Three incidents here this week: A co worker having to take time off for his father having had 'either a stroke or a heart attack'. Another Co worker talking about a relative that has had a stroke and a client who never came back after an estimate now found to have had a stroke and not likely to be coming back soon.

That people act as if this is normal is more frustrating than the government lying about it.

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It's a crazymaker for me. I have to consider its the nano gel creating thought manipulation and or prion disease to explain it.

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Innumerable, or endless, microstrokes, too. The spike protein causes blood clots, which can be microscopic. These microscopic clots clog the capillaries in the brain, causing brain cells to be deprived of oxygen, which kills them. People don't necessarily realize they've had strokes when they have these kinds of strokes. The fact that they might be unaware that they're suffering microstrokes doesn't stop them from becoming brain damaged, though.

There's also the "autoimmune" mechanism of brain damage: The spike protein crosses the blood-brain barrier, and it infiltrates cells in the brain; the body has no choice but to kill off the cells that have become infected with the toxic mRNA. This is a self-protective action, but it inevitably causes brain damage and dementia.

Sucharit Bhakdi talks eloquently about how this happens in this excellent video:


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Yes, the windmills of their minds aren’t spinning much anymore it seems. Quite the crafty ClotShot.

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thats a great way to describe it, and also makes me think of Don Quixote...best Bridget

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The 2 yr old's starvation death due to his father dropping dead in their apartment is the saddest most horrific gutting tragic adverse event story that I've read since the Covid Operation started. Absolutely no words.... utter grief and dissociating

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I am baffled daily at the lack of curiosity and concern people have about all of these strange deaths.

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They actively do not want to know. They're in denial. And they only accept "information" from propaganda outlets (mainstream and government-approved "alternative" media), so they never hear about any of this. They live in a different epistemological universe than the one we inhabit.

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As someone commented earlier, we don’t know how the LNP, Graphene and Spike Proteins affect cognition.

I’m guessing a lot like pouring sugar into a car’s gas tank.

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I am 3x vacced and regret them all. I was in a terrible position where I was caregiving for my dying mother and had to watch my twin sister have cardiac arrest then a brainstem dissection from covid in 2020. While explosions and fireworks raged around me. By the time the shots came out I waited as long as I could but the doctor who saved my sister's life literally told me I would die from covid complications without them bc of my (pre existing) diagnosis of Lupus SLE. I live in complete terror now. I no longer read or write or laugh or smile or hope or dream. I spend every waking second I am not working reading and thinking about the shots and sending texts and emails to friends and family about it. PLEASE don't assume we are all stupid. I take Nac and POMELLA and quercetin and Bromelain and olive leaf and black seed oil. I don't want to die I can't believe I lived through the past 2.9 months for nothing. Not for nothing but some of my friends who are vaxxed more than me are wonderful kind loving caring people who checked on me during caregiving and wrote wonderful beautiful letters to my family when my mother passed. The "truthers" I know either said nothing or laughed about her being vacced. Except for two. And my mother was dying for two years before the shots. It's a miracle she lived as long as she did trust me and she spent the last 3 months of her life begging me and my dad to kill her. I have a fentanyl patch o saved after my mom died if there is nuclear war. If my one friend dies suddenly before I can see him (I work 7 day weeks.) I'll just put it in my mouth and swallow.

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Cait, there's a good chance that you got saline shots, and/or that the elixir you were injected with was stored at the wrong temperature, and therefore lost its punch. That possibility, and your sticking to your protocol, should not just keep you going, but enable you to master that debilitating fear, and live your blessed life as fully as you can. That FEAR is now the gravest danger facing you; and so you must now conquer it.

Although they deem themselves superior to the injected, those who LAUGHED about your mother's "vaccination" are no better than the most fanatical Covidians. Let's pray that they come to see the error of their ways.

