We know what happens to the presidents of countries that refuse the vaccine. Look at Tanzania and Haiti where the presidents died suddenly. We are dealing with organized crime. The fearful and blackmailed leaders have to comply with demands to roll out the shots even to babies now in the USA. Worldwide genocide is taking place. The people need to take justice into their own hands.

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MM, your comment reminds of the move V for Vendetta. Guy Fawkes was an evil person working against England's interests, so to take his name onto this movie ruins it for me. However we are dealing with an extreme level of malevelance that it global in scope. If I was taking bets, I would say CCP is behind it all working in cohoots with other global entitities. The CCP has the brain power and the infiltration into all corridors of power and med-industrial-edu-military complex to pull it off. The fact that all of the institutions we used to depend up to protect us as individual have been weaponized against us speaks to the virulent entity we are up against. This is much more advanced in evil than corporate greed or captured marketplace.

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This has been planned for a very long time. Secret societies. Early 1800s. Some say 1715... others, further than that.

Permanent Instructions of Alta Vendita: the soldier dies, but the battle continues.

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Jun 19, 2022
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its all about controlling the people. what i find amazing is how quickly the west has fallen for China as a role model--sickening. Thanks to Richard Nixon getting duped by Kissenger for enabling the process of enriching China at the loss of everyone else. And also producing the best enemies money can buy.

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Jun 19, 2022
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Bart sure... I meant the words "Falling for" is from an average person's viewpoint--lets be realistic everyone who has purchased items produced in Communist China have empowered them over and against our own thriving. The west is embracing China ideologies lock stock and barrel. It's lack of respect for human dignity, the collectivist viewpoints that leads to embrace socialism's goals, the ability to lie to its own people in order to accomplish any goal, killing their own with impunity, selling body parts after killing them, masking and then social credit system. The Chinese generals have made it clear they intend to destroy America as was also revealed in the 45 minutes leaked audio from China. Chinese Commmunst government is our direct enemy and what makes it difficult is that they have wormed their way into every institution and have weaponized them all against America and western peoples.

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Spell it right

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"Killafornia" -- I like it that spelling. Used to live there. Drought, wildfires, wildfire smoke, vaccine mandates...and oh yeah, blue-flashing explosions blowing up whole houses during wildfires (laser weapons?), three fast planes flying in formation over Paradise, CA at the exact time the Camp Fire started -- the planes can be seen in a series of satellite photos as they approach Paradise and leave the area, but the one photo where they were directly over "target" has a little white rectangle blacking out the planes and the land immediately below them. Gotta wonder what showed in that photo...

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Jun 19, 2022
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Regards from San Francisco killafornia

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4 African leaders. 1 Caribbean. Rosa. Kary Mullis... more

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Please educate me on the details. What about Luc Montagnier on the list of suspicious deaths too? He was very outspoken.

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Mine is just a humble beginning. Far, dar, far from all inclusive.

Rosa talked about UN Agenda 21, brilliant, brave . Died fairly recently, in Her 50s. Kary Mullis, videos against using pcr testing as it was used... died just before all this started.

4 African leaders and 1 Caribbean said no to WHO, and got dead.

Another was brutally taken out according to his girlfriend, this might be Luc? Others.... I think we owe it to all of them to list, honor them...

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These were true heroes and they suffered the consequences of speaking truth to power. I wonder if we will ever succeed in decentralizing the power in our governments and have a society that is based on morality rather than egotism and greed. Let's hope!!

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I was thinking the same thing. I remembered that Japan demanded Pfizer's trial data and we learned from Dr Bridle the vaccine nanoparticles went all over the body. And I read they were using an Ivermectin protocol. I wondered how they shifted over to vaccinating everyone, and I thought their leaders may have been threatened.

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I would argue that 50% are fully onboard with the depopulation plan without any coercion or blackmail necessary.

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I do not doubt that you are correct. Mattias Desmond in his new book, the Psychology of Totalitarianism, describes how people who are impacted by mass formation, will do the most irrational and self destructive things due to their hypnotic state.

