No surprise that the comments are disabled on that YT video.

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Did you read, (although it seems to have been very underreported 🤔), about the ex CEO of YT - her son died suddenly and unexpectedly ? He was in his twenties I think. I believe it was earlier in the month.

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The upper tiers of society were supposed to get the placebos. Someone goofed.

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Unfortunately, I saw that story incidentally. It is really hard to care. People are dying or suffering disabilities every day, but it's only news because it was the ex-CEO of YT.

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They'll say it was fentanyl, and it may have been. You'll never know. I still remember the interview with his mother where she said that YT would not allow criticism of the vax. She has four other kids. Wonder if they all got the shot.

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Welcome to Vaxstralia — buckle up!

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And also I do not believe that Australia is 95% vaccinated, I think this is a furby. I know a lot of people who have not succumed to the poison.

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It's a bit hard to find, and they keep shifting the reporting goal-posts.

Try this - download the Excel file, and do your own column as a percentage calculation. It is over 18yo vaccinated, listed by local authority, and is a cumulative total.


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If they have been, then it must be said, Yet

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I must correct the word furby, meant to say furphy: A furphy is Australian slang for an erroneous or improbable story that is claimed to be factual

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The news reports that the driver was 31 year old and fainted while driving. Right. Nothing to see here.

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Would have been more believable if he had just "fallen asleep" at the wheel.

I had a CDL for 40 years and cannot remember ever hearing a trucker "just fainted".

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Folks essentially never “faint” from a seated position…gotta have something else going on.

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great point!

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Yes, indeed, I’ve been thinking about that since reading this….one would think that his boss would have a solid Sit Down with him after viewing all the $damage$ and ask “Now you talked pretty big about the vac last fall, have you had a booster recently?” Doubtful if fainting was the cause, although assuredly the beginning of….”Forthwith,” i would imagine …..

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Feb 27, 2024
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Freaky for sure Still seeing folks with masks walking around Barnes and Noble

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We see these accidents every single day. So many more ambulances, and when the American Heart Association puts out a video for practitioners that “heart disease is the number one killer worldwide and you will see even Young and Healthy appearing people having heart attacks”. Nothing like a little indoctrination to normalize the abnormal and keep practitioners in line.

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Add the local explosion of bystander CPR classes…

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I know I have posted a comment about this before -- and I'm sure some of these accidents do have to do with the vaccine injuries. But where I live in NY state there are people participating in organized harassment using vehicles. The drive aggressively in a group to intimidate an individual driver. There are some people in local police who are aware this is going on in the Saratoga Springs area. I don't know why police don't stop it. I've witnessed drivers engaged in vehicular mobbing cause accidents.

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Awful….with the high statistics of Incomings to this country, one would fear walking back to their car after shopping after dark….not to mention even thinking of keeping their evening jog schedule.~~~Many years ago my mgr told me that her son had an exchange at a left turn stop light and he was simply going to pass his information to the driver ahead of him, when the guy got out of his truck wielding a baseball bat. ‘Nuff said buddy, never mind” ….Nobody these days worries about eating with your elbows on the table !!! Shoes resting on the chair next to yah….Too much else going on …. The Old Days, what were they?!

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Gang Stalking, some coppers are in on it. $$$

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Something similar happened right in front of me, on the highway, last year. And yes, I suspect the driver had been boosted that afternoon. He went through a guardrail and into a ravine. Fortunately he didn't hit me (my kids were in the car). I pulled over to render first aid, had to break a window to put brake on the car so it wouldn't roll further.

Folks, it's a good time to brush up on first aid, and get an emergency kit to carry in your car.

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Shedding is real. Protect yourself. See Dr Pierre Kory Interview with ET around the week of Feb 18, 2024. He treats patients that have never been injected but have Spike protein because they have been shed on.