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I’m sorry for your trauma and ongoing grief. I certainly don’t think you’re stupid, which is a trait independent of anyone’s vaxx status. The fact you’re unafraid to face reality speaks to your courage and intelligence. I think the above comments were directed toward those who refuse to see what’s going on as a direct result of the ClotShots, resulting injuries and much more. I suppose a lot of that’s human nature. We all have things too painful to face. That’s obviously not you or the other people here.

If it’s any consolation, those of us unvaxxed surely are now or will be in the same boat. The whole bioweapon plan was to get the toxins into the bloodstream of as many people as possible initially. They’re transmissible via shedding which is the next phase of disbursement. And I have no doubt all those vials of unused vaxx they keep saying they’ve had to destroy are being recycled into our food supply and other things.

Keep trying those nutraceuticals (I’m on them prophylactically, too.) You might consider ordering IVM from Indiamart.com because it’s said to be beneficial not only in preventing Covid but also treating an active infection as well. This likely could help jab injuries, too, it’s said. Very inexpensive if you get it from outside the U.S.

Wishing you the best 🎈

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As far as our food supply, don’t you think cooking will render it harmless? I guess consuming anything not cooked will be more dangerous. Just a thought. Because if the vials get too warm they are rendered useless.

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Maybe that’s part of the deception as well. Make people think certain things so they’ll drop their guard. Give people a sense of control when they have none. I see and hear nothing but lies coming from these people. Call me paranoid, but there’s no discernible truth in these forces from what I’ve observed.

Does that mean we’re likely all doomed?

I can’t answer that question for anyone else but I’ve never been disappointed in life by assuming the worst. I hope I’m wrong.

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No...and prions are eternal. YOu cannot get rid of them by fire.

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Explain how the mRNA gene therapy get into the non animal food supply. Is it GMO seeds? Where do the prions come from? They are not in the shots? They are caused by the shots, as I understand it. This whole idea of the world’s food supply being contaminated with this is to me really far fetched. It would end up killing everyone. Including the psychopaths who want to do this.

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You could have received duds. The quality control, I have read, is abysmal, thankfully. If you have no adverse effects you might have gotten lucky. You can get a D dimer test to see if you have micro clotting. If negative it will help put your mind to rest. It really depends on what batch you received. You can also check that, although I am not up on how you do it. There is a website ‘How bad is my batch.’ Do you have your batch numbers?

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My first two shots were from awful batches from the deadly EW0 lots. My booster barely registers on HBIMB which makes me think it was a dud or saline.

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Oh God, I am terribly sorry for you. I also got two doses (Pfizer) from very hot lots. (I got very sick after the second shot, remained sick for months, and have multiple lasting injuries. I also had adverse reactions after the first shot, but because they didn't begin till a week after the shot I didn't connect them to it, until after I got extremely sick after the second. ) My first shot came from Pfizer Lot ER8732, and my second came from Pfizer Lot EW0169.

You and I are members of a small, select club of accursed human beings. I wish everyone would study howbadismybatch dot com for a few hours. Very few people have any clue about this.

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Cait, I am sure you are following the FLCCC protocols to heal yourself.

Keep doing it. And please forgive yourself...this was a well designed psy-op that was almost impossible to resist, especially seeing your Twin...I second the IVM...I use the horse paste apple flavored (must have no additives). Take it.

It will help a lot I beleive. And we all care. Do not let your mind dwell, just do what you can and go forward. It will be okay.

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Cait, did you have any adverse reactions to any of the three covid "vaccines" you got?

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Vax #1, May 2021 a little tired and some nausea. Weirdly revieved after eating greasy food, which I usually avoid.

Vax #2- June 2021 hypnic jerks & tingling sensation that returned 7 months later during acute covid infection. Insomnia for 2 days. Pain in my kidneys and groin that seems to return whenever I am under the weather, even pre vaccine, following an acute kidney injury and kidney stone pass from fall 2020/ winter 2021, before any vaccine. This was from kava and kratom abuse, which I engaged in for months to self medicate PTSD, along with xanax. The Vax brought the kidney pain back with a vengeance. I have had scans and tests and labs and my kidneys LOOK right as rain with good labs.

