In an article in NZ drawing attention to 95 fresh graves in the small South Island town of Oamaru, someone commented...

"In our town it now costs $600-800 for an obituary in the news paper. Many people are unable or unwilling to pay that amount. This has cut down on notifications of how many deaths and their ages that are happening in our community.

— Westcoast Wandress (@WestcoastWandr2) August 12, 2022


That is info worth noting. The tip of the iceberg is likely all we are seeing.

Note the South Island was hard hit death wise according to NZ Health's (govt dept) data analyst Barry Young's info (now silenced). Barry noted that 30 people jabbed in the same clinic on the same day have all since died (NZ govt/corporation not interested ... only interested in arresting and charging the whistleblower):


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Cause of death is "brief illness" or "short illness." And many no age reported. It sounds like tptb are moving from sudden and unexpected and cancer as explanations. And why mention an age? Don't want anyone to question why so many under age 50 are dying. Unbelievable. 😡 Frustrating.

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Just devastating, so many deaths yet people are so oblivious to it all. Very frustrating.

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So sad about Greg Quicke, he was so knowledgeable and a true Aussie. Diagnosed with cancer in 2023 but died from what? Another vaccine side effected death?

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