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MM, we need a catalyizing event to break this vxx spell over the globe. what is needed is kind of like what was displayed in this great TV spot by Apple in 1984. By the way I watched the ad again and discovered that some of the brainwashed were wearing masks in it--crazy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zfqw8nhUwA

these kinds of moments in history come and need to be praying for this. it might come from you and all substack readers one person at a time.

also fyi, the book author you mentioned, his last name is Desmet.

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Thank you for the TV clip. It is a good representation of what we are living through now. Thanks also for the correction on the author's name, Desmet.

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I am in Japan and this is true but it's not new. It among the many silly policies being implemented which probably most know are nonsense. Some other stupid measures in place:

- Hand sanitizers used all the time by many

- Masks worn by 99.9% of people outdoors (including 3 year olds)

- Mask etiquette signs in restaurants show you how to remove your mask between mouthfuls (thankfully ignored by most)

- Children forced to wear masks in kindergartens and schools

- people taking bullshit PCR tests as soon as they get a temperature over 37

- idiotic social distancing markings in all shops

- Acrylic screens on almost every restaurant table

Some are genuinely scared but no-one says anything that diverts from the false narrative that this is a deadly disease that could be a threat to everyone. There's especially an unpleasant social peer pressure to wear masks. I wonder the country will ever come out of it.

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I'm in Japan too. There are folks who oppose this madness- not a large percentage yet but the resistance is growing. Meeting up with the like-minded, and breathing free is a big morale boost.

It would be good to trade stories. Here's one of mine: https://shumway.substack.com/p/12-no-mask-no-vax-no-job?sort=new

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Hi, I subscribed to your substack. I assume my email is visible to you? Please feel free to contact me, Ive just started to make connections with like minded people in Japan looking for solutions.

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somehow I thought the wisdom and common sense of the asian culture would have prevented this. so sad. what is needed is the scene from the Apple landmark TV spot 1984...big brother must be exposed for what it is. I just watched the ad again, and saw that many people in the group are wearing masks--that is crazy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zfqw8nhUwA

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Hive-mind NPCs.

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So sad. Thanx for the update on Japan. Was there 3 times in 2019 for the first time in my life and loved it and on March 20th 2020 I flew to Tokyo from NYC trying to escape the madness that has become N.Y. hoping that if I hada be stuck somewhere I preferred it being there but I arrived at Narita early on the 21sr and was sold Italian citizens form that very day needed a Visa. Fact I left the U.S. almost a day earlier didn't help so after spending a night in a holding cell and appealing to the Jap government I realized my chances of getting in were very thin so had no alternative but to fly back to NY. So sad what you describe altho not too surprised.

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Be that person who SAYS something. let masked people hear you say its a SCAM stop complying. hand them tickets/flyer to website www.viroliegy.com

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I have actively challenged retailers, museums, transport companies. I got my local bus company to remove the "wear a mask" propaganda announcements. I say what I can but I have to maintain good relations with many people so I walk a fine line. I don't need a lecture.

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to bad it has nothing to do with evidence its strictly spiritual.

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Glad to hear and thank you! not lecturing- just trying to encourage others to get braver you gave no indication you were resisting- which is is critical.

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Yup. Mental illness but also mental abandonment. No one thinks even a little bit anymore.

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This is not new. Most have been disconnected since the beginning of the panic. But yes, it is a mental illness.

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Yeah, they're all turned off. I was surprised to see Costco in Makuhari had them back on last week.

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Sorry to hear there is a Costco in Makuhari. I have never been in a Costco, or Walmart. They make me feel like an ant. Who really WANTS to work at one? Who wants their kid to grow up to work at Costco? I really don't get people and mass production. Lucky I guess.

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when you're surrounded by 13 million people, Costco can be a mini-vacation. But I get your point. Just some things you can't get at regular supermarkets here.

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Before Costco, what were the options?

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Costco's not a daily visit place. we do have grocery stores like other countries.

