I wonder if all these sudden deaths have to do with the weird 'calamari clots' clogging up veins and arteries, or the 'coffee ground' blood that embalmers are seeing... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/calamari-clots-the-frightening-phenomenon?r=8ypo0&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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"Calamari clots" = Amyloidosis

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Children and young people make me so mad. I do not see much parental rage!

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Alexi Navalny should be on this list.

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Their Stupidity Is Selfish.

Even Though They Are Dying.

Their Stupidity Is Selfish

Because We Have To Pick Up The Slack.

Their Deaths Go Hand In Hand

With Being Less Fortunate.

- These Things Have A Way Of Balancing Out.


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Most of the lies that these people live by

are pretty baked in.

It makes perfect sense

that they die trapped in a lie.

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So many deaths and so similar to the known adverse effects of the Covid-19 vaccines. We need to analyze the insurance data for Covid-19 vaccinations resulting in death, disability, and hospitalization.

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The new documentary at Unseencrisis.com looks interesting. I continue to be flabbergasted that control of information and the narrative has done such a number on the public.

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I was at The Dollar Store a few weeks ago buying a birthday card. I happened to glance at the sympathy card selection. The card selection was slim.

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You should drive around some of the cemeteries. You'll see a lot of freshly dug graves. One guy made a video with more than 100 fresh graves in a week.

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Clots, eh? Solve et coagula and, perhaps, clot and dissolve whole civilizations.

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