It's always been a racket, as Smedley Butler memorably said; but now it's simmering EVERYWHERE, arguably putting us at even graver risk than in October, 1962 (but with no JFK to cool it over here)
All designed to strike fear, confusion and anxiety into every society. We would all manage to get on much better without these globalists causing the problems
They already conditioned 70% of the population to do as told and never question authority or the corporate media. Getting us into war with Iran, China, or Russia will be no problem. Anyone who objects will be labeled to conspiracy theorist or paid shill for Putin, Zhi, or the Ayatollah
Thank you Michael, yes either a conspiracy theorist or racist is popular in NZ. What is growing is the number of conspiracy theorists which is great. Critical thinking is great exercise for mind and body
Grant Shapps: "...But now is the time for all allied and democratic [sic] nations across the world to do the same thing and ensure their defence spending is growing too…"
Translation: the devil demands his due — and all you tax-cattle will pay for it!
I would say that the ill gotten gains and proceeds of crime are not actually good for those who grab them. Our society is so broken that cheaters are now heroes and lies have become truth...
The people are broken. They have nothing to defend or stand up for anymore. They'll sell out their own family if it gives them one more day of comfort.
First published in 2012 as EPILOGUE to Heart to Heart Parenting, by Robin Grille 🙏🏼
A question to consider while reading:
How does this apply today?
A letter to US parents, grandparents and teachers
In today’s world, it is increasingly true that no one can thrive unless all are thriving together. Our communities are becoming more and more interconnected and interdependent. Malaise in one corner will inevitably, sooner or later, affect the whole. On the other hand, a burst of happiness anywhere in the world sends ripples that touch all of humanity eventually, if only subtly. As we strive to create a loving environment for our own children, we should pause to think how the children around us are faring. The babies and children of other families will one day be the leaders of our children’s world. They will be our children’s doctors, lawyers, senators, and community leaders. Every one of us has a stake in the wellbeing of all children; and so it is well worth “taking the temperature” of childhood in our nations and around the world."
"A new society is eminently possible—one that is driven by love rather than greed, fear, or suspicion. All that is needed is a collective commitment to giving more children an emotionally healthy environment in which to grow, play, love, learn, and feel secure. This requires giving all parents a chance, support and enough time—that increasingly rare commodity—to enjoy their children."
Forgive me for mentioning it Prof. Miller but where's the photograph of Dresden in the collage above? Easily the single greatest act of mass murder in history... What the Israelis are doing in Gaza is more drawn-out and labour intensive, but they're getting there.. 🤔
In Dresden in just the last couple weeks, the city has been quietly and without any public debate erasing and rewriting their memorials to lower the number of victims, remind everyone that the Nazis started it and perpetrated far worse crimes, and state that the memory of the Dresden victims has been exploited for political purposes. And have you checked Wikipedia lately? Apparently, historians are divided on whether the firebombing of civilians in Dresden was a war crime or just an enormously regrettable incident. And as the official narrative of Dresden changes, so goes Gaza. The mass murder you are seeing with your own eyes every day might not be so bad after all. Not a war crime. Just something to be regretted enormously.
One thing for sure is the death toll is being manipulated. Wiki (never to be trusted) puts it at 25,000. Given the thousands upon thousands of refugees in Dresden who fled the Eastern Front, I think the toll is closer to 200,000, mostly women and children.
Lots of Malthusian environmentalists in charge. At this point the Ukraine conflict should be recognized as a Ukrainian peasant culling operation. They killed a generation of men that couldn't escape the country. Now the Zelensky regime kidnaps men in their 40s to 60s to die on the front lines. People like Graham and Nuland really do want to fight to the last Ukrainian.
The Ukraine war is one of the cruelest events in modern history. A kleptocracy run by a Western placed thug was enticed into fighting what might be right now the strongest army in the world. To the utter destruction of that country. It has been ruined. They will be lucky if Russia deigns to take them in at the end. Joe Biden is the most corrupt President in the history of the US. Certainly Justin is clear and above the most corrupt PM in Canadian history. Not to mention they are both the most stupid of their respective country’s histories.