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Costco in Japan has good Parmesan cheese (much cheaper than in the supermarkets here), good milk and butter, a loss-leader rotisserie chicken. It’s a nice place to go for a change in one’s selection of groceries.

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The Japanese are an obedient society as are most Asians in general and this is an admirable trait and quality but it will not serve them well with what the globalists have in mind.

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I see many folks contesting the idea of contagion, propping instead that deficiences or 5g poisoning as causal of illness. Also someone that said we did not have influenza before they laid telegraph lines. That seems a stretch to me, but I am willing to look at it. When I talk to parents, to moms, though, they talk about multiple kids (siblings or cohorts) coming down with the same thing at the same time, the last 50 years. And that getting (mumps, chickenpox, colds) was something to get THROUGH, not avoid, and train the immune system(s) against that 'illness'. What does the anti-contagion crowd say to that? Seems to me most of the anti-contagion crowd are men, and not parents.

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No infectious virus has ever been purified (isolated) and viroLIEgists literally just make up the genomes out of viral-like fragments, using computer models. (They never find a fully intact “virus”- with the exception of bacteriophages- only fragments!) All virus genomes are SWAGs (scientific wild-ass guesses). Infectious viruses may be real but the virus tests are meaningless (based on fake genomes and surrogates like antibodies) and all vaccines are worthless. "Infectious" diseases plunged due to improved nutrition, sanitation and hygiene, not vaccines.


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Thanks. I am aware of all you said. Chinese medicine (TCM) and acupuncture, yes, with some knowledge of the deeper beliefs involved re energies and pathways. It takes alot to get me sick.

Never a flu shot, never the flu. Horrified to watch folks line up back when just for flu jabs.

But I had 'something' very much like a whooping cough late 2019 early 2020, after helping a friend who works with Chinese nationals at an Acupuncture school in Oregon. (Put me on the couch for 3 weeks. Drank just Burdock root tea, a pint a day, and was okay after about 8 weeks but lost 10% body weight, that came back very slowly). Various members had gone home to China for Thanksgiving and Christmas previous. The person was quite ill, respitorily, but we had to get them moved, and I hung out in close quarters with them 2 days straight. I have never been that sick, and I was angry at the time. But in the end I got some good immunity? or something, been fine since. I think the TCM would say invaders, or wind...but it's something, a type of dis-ease, that has a cluster of similar symptoms.

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My older beloved sister, who was a Nursing Sister (RN) for near 50 years, just retired three years ago, looking so forward to finally have quality time with her grandchildren and great grandchildren, had her usual flu shot, had massive stroke, horribly affected, died last February 2021. My heart is forever broken. So you can imagine my views on this jibby jab that is probably a thousand times worse. ❤️🙏

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I am so sorry, makes me wonder how long the 'news blackouts' for injected injuries has been in effect...20 years? We could of should of and would of known the jabs were baaaaad if there was any measure of truth in media or medical, at least we know there is not...best from Oregon

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Thank you dear jacquelyn, I totally agree with you about the ‘news blackouts’ on deaths and injuries from these pushed darts that go way back. How sick are the medicine pushers. ❤️🙏

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We had chicken pox parties in the early 1970’s in my small town upstate New York.

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Jun 19, 2022
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I get the agument for virus when talking chicken pox et al, but we still don't understand the first thing about how human communicate at the hormonal, pheremonal or telepathic level.

Why do women menstrual cycles align themselves when they are in close proximity over long periods?? this is anecdotal on its own I know, but it cant be explained with Germ theory.

I know it seems like its not important right now to have this conversation, and believe me I get where you are coming from with that. But if more people took the time to look in to it and actually listen and research intently on the subject then they might just come to the same conclusion.

Just for the record, I have kids, albeit in the UK, so we are a few months behind the US, so i get the urgency. But the only way you win this is completely changing the mindset of everyone so they say "Fuck you" all at once, or you go after every one carrying a needle with a shotgun.

I think it is important, and important right now, because it destroys the very foundation of everything they are saying. You think that after we've finally fought off the covid Bullshit that they are not going to come at us with something else.

