That such big government operatives were involved in THIS is a red flag. That he was held without trial IS a red flag. Who is steering this whole thing? Who is collaborating? Considering the lawlessness of the finance system it makes absolute sense they would have to try to protect the assets. People that say there should be no profiting off of the covid resistance is delusional in that people have bills, people are giving up and losing careers because of their stance. I have no idea but I am anxious to see the great researchers that WILL expose it. Was Reiner's life spent fighting the bad guys? I hope that is true. But at this point I'm investing in the dog I am currently sitting that has more heart than the people running the world right now. More honesty in that face than many I've been forced to look at.

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RF said at the beginning of his statement that he was investigated in secret for a year without a chance to respond and this was in violation of the law.

Is that true? If so then also a red flag imo.

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this guy supposedly took down Volkswagon for emissions TEST fraud, yet....

he didnt even consider covid test being a 100 % fraud ? before the shots came out warped speed when it could have stopped them?Invalid test its an easy take down for any consumer fraud lawyer yet he didnt touch it 🤔🤔🤔🤔 test fraud is test fraud

the answer is at www.VirusTruth.NET read Contagion Myth by Dr Tom Cowan md

and videos by Dr Samantha Bailey Md. and her book VirusMania.

i wont waste my time following this distracting theatre.


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The covid test fraud was the first issue he raised. I believe he even took it to court in Germany, and lost. He was also extremely critical of Drosden, the German professor who produced it.

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I hope you realize that all of us here, right now would rather be that puppy than face ourselves in the mirror… You are kind and you will get kindness back.❤️

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The Snakes, that is who:

The Roman Catholic Vatican Jesuit Order Exposed – Conspiracy Documentary


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So let's see the paperwork from the court judgement. This isn't a he said/she said/ he said case. It should be proved one way or another by documents. And I do say documents because the German courts have not been shinning examples of truth and justice. So everyone should lay the documents on the table and then people can make an actual determination.

I find this whole thing really sad. All of these people did incredible work. They all took real risk to present the information on the Corona commission. Reiner may have the biggest name, but they all took a real risk. I have always disliked Reiner calling Viviana "mentally ill". He should just say she isn't telling the truth, produce his documents, and let the chips fall where they may. I think that is a cheap shot and it's a vicious thing to do.

I really don't know who is telling the truth here and I will wait for the documents before I make any decision. Whatever is the case, it does not erase the invaluable work of the commission and of all the people involved in that important work.

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Character assassination is used by liars.

I hope the case clarifies who is the predator here.

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I think that is often the case. It does sometimes happen that a person is just freaked out and acts unprofessionally and with intent to harm someone, which, under better circumstances, they would not do. Whatever the case, it was wrong and hurtful and did not serve any good purpose.

I hope we get clarification as well.

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It's interesting that In this latest speech Reiner does not mention Vivianne Fischer as an instigator but implicates the 2 that dropped out of sight after the first year or so. I recall that one of them (perhaps an attorney) was a woman with the same last name ie: "Fischer". The other was a male attorney. It appears the alleged cast of complainants against Reiner has shifted.

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Harold, I'm not certain of this. We are only hearing what Reiner is saying in this video. He is an interested party. Of course there is nothing wrong with his speaking out, but he may not be giving us the whole picture.

I'm hoping these documents will get translated into English and other languages as so many people around the world watched the Commission. That way we can come to understand what has actually transpired.

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Right. I detect the story has shifted. It's developing like a "soap".

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Yes, Antonia Fischer if I recall correctly and Justus Hoffmann

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whats more important is www.VirusTruth.Net

then you will understand the theatre of this. All stemming from covid test fraud and all

tests for illness by virus 100% fraud

read Dr. Tom Cowan mds book The Contagion Myth free on this site.

share widely..

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I hope to God he is right

it seems his organization was infiltrated from the get go by Vivienne Fischer and her accomplishes.

Reiner is a brilliant attorney who is able to practice in both Germany and California.

The tremendous amount of work and effort he made to expose who and what are behind the covid psyop should be rewarded, not vilified.