The Satanic Energies are enlisting the Green Death Cult with the Arms (death) Merchants, and the Kickback Klan (politicians), to create a perfect storm. The NPC70% are falling into line as they have been kicked into high fear for at least ten years. And the Socialist Youth Movement, formerly known as University is all for it!! I think we are winning. But the Axis is not one group. We need to fight on many levels.
Is it mostly college students and leftists who consistently vote for and re-elect people like Lindsay Graham, Nikki Haley, Ted Cruz, Ron DeSantis, etc.? Are they against war and do they care about people in foreign countries being bombed? Or am I just missing something, and Haley and Graham are actually leftists?
It is on many levels. Universities need funding from Alumni. This should stop. Pols who push war should be cut off. Stop buying newspapers that push woke and war. Any corporation pushing transgender nonsense we should stop buying their products. So many institutions from the academy to media to social media corps push that which will kill us. Include the Medical Industrial Complex. Every one of those things lives on cash. Cut off funding in every way we can.
It seems likely that our malignant, narcissistic globalist world leaders align themselves to destroy and murder us. But most essays I have read since this morning fail to factor in that Hitler's hubris, for instance, made him fail miserably.
Thus, the globalists are in for failure in the short term, but many of us will suffer immensely.
How is everyone who's beating the war drums also banging the drum for climate change when war will surely mess up the climate in spades? Just asking . . . .
There is only ONE WAY to cover up the reality of the injected bioweapon: cause a catastrophe EVEN WORSE than the millions dead and tens of millions injured from the "safe and effective."
A nuclear war would qualify. And it sure seems the so-called "world community" (those countries controlled by the City of London's/Rothschild's banking industry) is Hell-bent on assuring we get that horror.
Yes all the mainstream media in Europe are screaming War with Russia and it is obvious to the thinking man, that Russia is not a threat, but unfortunately how many people are out there who can think for themselves?
I am Irish and do not want to live anywhere else, my ancestors fought for far too long to free my country, I am staying here and I do not trust any of the imperial powers out there, least of all our neighbours. There have been far too many bloody wars in Europe already and the lords and ladies always seem to come out unscathed, while the blood of the common man soaks the battleground.
Worth reading all of General Smedley Butlers “War is a Racket”:
... As the facts have always shown
the wise have always known
and the butler so famously said
war is a racket
and despite its formal cover
and with all due respect for the dead
whether it's being turned or turning others
into cannon fodder there is no honour
that isn't also a bitter pill to swallow
and killing carried out in the name of the state
when it perpetrates unjust acts of aggression
is as plain as the nose on an aardvark's face
despite the state's ritual
official defensive and moral pretensions ...
General Butler, a man of war, became one of the most important men of peace after his career.
He should be among America's foremost national heroes.
Until the Domino’s guy stops coming and TikTok goes dark the average American will pay no heed.
As a nation, we deserve what's coming. Not enough of us care
“...we just didn’t love freedom enough.”-Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, “Gulag Archipelago”
So sad, but absolutely true. 😎
Just like Game of Thrones.
Bankers wars.
Profiteering off of death and destruction.
Ozzy Osborne song War Pigs described it best, Evil minds that plot destruction, sorceress of deaths destruction
I don't know this for sure but his wife on The View, is probably one of those War Pigs!
Don't know much about her!
“Satan laughing spreads his wings...”
War Pigs on their knees, oh Lord!
All designed to strike fear, confusion and anxiety into every society. We would all manage to get on much better without these globalists causing the problems
They already conditioned 70% of the population to do as told and never question authority or the corporate media. Getting us into war with Iran, China, or Russia will be no problem. Anyone who objects will be labeled to conspiracy theorist or paid shill for Putin, Zhi, or the Ayatollah
Thank you Michael, yes either a conspiracy theorist or racist is popular in NZ. What is growing is the number of conspiracy theorists which is great. Critical thinking is great exercise for mind and body
Grant Shapps: "...But now is the time for all allied and democratic [sic] nations across the world to do the same thing and ensure their defence spending is growing too…"
Translation: the devil demands his due — and all you tax-cattle will pay for it!
