Is it me, or are these lists getting longer and longer!?! My God!

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They are. No slowing down of this carnage. And half the list is under age 50. The rest are 50 and 60s. This is really not a country for old people. 🤯😪

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Is it me or do they tend to start out with the 60s and 70s year olds .... and you think "well, naturally" - and THEN come the teens and 20s - and the 30s and 40s and 50s go on and on and on - and you keep scrolling and scrolling ... a little faster and you feel bad for just skimming ... and finally, 60s and 70s seem to cluster more again at the end.

LOTS from NJ this week - my NYCity Financial dormitory communities got the placebos theory seems less tenable.

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Same in Canada, the lists are growing longer and younger people are dying.

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Horrors around the world! 🙏🏻🌎

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Back in May and June, we were seeing between sixty and eighty names each week. Ever since late June it's been well over a hundred names each week. I counted 162 this time.

I'm thinking this is a seasonal upswing, and will drop off a bit as we head into fall. But even at their shortest, these lists are longer than they were in 2022 and 2023.

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There abs more and more.

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One hour four minute read.

Indeed the list is getting longer.

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Wait till winter..

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So many people that were alive and well a day, a week, a month ago are being disappeared, in a manner of speaking, by the jabs. The report of the recent high school student, who I can only imagine was a perfectly healthy young man otherwise, dying from stage 4 cancer, is shocking. The argument made by the authors of the jab is that the concoction is safe and effective. It's not. It's sad that an ever-growing list of dead people is the best argument against their claim, and yet, the cause of death is always attributed to some other reason, i.e. heart attack, cancer, brief illness. The vast majority of these deaths are induced by the jabs and should be attributed to them. Those of us who read these installments know that, but the wider public doesn't have a clue.

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'Sadly agree. The way it is SUPPOSED to work in life, is for the children to outlive the parents. And for the parents to witness the birth and growth of grandchildren, and be fulfilled in their joyous hearts for that reason. They then are "ready" to be laid to rest for having been blessed with such circumstances.

But the majority of the reverse has been the norm since the jab. There can be no denying that. The naming of "conditions" which occur and overwhelm even juvenile lives, provides little comfort to the mourning, but the industry's standard procedure to try and do so is reflective of what little they actually know; eg: leukemia, heart attack, SIDS, turbo-cancer, etc...

Our circulatory system transports everything like the roadway systems of our cities. If there is trouble in any place, it will be manifested and/or have an association to the flow of blood and its normal function of maintaining the health and welfare of all that it comes into its contact; which is EVERYTHING that we are made of.

From babies and body-builders to students and seniors, when the blood's purity has been compromised by anything foreign, the immune systems kick in to eliminate the threat. But when the "blueprint" (DNA) has been genetically altered, and substances that the system does not recognize are injected, (or passed on from mother during pregnancy) with the purpose to undermine the system's efforts toward health, is it really any wonder how so many "unexplained" deaths are now accumulating?

Everyone is unique in personality and biologically as well. And the clot shots are not all the same either, so it is a natural thing to bind all the "mysterious" deaths together, even if we do not know the "straw" which over-whelmed the camel's ability to carry the burden.

What we CAN know for sure is that we are WAY beyond the point of considering these tragic deaths and sicknesses to be coincidences.

'Breaks my heart to read these accounts, when each one of them is a world of tragedy.

Be blessed to be alive, and above ground. The grave holds no joy for anyone, until it renders its prisoners "freedom" on the Great Day of the Lord, when He resurrects the dead in Christ. That's the only "transition" that occurs, and it will be glorious indeed!


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Indeed hoping the y are part of the first resurrection

Ecclesiastes 9:5

For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.

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Hello Brother Dan!

Yes, you have it straight. Once, I decided to gather all the scripture I could find which pointed to the "state of the dead." If I recall, there were over a hundred! Ecc 9:5 surely was one of the more direct ones.

I made the mistake of stating that the "ONLY transition" to the resurrected faithful at the First Resurrection, was from being dead to returning to life again. I forgot that there will also be a physical transformation, wherein light will be our garments, and we will be changed in the blink of an eye! Whereas the unrighteous will come up from their graves just as they went to them. A stark difference! I forgot to mention that.


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The numbers just keep rising.

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Agree 💯. It took much longer to read through them. And all the babies that died. My heart breaks. 😪😪

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So many babies! And too many after brief illness??

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SIDS... I bet from vaccines, pre Covid ones.

And then parents get arrested for crimes of pharma, fda

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On Friday, I had a flashback to when I was really really small, laying on the couch while my mom did Richard Simmons tape sweating to the oldies(I think about everyday). I hadn't thought about that before.

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Thank you Mark. The number of deaths just seems to keep rising. So disheartening.

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Did you get a new researcher that is skilled at finding baby obits or has it been like this for a while? That list was awful.

You know what would be helpful? A government or medical system that was willing to be transparent and proactive in recognizing trends and cared about public health.

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Best of luck with that one

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Did you notice how many of the babies that passed away were from San Antonio, Texas. Must’ve been a lot of jabbed people in Texas. My heart breaks for these babies and parents though.

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San Antonio is the ninth-largest city in the country, so it logically would have more deaths. Or the researcher is focusing on San Antonio. Houston and Dallas-Fort Worth are bigger. Still, it’s devastating. 😢😢😢

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Has anyone else heard that there is a rise in Covid cases this summer? A friend of mine said three people from her church have it. I still see people wearing masks and she defended them due to the new outbreak.

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At this point it's probably best to consider what we know to be true: there was no pandemic, the PCR test is not a diagnostic tool, and when people are sick, they've either got a cold or the flu. There's no sense in perpetuating the lies of the covid era.

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Someone in my family plus I read Biden has it. Same ages

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Summertime colds becoming a thing. I blame VAIDS.

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Soooo long 😓

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Bribing people w/money to get the vaxx is really a peeve of mine.

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What are the symptoms of a brief illness?

I don't get body building stuff, looks pretty nasty.

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Symptom 1>duration

Symptom 2>unexpectedness

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Brandon Miller's death wasn't vax-related. the blurb described him as 'wealthy' but he was actually drowning in debt. he killed himself while his wife and daughters were vacationing in europe.

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Weightlifting is a risky sport. Yeah right. Maybe when mixed with mRNAcarditis

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It’s so depressing- people are still letting murderous ‘doctors’ inject their precious babies with ever more poisons. RSV is on the poison list now and parents are saying ok to it. How in the world can we combat the evil when the medical mafia has such power over so many. Sad sad sad.

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