About a month after my 2nd shot I had some bouts of tachycardia. They coincided with EXCESSIVE use of cannabis edibles (again, self medicating while coming off xanax.) They did not occur again after ceasing usage and fully detoxing UNTIL I come down with covid 6 months later.

Vax 3, December 2021. This is hard to determine as I was infected with covid by my father 18 days post booster. I in turn passed it to my housemate. Sore arm, lymph node pain, fatigue the day after, maybe a slightly rapid heartbeat. Other symptoms were too close to when my covid infection occurred to tease out.

My booster batch barely registers on how bad is my batch while the first two shots were apparently from the worst most terrible lots.

I was taking HCQ for lupus until Feb 2022. I have taken Nac BSO and quercetin /bromelain since Jan 2020.

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It doesn't sound to me as though your booster shot was saline. But it was probably a low dose of the poison, unlike your first two. Why did you take a booster? Weren't you aware that the first two had made you sick?

I don't mean to sound harsh. I'm simply curious.

I also got two doses (Pfizer) from hot lots. I don't want to engage in "Trauma Olympics" with you, so I won't go into what I experienced except to say that it was a horrific experience, and has changed me radically. I have lasting, significant injuries from it. And I've sworn to never have anything more to do with conventional contemporary western medicine for the rest of my life.

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I am unvaxxed but agree 100% about having nothing to do with contemporary western medicine for the rest of my life. Fortunately I am not young. I feel terrible for the young people. So sorry that you have been suffering from this crime against humanity. 💔

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I wasn't aware. I had zero symptoms from my first shot besides nausea, but I was also finishing an antibiotic at the time that could make one nauseous.

The side effects from the second shot I read on the UK NHS Pfizer side effects as something that could happen. It didn't seem out of the ordinary and I was also coming off of benzos.

I have Lupus SLE and autoimmune emphysema. I went through a very serious detox from benzos and thought if the shots didn't kill me when that happened 3 months after them, then they wouldn't. I didn't have the Vax injury experience that you had, and I am very sorry you had that experience, by the way, and I believe you. I was unaware of how bad is my batch or anything bc my duties were solely focused on work and caregiving until my mother passed. I then had more time to read these things and having covid I realized how shit the shots were.

Do you think I will die soon? I feel so hopeless.

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Get off the kava, kratom, and CBD. Take the HCQ, it is good for a lot of things including cancer. IVM. No more self medicating please.

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No, you will be okay. Don’t take anymore shots, and you will be perfectly fine.

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Agreed- a lot of it is fear- many have the mRNA coarsing through their own veins, and can’t face it. Those were people who were so terrified of a respiratory virus that they coerced others into being shot up. If they were that terrified of a cold, they are beyond rational thought now.

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I think the pervasive fear which was/is endemic in a large part of the population predated the covid "pandemic," but most people didn't realize that they were terrified. They had no comprehension of the fact that they lived in a state of terror, or at least chronic anxiety. Mattias Desmet talks about this (and much more) in his book The Psychology of Totalitarianism.

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Yes, I heard his RFKjr podcast interview with Desmet, he was spot on. People were terrified of sickness, but also of losing their way of life, their jobs, their ability to see friends, if they didn’t get everyone shot up with mRNA. Of course the people who hold us at ransom but promise they will let us free if we all take an experimental shot, which also gets them filthy rich, are the last people anyone should believe, but terrified sheeple trusted evil, and lost.

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That is horrible. I so don't know what they were thinking shooting up zoo animals with this shit.

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They want these hacksxxxines for your pets and all Womanity, animals too

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Zoetis was the company supplying death shots to the zoo. Look at their website. Board of Directors has people from jandj and pfizer. All planned. All part of the plan to surround us with death and destruction day after day.

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Dumb, dumb, and dumb. My vet better not give my dog the vax!

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Most of this horrid list is made up of young and middle-aged people, a few in their sixties and seventies.

It's getting worse. This list is not normal, anyone should be able to see that.

