I have very much noticed the increase in infant and young children deaths reported here. I never have the stomach to read them. But I did today, here. Imagine if these deaths had been investigated, not hidden, what would be learned, and the children who would be saved from actions taken and not taken (NO JABS FOR MOTHERS AND BABIES). The day the FDA approved EUA for 6-12 years I cried. When they then moved it down finally to 6 months I cried more. Now when I learn of any covidian I know who's pregnant, I just have a certain contained horror, I'm steeling myself for tragedy. I read somewhere that only 1% of mothers are now taking the covid shots during pregnancy. Have no idea if that's true. Of course, these pregnant women are taking all kinds of other vaccines and flu shots, which is f**king bonkers. And then they're giving their 6 month old babies the shots, repeating over the next year. MCM, thank you for your constancy in reporting the news of these deaths.

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I can only wonder what the level of under-reporting is, especially for babies. And I wonder how many babies are severely ill. This is appalling and is NOT normal.

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The CDC “immunization” schedule between in-utero to 12 months is about 32 shots. By the time kids are 18 they receive almost 70 shots. A society that does this to their kids (in the name of health) is beyond cruel.

In my opinion, the main cause for the baby deaths seem to be ignorant parents, who are too lazy to do proper due diligence PRIOR TO injecting themselves and their kids with already-proven poison shots. They expect Pharma-corrupted doctors and government agencies to tell them what to do, even if they (the doctors and agencies) have a financial conflict of interest. Persistent ignorance can be deadly.

By now, those who still think that vaxes (Con-vid and others) are “good” may be too brainwashed to wake up. Like the saying goes: “It’s Easier To Fool People Than To Convince Them That They’ve Been Fooled”.

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In this particular list of unfortunate children, the majority of deaths occurred in TX, KY, TN, GA, AL, MS, LA, SC, KS, AR. No deaths in New England (including NY). A few in VA, CA and NJ.

I wonder if it might be related to this:


"CDC confirms 100% of reported Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths were caused by just 5% of batches produced & the majority were sent to red Republican States across the USA"

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I appreciate the monumental effort that goes into making the reports, and I scroll through each terrifying long report. With respect to the deaths of babies, though, it is difficult for me to assess the impact of the so-called vaccines (actually experimental transfections). First, there is no way to know the usual background rate of infant deaths and whether these reports show a clear increase over background. Second, it seems that it is usually not known whether either the parents or the child had received the shots. Does anyone know of a way to make the statistics clearer or to confirm that the shots are causing these deaths?

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Great question. I have a question.

How many “infants deaths” does it take to defy the need for statistical support? This week it was 58. What will it take? 100? 500? 1000? Time will tell.

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My comment is not meant to minimize the number. However, approximately three million deaths occur in the U.S.A. each year, or between 50 and 60 thousand per week. Not every infant death is included in these reports, but is 58 out of, say, 58,000 significant? Without more context, it is difficult to say, and I am certainly no expert on stillbirths (not sure whether they are counted) and infant deaths.

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Thank you for your response. Your question is valid and it is a GREAT question. Though I am no expert on stillbirths I have experienced the traumatic and lasting effect it has had on women in my family. I took care of two female friends after their abortions. I wish I had encouraged them to have the babies.

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These obituaries get more heart-breaking every week. The CDC and any doctors who coerced pregnant women (or any woman of childbearing age for that matter) to get the jab, should be put in prison. They knew better and they all lied! I have known only one young woman whose doctor told her NOT to get the jab and it's not good for childbearing age women who are trying to get pregnant -- and NOT to get the jab if she got pregnant.

I'd never heard of Trisomy 13 until I started reading these obituaries -- now it seems that this genetic disorder is quite common -- obviously because of the genetic damage that is being done to young women due to the junk DNA found in these toxic shots. I'm not sure we'll ever have a "next" generation of youth at this rate.

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the death and destruction these doctors caused by recommending the jabs especially to mothers. My daughter pregnant with her 2nd asked her doc on a phone call and his response freaked her out. I'd describe her as skeptical at the outset but she just lost her mind because she could tell the doctor was lying when he said to take it. Meanwhile she's expecting her 5th now and her children aren't getting any jabs whatsoever. My son however is in the the camp of jab them at 6 months which makes me so sad as I see the ongoing "killing spree" so aptly described by MCM.

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Who can we trust with the controlled propaganda MSM, and now the blatant controlled opposition reporting? The video below is from someone that is speaking the truth and this 5 hour old news is very urgent that you should listen and warn everyone you know.

Thank you Mark, and all of the honest, sincere truth tellers out there. You are out there, just takes time, and a lot of discernment to find you.



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Awful sad x 58 babies add infantilism. Well Dr Italianos become extinct?

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This report needs all of us to print and send cerfified mail to these snakes in washington d.c. the home of the DEMONS.

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If you watch the interview with Dr. Thorpe, he describes that placentas have changed in women who have been jabbed previously. And it’s not just the women who are jabbed when pregnant, but also women previously jabbed. If he is correct then the carnage being documented here will not decrease anytime soon.

From the interview it does appear that the nurses who assist with these grieving mothers are waking up to the destruction but it may be too late for a majority of women of childbearing age.

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Shakespeare meets Vaccine Injury Denial. Watch the music video: PERCHANCE TO DREAM. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/new-music-video-release-perchance

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