He has been receiving thousands of letters and postcards of support from friends around the world.

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More important to understand is that virus are dead cell debris not contagious! there is no virus they cant make viruses in any lab they can only FUND Research as a form of Money Laundering. www.VirusTruth.NET read Contagion Myth by Dr. Tom Cowan and Virus Mania

by Dr. Samantha Bailey and BRILLIANT work/findings of virologist Stefan Lanka all on this site

free pdfs and video lectures. share far and wide so we can put a quicker end to ALL Shots

cradle to grave. www.VirusTruth.NET I put their easy mini flyers on cars or tape to gas pumps

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Thanks for covering this Mark. I was shocked to discover only recently that Fuellmich had been incarcerated. He and the team were one of the early anti-narrative voices I followed. I had been perplexed as to his absence.

Fuellmich’s case is a little reminiscent of CJ Hopkins, another ‘dissident’ re Covid who was recently acquitted in a German court on some trumped-up charges. Wishing Fuellmich all the best.

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The governments of the world are usurped and weaponized. Fuellmich knows the fabricated nature of the SARScoV2 situation and was proclaiming it to the world. These people in government and NGOs know the consequences if and when it all comes out. They will do ANYTHING to suppress the truth. Like the truth about the PCR test used to build the illusion of a worldwide pandemic. A massive false positive generator as proven by a international professional peer review who did a point by point examination of the protocol that backs the test, known as Corman Drosten for the two primary developers, compared what they found to the best knowledge on PCR testing and concluded, "the test is so flawed on a molecular and methodological basis as to be worthless as a medical diagnostic test". This test was endorsed by national and international public health and governments across the planet. See the Corman Drosten Review report online.

If the truth on the bogus nature of the viral event were widely known there would be a worldwide hunt for those responsible. To include the leftist German government where the test was developed by Christian Drosten, primarily, who is intimately linked with the West German government and the head of Euro surveillance, the agency that approved the protocol the day after it was submitted for review. A process that normally takes an average of 171 days. Fuellmich was the spearhead in telling this. One of the first to endorse a world court trial for crimes against humanity. The perps will do anything and I mean any thing to silence this To include fabricate charges against those they fear in the courts. Exactly what is happening to to Donald Trump. Like Barry Young, the New Zealand vaccine adverse event whistle blower. Like many others. PU.

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Speak about "the hollocaust" in Germany? Be arrested.

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Referring to #1. Not #2. Now that I write this. #2 is probably the same.

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There is no Virus. The Test is 100% fraud. he did not even touch the test as a Consumer Fraud issue. No reference sample of any virus used to develop the test.

www.VirusTruth.NET Read Contagion Myth by Dr. Tom Cowan md

free pdf on the site and papers by Virologist Stefan Lanka Misconception Called Virus.

BRILLIANT Galileo of our time.

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There is no fair law anymore

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Has there ever been?

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I am thinking not, law is an ass …

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Totally agree!

There is no fair law...

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I’ve flowed his commendable efforts for a few years. I hope he gets out of that gulag (reminds me of the innocent J 6 patriots held captive in the vassal state of w d c).

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Mark, thanks for posting this. Please keep us informed of Reiner Fuelmich's trial.

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Prayers for Reiner Fuellmich for our Lord lives in the TRUTH ...

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Thank you for covering this. I have been a fan of Reiners since I first heard him speak, with his coworkers, at the beginning on the Plandemic. Because of his intelligence, charm and good looks I’ve followed him.Elsa is also keeping us updated. 🙏🏼s for all and his innocence.

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I was just dreaming about Reiner last night and now this! His struggle must be having an impact on the collective unconscious. May we all find such courage and strength in the face of incalculable evil.

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Miss him 🤍

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imo Reiner is a political prisoner and I hope he isn't being tried in front of a kangaroo court

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Thanks for posting. Great to hear from Reiner!

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Hold strong!

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I hate to sound skeptical, but does anyone actually think he'll get anything even resembling a fair trial?

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