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Wow! Truly a close call. So thankful you were in the right place for him. Terrifying. And I continue to be amazed at the drivers who swerve to get ahead of me, speed up to what obviously within seconds, is going to be a stop light, and there we are! we both end up lined up, together.~~~One hopes to only be the observer, but yes, be aware around you.. Years ago I had a friend in highway patrol, he always said, “the guy next to you could have had a fight with his wife, the person ahead a medical emergency, the woman on the other side might be checking her makeup, and someone else, these days, could have dropped their cell phone, spilled a drink and trying to catch it…”

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so true. you know what's funny, i looked up the news that evening to see if it had been reported. they had several of the facts wrong. they said he died upon impact (he didn't). they said he was southbound when in fact he was northbound. then i realized ... there were TWO identical accidents in the same day at the same time on the same stretch of highway. they were reporting on a different person who also had a stroke while driving and drove through a guardrail.

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Feb 27, 2024
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Relative in AZ did the same thing. Fortunately the other folks were “only” injured.

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Darn - forgot to include him in the family SADS category. Make that at least 3.

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Thanks Mark. Breaking news: Covid vaccine mandates for emergency workers found to be unlawful | 9 News Australia


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the dam is breaking.

the wave is coming.

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"A medical episode." The terms they come up with to avoid the real issue.

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Have you seen CheckUr6 channel on BitCHUTE?

They compile collections of 'what is going on'.

As goes Palestine so goes the world we are the

object of GENOCIDE...all of us.

The Great White Replacement See The Kalergi Plan & Cloward PIven. All covered at Demon Hunter channel also on BitCHUTE. Western White Nations are about to be invaded & a Purge of citizens by illegals who are paid mercenaries by the UN.....to take us over. All white nations are experiencing this. Good luck & Godspeed.

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Another freak mishap with video involving a car hitting 2 teenage boys on a footpath in Perth, Western Australia, Jan 2024, due to a possible medical emergency behind the wheel. As this was so publicised and there has been no news on the driver being charged I'm assuming this was definitely due to a medical emergency.


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Let's not have any awkward questions eh?

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The rule is that high blood pressure, even if controlled, prohibits you from obtaining a CDL to drive a truck or school bus. Okay, perhaps it is time to raise the cry for banning the Vaxxed from being licensed for these driving tasks.

I am just saying, this is how the Left wages its propagandistic, Alinskyan warfare on yet another front. Learn from them?

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Let’s run stats by the number of times vaxxed, and make a law that makes sense. First step, we need record level data on the vax status for all drivers responsible for accidents. After alcohol and drugs and how many covid-19 vaxxes should be the 3rd question and recorded on the accident report.

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Yes. I agree. We really do not have yet [an] analysis (or do we) of the pre-Vaxx frequency of these types of likely loss-of-consciousness events while driving. Clearly it happened. We have to sort out the factor of increased attention by people like Professor Miller and, in Canada, Dr. Makis. The base data should be obtainable. The Feds (D.O.T.) for sure keeps data for truckers. It is interesting that police are rather frequently involved in these "crash-through" events. They, as a class, drive a lot, but you would expect them to sense difficulty and, given their training, bring their vehicles to safety. I had a friend in California who suffered a fatal heart attack while on the highway. He was observed forcing his car securely up against a concrete divider presumably with the intention of bringing it smoothly to a stop without initiating collisions with other vehicles.

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That news piece occurred 11 months ago. Not sure if someone has pointed that out🤔

Not detracting from the damage but it's not current so a bit concerned that we still seem to be running a year behind.🤔😐

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Sorry, I didn't see your comment. I just mentioned that is an old video.

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And the camera piece of the video was dated 2015.

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Did not hear about that because I don't watch MSM news. Just commented on your US list wondering what is happening in Australia. Thanks.

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Hi Mark, thanks for posting this desth defying catastrophe. Amazing no one was at the bus shelter or on the side walks, that huge semi truck kept driving several blocks on the sidewalks.

BTW; I think that the first few rounds if the Pfizer or Moderna jabs were mostly saline in certain key trendsetter cities like san francisco so those idiots would continue to get the rest of the country to get vaxxed.

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Wow! Thank God only the 31 year old driver was injured.I used to think life and disability ins. would be the worst thing, now I am not so sure. All ramifications and the ripple affect through the WORLDS economies well be a catastrophic that goes by transport (auto,truck,tractor,train,ship,jet pipeline, etc.)

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The driver was surely jabbed! Nightmare

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