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American Airlines pilot suffers heart attack during take-off, dies suddenly (Nov. 19, 2022)

I have combined 2 video's on this incident: A CBS report and communications with air traffic control. Many references to mainstream sources in the description of the video.


Other sudden death:

Fatal Crew Member Heart Attack Prompts Gulf Air Diversion To Iraq


👆 "On Tuesday, November 22nd, a Gulf Air Airbus A321 made an emergency diversion in flight after a crew member suffered a heart attack. The flight was scheduled to fly from Bahrain International Airport (BAH) to Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport (CDG). After the crew member suffered a heart attack, the flight made an emergency diversion to Iraq's Erbil International Airport (EBL). Upon landing at EBL, the crew member was rushed to the local hospital. Unfortunately, the crew member was declared dead by Erbil's medical services shortly afterward."

Note sure if Mark shared this already (it's possible that an article of him notified me):

Doctors baffled by stroke of 16-year-old Cabarrus County football player Tylin McDowell



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The city and county of San Francisco is known to have fired those who did not Inject, I know personally of two who were retired early that refused injextion

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The lists seem to get longer. Just horrible. And I think that the lack of curiosity that led people to run and get in line is also keeping them from questioning these crazy events. Until their curiosity awakens we can only wait and watch. I have had ZERO success in awakening curiosity in any of these people.

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I’ve imagined how I’d react if I took the Covid vaxx. Of course, I’ve been kicking myself for all those flu vaxxes I took up until 2017 or so, where as far as I know I’m not injured. But what do I really know about them and what they’ve done to me? Nothing.

So I have my answer to the Covid vaxx scenario; I’d be continually dwelling on it to the point of making myself sick. That’s just me. So maybe it’s better to be able to turn away for some people. The only problem is if there’s a way to remediate yourself with IVM, nutraceuticals, fasting and autophagy, etc., they’re missing out on that chance.

Final thought: No one gets out of here alive.

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People will come up with any excuse to avoid blaming the vax. The 46 yr old whose family believes he was killed by a “fast acting cancer” that killed him a few hours after it showed up.

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Or how about people that "must have been living with an unknown heart condition"? These excuses are coming directly from doctors that can't even fathom the possibility it was the vax.

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Wow, the deaths continue to March on. This truly is the 21st century holocaust, eugenics, death spiral of epic proportions. We are watching and reading about it, and still people are taking the death jabs, boosters, childhood vaccinations. Our society and the world has lost its ability to think. We rely on government systems to tell us what to do. The deaths and yes, killings will continue.

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Ze vaccinations will continue until ze climate change improves

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Most sad is the child who starved to death after his father died. Did no one check on the welfare of this little family? Where was the mother?! Neighbor?!

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It seems the "sudden deaths" are overlapping with each other, there are so many. So sad. The little boy who starved to death with his dead father in the residence... heartbreaking.

I'm not sure if you have included the death of hockey legend Borje Salming in this week's compilation. (He was diagnosed with ALS last February.)

Thank you, again, for your relentless work in showing the truth about what is going on.

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So many...so many...

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If no age given for an adult, I guessed 60, and for a high schooler, 18, so average age at death: 51. The new normal.

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Fucking sad. Thank you Mark for your continued diligence on this topic!

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Two Bayonne Police Officers died unexpectedly.

Mark, You may already know of these 2 deaths of Bayonne, NJ, police officers, but here are links, just in case you had not heard about it:

1) "The City of Bayonne is mourning the sudden loss of Police Captain Paul Jamolawicz." Bayonne Police Capt. Paul Jamolawicz, 37-year veteran of the department, died "unexpectedly on Friday night while on duty." "This is Bayonne's first line of duty death in 52 years." "There is no word yet on his cause of death."


2) Robert Skalski, 54, Bayonne police sergeant who served in the Bayonne PD for over 24 years, "died unexpectedly in his home Monday in what serves as the second death of a Bayonne officer in two weeks, authorities said." Link below:


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