The worst thing I have ever read. The authorities are monsters.

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WEF-Puppet Trudeau has turned Canada into a communist kill zone. I have no words to describe my loathing of this globalist shitstain.

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To see all these sweet little faces, so fresh from God, taken in this way makes me sick at heart. God Bless their little innocent souls….and DAMN TO HELL, those complicit in causing their needless deaths!

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Another seemingly endless list of baby deaths at the hands of the murderous medical establishment and ignorant parents. Look at how many of those babies look sick and/or as if they are suffering terribly at such a young age!!! It's a miracle any babies are making it through alive right now. So, so disturbing.

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What’s painfully obvious in the faces of these beautiful innocent souls… is many had a bright light that was snuffed out.

autism is estimated to be 1:36 kids

And some estimate it closer to 1:20 kids

And developmental delays in kids is now thought to be as high as 1:6 kids

They have been destroying children for decades with vaccines and western medicine … this is just the next phase of their destruction .

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Of course, it's not just the covid vaxxx. I suspect many (most?) of these followed the usual childhood vaxxxes. Isn't the hep b vaxxx given almost immediately after birth? Madness.

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There is a video going around where Bill Maher argues with Seth Macfarlane about the shots. Seth claims the shots essentially went through the biggest trial ever because they were administered to billions of people. How is it possible people still don't understand the need for long-term studies? Even the idea they ran a short-term study is laughable, given how 'anything but the vax' started as soon as the shots started.

They forced the shots on pregnant women and pressure it on babies as young as 6 months. It seems nothing can stop The Science. So my only hope is that people like Macfarlane are still taking their boosters.

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I can't believe what those demons did to these precious babies, this was heart breaking Mark.

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The architects of this who knowingly lied deserve no less than medieval torture that insures a slow, excruciatingly painful death. I know it will never happen. More likely, we will helplessly witness as they are rewarded and celebrated in history books as noble servants who sacrificed so much in the pursuit of public health.

Maybe there are victims out there with nothing to lose who decide to exact retribution. In my heart of hearts, that's my wish.

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How is it possible that these people win elections?

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Is there a graph, or chart, of the United States and the statistic of infant deaths? That has to be startling.

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Hopefully, there is a Hell!

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I’m not a crier, but the tears keep coming!

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I can’t believe bribes were not paid. Various PHOs, pols, etc. Should this come out then criminal charges have to be laid.

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