I would say that the ill gotten gains and proceeds of crime are not actually good for those who grab them. Our society is so broken that cheaters are now heroes and lies have become truth...
I agree, Mark. Civilization has been shattered. Even if all this nonsense stopped yesterday I fear it is just too late...
Not being pessimistic. Just a realist...
The people are broken. They have nothing to defend or stand up for anymore. They'll sell out their own family if it gives them one more day of comfort.
First published in 2012 as EPILOGUE to Heart to Heart Parenting, by Robin Grille 🙏🏼
A question to consider while reading:
How does this apply today?
A letter to US parents, grandparents and teachers
In today’s world, it is increasingly true that no one can thrive unless all are thriving together. Our communities are becoming more and more interconnected and interdependent. Malaise in one corner will inevitably, sooner or later, affect the whole. On the other hand, a burst of happiness anywhere in the world sends ripples that touch all of humanity eventually, if only subtly. As we strive to create a loving environment for our own children, we should pause to think how the children around us are faring. The babies and children of other families will one day be the leaders of our children’s world. They will be our children’s doctors, lawyers, senators, and community leaders. Every one of us has a stake in the wellbeing of all children; and so it is well worth “taking the temperature” of childhood in our nations and around the world."
"A new society is eminently possible—one that is driven by love rather than greed, fear, or suspicion. All that is needed is a collective commitment to giving more children an emotionally healthy environment in which to grow, play, love, learn, and feel secure. This requires giving all parents a chance, support and enough time—that increasingly rare commodity—to enjoy their children."
Link to PDF:
The only way to end war is to shut down the MICIMATT complex.
think i got the first three but what's the rest of the acronym?
Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academia-Think Tank
Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern coined it.
learn something new every day. thanks again.
You Rock Vonu!! 😎😎
Forgive me for mentioning it Prof. Miller but where's the photograph of Dresden in the collage above? Easily the single greatest act of mass murder in history... What the Israelis are doing in Gaza is more drawn-out and labour intensive, but they're getting there.. 🤔
In Dresden in just the last couple weeks, the city has been quietly and without any public debate erasing and rewriting their memorials to lower the number of victims, remind everyone that the Nazis started it and perpetrated far worse crimes, and state that the memory of the Dresden victims has been exploited for political purposes. And have you checked Wikipedia lately? Apparently, historians are divided on whether the firebombing of civilians in Dresden was a war crime or just an enormously regrettable incident. And as the official narrative of Dresden changes, so goes Gaza. The mass murder you are seeing with your own eyes every day might not be so bad after all. Not a war crime. Just something to be regretted enormously.
To quote an eighteenth-century English gentleman observing the consequences of a similar calumny: "Shite". 💩
You might want to check out Kurt Vonnegut's "Slaughterhouse-Five"; both the book and the movie.
Meanwhile possibly you'd also like to take in these three chestnuts regarding the whitewashing – or rather "blackwashing" of history:
💣 "Denying Holocaust Denial" - Thomas Dalton -
💣 "American Pravda: Holocaust Denial" - Ron Unz -
💣 "American Pravda: Oddities of the Jewish Religion" -
One thing for sure is the death toll is being manipulated. Wiki (never to be trusted) puts it at 25,000. Given the thousands upon thousands of refugees in Dresden who fled the Eastern Front, I think the toll is closer to 200,000, mostly women and children.
Captain! I got the book, but haven’t started reading it yet!😉Thanks!
Ummm... which one? 😘
180 degrees! BIG book🤓-lol.
It'll keep you busy. It's a pot-boiler!
Always liked "COVID-19 denier".
Is it just about the money, or is it a death cult?
Lots of Malthusian environmentalists in charge. At this point the Ukraine conflict should be recognized as a Ukrainian peasant culling operation. They killed a generation of men that couldn't escape the country. Now the Zelensky regime kidnaps men in their 40s to 60s to die on the front lines. People like Graham and Nuland really do want to fight to the last Ukrainian.
