Add golden state warriors asst. coach to the list. Died at a team meal of a heart attack

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That will be in next week's compilation.

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That's the team I've had season tickets to for much of my adult life, but they/City of SF didn't allow me (unvaxxed) to attend games from 8/21 to 3/22, and they coerced Andrew Wiggins to get the jab to play home games as well. They reap what they sowed, but you have to feel sad for the not-too-highly-paid assistant coach & his family.

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You know what will make things all that much worse?

The 'air vaccine'. It's here and ready to be 'tested' on humans:


Unlike refusing to be jabbed, there is no discernible way to resist this method of mRNA technology poisoning. After all, you can't stop breathing.

If anyone has any ideas on how to thwart these devils' plans, please share.

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No weapon formed against those who love and emulate truth can be effective. Be confident .

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Appendiceal cancer? Hmmm... seems like "rare" cancers aren't going to be so rare anymore 😞

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The GMO Vaccine

Is Just

Affirmative Action

For Those Too Challenged

To Live By One’s Wits.


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Thank you. I have had this problem for 2 weeks. I so enjoy your writings, you are among the best and most informed. Thank you for being our window to the covid harmed world.

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For some reason I can't scroll down to view any of these. It's only happening here, no where else.

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I can scroll down with these comments, but not any of the lists in the Email

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Refresh the page and you can read it. It’s been happening to me for months, but I just refresh the page and I’m good. It’s weird though how this only happens on this site.

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Tried it and it worked!! Many thanks. Still some glitch there to be corrected.

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Yay! I’m finding it weird how this only happens on this site.

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Is it because we're not paid subscribers?

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No. Refresh the page.

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The "frozen scroll" experience might be because these lists are getting so long that the browser might be bogging down on them.

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No, I'm paid. Refreshing the page worked.

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Thanks for pointing this out. I thought my ipad was freezing up.

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I should have mentioned, it happened to me a day or two ago also. Must be a glitch of some sort

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“No Cause of Death Reported”

When will family and friends finally wake up and call it out for what it is?


By the Psychopathic, Pedophilic Satanist, Suicidal Cult Destroyers of all LIFE on planet Earth.

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As long as Debt $ is circulated this will continue

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I don't disagree with you but I am wondering why you say that?

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If $ was legitimate we wouldn't have to sell our health mentally physically and spiritually to get it. It would be Aligned with health and truth but, its at their expense

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Because $ is NO different than the jab. Makes people function unnaturally and inverted

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That certainly appears to be true.

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Know it since the 70s, 80s. Everything was being destroyed, especially the "family", community, child abuse. All problems exist because solving them and having health isn't $

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I sometimes dream of hiring up one million Dexters to go out into the world and cause the psychopaths behind this madness to, one by one, die “unexpectedly.”

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And still no sign that the majority of the jabbed world is aware of what is happening to them. Still just loads of isolated and rare deaths of loved ones with fragile hearts, silent cancers, undiagnosed ailments and unknown causes.

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We are facing some serious horrors in 2024, but we'll also make great strides in response. Actually, more and more we are moving to offense rather than defense. We win this thing with words. Check out my new word, coincidist, describing people who blame medical harm on coincidence. Coincidism is a filthy thing that goes right along with fascism and communism. We counter coincidism not only with solid science, but also with creativity, humor and love.


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Sorry left out a word covid"vaxxed" harmed people.

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Thanks, I'll try that.

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Your links freeze up

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RemovedJan 18
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On my pc it's called Reload, maybe different for you. Have to do that frequently but only on MCMs pages, so interesting.

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In one of the posts I saw the notation “no suspicion of homicide”. Does mass murder not qualify as homicide. I would say that commenter got it wrong.

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deletedJan 18
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It is best to write your own, if you can't afford a lawyer write whatever you want to be said and done, have it notarized, put it in an envelope w/"upon my death" on the front, put it somewhere it will be found easily, and hope for the best that your wishes will be honored.

I can say when people have their wishes ready to go it is so much easier on those left behind than to leave them scrambling w/what to do. What is really amazing is the people that know 100% for a fact sure they are dying that don't do a thing to help out w/their funeral plans. It is one thing to die suddenly and not be prepared, and it is another to know you are going to die and do nothing about it.

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