Win this argument and they are dead in the water.

But if you still chose to believe in contagion but decide that you are going to get your body in tip top shape and have no fear of anything purporting to be a virus because you know your body can cope with what ever it is, then thats a good start.

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I'm a virus skeptic myself but it's near-impossible to change anyone's mind. A good site for more info is:


At this point, I think we're moving past the fake "pandemic" stage to planned famine and financial collapse followed by WW3 and eventually the New World Order.

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Yes we are. All the brainwashed have moved on. I listened to Mike Stone on Jerm Warfare last week. He's very good, but like you say, it's impossible for people to make that jump to it possibly being bollocks

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Jun 19, 2022
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Look, I agree with you 100% that we do not have the time. Believe me, I don't try to win people over to our side of the fence with the terrain theory speil. I save that for those already on this side of the fence, people like you for instance, who are already open minded to the evils of this world. But what will do it? I think more than half secretly agree with everything we say but are just too shit scared to admit to themselves in case they might actually have to do something about it. They would actually rather die enslaved than act

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If The Truth Will Set You Free, then the corollary is that believing lies will enslave you. Sadly, most people prefer lies to the truth, and there is no cure for that.

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Several U.S. Marines on a clandestine assignment to arrest a prominent Deep State lawmaker were tragically killed last Wednesday when their OV-22 Osprey, a military aircraft with a somewhat checkered history, plunged from the sky and erupted in a colossal fireball. The mainstream media and the criminal Biden regime labeled the crash “an accident still under investigation,” but the White Hat vanguard of the U.S. military believes the crash was an act of Deep State sabotage.

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Thought the explanation was sketchy.

So frustrating! God bless those men’s memories.

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God Bless ALL military! Because the American military KNOWS the last election was stolen via massive fraud, they acknowledge that the biden regime is illegitimate. Thus, the military does not recognize biden as CinC. Therefore, many American military will not follow insane orders from the regime and flag officer class, flag officers being essentially political whores and are bought and paid for stooges of the deep state. Take heart people of the world, there are still patriotic Americans here in the USA and we are just as tired of this crap as the rest of the world and the biden regime will not last. Never assume that the American people are all behind the biden regime, most of us aren’t and we are ready to resist the drive to WWIII.

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Thank you from Australia on the brink of ruin by ‘them’. ❤️🙏

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All I can do at this stage is laugh. I'm sorry, but it is so ridiculous that not only do they think this is a good policy but 70% of the population (all vaccinated of course) will actually go along with it. Clowns want to be laughed at after all.

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Vaxx injuries are just a sideshow, a warning to the smart ones. The scenario Geert Vanden Bossche has described is the main event, the Happening.

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In Thailand, in the men's rooms at gas stations, every 2nd urinal had a closed sign hanging on it. After all, everyone knows you must socially distance when you pee.

On Thai roads so far in 2022. 6898 Deaths, 410,154 Injuries. Covid deaths so far this year 8772.

99% of all motorcyclists wear face masks, perhaps as many as 50% wear crash helmets.

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The show must go on... :)

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I remember Mr. Petty, the industrial hygienist, explaining very clearly that if there is contamination in the air the first measure is dilution, which means throwing more air to the room.

A hand dryer is an air-thrower, therefore it is a way to dilute the supposed pathogen.

They do everything backwards, everything is a lie.

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If God didn't want us wearing masks, he would not have created The Lone Ranger.

If He didn't want us taking injections, he would not have given us arms.

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Craziness abounds. On a positive note, this is on the Prime Minister's website. "We urge the public never to coerce vaccinations at the workplace or upon others around them, and never to treat those who have not received the vaccine in a discriminatory manner." https://japan.kantei.go.jp/ongoingtopics/vaccine.html So yeah, covid in Japan has been crazy with some interesting quirks likely not seen other places. They could definitely lighten up with the masks though. And some new crazy law, with jail time, for online insulting, whatever that means.

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Idiots will idiot. You can’t fix stupid.

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