The Ukraine war is one of the cruelest events in modern history. A kleptocracy run by a Western placed thug was enticed into fighting what might be right now the strongest army in the world. To the utter destruction of that country. It has been ruined. They will be lucky if Russia deigns to take them in at the end. Joe Biden is the most corrupt President in the history of the US. Certainly Justin is clear and above the most corrupt PM in Canadian history. Not to mention they are both the most stupid of their respective country’s histories.
Justin declares Canada will support Ukraine to the end. So, what? Like May 2024? The end of Ukraine as a separate country?
Why didn't those men resist or frag their commanders?
they're civilians, untrained. compartmentalised in their military units. and scared to death.
Not a likely thing to do. They probably grew up with them.
The Satanic Energies are enlisting the Green Death Cult with the Arms (death) Merchants, and the Kickback Klan (politicians), to create a perfect storm. The NPC70% are falling into line as they have been kicked into high fear for at least ten years. And the Socialist Youth Movement, formerly known as University is all for it!! I think we are winning. But the Axis is not one group. We need to fight on many levels.
Most college students and leftists are in favor of war as long as they do not have to go fight and the "right" people are being bombed
Is it mostly college students and leftists who consistently vote for and re-elect people like Lindsay Graham, Nikki Haley, Ted Cruz, Ron DeSantis, etc.? Are they against war and do they care about people in foreign countries being bombed? Or am I just missing something, and Haley and Graham are actually leftists?
Regardless of the cultists, it is driven by the profits earned by the MICIMATT complex in its prosecution.
Profits are needed to run the revolution. We need to stop them from being profitable.
Which side are they on?
I am talking about we need to stop funding those who are trying to tear us down.
Who is that and what are they doing?
It is on many levels. Universities need funding from Alumni. This should stop. Pols who push war should be cut off. Stop buying newspapers that push woke and war. Any corporation pushing transgender nonsense we should stop buying their products. So many institutions from the academy to media to social media corps push that which will kill us. Include the Medical Industrial Complex. Every one of those things lives on cash. Cut off funding in every way we can.
I would say both.
What a Sick Game That going on for too Long...
All Wars are Bankers war...
It seems likely that our malignant, narcissistic globalist world leaders align themselves to destroy and murder us. But most essays I have read since this morning fail to factor in that Hitler's hubris, for instance, made him fail miserably.
Thus, the globalists are in for failure in the short term, but many of us will suffer immensely.
How is everyone who's beating the war drums also banging the drum for climate change when war will surely mess up the climate in spades? Just asking . . . .
Electric tanks and F-22s will spare the atmosphere from deadly CO2 I've heard.
Plus the Pentagon just spent $7.6B developing biodegradable bullets.
Plus less people and animals spewing the deadly CO2.
Problem-Reaction-Solution all created by the elites to control us sheeple
Like WW l.
Spanish Flu.
The Titanic.
Federal Reserve.
Espionage Act.
Russian Revolution
if that is linear put the Fed. Reserve first, very important!
The Federal Reserve isn't federal, nor does it have any reserves.
There is only ONE WAY to cover up the reality of the injected bioweapon: cause a catastrophe EVEN WORSE than the millions dead and tens of millions injured from the "safe and effective."
A nuclear war would qualify. And it sure seems the so-called "world community" (those countries controlled by the City of London's/Rothschild's banking industry) is Hell-bent on assuring we get that horror.
Yes all the mainstream media in Europe are screaming War with Russia and it is obvious to the thinking man, that Russia is not a threat, but unfortunately how many people are out there who can think for themselves?
I am Irish and do not want to live anywhere else, my ancestors fought for far too long to free my country, I am staying here and I do not trust any of the imperial powers out there, least of all our neighbours. There have been far too many bloody wars in Europe already and the lords and ladies always seem to come out unscathed, while the blood of the common man soaks the battleground.