time for our probation.
Which stands to reason, since they obstruct blood-flow. A good sized rubberized growth (what can we call them?) is likely to cause a condition of concern in that it blocks (partially) the artery but might not yet do so fully. In that case, the affected would go for a checkup and upon discovery of one or more of these growths, (via x-ray?) a surgery would likely be settled upon. So yes! The "living" are the nurseries for these things. It's doubtful that the dead would be able to support their growth. That's just a layman's point of view. I'm just surprised it has taken so very long a time to fully investigate their composition and origin. The industry has microscopes now that are fully able to view what's going on at practically any level. The "coffee grounds" like looking grains in the blood of the deceased on the SS tables during embalming, are highly suspect without even looking at them, what they are, and what they will assemble or grow into.
It's frustrating.
If you want to read more about what the white rubbery clots are made of read Clifford Carnicom's stack. He's been studying this for long before the injections. There are other sites as well that can give you a lot of solid information.
The tech in the blood is continuing to grow after the blood has been removed and is dead. The tech does not die in any timely way.
Techs have been finding the white clots or worms in clogged blood dialysis machines for some time now. I watched a video a tech had made showing it.
Apparently this one is blamed from being in a wheelchair, without emphasis on the calimari aspect.
This is a self-assembling process happening inside the vasculature. Removing the structures from a certain part of the vascular system only buys time before the next blockage, it doesn't stop ... I think it's a question of months, not years, imagine the diameter of a blood vessel compared to these expanding thick clots .. Unless an antidote is found soon, sadly i don't think those people have very long to live.
"These substances are accumulating in blood vessels as they self-organize and self-replicate with the magnetic and electrically conductive materials found in the vaccines that are being used by the pre-programmed graphene oxide to build unidentifiable structures in blood vessels and tissue that block blood flow creating strokes and heart attacks. "
Thank you for so consistently reporting.
"it is a mystery" Think about it - when a gastrointestinal disease breaks out on a cruise ship - our heroic CDC sends some of their finest from the epidemiology "intelligence" service EIS to try to investigate the cause/source and diagnosis it. For the past 3 yrs folks, many healthy, active, and young have been having heart attacks, fainting/collapsing, developing just about every type of cancer - most diagnosed at Stage IV, developing blood clots, and dying - all reflected in the statistics they maintain and the records of which the the CDC has access to along with VAERS and V-Safe data. But the CDC is not just ignoring it they are promoting more shots and recommending them for children over 6 months along with the other recommended shots these poor pin cushions get. These folks need to be held accountable. Its amazing that the survivors haven't surrounded the building in protest. I use to think they could not find their buts with two hands and a flashlight. Now I believe they are just freaking evil.
Hi Mark,
Unfortunately most of us are developing these odd polymerized calamari odd white thrombii and most have no idea that this is happening to us NOW!
Each experimental injection contains trillions of invisible nanoparticles embedded in a PEG based hydrogen.
Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD is a board-certified Internal Medicine Physician with a PhD in Pathology and over 20 years of clinical experience. She is extremely qualified in clinical and laboratory research, as well as microscopy. She has been studying the contents of the Covid-19 injections extensively, and has extremely important findings and solutions that we all need.
And UK highly popular doctor dr. Campbell interview with funeral director John O'Looney who reports finding white thrombii clots:
Maybe Bill Gates can monetize these thrombii, adding them to his cricket protein mix! BTW: I've read somewhere that most of these bugs have substances that are toxic to humans. That is, nothing can beat the chicken and meat that support human health that Bill's trying to cull right now.
Yes, the natural order is that the chickens eat the bugs, which they can digest without becoming ill. Then we eat the chickens, which are perfectly safe to eat.
And the animals that are being culled, and the milked tossed out, have not been shown to be a threat to humans. All based on trillion times PCR magnification. Many parallels to the COVID scam.
It's a plan to cull the masses, but the masses won't mind starving to death because they are saving the environment!
If only there were pill to take that would make it all just disappear! This is really like a scary sci-fi movie. Remember those days? This doctor gal, even stressed the point of being spiritually endowed. Which seems to be the best offense as a defense. They can kill the body, but not the integrity of the person. Jesus died for us. Are we willing to do the same for Him, and trust that He has the power to resurrect us when we are dead? With this "plague" having been unleashed on the unsuspecting public, is it not time to ponder these things? How much time do we have left to get our spiritual lives in order? Will we too be deceived when Satan impersonates Christ, declaring that he is the long-awaited for Messiah? Will we be duped by the preceding "saints" impersonated by his demonic host, claiming the "messiah's" imminent return? Will the masses indeed "wonder after the beast" of Rome whose power and seat of authority has been granted him by the "dragon?"
It's HIGH time to study these things out, or if you can trust it, just watch this:
This young man has everything correct. Amazing! Great presentation! Highly recommended.
2 Corinthians 6:2
King James Version
2 (For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)
The grim Soviet phrase describing the defiant German footballer who ultimately recanted his covid stance-- "vaccinated and recovered"... "recovered" as in reformed, rehabilitated, re-educated... is the most chilling phrase of this whole article filled with chilling news.
Schadenfreude... mein Gott! German is just sooo useful 😄 watch my tears dry. Oops, too late, why dontcha get another jibberjab? Ya Conga Line of Death just keeps on giving...
Amyloidosis is probably an ancient disease, that was diagnosed recently. My Father was diagnosed with it in 2021 and died from it (congestive heart failure) in mid 2023 at age 92. He was vaxxed in 2021 and boosted in 2022. His cardiologist prescribed a new Pfizer product in 2021 that inhibits the production of Amyloids from the liver. The drug cost $10,000 a month but, he qualified for the trial at zero cost. No idea if Pfizer product helped or not. Looking back, I wonder if Pfizer developed this drug, anticipating the Covid vax would cause Amyloidosis that hardens the muscle around the heart, and constricts the ability of the heart to pump blood.
Vyndamax is the name of the Pfizer drug.
As in, vindictive?
Amyloidosis is on an early Pfizer list of adverse reactions.
I don't understand why the rich received the COVID-19 vaccine and medication.
Perhaps a lot of rich people did get the shots but I wonder if those climbing up the power chain did? If you on the approved list of the WEF or WHO, the IMF, or any other controlling entity then I would have a hard time believing they took the shots.
Not enough WEF power brokers on Professor Miller's died suddenly lists.
I think so!
They want to live forever. Become like gods. So they are transforming themselves as well.
My guess is they have vastly superior treatments should anything go wrong for them. They don't care if things go wrong for the rest of the world's population. I think they are fine with the ones who are being killed and disabled. They are looking for the ones who are transforming with them. The ones who survive this. Transformed into living robots, fleshbots, to serve them.
This is transhumanism. I think the culling is a secondary effect. The primary effect is for human beings to be transformed into living robots. Though only some will successfully make that transformation. Most will not.
They will be as gods and the fleshbots will be their people. That's their fantasy.
Of course God will not allow this. The entire thing is a lie that the egomaniacal have swallowed hook, line and sinker. This is the beginning of the separation of the wheat from the tares.
I sincerely hope getting right with God is on the top of everyone's list. Jesus is the only escape.
I get it.
Exactly what Hitler did when he murdered Röhm in 1934, and Rommel and Fegelein in the 1940s, among others.
This is so sad
Question: How many of these people who've taken ill wonder if there could be a connection to the jab?
Interesting question.
I've seen more than one article where someone with a (previously) ultra-rare cancer comes across as believing they are somehow special and unique because they got the disease but don't question a cull-shot connection.
Yes, have seen that, too.
Was the thromboses of the cycling champion related to the thick, white fibrous clots this whistleblower reports are being removed (in "emergency" operations) "three to 10 times" EVERY WEEK at ONE U.S. hospital?
Of course, thousands of embalmers are finding these same clots (and "dirty blood") in corpses every single week.
I still think if this was investigated and "confirmed," this could stop the shots in a week.
would like to see the metrics of World Class Athletes who have suddenly fallen ill to strange/rare diags pre cv jab era & then compare to post jab #'s > wanna bet it's a significant eye opener > & the retort would be something like ...."well it far outweighs the risk vs those who have not experienced adverse reactions & exposed themselves to the medical experiment" > SMH
The litanies of 'mysteries'... Not a single ordinary crime would ever be solved were detectives as resolute in their determination to discount obvious leads as are the medical 'sleuths'...
I am sorry to say that the Swiss Marathon runner Adrian Lehmann (see your post above) DIED two days after his myocardial infarction, on April 20, 2024. You can update this one.